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Friday, June 15, 2012

Home Screen Update

To celebrate the new fast food game and pixel furni leaving, there is a new home screen. Views from a posh sea side restaurant and palm trees in the background and captions talking about pixel stuff.
More information about the fast food game to be posted soon.

Special Effects Updates

To celebrate the leaving of pixel furni Habbo has improved the special effects shop range. Most are Halloween themed face items and a lot are VIP. Unlike previous effects, all prices come in 50 or 100 denominations.
Here is the updated prices
Werewolf - 50P
Alien - 50P
(VIP) Ghost - 100P
Dead Bride - 50P
Ink Face - 50P
(VIP) Fairy Wings -100P
(VIP) Butterfly Wings - 100P
Zombie - 50P
(VIP) Knife in the Back - 100P
Mummy - 50P
Pum King - 50P
giantmouth_name - 50P
Niko Effect - 50P
Scarecrow - 50P
Swamp Creature - 50P
Lei Effect Set - 1C
(VIP) - skateboard_name - 139P
Skate Effect - 1C
Candle Pixel Effect - 1C
Spotlight - 89P
Hover Board - 139P
UFO - 139P
Twinkle - 89P
Torch - 89P
Butterflies - 89P
Fireflies - 89P
Flies - 89P
HRJP-3000 - 139P
Microphone - 89P
Pink Hover Board - 139P
Pink UFO - 139P
Yellow Hover Board - 139P
Yellow UFO - 139P
Love Birds - 89P
Frozen - 89P
Invisible - 89P

New Rare Pixel Furni

The news has just been released that pixel furni will be removed from the shop - forever. Another rare has been added to the pixel shop and requires an old Habbo with 15000 pixels. To anyone with leftover pixels I would recommended buying up all pixels (especially the wallpapers and floorings)
Pixel memorial - 20C+15000P

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New Pixel Furni

For those who don't have substantial furni to generate profit, this might actually interest you. More pixel furni has been added, which is identical to the previous except a pink version and and an exotic butterfly has been added. Impotantly, the new furni is tradable. It is worthless now, but noobs mighn't feel so noobish anymore. Some of the blue pixel is also glitched, being called Kuurna. (doesnt mean anything on translate)
Updated Prices
Exotic Butterfly - 10C+5000P
Pixel Sofa Chair - 300P
Pixel Dining Chair - 50P
Pixel Dining Table - 400P
Pixel Side Table - 200P
Pixel Lamp - 100P
Floor Pattern - 100P
Floor Pattern - 100P
Wallpaper - 100P
Wallpaper - 100P
Wallpaper - 100P
Pixel Dining Chair - 50P
Pixel Lamp - 100P
Kuurna Bord - 200P
Kuurna Stol - 300P
Kuurna Bord - 400P
Kuurna Soffa - 500P
Pixel Shag Rug - 600P

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Habbo Way Pigeons

Also in celebration of helpers, pigeons have been released. Cute, cheap and available in two colours, i would recommend to any helper with 5C.
Wise Pigeon - 5C
Cunning Pigeon - 5C

Habbo Way Furni

It's not much, but it is very cool. Celebrate the fairness of helpers.
Habbo Way Trophy - 25C
Light Cloud - 4C

Friday, June 8, 2012

Talent Track 4 - With a little help from my friends.

Now that you know about Habbo and friends, it is time to learn the finer points of the Habbo Way and join the group.
*15% True Habbo 3
Be a Habbo for 14 days (self explanatory)
*Online Time 3 - Dust Devil
Spend a total of 480 minutes(8 hours) in hotel. (elf explanatory)
*Shed the light
Join the Official Habbo Helper group.
Either Type "helper" into the room search and click the room called "Official Base for Habbo Helpers"
The click join group which will be on the top right toolbar.

Or, find someone who is a member and wears the badge. Click the badge
The click join group
*Level 1 Habbo Way
Pass the Habbo Way quiz. Firstly, find the Habbo way by clicking the H icon on the top left toolbar.
Then click take a look at the habbo way
Here it is. The refreshed way comes in a do and don't form.
After you keep click next, you will be given the option to take the quiz. Click that button.
Here are all the answers.
Q.You need credits to pay for your vip membership and remember that you once had this Habbo account full of furni that you don't use anymore...
A.You sell the furni in the marketplace to get credits for you VIP membership.
Q.You notice a forum thread in which people are having a heated discussion about politics...
A.You take part in the conversation, because you know that in Habbo it's okay to share opinions as long as you don't dish out insults.
Q.A group that seems to be pro gay asks you to join them...
A.You recognize that the invite was a gesture of friendship and you are free to accept or decline as you wish
Q.You decide to give a new Habbo a guided tour. What will you show them first?
A.The 5 most beautiful rooms of the hotel!
Q.Another Habbo is trash talking your mom, what do you do?

Q.You win at a casino game and get kicked by the owner, what do you do?