// Decompiled by AS3 Sorcerer 3.16 // http://www.as3sorcerer.com/ //------------------------------------------------------------ // if._SafeStr_5196 package if { import _-5Ju.AdServerConfig; public class _SafeStr_5196 extends AdServerConfig { public function _SafeStr_5196(k:Object=null) { this.oneAdPerRequest = true; super("Direct", k); } override protected function get defaultTemplate():String { return ("__api-address__"); } } }//package if // _SafeStr_5196 = "_-2Ep" (String#6481, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ // if._SafeStr_5239 package if { import _-6AT.AdServerRequest; public class _SafeStr_5239 extends AdServerRequest { public function _SafeStr_5239(k:_SafeStr_5196=null) { super((((k)!=null) ? k : new _SafeStr_5196())); } } }//package if // _SafeStr_5196 = "_-2Ep" (String#6481, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5239 = "_-36W" (String#14137, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00b._SafeStr_2883 package _-00b { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_2883 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _text:String; private var _SafeStr_5299:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_5300:int = 0; public function _SafeStr_2883(k:String, _arg_2:int=0, _arg_3:int=-1) { this._text = k; this._SafeStr_5300 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5299 = _arg_3; } public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._text, this._SafeStr_5300, this._SafeStr_5299]); } } }//package _-00b // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2883 = "_-1dL" (String#10196, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5299 = "_-2-l" (String#11124, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5300 = "_-4Zv" (String#4430, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00b._SafeStr_3154 package _-00b { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3154 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([]); } } }//package _-00b // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3154 = "_-4X8" (String#14300, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00b._SafeStr_3162 package _-00b { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3162 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([]); } } }//package _-00b // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3162 = "_-5cS" (String#15034, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00b._SafeStr_3167 package _-00b { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3167 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _text:String; private var _SafeStr_5302:String; private var _SafeStr_5300:int = 0; public function _SafeStr_3167(k:String, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:int=0) { this._SafeStr_5302 = k; this._text = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5300 = _arg_3; } public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([((this._SafeStr_5302 + " ") + this._text), this._SafeStr_5300]); } } }//package _-00b // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3167 = "_-33t" (String#15004, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5300 = "_-4Zv" (String#4430, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5302 = "_-2iJ" (String#13793, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00b._SafeStr_3168 package _-00b { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3168 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _text:String; private var _SafeStr_5300:int = 0; public function _SafeStr_3168(k:String, _arg_2:int=0) { this._text = k; this._SafeStr_5300 = _arg_2; } public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._text, this._SafeStr_5300]); } } }//package _-00b // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3168 = "_-0Xk" (String#13725, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5300 = "_-4Zv" (String#4430, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00S._SafeStr_2333 package _-00S { import _-tc.IFrameWindow; import _-4i9._SafeStr_3306; import flash.geom.Point; public interface _SafeStr_2333 { function get disposed():Boolean; function _SafeStr_5303():void; function dispose():void; function open():void; function isOpen():Boolean; function close():void; function get mainWindow():IFrameWindow; function refresh():void; function _SafeStr_5304(_arg_1:int):Boolean; function _SafeStr_5305(_arg_1:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:String="-1", _arg_4:int=1):void; function update(_arg_1:uint):void; function get _SafeStr_5306():_SafeStr_3306; function _SafeStr_5307(_arg_1:Point):void; function get _SafeStr_5308():Boolean; } }//package _-00S // _SafeStr_2333 = "_-1R0" (String#9618, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3306 = "_-4tD" (String#8220, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5303 = "_-4W8" (String#22208, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5304 = "_-3GI" (String#12004, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5305 = "_-41M" (String#2686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5306 = "_-04J" (String#8773, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5307 = "_-01B" (String#28325, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5308 = "_-4c0" (String#17330, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00S._SafeStr_3309 package _-00S { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-4i9._SafeStr_271; import _-tc.IBitmapWrapperWindow; import flash.net.URLRequest; import _-59z._SafeStr_37; import _-53G.AssetLoaderEvent; import flash.display.BitmapData; public class _SafeStr_3309 implements _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_5309:_SafeStr_271; private var _SafeStr_5310:String; private var _SafeStr_5311:String; private var _SafeStr_5312:IBitmapWrapperWindow; private var _disposed:Boolean; public function _SafeStr_3309(k:_SafeStr_271, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:IBitmapWrapperWindow) { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; this._SafeStr_5310 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5312 = _arg_3; var _local_4:String = this._SafeStr_5309.getProperty("image.library.url"); this._SafeStr_5311 = (_local_4 + this._SafeStr_5310); _SafeStr_4.log(("[OFFICIAL ROOM ICON IMAGE DOWNLOADER] : " + this._SafeStr_5311)); } public function _SafeStr_5313():void { var _local_1:URLRequest; var _local_2:_SafeStr_37; if (this._SafeStr_5309.assets.hasAsset(this._SafeStr_5310)){ this._SafeStr_5314(); } else { _local_1 = new URLRequest(this._SafeStr_5311); _local_2 = this._SafeStr_5309.assets.loadAssetFromFile(this._SafeStr_5310, _local_1, "image/gif"); _local_2.addEventListener(AssetLoaderEvent._SafeStr_5315, this._SafeStr_5316); _local_2.addEventListener(AssetLoaderEvent._SafeStr_5317, this._SafeStr_5318); }; } private function _SafeStr_5316(k:AssetLoaderEvent):void { if (this._disposed){ return; }; var _local_2:_SafeStr_37 = (k.target as _SafeStr_37); if (_local_2 == null){ _SafeStr_4.log((("Loading pic from url: " + this._SafeStr_5311) + " failed. loaderStruct == null")); return; }; this._SafeStr_5314(); } private function _SafeStr_5314():void { var k:BitmapData; if (((((((this._SafeStr_5309) && (!(this._SafeStr_5309.disposed)))) && (this._SafeStr_5312))) && (!(this._SafeStr_5312.disposed)))){ k = this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5319(this._SafeStr_5310, ""); if (k){ this._SafeStr_5312._SafeStr_5320 = false; this._SafeStr_5312.bitmap = k; this._SafeStr_5312.width = k.width; this._SafeStr_5312.height = k.height; this._SafeStr_5312.visible = true; } else { _SafeStr_4.log(("OfficialRoomImageLoader - Image not found: " + this._SafeStr_5310)); }; }; this.dispose(); } private function _SafeStr_5318(k:AssetLoaderEvent):void { _SafeStr_4.log(((("Error loading image: " + this._SafeStr_5311) + ", ") + k)); this.dispose(); } public function dispose():void { if (this._disposed){ return; }; this._disposed = true; this._SafeStr_5312 = null; this._SafeStr_5309 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } } }//package _-00S // _SafeStr_271 = "_-5Fd" (String#2212, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3309 = "_-1mC" (String#11952, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_37 = "_-3AZ" (String#1157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4 = "_-5F-" (String#232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5310 = "_-0Jm" (String#7955, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5311 = "_-2um" (String#831, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5312 = "_-3K-" (String#8632, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5313 = "_-60o" (String#38775, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5314 = "_-2FR" (String#4435, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5315 = "_-3B" (String#2876, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5316 = "_-4B8" (String#37573, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5317 = "_-wO" (String#7063, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5318 = "_-04M" (String#38966, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5319 = "_-5N2" (String#3446, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5320 = "_-5-V" (String#2215, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00S._SafeStr_5131 package _-00S { import _-482._SafeStr_4783; import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-G3._SafeStr_3317; public class _SafeStr_5131 extends GuestRoomListCtrl { private var _SafeStr_5321:_SafeStr_4783; public function _SafeStr_5131(k:HabboNavigator) { super(k, -6, false); } public function set category(k:_SafeStr_4783):void { this._SafeStr_5321 = k; } override public function getRooms():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5321.rooms); } override public function beforeEnterRoom(k:int):void { navigator.data.roomSessionTags = new _SafeStr_3317(this._SafeStr_5321.code, ("" + (k + 2))); } } }//package _-00S // _SafeStr_3317 = "_-xB" (String#6305, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4783 = "_-55I" (String#4240, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5131 = "_-2zN" (String#12371, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5321 = "_-ch" (String#1032, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00S.CategoryListCtrl package _-00S { import _-4i9._SafeStr_3359; import _-4i9.UserCountRenderer; import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-tc.IItemListWindow; import _-tc.IScrollbarWindow; import _-482._SafeStr_3312; import _-15X.Map; import _-4i9._SafeStr_3006; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-G3.Tabs; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-vq.IWindow; public class CategoryListCtrl implements _SafeStr_3359 { private static const _SafeStr_5322:int = 5; private var _SafeStr_5323:UserCountRenderer; private var _SafeStr_5309:HabboNavigator; private var _content:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5324:IItemListWindow; private var _SafeStr_5325:IScrollbarWindow; public function CategoryListCtrl(k:HabboNavigator) { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; this._SafeStr_5323 = new UserCountRenderer(this._SafeStr_5309); } public function dispose():void { if (this._SafeStr_5323){ this._SafeStr_5323.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5323 = null; }; } public function refresh():void { var _local_7:_SafeStr_3312; var _local_8:IWindowContainer; var _local_9:int; var _local_10:int; var k:int; var _local_2:Array = this._SafeStr_5309.data.allCategories; var _local_3:Map = this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5326.categoryToCurrentUserCountMap; var _local_4:Map = this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5326.categoryToMaxUserCountMap; var _local_5:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5324.getListItemAt(0)); var _local_6:int; while (_local_6 < _local_2.length) { _local_7 = _local_2[_local_6]; if (_local_7.visible){ _local_8 = this.getCategoryContainer(_local_5, _local_6); if (_local_8 == null){ _local_8 = this._SafeStr_5327(_local_6); _local_8.id = _local_6; _local_5.addChild(_local_8); }; _local_9 = _local_3.getValue(_local_7._SafeStr_5328); _local_10 = _local_4.getValue(_local_7._SafeStr_5328); this._SafeStr_5329(_local_8, _local_7, _local_9, _local_10); _local_8.y = k; k = (k + (_local_8.height + _SafeStr_5322)); _local_8.visible = true; _local_5.height = (((_SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5330(_local_5) > 0)) ? (_SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5330(_local_5) + 5) : 0); }; _local_6++; }; if (this._SafeStr_5325 != null){ this._SafeStr_5325.scrollV = 0; this._SafeStr_5325.visible = true; }; } public function _SafeStr_5329(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3312, _arg_3:int, _arg_4:int):void { k.findChildByName("category_name_txt").caption = _arg_2._SafeStr_5331; k.findChildByName("arrow_right_icon").visible = true; this._SafeStr_5323.refreshUserCount(_arg_4, IWindowContainer(k.findChildByName("enter_category_button")), _arg_3, "${navigator.usercounttooltip.users}", 297, 35); } public function _SafeStr_5327(k:int):IWindowContainer { var _local_2:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5309.getXmlWindow("grs_category_selector")); this._SafeStr_5332(_local_2, k, "enter_category_button", this._SafeStr_5333); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_2, "navi_room_icon", true, null, 0); return (_local_2); } private function _SafeStr_5333(k:WindowEvent, _arg_2:IWindow):void { var _local_3:_SafeStr_3312; if (k.type == WindowMouseEvent.CLICK){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_5309.data.allCategories[_arg_2.id]; this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334._SafeStr_5305(Tabs._SafeStr_5335, Tabs._SafeStr_5336, ("" + _local_3._SafeStr_5328)); }; } private function getCategoryContainer(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:int):IWindowContainer { return (IWindowContainer(k.getChildByID(_arg_2))); } private function _SafeStr_5332(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:String, _arg_4:Function):void { k.findChildByName(_arg_3).procedure = _arg_4; k.findChildByName(_arg_3).id = _arg_2; } public function set content(k:IWindowContainer):void { this._content = k; this._SafeStr_5324 = ((this._content) ? IItemListWindow(this._content.findChildByName("item_list_category")) : null); this._SafeStr_5325 = ((this._content) ? IScrollbarWindow(this._content.findChildByName("scroller")) : null); } public function get content():IWindowContainer { return (this._content); } } }//package _-00S // _SafeStr_3006 = "_-Ss" (String#1105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3312 = "_-y9" (String#2640, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3359 = "_-25A" (String#7883, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5305 = "_-41M" (String#2686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5322 = "_-4bd" (String#10754, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5323 = "_-1wp" (String#3640, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5324 = "_-335" (String#505, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5325 = "_-2c9" (String#3988, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5326 = "_-2Rz" (String#10425, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5327 = "_-01y" (String#11623, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5328 = "_-3yg" (String#6604, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5329 = "_-5Hu" (String#3064, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5330 = "_-ie" (String#2198, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5331 = "_-5cW" (String#19837, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5332 = "_-4IW" (String#15518, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5333 = "_-0tS" (String#23723, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5334 = "_-0ha" (String#2683, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5335 = "_-mz" (String#5031, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5336 = "_-1cR" (String#7317, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00S.GuestRoomListCtrl package _-00S { import _-4i9._SafeStr_3359; import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-tc.IItemListWindow; import _-4i9._SafeStr_4787; import _-tc.IScrollbarWindow; import _-4i9.UserCountRenderer; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-561._SafeStr_2340; import _-4i9._SafeStr_3006; import _-482._SafeStr_2332; import _-482._SafeStr_3307; import _-tc.ITextWindow; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-vq.IWindow; import flash.geom.Point; import _-tc.IRegionWindow; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3349; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3350; import _-vq.*; import _-tc.*; import _-OK.*; import _-4i9.*; public class GuestRoomListCtrl implements _SafeStr_3359 { protected var _SafeStr_5309:HabboNavigator; private var _content:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5324:IItemListWindow; private var _SafeStr_5337:_SafeStr_4787; private var _SafeStr_5325:IScrollbarWindow; protected var _SafeStr_5323:UserCountRenderer; private var _SafeStr_5338:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5339:int; private var _SafeStr_5340:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_5341:int; private var _SafeStr_5342:Boolean; public function GuestRoomListCtrl(k:HabboNavigator, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; this._SafeStr_5341 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5342 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_5337 = new _SafeStr_4787(this._SafeStr_5309, 5, -5); this._SafeStr_5323 = new UserCountRenderer(this._SafeStr_5309); } public function dispose():void { if (this._SafeStr_5337){ this._SafeStr_5337.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5337 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5323){ this._SafeStr_5323.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5323 = null; }; } public function set content(k:IWindowContainer):void { this._content = k; this._SafeStr_5324 = ((this._content) ? IItemListWindow(this._content.findChildByName("item_list")) : null); this._SafeStr_5325 = ((this._content) ? IScrollbarWindow(this._content.findChildByName("scroller")) : null); if ((((k == null)) && (this._SafeStr_5337))){ this._SafeStr_5337._SafeStr_5343(); }; } public function get content():IWindowContainer { return (this._content); } public function refresh():void { var _local_4:Boolean; var k:Array = this.getRooms(); var _local_2:int = this._SafeStr_5344(); this._SafeStr_5324.autoArrangeItems = false; var _local_3:int; while (true) { if (_local_3 < k.length){ this._SafeStr_5329(true, _local_3, k[_local_3]); } else { _local_4 = this._SafeStr_5329(false, _local_3, null); if (_local_4){ break; }; }; _local_3++; }; this._SafeStr_5324.autoArrangeItems = true; if (((!((this._SafeStr_5325 == null))) && (!((this._SafeStr_5344() == _local_2))))){ this._SafeStr_5325.scrollV = 0; }; if (this._content.findChildByName("no_rooms_found")){ this._content.findChildByName("no_rooms_found").visible = (k.length < 1); }; } private function _SafeStr_5344():int { var k:int; var _local_2:int; while (_local_2 < this._SafeStr_5324.numListItems) { if (this._SafeStr_5324.getListItemAt(_local_2).visible){ k++; }; _local_2++; }; return (k); } protected function getListEntry(k:int):IWindowContainer { var _local_3:int; var _local_2:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5309.getXmlWindow("grs_guest_room_details_phase_one")); _local_2.background = true; _local_2.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5345, this._SafeStr_5346); _local_2.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347, this.onMouseOver); _local_2.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348, this.onMouseOut); _local_2.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this.onMouseClick); _local_2.setParamFlag(_SafeStr_2340._SafeStr_5349, true); _local_2.setParamFlag(_SafeStr_2340._SafeStr_5350, true); _local_2.color = this.getBgColor(k); _local_2.tags.push(k); if (this._SafeStr_5342){ _local_3 = 20; _local_2.findChildByName("roomname").x = (_local_2.findChildByName("roomname").x + _local_3); _local_2.findChildByName("roomname").width = (_local_2.findChildByName("roomname").width - _local_3); }; return (_local_2); } protected function getBgColor(k:int):uint { return (((((k % 2))!=0) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 4292797682)); } private function _SafeStr_5329(k:Boolean, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:_SafeStr_2332):Boolean { var _local_4:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5324.getListItemAt(_arg_2)); var _local_5:Boolean; if (_local_4 == null){ if (!k){ return (true); }; _local_4 = this.getListEntry(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5324.addListItem(_local_4); _local_5 = true; }; _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5351(_local_4); if (k){ this.refreshEntryDetails(_local_4, _arg_3); _local_4.visible = true; _local_4.height = 17; } else { _local_4.height = 0; _local_4.visible = false; }; if (_local_5){ _local_4.width = (_local_4.width + this._SafeStr_5341); MainViewCtrl._SafeStr_5352(this, _local_4); }; return (false); } protected function refreshEntryDetails(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2332):void { k.visible = true; _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5351(k); this._SafeStr_5353(k, _arg_2); var _local_3:String = (((((((_arg_2._SafeStr_5354 == _SafeStr_3307._SafeStr_5357)) || ((_arg_2._SafeStr_5354 == _SafeStr_3307._SafeStr_5356)))) || ((_arg_2._SafeStr_5354 == _SafeStr_3307._SafeStr_5355)))) ? "group_base_icon" : "group_base_icon_no_doormode"); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(k, _local_3, (_arg_2._SafeStr_5358 > 0), null, 0, "group_base_icon"); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(k, "home", this._SafeStr_5359(_arg_2), null, 0); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(k, "doormode_doorbell_small", (_arg_2._SafeStr_5354 == _SafeStr_3307._SafeStr_5357), null, 0); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(k, "doormode_password_small", (_arg_2._SafeStr_5354 == _SafeStr_3307._SafeStr_5356), null, 0); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(k, "doormode_invisible_small", (_arg_2._SafeStr_5354 == _SafeStr_3307._SafeStr_5355), null, 0); if (this._SafeStr_5342){ k.findChildByName("room_number").visible = true; k.findChildByName("room_number").caption = ((k.tags[0] + 2) + "."); }; this._SafeStr_5360(k, _arg_2); this._SafeStr_5323.refreshUserCount(_arg_2._SafeStr_5361, k, _arg_2.userCount, "${navigator.usercounttooltip.users}", 308, 2); k.name = ((("guestroom_" + _arg_2.ownerName) + "_") + _arg_2.roomName); } private function _SafeStr_5360(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2332):void { var _local_3:ITextWindow = ITextWindow(k.getChildByName("roomname")); _local_3.visible = true; var _local_4:Boolean = ((((k.findChildByName("home").visible) || (k.findChildByName("favourite").visible))) || (k.findChildByName("make_favourite").visible)); _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5362(_local_3, _arg_2.roomName, ((_local_4) ? (_local_3.width - 20) : _local_3.width)); } protected function _SafeStr_5346(k:WindowEvent):void { this._SafeStr_5363(k); } protected function onMouseOver(k:WindowEvent):void { var _local_2:IWindow = k.target; if (((this._SafeStr_5337.visible) && (this._SafeStr_5340))){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5364(IWindowContainer(_local_2)); var _local_3:int = _local_2.tags[0]; var _local_4:_SafeStr_2332 = this._SafeStr_5365(_local_3); if (_local_4 == null){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5337.room = _local_4; this._SafeStr_5337._SafeStr_5366(_local_2); } public function getRooms():Array { return ((((((((((this._SafeStr_5309 == null)) || ((this._SafeStr_5309.data == null)))) || ((this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5367 == null)))) || ((this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5367.rooms == null)))) ? (new Array()) : this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5367.rooms)); } private function _SafeStr_5365(k:int):_SafeStr_2332 { return (this.getRooms()[k]); } protected function onMouseOut(k:WindowEvent):void { var _local_2:IWindow = k.target; if (_SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5368(_local_2)){ return; }; var _local_3:int = _local_2.tags[0]; _local_2.color = this.getBgColor(_local_3); this._SafeStr_5337._SafeStr_5343(); } protected function onMouseClick(k:WindowEvent):void { var _local_5:Point; var _local_2:IWindow = k.target; var _local_3:int = _local_2.tags[0]; var _local_4:_SafeStr_2332 = this._SafeStr_5365(_local_3); if (_local_4 == null){ return; }; if (_local_4.ownerName != this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5369.userName){ if (_local_4._SafeStr_5358 != 0){ this._SafeStr_5309.goToPrivateRoom(_local_4.flatId); return; }; _local_5 = new Point((k as WindowMouseEvent).stageX, (k as WindowMouseEvent).stageY); switch (_local_4._SafeStr_5354){ case _SafeStr_3307._SafeStr_5356: this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5370.show(_local_4, _local_5); return; case _SafeStr_3307._SafeStr_5357: this._SafeStr_5309.doorbell.show(_local_4, _local_5); return; }; }; this.beforeEnterRoom(_local_3); this._SafeStr_5309.goToRoom(_local_4.flatId, true, "", _local_3); this._SafeStr_5337._SafeStr_5371(); } public function beforeEnterRoom(k:int):void { } private function _SafeStr_5353(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2332):void { var _local_3:Boolean = this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5372(_arg_2.flatId); var _local_4:Boolean = this._SafeStr_5359(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5373(k, "make_favourite", ((!(_local_3)) && (!(_local_4))), this._SafeStr_5374); this._SafeStr_5373(k, "favourite", ((_local_3) && (!(_local_4))), this._SafeStr_5375); } private function _SafeStr_5359(k:_SafeStr_2332):Boolean { return ((k.flatId == this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5376)); } private function _SafeStr_5373(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:Boolean, _arg_4:Function):void { var _local_5:IRegionWindow = (k.findChildByName(_arg_2) as IRegionWindow); if (!_local_5){ return; }; if (!_arg_3){ _local_5.visible = false; if (_local_5.hasEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK)){ _local_5.removeEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, _arg_4); }; } else { _local_5.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, _arg_4); _local_5.visible = true; this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_5, _arg_2, _arg_3, null, 0); }; } private function _SafeStr_5375(k:WindowMouseEvent):void { var _local_2:IWindow = k.target; if ((((_local_2 == null)) || ((_local_2.parent == null)))){ return; }; var _local_3:_SafeStr_2332 = this._SafeStr_5365(_local_2.parent.tags[0]); if (_local_3 == null){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5309.send(new _SafeStr_3349(_local_3.flatId)); } private function _SafeStr_5374(k:WindowMouseEvent):void { var _local_2:IWindow = k.target; if ((((_local_2 == null)) || ((_local_2.parent == null)))){ return; }; var _local_3:_SafeStr_2332 = this._SafeStr_5365(int(_local_2.parent.tags[0])); if (_local_3 == null){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5309.send(new _SafeStr_3350(_local_3.flatId)); } private function _SafeStr_5364(k:IWindowContainer):void { var _local_2:int; if (((!((this._SafeStr_5338 == null))) && (!(this._SafeStr_5338.disposed)))){ _local_2 = this._SafeStr_5338.tags[0]; this._SafeStr_5338.color = this.getBgColor(_local_2); }; this._SafeStr_5338 = k; k.color = 4288861930; } private function _SafeStr_5363(k:WindowEvent):void { var _local_2:WindowMouseEvent = WindowMouseEvent(k); var _local_3:int = Math.abs((this._SafeStr_5339 - _local_2.stageX)); this._SafeStr_5339 = _local_2.stageX; this._SafeStr_5340 = (_local_3 > 2); } public function get _SafeStr_5377():_SafeStr_4787 { return (this._SafeStr_5337); } public function get navigator():HabboNavigator { return (this._SafeStr_5309); } } }//package _-00S // _SafeStr_2332 = "_-4rT" (String#1033, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2340 = "_-25u" (String#1455, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3006 = "_-Ss" (String#1105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3307 = "_-3ZL" (String#4414, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3349 = "_-5QU" (String#7184, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3350 = "_-2jm" (String#6789, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3359 = "_-25A" (String#7883, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4787 = "_-39p" (String#9839, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5323 = "_-1wp" (String#3640, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5324 = "_-335" (String#505, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5325 = "_-2c9" (String#3988, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5329 = "_-5Hu" (String#3064, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5337 = "_-4ZP" (String#6149, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5338 = "_-657" (String#14811, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5339 = "_-6bZ" (String#26841, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5340 = "_-09H" (String#28018, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5341 = "_-6N1" (String#27131, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5342 = "_-0ii" (String#22962, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5343 = "_-0WN" (String#21982, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5344 = "_-2WH" (String#31606, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5345 = "_-5Vs" (String#3190, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5346 = "_-0Y2" (String#7040, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5347 = "_-5mq" (String#585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5348 = "_-38T" (String#626, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5349 = "_-33D" (String#3185, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5350 = "_-vC" (String#11001, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5351 = "_-6EA" (String#3000, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5352 = "_-6Kj" (String#35457, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5353 = "_-05e" (String#32352, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5354 = "_-1ER" (String#2489, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5355 = "_-0D-" (String#6208, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5356 = "_-1F6" (String#4717, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5357 = "_-eF" (String#5592, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5358 = "_-1Ra" (String#3291, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5359 = "_-5Zl" (String#13581, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5360 = "_-4GD" (String#26101, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5361 = "_-1nL" (String#12643, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5362 = "_-6FZ" (String#27308, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5363 = "_-3uF" (String#37443, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5364 = "_-5ul" (String#33661, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5365 = "_-22C" (String#12059, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5366 = "_-6bF" (String#11188, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5367 = "_-qB" (String#6107, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5368 = "_-3TN" (String#30963, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5369 = "_-62v" (String#2142, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5370 = "_-2du" (String#10601, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5371 = "_-4To" (String#18219, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5372 = "_-6Ar" (String#27206, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5373 = "_-2ZW" (String#31682, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5374 = "_-45U" (String#23209, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5375 = "_-6Zj" (String#25726, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5376 = "_-3H7" (String#3974, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5377 = "_-5-S" (String#39550, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00S.MainViewCtrl package _-00S { import _-2mL._SafeStr_35; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import flash.geom.Point; import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-tc.IFrameWindow; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-tc.ITabContextWindow; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-4i9._SafeStr_3306; import flash.utils.Timer; import _-4Qm._SafeStr_2387; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import _-tc.IItemListWindow; import _-4i9._SafeStr_3359; import _-G3._SafeStr_3356; import _-tc.ITabButtonWindow; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-G3.Tabs; import _-561._SafeStr_2340; import _-4i9._SafeStr_3006; import _-tc.ISelectableWindow; import flash.events.Event; import _-5Mq._SafeStr_2293; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3376; import _-15X.ErrorReportStorage; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3363; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3365; import _-482._SafeStr_2350; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3370; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3368; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3362; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3375; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3366; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3361; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3367; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3374; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3373; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3364; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3360; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3358; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3372; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3369; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3371; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class MainViewCtrl implements _SafeStr_2333, _SafeStr_35, _SafeStr_3 { public static const _SafeStr_5378:int = 1; public static const _SafeStr_5379:int = 2; public static const _SafeStr_5380:int = 4; public static const _SafeStr_5381:int = 5; private static const _SafeStr_5382:int = 1; private static const _SafeStr_5383:int = 2; private static const _SafeStr_5384:int = 3; private static const _SafeStr_5385:int = 4; private static const _SafeStr_5386:int = 22; private static const _SafeStr_5387:int = 60; private const _SafeStr_5388:Point = new Point(100, 10); private var _SafeStr_5309:HabboNavigator; private var _SafeStr_5389:IFrameWindow; private var _content:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5390:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5391:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5392:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5393:PopularTagsListCtrl; private var _SafeStr_5394:GuestRoomListCtrl; private var _SafeStr_5395:OfficialRoomListCtrl; private var _SafeStr_5396:RoomAdListCtrl; private var _SafeStr_5397:CategoryListCtrl; private var _SafeStr_5398:ITabContextWindow; private var _SafeStr_5399:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_5400:int; private var _SafeStr_5401:Boolean = true; private var _SafeStr_5402:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_5403:IWindow; private var _SafeStr_5404:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_5405:_SafeStr_3306; private var _SafeStr_5406:Timer; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5407:_SafeStr_2387; private var _SafeStr_5408:Boolean = false; public function MainViewCtrl(k:HabboNavigator):void { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; this._SafeStr_5393 = new PopularTagsListCtrl(this._SafeStr_5309); this._SafeStr_5394 = new GuestRoomListCtrl(this._SafeStr_5309, 0, false); this._SafeStr_5395 = new OfficialRoomListCtrl(this._SafeStr_5309); this._SafeStr_5396 = new RoomAdListCtrl(this._SafeStr_5309, 0, false); this._SafeStr_5397 = new CategoryListCtrl(this._SafeStr_5309); this._SafeStr_5406 = new Timer(300, 1); this._SafeStr_5406.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this._SafeStr_5409); } private static function _SafeStr_5410(k:_SafeStr_3359, _arg_2:Boolean):void { var _local_3:IItemListWindow; var _local_4:IWindow; if ((((k.content == null)) || (!(k.content.visible)))){ return; }; _local_3 = IItemListWindow(k.content.findChildByName("item_list")); _local_4 = k.content.findChildByName("scroller"); var _local_5 = (_local_3._SafeStr_5411.height > _local_3.height); if (_local_4.visible){ if (!_local_5){ _local_4.visible = false; _local_3.width = (_local_3.width + _SafeStr_5386); }; } else { if (_local_5){ _local_4.visible = true; _local_3.width = (_local_3.width - _SafeStr_5386); }; }; } public static function _SafeStr_5352(k:_SafeStr_3359, _arg_2:IWindowContainer):void { var _local_3:IWindow = k.content.findChildByName("scroller"); if ((((_local_3 == null)) || (_local_3.visible))){ return; }; _arg_2.width = (_arg_2.width + _SafeStr_5386); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function _SafeStr_5303():void { if (!this._SafeStr_5389){ this._SafeStr_5412(); return; }; if (((!(this._SafeStr_5407)) || (this._SafeStr_5407.disposed))){ this._SafeStr_5407 = new _SafeStr_2387(this._SafeStr_5389, this._SafeStr_5389.desktop, this._SafeStr_5412, this.close); }; this._SafeStr_5407.toggle(); } private function _SafeStr_5412():void { var k:_SafeStr_3356 = this._SafeStr_5309.tabs._SafeStr_5413(); k._SafeStr_5415._SafeStr_5414(); } public function dispose():void { if (!this._disposed){ this._disposed = true; this._SafeStr_5309 = null; if (this._SafeStr_5389){ this._SafeStr_5389.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5389 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5407){ this._SafeStr_5407.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5407 = null; }; if (this._content){ this._content.dispose(); this._content = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5406){ this._SafeStr_5406.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this._SafeStr_5409); this._SafeStr_5406.reset(); this._SafeStr_5406 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5393){ this._SafeStr_5393.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5393 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5394){ this._SafeStr_5394.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5394 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5395){ this._SafeStr_5395.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5395 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5396){ this._SafeStr_5396.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5396 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5405){ this._SafeStr_5405.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5405 = null; }; }; } public function open():void { if (this._SafeStr_5389 == null){ this.prepare(); }; this.refresh(); this._SafeStr_5389.visible = true; this._SafeStr_5389.y = Math.max(this._SafeStr_5389.y, _SafeStr_5387); this._SafeStr_5389.activate(); } public function isOpen():Boolean { return (((!((this._SafeStr_5389 == null))) && (this._SafeStr_5389.visible))); } public function close():void { if (this._SafeStr_5389 != null){ if (this._SafeStr_5405){ this._SafeStr_5405.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5405 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5407){ this._SafeStr_5407.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5407 = null; }; this._SafeStr_5389.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5389 = null; this._SafeStr_5398 = null; this._content = null; this._SafeStr_5390 = null; this._SafeStr_5392 = null; this._SafeStr_5391 = null; this._SafeStr_5403 = null; this._SafeStr_5393.content = null; this._SafeStr_5394.content = null; this._SafeStr_5395.content = null; this._SafeStr_5397.content = null; this._SafeStr_5396.content = null; this._SafeStr_5404 = 0; }; } public function get mainWindow():IFrameWindow { return (this._SafeStr_5389); } private function prepare():void { var _local_4:_SafeStr_3356; var _local_5:Array; var _local_6:ITabButtonWindow; var _local_7:ITabButtonWindow; var k:Boolean = this._SafeStr_5309.getBoolean("eventinfo.enabled"); var _local_2:Boolean; this._SafeStr_5389 = IFrameWindow(this._SafeStr_5309.getXmlWindow("grs_main_window_new")); this._SafeStr_5398 = ITabContextWindow(this._SafeStr_5389.findChildByName("tab_context")); this._content = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5389.findChildByName("tab_content")); this._SafeStr_5390 = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5389.findChildByName("custom_content")); this._SafeStr_5392 = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5389.findChildByName("list_content")); this._SafeStr_5391 = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5389.findChildByName("custom_footer")); this._SafeStr_5403 = this._SafeStr_5389.findChildByName("loading_text"); var _local_3:IWindow = this._SafeStr_5389.findChildByTag("close"); if (_local_3 != null){ _local_3.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_5416); }; this._SafeStr_5389.addEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_5417, this._SafeStr_5418); if (((!(k)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5408)))){ _local_5 = []; while (this._SafeStr_5398._SafeStr_5419 > 0) { _local_6 = this._SafeStr_5398._SafeStr_5420(0); _local_5.push(_local_6); this._SafeStr_5398._SafeStr_5421(_local_6); }; for each (_local_6 in _local_5) { if ((((((_local_6.id == Tabs._SafeStr_5423)) && (!(k)))) || ((((_local_6.id == Tabs._SafeStr_5422)) && (!(_local_2)))))){ } else { this._SafeStr_5398._SafeStr_5424(_local_6); }; }; }; for each (_local_4 in this._SafeStr_5309.tabs.tabs) { _local_7 = this._SafeStr_5398._SafeStr_5425(_local_4.id); if (_local_7 != null){ _local_7.addEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_5426, this._SafeStr_5427); _local_4.button = _local_7; }; }; this._SafeStr_5389.scaler.setParamFlag(_SafeStr_2340._SafeStr_5428, false); this._SafeStr_5389.scaler.setParamFlag(_SafeStr_2340._SafeStr_5429, true); this._SafeStr_5389.position = this._SafeStr_5388; this._SafeStr_5430(); } private function _SafeStr_5430():void { var _local_3:IWindowContainer; var k:String = "search_header"; if (this._SafeStr_5405 == null){ _local_3 = (this._SafeStr_5389.findChildByName(k) as IWindowContainer); this._SafeStr_5405 = new _SafeStr_3306(this._SafeStr_5309, _local_3); }; var _local_2:IWindowContainer = (this._SafeStr_5389.findChildByName(k) as IWindowContainer); _local_2.visible = true; } public function refresh():void { if (this._SafeStr_5389 == null){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5431(); this._SafeStr_5432(); this._SafeStr_5433(true); this._SafeStr_5434(); this._SafeStr_5390.height = _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5330(this._SafeStr_5390); this._SafeStr_5391.height = _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5330(this._SafeStr_5391); var k:int = this._SafeStr_5392.y; _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5435(this._content, ["custom_content", "list_content"], this._SafeStr_5390.y, 8); this._SafeStr_5392.height = ((((this._SafeStr_5392.height + k) - this._SafeStr_5392.y) - this._SafeStr_5391.height) + this._SafeStr_5404); _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5435(this._content, ["list_content", "custom_footer"], this._SafeStr_5392.y, 0); this._SafeStr_5404 = this._SafeStr_5391.height; this._SafeStr_5409(null); } private function _SafeStr_5431():void { var k:_SafeStr_3356 = this._SafeStr_5309.tabs._SafeStr_5413(); var _local_2:ISelectableWindow = this._SafeStr_5398.selector._SafeStr_5413(); if (k.button != _local_2){ this._SafeStr_5399 = true; this._SafeStr_5398.selector._SafeStr_5436(k.button); }; } private function _SafeStr_5432():void { _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5351(this._SafeStr_5390); var k:_SafeStr_3356 = this._SafeStr_5309.tabs._SafeStr_5413(); k._SafeStr_5415._SafeStr_5432(this._SafeStr_5390); if (_SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5437(this._SafeStr_5390)){ this._SafeStr_5390.visible = true; } else { this._SafeStr_5390.visible = false; this._SafeStr_5390.blend = 1; }; } private function _SafeStr_5434():void { _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5351(this._SafeStr_5391); var k:_SafeStr_3356 = this._SafeStr_5309.tabs._SafeStr_5413(); k._SafeStr_5415._SafeStr_5434(this._SafeStr_5391); this._SafeStr_5391.visible = _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5437(this._SafeStr_5391); } private function _SafeStr_5433(k:Boolean):void { _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5351(this._SafeStr_5392); var _local_2:_SafeStr_3356 = this._SafeStr_5309.tabs._SafeStr_5413(); var _local_3:Boolean = ((this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5440) && ((_local_2._SafeStr_5438 == Tabs._SafeStr_5439))); this._SafeStr_5441(k, _local_3); this._SafeStr_5442(k, !(_local_3)); this._SafeStr_5443(k, this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5444); this._SafeStr_5445(k, this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5446); } private function _SafeStr_5442(k:Boolean, _arg_2:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5447(k, _arg_2, this._SafeStr_5394, "guest_rooms"); } private function _SafeStr_5443(k:Boolean, _arg_2:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5447(k, _arg_2, this._SafeStr_5393, "popular_tags"); } private function _SafeStr_5445(k:Boolean, _arg_2:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5447(k, _arg_2, this._SafeStr_5395, "official_rooms"); } private function _SafeStr_5441(k:Boolean, _arg_2:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5447(k, _arg_2, this._SafeStr_5396, "room_ads"); } private function _SafeStr_5448(k:Boolean, _arg_2:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5447(k, _arg_2, this._SafeStr_5397, "categories_container"); } private function _SafeStr_5447(k:Boolean, _arg_2:Boolean, _arg_3:_SafeStr_3359, _arg_4:String):void { var _local_5:IWindow; if (_arg_2){ if (_arg_3.content == null){ _local_5 = this._SafeStr_5392.findChildByName(_arg_4); _arg_3.content = IWindowContainer(_local_5); }; if (k){ _arg_3.refresh(); }; _arg_3.content.visible = true; }; } private function _SafeStr_5416(k:WindowEvent):void { _SafeStr_4.log("Close navigator window"); this.close(); } private function _SafeStr_5427(k:WindowEvent):void { var _local_2:IWindow = k.target; var _local_3:int = _local_2.id; if (this._SafeStr_5399){ this._SafeStr_5399 = false; return; }; var _local_4:_SafeStr_3356 = this._SafeStr_5309.tabs._SafeStr_5449(_local_3); _local_4._SafeStr_5450(); switch (_local_4.id){ case Tabs._SafeStr_5423: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_EVENTS)); this._SafeStr_5309.send(new _SafeStr_3376()); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5451: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_ME)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5452: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_OFFICIAL)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5335: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_ROOMS)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5453: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_SEARCH)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5422: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_CATEGORIES)); return; }; } public function _SafeStr_5304(k:int):Boolean { ErrorReportStorage._SafeStr_5454("MainViewCtrl", "Reloading RoomList"); if (((((this.isOpen()) && (!((this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5367 == null))))) && ((this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5367.searchType == k)))){ this._SafeStr_5305(this._SafeStr_5309.tabs._SafeStr_5413().id, k, ""); return (true); }; return (false); } public function _SafeStr_5305(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:String="-1", _arg_4:int=1):void { var _local_5:_SafeStr_3356 = this._SafeStr_5309.tabs._SafeStr_5413(); this._SafeStr_5309.tabs._SafeStr_5455(k); var _local_6:_SafeStr_3356 = this._SafeStr_5309.tabs._SafeStr_5413(); ErrorReportStorage._SafeStr_5454("StartSearch", ((("Start search " + _local_5.id) + " => ") + _local_6.id)); if (this._SafeStr_5408){ if (_arg_3.substr(0, 1) == "#"){ _arg_2 = Tabs._SafeStr_5456; _arg_3 = _arg_3.substr(1, (_arg_3.length - 1)); }; }; this._SafeStr_5401 = !((_local_5 == _local_6)); if (_local_5 != _local_6){ _local_6._SafeStr_5415._SafeStr_5457(); }; this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5458(); if (_arg_4 == _SafeStr_5378){ this._SafeStr_5309.send(this._SafeStr_5459(_arg_2, _arg_3)); } else { if (_arg_4 == _SafeStr_5379){ this._SafeStr_5309.send(new _SafeStr_3363()); } else { if (_arg_4 != _SafeStr_5381){ this._SafeStr_5309.send(new _SafeStr_3365(this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5460)); }; }; }; if (!this.isOpen()){ this.open(); this._SafeStr_5400 = _SafeStr_5383; this._SafeStr_5392.blend = 0; if (this._SafeStr_5390.visible){ this._SafeStr_5390.blend = 0; this._SafeStr_5391.blend = 0; }; } else { this._SafeStr_5400 = _SafeStr_5382; }; this._SafeStr_5402 = 0; this._SafeStr_5309.registerUpdateReceiver(this, 2); this._SafeStr_5461(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5462 = null; if (this._SafeStr_5408){ if (((!((this._SafeStr_5306 == null))) && (!((_arg_3 == "-1"))))){ if (_arg_2 != Tabs._SafeStr_5336){ this._SafeStr_5306._SafeStr_5463(_arg_3, _arg_2); }; }; }; } private function _SafeStr_5461(k:int):void { switch (k){ case Tabs._SafeStr_5464: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_SEARCHTYPE_MY_FAVOURITES)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5465: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_SEARCHTYPE_MY_FRIENDS_ROOMS)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5466: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_SEARCHTYPE_MY_HISTORY)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5467: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_SEARCHTYPE_MY_ROOMS)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5468: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_SEARCHTYPE_OFFICIALROOMS)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5336: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_SEARCHTYPE_POPULAR_ROOMS)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5469: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_SEARCHTYPE_ROOMS_WHERE_MY_FRIENDS_ARE)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5470: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_SEARCHTYPE_ROOMS_WITH_HIGHEST_SCORE)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5456: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_SEARCHTYPE_TAG_SEARCH)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5471: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_SEARCHTYPE_TEXT_SEARCH)); return; case Tabs._SafeStr_5472: this._SafeStr_5309.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2293.HABBO_NAVIGATOR_TRACKING_EVENT_SEARCHTYPE_MY_FREQUENT_HISTORY)); return; }; } private function _SafeStr_5459(k:int, _arg_2:String):_SafeStr_2285 { var _local_3:_SafeStr_2350; switch (k){ case Tabs._SafeStr_5464: return (new _SafeStr_3370()); case Tabs._SafeStr_5465: return (new _SafeStr_3368()); case Tabs._SafeStr_5466: return (new _SafeStr_3362()); case Tabs._SafeStr_5467: return (new _SafeStr_3375()); case Tabs._SafeStr_5336: return (new _SafeStr_3366(_arg_2, this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5460)); case Tabs._SafeStr_5469: return (new _SafeStr_3361()); case Tabs._SafeStr_5470: return (new _SafeStr_3367(this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5460)); case Tabs._SafeStr_5456: return (new _SafeStr_3374(("tag:" + _arg_2))); case Tabs._SafeStr_5471: return (new _SafeStr_3374(_arg_2)); case Tabs._SafeStr_5473: return (new _SafeStr_3374(("group:" + _arg_2))); case Tabs._SafeStr_5474: return (new _SafeStr_3374(("roomname:" + _arg_2))); case Tabs._SafeStr_5475: return (new _SafeStr_3373(this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5460)); case Tabs._SafeStr_5478: _local_3 = this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5462; return (new _SafeStr_3364(_local_3._SafeStr_5476, _local_3._SafeStr_5477)); case Tabs._SafeStr_5439: case Tabs._SafeStr_5479: return (new _SafeStr_3360(this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5460, k)); case Tabs._SafeStr_5480: return (new _SafeStr_3358()); case Tabs._SafeStr_5481: return (new _SafeStr_3372()); case Tabs._SafeStr_5482: return (new _SafeStr_3374(("owner:" + _arg_2))); case Tabs._SafeStr_5483: return (new _SafeStr_3369()); case Tabs._SafeStr_5472: return (new _SafeStr_3371()); }; _SafeStr_4.log(("No message for searchType: " + k)); return (null); } public function update(k:uint):void { var _local_3:Number; if (this._SafeStr_5392 == null){ return; }; var _local_2:Number = (k / 150); if (this._SafeStr_5400 == _SafeStr_5382){ _local_3 = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (this._SafeStr_5392.blend - _local_2))); this._SafeStr_5392.blend = _local_3; this._SafeStr_5390.blend = ((this._SafeStr_5401) ? _local_3 : 1); this._SafeStr_5391.blend = ((this._SafeStr_5401) ? _local_3 : 1); if (_local_3 == 0){ this._SafeStr_5400 = _SafeStr_5383; }; } else { if (this._SafeStr_5400 == _SafeStr_5383){ if ((this._SafeStr_5402 % 10) == 1){ this._SafeStr_5403.visible = !(this._SafeStr_5403.visible); }; this._SafeStr_5402++; if (!this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5484()){ this._SafeStr_5400 = _SafeStr_5384; }; } else { if (this._SafeStr_5400 == _SafeStr_5384){ this.refresh(); this._SafeStr_5400 = _SafeStr_5385; } else { this._SafeStr_5403.visible = false; _local_3 = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (this._SafeStr_5392.blend + _local_2))); this._SafeStr_5392.blend = _local_3; this._SafeStr_5390.blend = ((this._SafeStr_5401) ? _local_3 : 1); this._SafeStr_5391.blend = ((this._SafeStr_5401) ? _local_3 : 1); if (this._SafeStr_5392.blend >= 1){ this._SafeStr_5309.removeUpdateReceiver(this); }; }; }; }; } private function _SafeStr_5418(k:WindowEvent):void { var _local_2:IWindow = k.target; if (_local_2 != this._SafeStr_5389){ return; }; if (!this._SafeStr_5406.running){ this._SafeStr_5406.reset(); this._SafeStr_5406.start(); }; } private function _SafeStr_5409(k:TimerEvent):void { _SafeStr_5410(this._SafeStr_5393, false); _SafeStr_5410(this._SafeStr_5394, false); _SafeStr_5410(this._SafeStr_5396, false); if (this._SafeStr_5309.isPerkAllowed("NAVIGATOR_PHASE_ONE_2014")){ }; } public function get _SafeStr_5306():_SafeStr_3306 { return (this._SafeStr_5405); } public function _SafeStr_5307(k:Point):void { this._SafeStr_5412(); if (k != null){ this._SafeStr_5389.position = k; } else { if (this._SafeStr_5389.position.x == 0){ this._SafeStr_5389.position = this._SafeStr_5388; }; }; } public function get _SafeStr_5308():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5408); } } }//package _-00S // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2293 = "_-6Cl" (String#2017, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2333 = "_-1R0" (String#9618, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2340 = "_-25u" (String#1455, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2350 = "_-2bC" (String#5696, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2387 = "_-29T" (String#4961, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3006 = "_-Ss" (String#1105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3306 = "_-4tD" (String#8220, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3356 = "_-6-D" (String#1546, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3358 = "_-0PE" (String#15847, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3359 = "_-25A" (String#7883, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3360 = "_-2pw" (String#14768, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3361 = "_-2nx" (String#15618, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3362 = "_-6UE" (String#15425, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3363 = "_-0nZ" (String#13847, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3364 = "_-3gt" (String#15070, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3365 = "_-wR" (String#14668, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3366 = "_-4XP" (String#15025, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3367 = "_-3xj" (String#17006, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3368 = "_-1bc" (String#13953, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3369 = "_-0sa" (String#14355, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3370 = "_-e8" (String#16022, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3371 = "_-1xt" (String#15892, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3372 = "_-1eS" (String#17025, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3373 = "_-1sp" (String#14159, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3374 = "_-59q" (String#6048, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3375 = "_-4nj" (String#13821, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3376 = "_-1Hh" (String#14939, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_35 = "_-4V8" (String#2413, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4 = "_-5F-" (String#232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5303 = "_-4W8" (String#22208, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5304 = "_-3GI" (String#12004, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5305 = "_-41M" (String#2686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5306 = "_-04J" (String#8773, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5307 = "_-01B" (String#28325, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5308 = "_-4c0" (String#17330, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5330 = "_-ie" (String#2198, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5335 = "_-mz" (String#5031, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5336 = "_-1cR" (String#7317, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5351 = "_-6EA" (String#3000, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5352 = "_-6Kj" (String#35457, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5367 = "_-qB" (String#6107, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5378 = "_-6l-" (String#13053, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5379 = "_-56o" (String#17454, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5380 = "get " (String#19936, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5381 = "_-0Es" (String#20287, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5382 = "_-4mt" (String#19727, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5383 = "_-4L5" (String#16045, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5384 = "_-63A" (String#19270, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5385 = "_-1aQ" (String#24195, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5386 = "_-hJ" (String#7052, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5387 = "_-6T6" (String#24123, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5388 = "_-4ce" (String#8453, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5389 = "_-1Ak" (String#539, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5390 = "_-04P" (String#5255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5391 = "_-1nf" (String#4264, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5392 = "_-2Sw" (String#4977, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5393 = "_-596" (String#10063, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5394 = "_-4Fy" (String#6206, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5395 = "_-xo" (String#12706, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5396 = " else" (String#10052, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5397 = "_-5J-" (String#24460, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5398 = "_-0yO" (String#1659, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5399 = "_-0Vx" (String#22876, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5400 = "_-4Td" (String#8987, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5401 = "_-C3" (String#16581, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5402 = "_-2MA" (String#17938, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5403 = "_-2ZP" (String#16198, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5404 = "_-2oS" (String#22031, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5405 = "_-0Rd" (String#7937, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5406 = "_-6KL" (String#2132, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5407 = "_-3HV" (String#3435, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5408 = "_-4H6" (String#19383, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5409 = "_-1VB" (String#4651, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5410 = "_-4ex" (String#12519, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5411 = "_-16D" (String#2117, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5412 = "_-we" (String#23548, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5413 = "_-6Lg" (String#2210, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5414 = "_-3vA" (String#10375, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5415 = "_-hy" (String#7085, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5416 = "_-0IW" (String#3194, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5417 = "_-1y4" (String#1743, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5418 = "_-3Xy" (String#37611, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5419 = "_-65" (String#5676, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5420 = "_-0W" (String#4042, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5421 = "_-3tC" (String#8472, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5422 = "_-b4" (String#11185, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5423 = "_-452" (String#8256, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5424 = "_-3wE" (String#7745, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5425 = "_-TZ" (String#30605, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5426 = "_-3nx" (String#2284, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5427 = "_-5HL" (String#24786, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5428 = "_-0v-" (String#18686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5429 = "_-eG" (String#24301, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5430 = "_-575" (String#37238, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5431 = "_-3Gi" (String#37662, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5432 = "_-oj" (String#8454, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5433 = "_-3CG" (String#38398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5434 = "_-5Up" (String#8079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5435 = "_-5Tj" (String#6476, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5436 = "_-6NU" (String#1752, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5437 = "_-5Fl" (String#19090, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5438 = "_-4Oi" (String#38035, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5439 = "_-51V" (String#8745, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5440 = "_-32X" (String#38048, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5441 = "_-5OG" (String#36510, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5442 = "_-xq" (String#33682, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5443 = "_-07e" (String#32330, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5444 = "_-5x3" (String#34378, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5445 = "_-08x" (String#32103, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5446 = "_-wX" (String#33512, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5447 = "_-vS" (String#4709, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5448 = "_-3WZ" (String#31917, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5449 = "_-4hZ" (String#12132, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5450 = "_-Zn" (String#34459, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5451 = "_-3C8" (String#6872, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5452 = "_-6cM" (String#9291, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5453 = "_-2n7" (String#4726, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5454 = "_-1-7" (String#1832, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5455 = "_-0bX" (String#20778, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5456 = "_-6-0" (String#7256, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5457 = "_-5fB" (String#9630, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5458 = "_-4lZ" (String#36697, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5459 = "_-sW" (String#33461, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5460 = "_-16I" (String#9738, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5461 = "_-1yt" (String#38493, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5462 = "_-5a9" (String#5377, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5463 = "_-0iP" (String#1667, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5464 = "_-0Ux" (String#10762, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5465 = "_-De" (String#11584, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5466 = "_-1mJ" (String#10454, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5467 = "_-6X-" (String#6278, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5468 = "_-2zR" (String#12106, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5469 = "_-4BM" (String#13195, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5470 = "_-1Yi" (String#12086, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5471 = "_-4Cq" (String#7379, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5472 = "_-6Ry" (String#11222, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5473 = "_-2Qf" (String#11575, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5474 = "_-6kI" (String#13275, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5475 = "_-093" (String#16473, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5476 = "_-5CS" (String#10348, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5477 = "_-5oV" (String#4418, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5478 = "_-2oi" (String#16611, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5479 = "_-2GH" (String#16835, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5480 = "_-3mm" (String#16981, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5481 = "_-4jn" (String#14514, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5482 = "_-EV" (String#11578, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5483 = "_-1P" (String#11443, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5484 = "_-5vA" (String#26924, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00S.OfficialRoomEntryManager package _-00S { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-4i9._SafeStr_271; import _-4i9.UserCountRenderer; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-tc.IBitmapWrapperWindow; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-4i9._SafeStr_3006; import _-482._SafeStr_3308; import _-tc.ITextWindow; import flash.display.BitmapData; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-482._SafeStr_3307; import _-G3.Tabs; public class OfficialRoomEntryManager implements _SafeStr_3 { private static const _SafeStr_5485:String = "hottest_groups"; private static const _SafeStr_5486:int = 267; private static const _SafeStr_5487:int = 65; private static const _SafeStr_5488:int = -70; private var _disposed:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_5309:_SafeStr_271; private var _SafeStr_5323:UserCountRenderer; public function OfficialRoomEntryManager(k:_SafeStr_271):void { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; this._SafeStr_5323 = new UserCountRenderer(this._SafeStr_5309); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function dispose():void { if (this._SafeStr_5323){ this._SafeStr_5323.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5323 = null; }; this._disposed = true; } public function _SafeStr_5489(k:IWindowContainer):void { if (this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5490 == null){ return; }; var _local_2:String = "ad_footer"; var _local_3:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(k.getChildByName("ad_footer")); var _local_4:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(_local_3.getChildByName("ad_cont")); if (_local_4.numChildren < 1){ _local_4.addChild(this._SafeStr_5327(true)); }; var _local_5:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(_local_4.getChildAt(0)); this._SafeStr_5329(_local_5, true, this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5490); _local_3.visible = true; this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5460++; } public function _SafeStr_5327(k:Boolean):IWindowContainer { var _local_5:IBitmapWrapperWindow; var _local_2:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5309.getXmlWindow("grs_official_room_row_phase_one")); var _local_3:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(_local_2.findChildByName("image_cont")); var _local_4:String = ((k) ? "" : "_b"); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_3, ("rico_rnd_l" + _local_4), true, null, 0); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_3, ("rico_rnd_r" + _local_4), true, null, 0); _local_5 = (_local_3.findChildByName("rico_rnd_m") as IBitmapWrapperWindow); _local_5.bitmap = this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5319("rico_rnd_m"); _local_5._SafeStr_5320 = false; var _local_6:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(_local_2.findChildByName("folder_cont")); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_6, ("rico_rnd_l" + _local_4), true, null, 0); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_6, ("rico_rnd_r" + _local_4), true, null, 0); _local_5 = (_local_6.findChildByName("rico_rnd_m") as IBitmapWrapperWindow); _local_5.bitmap = this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5319("rico_rnd_m"); _local_5._SafeStr_5320 = false; _local_2.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347, this._SafeStr_5491); _local_2.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348, this._SafeStr_5492); _local_2.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_5493); _local_2.color = ((k) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 4292797682); return (_local_2); } public function _SafeStr_5329(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:Boolean, _arg_3:_SafeStr_3308):void { _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5351(k); if (_arg_2){ k.id = _arg_3.index; if (_arg_3.type == _SafeStr_3308._SafeStr_5494){ this._SafeStr_5495(k, _arg_3); } else { this._SafeStr_5496(k, _arg_3); }; k.visible = true; } else { k.height = 0; k.visible = false; }; } private function _SafeStr_5496(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3308):void { this._SafeStr_5497(k, _arg_2); this._SafeStr_5498(k, _arg_2); this.refreshUserCount(k, _arg_2); k.height = 68; } private function _SafeStr_5495(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3308):void { var _local_3:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(k.findChildByName("folder_cont")); _local_3.visible = true; var _local_4:ITextWindow = ITextWindow(_local_3.findChildByName("folder_name_text")); _local_4.text = _arg_2._SafeStr_5499; var _local_5:ITextWindow = ITextWindow(_local_3.findChildByName("arrow_label")); _local_5.text = ((_arg_2.open) ? "${navigator.folder.hide}" : "${navigator.folder.show}"); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_3, "arrow_down_white", _arg_2.open, null, 0); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_3, "arrow_right_white", !(_arg_2.open), null, 0); this._SafeStr_5500(_local_3, _arg_2); k.height = 68; var _local_6:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(k.findChildByName("folderNameContainer")); if (_local_4.text == ""){ _local_6.visible = false; return; }; _local_6.visible = true; if (!this._SafeStr_5309.isPerkAllowed("NAVIGATOR_PHASE_ONE_2014")){ _local_6.width = (_local_4.textWidth + 20); }; } private function refreshUserCount(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3308):void { var _local_3:int; var _local_4:int; var _local_5:int; if (((_arg_2._SafeStr_5502) && ((_arg_2.type == _SafeStr_3308._SafeStr_5501)))){ _local_3 = 3; _local_4 = 34; _local_5 = 13; this._SafeStr_5323.refreshUserCount(_arg_2._SafeStr_5503, k, _arg_2.userCount, "${navigator.usercounttooltip.users}", ((k.width - _local_3) - _local_4), ((k.height - _local_3) - _local_5)); }; } private function _SafeStr_5497(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3308):void { var _local_3:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(k.findChildByName("image_cont")); _local_3.visible = true; _local_3.width = ((_arg_2._SafeStr_5502) ? _SafeStr_5487 : _SafeStr_5486); this._SafeStr_5504(_local_3, _arg_2); this._SafeStr_5505(_local_3, _arg_2); } private function _SafeStr_5504(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3308):void { var _local_3:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(k.findChildByName("picTextContainer")); if ((((_arg_2.picText == "")) || (_arg_2._SafeStr_5502))){ _local_3.visible = false; return; }; var _local_4:int = 5; _local_3.visible = true; var _local_5:ITextWindow = ITextWindow(_local_3.findChildByName("picText")); _local_5.text = _arg_2.picText; _local_5.height = (_local_5.textHeight + 10); var _local_6 = (_local_5.textHeight > 10); _local_3.height = (_local_5.height + 4); } private function _SafeStr_5500(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3308):void { var _local_3:IBitmapWrapperWindow = IBitmapWrapperWindow(k.findChildByName("folder_image")); _local_3.visible = false; if (_arg_2._SafeStr_5506 != ""){ this._SafeStr_5507(_arg_2, _local_3); }; } private function _SafeStr_5505(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3308):void { var _local_3:IBitmapWrapperWindow = IBitmapWrapperWindow(k.findChildByName("room_image")); _local_3.visible = false; if (_arg_2._SafeStr_5506 != ""){ this._SafeStr_5507(_arg_2, _local_3); } else { if (_arg_2._SafeStr_5508 != null){ this._SafeStr_5509(k, _arg_2, _local_3); } else { this._SafeStr_5510(k, _arg_2, _local_3); }; }; } private function _SafeStr_5507(k:_SafeStr_3308, _arg_2:IBitmapWrapperWindow):void { var _local_3:String = ("customImage." + k._SafeStr_5506); if (_arg_2.tags[0] == _local_3){ _arg_2.visible = true; return; }; _SafeStr_4.log(("Loading custom image: " + k._SafeStr_5506)); _arg_2.x = 0; _arg_2.visible = false; var _local_4:_SafeStr_3309 = new _SafeStr_3309(this._SafeStr_5309, k._SafeStr_5506, _arg_2); _local_4._SafeStr_5313(); _arg_2.tags.splice(0, _arg_2.tags.length); _arg_2.tags.push(_local_3); } private function _SafeStr_5509(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3308, _arg_3:IBitmapWrapperWindow):void { var _local_4:String = ("guestRoom." + _arg_2._SafeStr_5508.thumbnail._SafeStr_5511()); if (_arg_3.tags[0] == _local_4){ _arg_3.visible = true; return; }; _SafeStr_4.log("Redrawing guest room image"); _arg_3.x = 0; _arg_3.width = 64; _arg_3.bitmap = new BitmapData(64, 64); _arg_3.bitmap.fillRect(_arg_3.bitmap.rect, 0xFFFFFFFF); _arg_3.tags.splice(0, _arg_3.tags.length); _arg_3.tags.push(_local_4); _arg_3.visible = true; } private function _SafeStr_5510(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3308, _arg_3:IBitmapWrapperWindow):void { var _local_4:String = "empty"; if (_arg_3.tags[0] == _local_4){ _arg_3.visible = true; return; }; _SafeStr_4.log("Redrawing empty image"); _arg_3.x = 0; _arg_3.width = 64; _arg_3.bitmap = new BitmapData(64, 64, false, 4291611852); _arg_3.tags.splice(0, _arg_3.tags.length); _arg_3.tags.push(_local_4); _arg_3.visible = true; } private function _SafeStr_5491(k:WindowEvent):void { var _local_2:IWindow = k.target; this._SafeStr_5512(_local_2, true); } private function _SafeStr_5492(k:WindowEvent):void { var _local_2:IWindow = k.target; this._SafeStr_5512(_local_2, false); } private function _SafeStr_5493(k:WindowEvent):void { var _local_2:IWindow = k.target; this._SafeStr_5513(_local_2); } private function _SafeStr_5512(k:IWindow, _arg_2:Boolean):void { var _local_5:IBitmapWrapperWindow; var _local_3:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(k); if (_local_3 == null){ return; }; var _local_4:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(_local_3.findChildByName("enter_room")); if (_local_4 == null){ return; }; if (_arg_2){ this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_4, "enter_room_l", true, null, 0); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_4, "enter_room_r", true, null, 0); _local_5 = IBitmapWrapperWindow(_local_4.findChildByName("enter_room_m")); if (_local_5.bitmap == null){ _local_5.bitmap = this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5319("enter_room_m"); _local_5._SafeStr_5320 = false; }; this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_4, "enter_room_a", true, null, 0); }; _local_4.visible = _arg_2; } private function _SafeStr_5513(k:IWindow):void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_3308 = this._SafeStr_5514(k); if (_local_2 == null){ return; }; if (_local_2._SafeStr_5508 != null){ _SafeStr_4.log(("ENTERING ROOM: " + _local_2._SafeStr_5508.flatId)); if (_local_2._SafeStr_5508._SafeStr_5354 == _SafeStr_3307._SafeStr_5356){ this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5370.show(_local_2._SafeStr_5508); } else { this._SafeStr_5309.goToRoom(_local_2._SafeStr_5508.flatId, true); }; } else { if (_local_2.tag != null){ _SafeStr_4.log(("MAKING TAG SEARCH: " + _local_2.tag)); if (_local_2.tag == _SafeStr_5485){ this._SafeStr_5309.performGuildBaseSearch(); } else { this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334._SafeStr_5305(Tabs._SafeStr_5453, Tabs._SafeStr_5456, _local_2.tag); }; } else { _SafeStr_4.log(("FOLDER CLICKD: " + _local_2.index)); _local_2._SafeStr_5515(); this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334.refresh(); }; }; } private function _SafeStr_5514(k:IWindow):_SafeStr_3308 { var _local_2:IWindowContainer = (k as IWindowContainer); if ((((_local_2 == null)) || (!((_local_2.name == "cont"))))){ _SafeStr_4.log("Target not cont"); return (null); }; _SafeStr_4.log(("PARENT NAME: " + k.parent.name)); return ((((_local_2.parent.name == "ad_cont")) ? this._SafeStr_5516() : this._SafeStr_5517(_local_2))); } private function _SafeStr_5516():_SafeStr_3308 { return (this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5490); } private function _SafeStr_5517(k:IWindowContainer):_SafeStr_3308 { var _local_3:_SafeStr_3308; if (this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5518 == null){ _SafeStr_4.log("No official rooms data click"); return (null); }; var _local_2:int = k.id; _SafeStr_4.log(("Got index: " + _local_2)); for each (_local_3 in this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5518.entries) { if (_local_3.index == _local_2){ return (_local_3); }; }; _SafeStr_4.log(((("No room found " + _local_2) + ", ") + this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5518.entries.length)); return (null); } private function _SafeStr_5498(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3308):void { var _local_3:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(k.findChildByName("details_container")); _local_3.visible = _arg_2._SafeStr_5502; _SafeStr_4.log(("Refreshing details: " + _local_3.visible)); if (!_arg_2._SafeStr_5502){ return; }; _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5351(_local_3); this._SafeStr_5519(_local_3, _arg_2); this._SafeStr_5520(_local_3, _arg_2); } private function _SafeStr_5519(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3308):void { var _local_3:ITextWindow = ITextWindow(k.getChildByName("entry_caption")); _local_3.visible = true; _local_3.text = this._SafeStr_5521(_arg_2); } private function _SafeStr_5520(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3308):void { var _local_3:String = this._SafeStr_5522(_arg_2); if (_local_3 == ""){ return; }; var _local_4:String = "entry_desc"; var _local_5:ITextWindow = ITextWindow(k.getChildByName(_local_4)); _local_5.text = _local_3; _local_5.visible = true; } public function _SafeStr_5521(k:_SafeStr_3308):String { if (((!((k._SafeStr_5499 == null))) && (!((k._SafeStr_5499 == ""))))){ return (k._SafeStr_5499); }; if (k._SafeStr_5508 != null){ return (k._SafeStr_5508.roomName); }; if (((!((k.tag == null))) && (!((k.tag == ""))))){ return (k.tag); }; return ("NA"); } public function _SafeStr_5522(k:_SafeStr_3308):String { if (((!((k._SafeStr_5499 == null))) && (!((k._SafeStr_5499 == ""))))){ return (k._SafeStr_5523); }; if (k._SafeStr_5508 != null){ return (k._SafeStr_5508.description); }; return (""); } } }//package _-00S // _SafeStr_271 = "_-5Fd" (String#2212, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3006 = "_-Ss" (String#1105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3307 = "_-3ZL" (String#4414, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3308 = "_-2C2" (String#2176, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3309 = "_-1mC" (String#11952, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4 = "_-5F-" (String#232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5305 = "_-41M" (String#2686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5313 = "_-60o" (String#38775, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5319 = "_-5N2" (String#3446, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5320 = "_-5-V" (String#2215, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5323 = "_-1wp" (String#3640, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5327 = "_-01y" (String#11623, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5329 = "_-5Hu" (String#3064, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5334 = "_-0ha" (String#2683, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5347 = "_-5mq" (String#585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5348 = "_-38T" (String#626, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5351 = "_-6EA" (String#3000, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5354 = "_-1ER" (String#2489, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5356 = "_-1F6" (String#4717, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5370 = "_-2du" (String#10601, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5453 = "_-2n7" (String#4726, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5456 = "_-6-0" (String#7256, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5460 = "_-16I" (String#9738, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5485 = "_-2NQ" (String#26042, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5486 = "_-5b0" (String#25504, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5487 = "_-6Fz" (String#23712, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5488 = "_-0pn" (String#26356, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5489 = "_-53O" (String#26162, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5490 = "_-247" (String#7888, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5491 = "_-5mN" (String#33862, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5492 = "_-5EV" (String#36469, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5493 = "_-GJ" (String#34337, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5494 = "_-5mr" (String#24502, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5495 = "_-0Nz" (String#33134, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5496 = "_-0AT" (String#32168, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5497 = "_-xV" (String#33689, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5498 = "_-1G9" (String#33038, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5499 = "_-DN" (String#12725, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5500 = "_-33w" (String#36241, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5501 = "_-0zm" (String#14377, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5502 = "_-07z" (String#7469, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5503 = "_-1gn" (String#37892, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5504 = "_-67T" (String#36966, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5505 = "_-1Nc" (String#35004, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5506 = "_-391" (String#16495, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5507 = "_-15E" (String#26608, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5508 = "_-58-" (String#7014, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5509 = "_-0Tu" (String#33013, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5510 = "_-0yZ" (String#35956, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5511 = "_-6VU" (String#33571, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5512 = "_-1bP" (String#30060, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5513 = "_-2L6" (String#38014, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5514 = "_-3X9" (String#6396, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5515 = "_-1Mn" (String#23166, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5516 = "_-4mQ" (String#36574, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5517 = "_-5Rj" (String#38973, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5518 = "_-0Pz" (String#7910, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5519 = "_-H6" (String#34328, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5520 = "_-6SX" (String#33761, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5521 = "_-1es" (String#37874, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5522 = "_-4f-" (String#36204, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5523 = "_-Rr" (String#34376, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00S.OfficialRoomListCtrl package _-00S { import _-4i9._SafeStr_3359; import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-tc.IItemListWindow; import _-482._SafeStr_3308; import _-tc.*; import _-4i9.*; public class OfficialRoomListCtrl implements _SafeStr_3359 { private var _SafeStr_5309:HabboNavigator; private var _content:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5324:IItemListWindow; private var _SafeStr_5524:PromotedRoomsListCtrl; public function OfficialRoomListCtrl(k:HabboNavigator):void { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; this._SafeStr_5524 = new PromotedRoomsListCtrl(this._SafeStr_5309); } public function dispose():void { if (this._SafeStr_5524 != null){ this._SafeStr_5524.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5524 = null; }; } public function set content(k:IWindowContainer):void { this._content = k; this._SafeStr_5324 = ((this._content) ? IItemListWindow(this._content.findChildByName("item_list_official")) : null); } public function get content():IWindowContainer { return (this._content); } public function refresh():void { var _local_3:Boolean; var _local_4:IWindowContainer; var _local_5:Boolean; var k:Array = this._SafeStr_5525(); this._SafeStr_5324.autoArrangeItems = false; this._SafeStr_5526(); var _local_2:int; while (true) { _local_3 = !(((_local_2 % 2) == 0)); _local_4 = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5324.getListItemAt((_local_2 + 1))); if (_local_2 < k.length){ this._SafeStr_5329(true, _local_3, _local_4, k[_local_2]); } else { _local_5 = this._SafeStr_5329(false, _local_3, _local_4, null); if (_local_5){ break; }; }; _local_2++; }; this._SafeStr_5324.autoArrangeItems = true; } private function _SafeStr_5525():Array { var _local_4:_SafeStr_3308; var k:Array = this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5518.entries; var _local_2:Array = new Array(); var _local_3:int; for each (_local_4 in k) { if (_local_4._SafeStr_5527 > 0){ if (_local_4._SafeStr_5527 == _local_3){ _local_2.push(_local_4); }; } else { _local_3 = ((_local_4.open) ? _local_4.index : 0); _local_2.push(_local_4); }; }; return (_local_2); } private function _SafeStr_5329(k:Boolean, _arg_2:Boolean, _arg_3:IWindowContainer, _arg_4:_SafeStr_3308):Boolean { if (_arg_3 == null){ if (!k){ return (true); }; _arg_3 = this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5528._SafeStr_5327(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5324.addListItem(_arg_3); }; this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5528._SafeStr_5329(_arg_3, k, _arg_4); return (false); } private function _SafeStr_5526():void { var k:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5324.getListItemAt(0)); this._SafeStr_5524.refresh(k, this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5529.entries); } } }//package _-00S // _SafeStr_3308 = "_-2C2" (String#2176, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3359 = "_-25A" (String#7883, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5324 = "_-335" (String#505, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5327 = "_-01y" (String#11623, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5329 = "_-5Hu" (String#3064, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5518 = "_-0Pz" (String#7910, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5524 = "_-YW" (String#16632, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5525 = "_-2iY" (String#37711, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5526 = "_-2lC" (String#37308, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5527 = "_-0p1" (String#26297, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5528 = "_-1bJ" (String#9920, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5529 = "_-5Jp" (String#7272, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00S.PopularTagsListCtrl package _-00S { import _-4i9._SafeStr_3359; import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-tc.IItemListWindow; import _-4i9.TagRenderer; import _-482._SafeStr_4785; import _-4i9._SafeStr_3006; import _-tc.ITextWindow; import _-vq.*; import _-tc.*; import _-OK.*; import _-0g4.*; import _-4i9.*; public class PopularTagsListCtrl implements _SafeStr_3359 { private var _SafeStr_5309:HabboNavigator; private var _content:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5324:IItemListWindow; private var _SafeStr_5530:int; private var _SafeStr_5531:TagRenderer; public function PopularTagsListCtrl(k:HabboNavigator):void { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; this._SafeStr_5531 = new TagRenderer(this._SafeStr_5309); } public function dispose():void { if (this._SafeStr_5531){ this._SafeStr_5531.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5531 = null; }; } public function set content(k:IWindowContainer):void { this._content = k; this._SafeStr_5324 = ((this._content) ? IItemListWindow(this._content.findChildByName("item_list")) : null); } public function get content():IWindowContainer { return (this._content); } public function refresh():void { var _local_4:_SafeStr_4785; this._SafeStr_5531._SafeStr_5532 = true; var k:Array = this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5533.tags; var _local_2:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5324.getListItemAt(0)); if (_local_2 == null){ _local_2 = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5309.getXmlWindow("grs_popular_tag_row")); this._SafeStr_5324.addListItem(_local_2); }; _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5351(_local_2); var _local_3:int; while (_local_3 < this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5533.tags.length) { _local_4 = this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5533.tags[_local_3]; this._SafeStr_5531._SafeStr_5534(_local_2, _local_3, _local_4.tagName); _local_3++; }; _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5535(_local_2, _local_2.width, 18, 3); _local_2.height = _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5330(_local_2); this._content.findChildByName("no_tags_found").visible = (k.length < 1); } private function _SafeStr_5536(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_4785):void { var _local_3:String = "txt"; var _local_4:ITextWindow = ITextWindow(k.findChildByName(_local_3)); if (_arg_2 == null){ return; }; _local_4.visible = true; _local_4.text = _arg_2.tagName; } } }//package _-00S // _SafeStr_3006 = "_-Ss" (String#1105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3359 = "_-25A" (String#7883, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4785 = "_-xS" (String#8719, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5324 = "_-335" (String#505, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5330 = "_-ie" (String#2198, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5351 = "_-6EA" (String#3000, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5530 = "_-0LV" (String#39234, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5531 = "_-2DZ" (String#3925, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5532 = "_-35O" (String#12892, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5533 = "_-333" (String#8776, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5534 = "_-4-N" (String#30637, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5535 = "_-1i0" (String#10629, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5536 = "_-4Zd" (String#44879, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00S.PromotedRoomsListCtrl package _-00S { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-4i9.UserCountRenderer; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-4i9._SafeStr_3006; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-482._SafeStr_4783; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-G3._SafeStr_3317; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-0Mx._SafeStr_2642; import _-tc._SafeStr_2538; import _-2ga._SafeStr_3628; import _-4i9.*; public class PromotedRoomsListCtrl implements _SafeStr_3 { private static const _SafeStr_5322:int = 5; private var _SafeStr_5309:HabboNavigator; private var _SafeStr_5323:UserCountRenderer; private var _SafeStr_5537:_SafeStr_5131; public function PromotedRoomsListCtrl(k:HabboNavigator):void { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; this._SafeStr_5323 = new UserCountRenderer(this._SafeStr_5309); this._SafeStr_5537 = new _SafeStr_5131(this._SafeStr_5309); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5309 = null; if (this._SafeStr_5323){ this._SafeStr_5323.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5323 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5537){ this._SafeStr_5537.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5537 = null; }; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return ((this._SafeStr_5309 == null)); } private function getCategoryContainer(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:int):IWindowContainer { return (IWindowContainer(k.getChildByID(_arg_2))); } public function refresh(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:Array):void { var _local_5:IWindowContainer; _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5351(k); var _local_3:int; var _local_4:int; while (_local_4 < _arg_2.length) { _local_5 = this.getCategoryContainer(k, _local_4); if (_local_5 == null){ _local_5 = this._SafeStr_5327(_local_4); _local_5.id = _local_4; k.addChild(_local_5); }; this._SafeStr_5329(_local_5, _arg_2[_local_4]); _local_5.y = _local_3; _local_3 = (_local_3 + (_local_5.height + _SafeStr_5322)); _local_5.visible = true; _local_4++; }; k.height = (((_SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5330(k) > 0)) ? (_SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5330(k) + 5) : 0); } public function _SafeStr_5327(k:int):IWindowContainer { var _local_2:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5309.getXmlWindow("grs_promoted_room_category")); this._SafeStr_5332(_local_2, k, "enter_room_button", this._SafeStr_5538); this._SafeStr_5332(_local_2, k, "leader_region", this._SafeStr_5539); this._SafeStr_5332(_local_2, k, "toggle_open_region", this._SafeStr_5540); this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_2, "navi_room_icon", true, null, 0); return (_local_2); } private function _SafeStr_5541(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:int=3):int { var _local_4:IWindow = k.findChildByName(_arg_2); return (((_local_4.x + _local_4.width) + _arg_3)); } private function _SafeStr_5332(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:String, _arg_4:Function):void { k.findChildByName(_arg_3).procedure = _arg_4; k.findChildByName(_arg_3).id = _arg_2; } public function _SafeStr_5329(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_4783):void { var _local_3:String = this._SafeStr_5309.getText(("promotedroomcategory." + _arg_2.code)); k.findChildByName("category_name_txt").caption = _local_3; k.findChildByName("category_header").width = (k.findChildByName("category_name_txt").width + 13); this._SafeStr_5309.registerParameter("navigator.promotedrooms.hidetopten", "category", _local_3); this._SafeStr_5309.registerParameter("navigator.promotedrooms.viewtopten", "category", _local_3); k.findChildByName("open_txt").caption = this._SafeStr_5309.getText("navigator.promotedrooms.viewtopten"); k.findChildByName("close_txt").caption = this._SafeStr_5309.getText("navigator.promotedrooms.hidetopten"); k.findChildByName("room_name_txt").caption = _arg_2._SafeStr_5542.roomName; var _local_4:IWindow = k.findChildByName("leader_name_txt"); _local_4.caption = ((_arg_2._SafeStr_5542._SafeStr_5543) ? _arg_2._SafeStr_5542.ownerName : ""); _local_4.x = this._SafeStr_5541(k, "leader_name_caption_txt", 0); k.findChildByName("arrow_down_icon").visible = _arg_2.open; k.findChildByName("arrow_right_icon").visible = !(_arg_2.open); k.findChildByName("close_txt").visible = _arg_2.open; k.findChildByName("open_txt").visible = !(_arg_2.open); k.findChildByName("arrow_down_icon").x = this._SafeStr_5541(k, "close_txt"); k.findChildByName("arrow_right_icon").x = this._SafeStr_5541(k, "open_txt"); this._SafeStr_5323.refreshUserCount(_arg_2._SafeStr_5542._SafeStr_5361, IWindowContainer(k.findChildByName("enter_room_button")), _arg_2._SafeStr_5542.userCount, "${navigator.usercounttooltip.users}", 222, 35); this._SafeStr_5544(k, _arg_2); k.findChildByName("item_list").visible = _arg_2.open; if (_arg_2.open){ k.findChildByName("item_list").height = (_arg_2.rooms.length * 17); this._SafeStr_5537.content = k; this._SafeStr_5537.category = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5537.refresh(); }; k.height = ((_arg_2.open) ? (_SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5330(k) + 3) : 90); } private function _SafeStr_5538(k:WindowEvent, _arg_2:IWindow):void { var _local_3:_SafeStr_4783; if (k.type == WindowMouseEvent.CLICK){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_5545(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5309.data.roomSessionTags = new _SafeStr_3317(_local_3.code, "1"); this._SafeStr_5309.goToPrivateRoom(_local_3._SafeStr_5542.flatId); this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5546(); }; } private function _SafeStr_5539(k:WindowEvent, _arg_2:IWindow):void { var _local_3:_SafeStr_4783; if (k.type == WindowMouseEvent.CLICK){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_5545(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5309.trackGoogle("extendedProfile", "navigator_promotedRoom"); this._SafeStr_5309.send(new _SafeStr_2642(_local_3._SafeStr_5542._SafeStr_5547)); }; } private function _SafeStr_5540(k:WindowEvent, _arg_2:IWindow):void { var _local_3:int; var _local_4:_SafeStr_4783; var _local_5:_SafeStr_4783; if (k.type == WindowMouseEvent.CLICK){ while (_local_3 < this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5529.entries.length) { _local_5 = this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5529.entries[_local_3]; if (_arg_2.id != _local_3){ _local_5.open = false; }; _local_3++; }; _local_4 = this._SafeStr_5545(_arg_2); _local_4._SafeStr_5515(); this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334.refresh(); }; } private function _SafeStr_5545(k:IWindow):_SafeStr_4783 { return (this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5529.entries[k.id]); } private function _SafeStr_5544(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_4783):void { var _local_3:_SafeStr_2538 = _SafeStr_2538(k.findChildByName("avatar_image_widget")); var _local_4:_SafeStr_3628 = _SafeStr_3628(_local_3.widget); _local_4.figure = _arg_2._SafeStr_5548; } } }//package _-00S // _SafeStr_2538 = "_-0jD" (String#317, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2642 = "_-ut" (String#1905, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3006 = "_-Ss" (String#1105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3317 = "_-xB" (String#6305, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3628 = "_-4Ku" (String#1601, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4783 = "_-55I" (String#4240, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5131 = "_-2zN" (String#12371, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5322 = "_-4bd" (String#10754, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5323 = "_-1wp" (String#3640, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5327 = "_-01y" (String#11623, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5329 = "_-5Hu" (String#3064, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5330 = "_-ie" (String#2198, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5332 = "_-4IW" (String#15518, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5334 = "_-0ha" (String#2683, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5351 = "_-6EA" (String#3000, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5361 = "_-1nL" (String#12643, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5515 = "_-1Mn" (String#23166, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5529 = "_-5Jp" (String#7272, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5537 = "_-33G" (String#10274, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5538 = "_-QJ" (String#34567, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5539 = "_-4PN" (String#37996, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5540 = "_-6fd" (String#34132, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5541 = "_-1mt" (String#26081, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5542 = "_-4LJ" (String#9878, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5543 = "_-3Ho" (String#8864, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5544 = "_-61l" (String#25618, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5545 = "_-2C1" (String#6813, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5546 = "_-3sl" (String#10746, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5547 = "_-55Y" (String#1595, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5548 = "_-5wk" (String#34301, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-00S.RoomAdListCtrl package _-00S { import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-561._SafeStr_2340; import _-tc.ITextWindow; import _-4i9._SafeStr_3006; import _-482._SafeStr_3307; import _-482._SafeStr_2332; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-6HM._SafeStr_4242; import _-OK.WindowEvent; public class RoomAdListCtrl extends GuestRoomListCtrl { public function RoomAdListCtrl(k:HabboNavigator, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:Boolean) { super(k, _arg_2, _arg_3); } override protected function getListEntry(k:int):IWindowContainer { var _local_2:IWindowContainer = IWindowContainer(_SafeStr_5309.getXmlWindow("grs_room_ads_details_phase_one")); _local_2.background = true; _local_2.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5345, _SafeStr_5346); _local_2.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347, onMouseOver); _local_2.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348, onMouseOut); _local_2.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this.onMouseClick); _local_2.setParamFlag(_SafeStr_2340._SafeStr_5349, true); _local_2.setParamFlag(_SafeStr_2340._SafeStr_5350, true); _local_2.color = getBgColor(k); _local_2.tags.push(k); return (_local_2); } override protected function refreshEntryDetails(k:IWindowContainer, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2332):void { k.visible = true; var _local_3:ITextWindow = ITextWindow(k.getChildByName("adname")); _local_3.visible = true; _SafeStr_3006._SafeStr_5362(_local_3, _arg_2._SafeStr_5549, k.width); _SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(k, "doormode_doorbell_small", (_arg_2._SafeStr_5354 == _SafeStr_3307._SafeStr_5357), null, 0); _SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(k, "doormode_password_small", (_arg_2._SafeStr_5354 == _SafeStr_3307._SafeStr_5356), null, 0); _SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(k, "doormode_invisible_small", (_arg_2._SafeStr_5354 == _SafeStr_3307._SafeStr_5355), null, 0); _SafeStr_5323.refreshUserCount(_arg_2._SafeStr_5361, k, _arg_2.userCount, "${navigator.usercounttooltip.users}", 308, 2); } private function _SafeStr_5365(k:int):_SafeStr_2332 { return (getRooms()[k]); } override protected function onMouseClick(k:WindowEvent):void { var _local_2:IWindow = k.target; var _local_3:int = _local_2.tags[0]; var _local_4:_SafeStr_2332 = this._SafeStr_5365(_local_3); if (_SafeStr_5309){ _SafeStr_5309.send(new _SafeStr_4242(_local_4.flatId, _local_4._SafeStr_5549, _local_4._SafeStr_5550)); }; super.onMouseClick(k); } } }//package _-00S // _SafeStr_2332 = "_-4rT" (String#1033, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2340 = "_-25u" (String#1455, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3006 = "_-Ss" (String#1105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3307 = "_-3ZL" (String#4414, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4242 = "_-1it" (String#16724, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5323 = "_-1wp" (String#3640, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5345 = "_-5Vs" (String#3190, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5346 = "_-0Y2" (String#7040, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5347 = "_-5mq" (String#585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5348 = "_-38T" (String#626, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5349 = "_-33D" (String#3185, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5350 = "_-vC" (String#11001, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5354 = "_-1ER" (String#2489, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5355 = "_-0D-" (String#6208, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5356 = "_-1F6" (String#4717, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5357 = "_-eF" (String#5592, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5361 = "_-1nL" (String#12643, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5362 = "_-6FZ" (String#27308, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5365 = "_-22C" (String#12059, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5549 = "_-0A9" (String#10047, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5550 = "_-os" (String#18579, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-01Q._SafeStr_2930 package _-01Q { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-2Yc._SafeStr_2925; public class _SafeStr_2930 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_2930(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_2925); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_2925 { return ((this._SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_2925)); } } }//package _-01Q // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2925 = "_-1Ng" (String#8881, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2930 = "_-1Bi" (String#13450, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-02o._SafeStr_2630 package _-02o { import _-4lY._SafeStr_2622; import _-4lY.HabboInventory; import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import _-3oH._SafeStr_1408; import _-3lv._SafeStr_2253; import _-5Xu._SafeStr_431; import _-15X.Map; import _-2lD._SafeStr_2405; import _-0Qu._SafeStr_634; import _-ZX._SafeStr_2309; import _-3V5._SafeStr_3797; import _-6Iu._SafeStr_3250; import _-0qT._SafeStr_2633; import flash.events.Event; import _-2yD._SafeStr_2298; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-Qy._SafeStr_3697; import _-8R._SafeStr_2508; import _-2QZ._SafeStr_2287; import _-2QZ._SafeStr_2361; import _-1Ki._SafeStr_3796; import _-5Lv._SafeStr_2300; import _-0qT._SafeStr_2625; public class _SafeStr_2630 implements _SafeStr_2622 { private var _SafeStr_5553:HabboInventory; private var _SafeStr_5554:PetsView; private var _assets:_SafeStr_10; private var _SafeStr_5555:_SafeStr_1408; private var _SafeStr_5556:_SafeStr_2253; private var _SafeStr_5557:_SafeStr_431; private var _SafeStr_5558:Map; private var _SafeStr_5559:Boolean = false; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5560:Boolean; public function _SafeStr_2630(k:HabboInventory, _arg_2:_SafeStr_634, _arg_3:_SafeStr_1408, _arg_4:_SafeStr_10, _arg_5:_SafeStr_2253, _arg_6:_SafeStr_431) { this._SafeStr_5553 = k; this._assets = _arg_4; this._SafeStr_5555 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_5556 = _arg_5; this._SafeStr_5556.events.addEventListener(_SafeStr_2405._SafeStr_5561, this._SafeStr_5562); this._SafeStr_5557 = _arg_6; this._SafeStr_5558 = new Map(); this._SafeStr_5554 = new PetsView(this, _arg_2, _arg_4, _arg_5); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function dispose():void { if (!this._disposed){ if (this._SafeStr_5554){ this._SafeStr_5554.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5554 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5556){ if (this._SafeStr_5556.events){ this._SafeStr_5556.events.removeEventListener(_SafeStr_2405._SafeStr_5561, this._SafeStr_5562); }; this._SafeStr_5556 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5558){ this._SafeStr_5558.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5558 = null; }; this._SafeStr_5553 = null; this._SafeStr_5557 = null; this._assets = null; this._SafeStr_5555 = null; this._disposed = true; }; } public function get controller():HabboInventory { return (this._SafeStr_5553); } public function _SafeStr_5563():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5560); } public function _SafeStr_5564():void { this._SafeStr_5560 = true; this._SafeStr_5554._SafeStr_5565(); } public function _SafeStr_5566():void { if (this._SafeStr_5555 == null){ return; }; var k:_SafeStr_2309 = this._SafeStr_5555.connection; if (k == null){ return; }; k.send(new _SafeStr_3797()); } public function get pets():Map { return (this._SafeStr_5558); } public function _SafeStr_5567(k:_SafeStr_3250):void { if (this._SafeStr_5558.add(k.id, k)){ this._SafeStr_5554._SafeStr_5567(k); }; this._SafeStr_5554._SafeStr_5565(); } public function _SafeStr_5568(k:Map):void { var _local_2:int; var _local_3:Array = k._SafeStr_5569(); var _local_4:Array = this._SafeStr_5558._SafeStr_5569(); this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5570(_SafeStr_2633._SafeStr_5571); for each (_local_2 in _local_4) { if (_local_3.indexOf(_local_2) == -1){ this._SafeStr_5558.remove(_local_2); this._SafeStr_5554._SafeStr_5572(_local_2); }; }; for each (_local_2 in _local_3) { if (_local_4.indexOf(_local_2) == -1){ this._SafeStr_5558.add(_local_2, k.getValue(_local_2)); this._SafeStr_5554._SafeStr_5567(k.getValue(_local_2)); }; }; this._SafeStr_5564(); } public function _SafeStr_5572(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_5558.remove(k); this._SafeStr_5554._SafeStr_5572(k); this._SafeStr_5554._SafeStr_5565(); } public function _SafeStr_5573():void { this._SafeStr_5566(); } public function _SafeStr_5574(k:String):void { if ((((k == _SafeStr_2633._SafeStr_5571)) && (this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5575))){ this._SafeStr_5553.events.dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_2298.HABBO_INVENTORY_TRACKING_EVENT_PETS)); }; } public function getWindowContainer():IWindowContainer { return (this._SafeStr_5554.getWindowContainer()); } public function _SafeStr_5576():void { if (this._SafeStr_5554._SafeStr_5575){ this._SafeStr_5577(); }; } public function _SafeStr_5578(k:String):void { } public function _SafeStr_5579(k:int, _arg_2:Boolean=false):Boolean { var _local_5:int; var _local_3:_SafeStr_3250 = this._SafeStr_5580(k); if (_local_3 == null){ return (false); }; var _local_4:String; if (_local_3.typeId == _SafeStr_3697._SafeStr_5581){ if (_local_3.level >= 7){ _local_4 = "std"; } else { _local_4 = ("grw" + _local_3.level); }; }; if (this._SafeStr_5553.roomSession._SafeStr_5582){ _local_5 = (_local_3.id * -1); this._SafeStr_5559 = this._SafeStr_5556._SafeStr_5583(_SafeStr_2508.INVENTORY, _local_5, _SafeStr_2287._SafeStr_5584, _SafeStr_2361._SafeStr_5585, _local_3._SafeStr_5586, null, -1, -1, _local_4); this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5587(); return (this._SafeStr_5559); }; if (!this._SafeStr_5553.roomSession._SafeStr_5588){ return (false); }; if (!_arg_2){ this._SafeStr_5555.connection.send(new _SafeStr_3796(_local_3.id, 0, 0)); }; return (true); } public function _SafeStr_5589():void { if (this._SafeStr_5554 == null){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5554.update(); } private function _SafeStr_5580(k:int):_SafeStr_3250 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_3250; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_5558) { if (_local_2.id == k){ return (_local_2); }; }; return (null); } public function _SafeStr_5562(k:Event):void { if (k == null){ return; }; if (((this._SafeStr_5559) && ((k.type == _SafeStr_2405._SafeStr_5561)))){ this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5590(); this._SafeStr_5559 = false; }; } public function get roomSession():_SafeStr_2300 { return (this._SafeStr_5553.roomSession); } public function _SafeStr_5591():void { this._SafeStr_5554.update(); } public function _SafeStr_5577():void { this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5593._SafeStr_5592(_SafeStr_2625._SafeStr_5594); this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5595(); this._SafeStr_5554.update(); } public function _SafeStr_5596(k:int):Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5593._SafeStr_5596(_SafeStr_2625._SafeStr_5594, k)); } public function _SafeStr_5597(k:int):Boolean { var _local_2:Boolean; if (this._SafeStr_5596(k)){ _local_2 = this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5593._SafeStr_5598(_SafeStr_2625._SafeStr_5594, k); if (_local_2){ this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5593._SafeStr_5599(_SafeStr_2625._SafeStr_5594); }; }; return (_local_2); } public function _SafeStr_5600(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_5554._SafeStr_5601(int(k)); } } }//package _-02o // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_1408 = "_-0GR" (String#890, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2253 = "_-36U" (String#859, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2287 = "_-0l-" (String#407, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2298 = "_-0lT" (String#4228, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2300 = "_-62W" (String#703, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2309 = "_-3uO" (String#1057, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2361 = "_-YQ" (String#1841, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2405 = "_-1x-" (String#835, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2508 = "_-0N9" (String#7574, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2622 = "_-0Il" (String#2606, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2625 = "_-4CP" (String#2974, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2630 = "_-1l0" (String#4946, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2633 = "_-66e" (String#1177, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3250 = "_-20Z" (String#2773, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3697 = "_-2Rk" (String#2764, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3796 = "_-4sJ" (String#10067, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3797 = "_-5BP" (String#16017, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_431 = "_-2P1" (String#1134, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5553 = "_-2zO" (String#197, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5554 = "_-09l" (String#95, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5555 = "_-2dd" (String#412, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5556 = "_-3Zz" (String#209, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5557 = "_-rS" (String#164, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5558 = "_-5vp" (String#3767, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5559 = "_-1W6" (String#8105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5560 = "_-0IU" (String#7796, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5561 = "_-5UJ" (String#5428, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5562 = "_-4CA" (String#9353, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5563 = "_-4Rn" (String#24855, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5564 = "_-i-" (String#14647, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5565 = "_-6Q7" (String#4719, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5566 = "_-1ZG" (String#35843, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5567 = "_-2k8" (String#16818, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5568 = "_-36e" (String#36227, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5569 = "_-2vO" (String#2303, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5570 = "_-2IP" (String#8318, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5571 = "_-3md" (String#4465, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5572 = "_-1zu" (String#16054, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5573 = "_-2dD" (String#6907, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5574 = "_-0R1" (String#7976, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5575 = "_-371" (String#2411, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5576 = "_-4Z4" (String#7149, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5577 = "_-1bW" (String#5889, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5578 = "_-59r" (String#8391, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5579 = "_-Cj" (String#8700, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5580 = "_-1nK" (String#36319, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5581 = "_-3Gh" (String#3198, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5582 = "_-2fd" (String#2602, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5583 = "_-2AD" (String#7345, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5584 = "_-5BB" (String#1151, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5585 = "_-aF" (String#4197, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5586 = "_-2gu" (String#5558, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5587 = "_-4Wx" (String#19091, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5588 = "_-6B-" (String#12941, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5589 = "_-0i3" (String#1608, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5590 = "_-2hs" (String#6159, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5591 = "_-2v2" (String#31855, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5592 = "_-5k1" (String#12794, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5593 = "_-0OT" (String#4236, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5594 = "_-3EP" (String#4165, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5595 = "_-19T" (String#9233, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5596 = "_-0-x" (String#4501, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5597 = "_-5ao" (String#11334, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5598 = "_-4t4" (String#24249, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5599 = "_-45Z" (String#22992, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5600 = "_-33F" (String#8527, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5601 = "_-3ba" (String#25295, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_634 = "_-6kX" (String#471, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-02o._SafeStr_4872 package _-02o { import _-6Iu._SafeStr_3250; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-59z.XmlAsset; import _-Qy._SafeStr_3697; import flash.display.BitmapData; import _-0Qu._SafeStr_634; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-tc.IBitmapWrapperWindow; import flash.geom.Point; public class _SafeStr_4872 { private static const _SafeStr_5602:int = 0xCCCCCC; private static const _SafeStr_5603:int = 10275685; private var _SafeStr_5604:_SafeStr_3250; private var _SafeStr_5605:IWindowContainer; private var _assets:_SafeStr_10; private var _SafeStr_5606:IWindow; private var _SafeStr_5607:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_5608:PetsView; private var _SafeStr_5609:int = -1; private var _SafeStr_5610:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_5611:Boolean; public function _SafeStr_4872(k:PetsView, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3250, _arg_3:_SafeStr_634, _arg_4:_SafeStr_10, _arg_5:Boolean) { if ((((((((k == null)) || ((_arg_2 == null)))) || ((_arg_3 == null)))) || ((_arg_4 == null)))){ return; }; this._assets = _arg_4; this._SafeStr_5608 = k; this._SafeStr_5604 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5611 = _arg_5; var _local_6:XmlAsset = (_arg_4.getAssetByName("inventory_thumb_xml") as XmlAsset); if ((((_local_6 == null)) || ((_local_6.content == null)))){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5605 = (_arg_3.buildFromXML((_local_6.content as XML)) as IWindowContainer); this._SafeStr_5605.procedure = this._SafeStr_5612; var _local_7:int = 64; var _local_8:int = 3; var _local_9:Boolean; var _local_10:String; if (_arg_2.typeId == _SafeStr_3697._SafeStr_5613){ _local_7 = 32; _local_8 = 2; _local_9 = true; } else { if ((((_arg_2.typeId == _SafeStr_3697._SafeStr_5615)) || ((_arg_2.typeId == _SafeStr_3697._SafeStr_5614)))){ _local_7 = 32; _local_8 = 3; _local_9 = true; } else { if (_arg_2.typeId == _SafeStr_3697._SafeStr_5581){ _local_7 = 32; _local_8 = 2; _local_9 = true; if (_arg_2.level >= 7){ _local_10 = "std"; } else { _local_10 = ("grw" + _arg_2.level); }; }; }; }; var _local_11:BitmapData = k._SafeStr_5616(_arg_2, _local_8, _local_9, this, _local_7, _local_10); this._SafeStr_5617(_local_11); this._SafeStr_5618(); } public function dispose():void { this._assets = null; this._SafeStr_5608 = null; this._SafeStr_5604 = null; this._SafeStr_5606 = null; this._SafeStr_5609 = -1; if (this._SafeStr_5605 != null){ this._SafeStr_5605.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5605 = null; }; } private function _SafeStr_5612(k:WindowEvent, _arg_2:IWindow):void { switch (k.type){ case WindowMouseEvent.DOWN: this._SafeStr_5608._SafeStr_5619(this); this._SafeStr_5610 = true; return; case WindowMouseEvent.UP: this._SafeStr_5610 = false; return; case WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348: if (this._SafeStr_5610){ this._SafeStr_5610 = false; this._SafeStr_5608._SafeStr_5579(this._SafeStr_5604.id, true); }; return; }; } public function _SafeStr_5617(k:BitmapData):void { if (!this._SafeStr_5605){ return; }; var _local_2:IBitmapWrapperWindow = (this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("bitmap") as IBitmapWrapperWindow); var _local_3:BitmapData = new BitmapData(_local_2.width, _local_2.height); _local_3.fillRect(_local_3.rect, 0); _local_3.copyPixels(k, k.rect, new Point(((_local_3.width / 2) - (k.width / 2)), ((_local_3.height / 2) - (k.height / 2)))); if (_local_2.bitmap){ _local_2.bitmap.dispose(); }; _local_2.bitmap = _local_3; } public function _SafeStr_5620(k:Boolean):void { if (this._SafeStr_5611 != k){ this._SafeStr_5611 = k; this._SafeStr_5618(); }; } public function _SafeStr_5436(k:Boolean):void { if (this._SafeStr_5607 != k){ this._SafeStr_5607 = k; if (((!(this._SafeStr_5605)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5606)))){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5618(); }; } private function _SafeStr_5618():void { var k:IWindow = this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("outline"); if (k != null){ k.visible = this._SafeStr_5607; }; if (!this._SafeStr_5606){ this._SafeStr_5606 = this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByTag("BG_COLOR"); }; this._SafeStr_5606.color = ((this._SafeStr_5611) ? _SafeStr_5603 : _SafeStr_5602); } public function get window():IWindow { return (this._SafeStr_5605); } public function get pet():_SafeStr_3250 { return (this._SafeStr_5604); } public function set _SafeStr_5621(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_5609 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_5621():int { return (this._SafeStr_5609); } } }//package _-02o // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3250 = "_-20Z" (String#2773, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3697 = "_-2Rk" (String#2764, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4872 = "_-2vx" (String#5082, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5348 = "_-38T" (String#626, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5436 = "_-6NU" (String#1752, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5579 = "_-Cj" (String#8700, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5581 = "_-3Gh" (String#3198, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5602 = "_-5H8" (String#5266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5603 = "_-6eY" (String#5403, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5604 = "_-250" (String#1758, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5605 = "_-1QN" (String#15, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5606 = "_-16S" (String#2590, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5607 = "_-2jq" (String#3042, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5608 = "_-47x" (String#19027, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5609 = "_-06u" (String#17012, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5610 = "_-4-q" (String#8179, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5611 = "_-5IJ" (String#5672, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5612 = "_-0ao" (String#3703, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5613 = "_-3U7" (String#9169, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5614 = "_-1GU" (String#21890, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5615 = "_-2lp" (String#18181, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5616 = "_-6Cp" (String#2158, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5617 = "_-2o4" (String#30701, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5618 = "_-V6" (String#11399, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5619 = "_-1au" (String#10592, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5620 = "_-05M" (String#24868, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5621 = "_-0GZ" (String#22137, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_634 = "_-6kX" (String#471, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-02o.PetsView package _-02o { import _-4lY._SafeStr_3712; import _-3lv._SafeStr_2325; import _-0Qu._SafeStr_634; import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-tc.IItemGridWindow; import _-3lv._SafeStr_2253; import _-15X.Map; import _-6Iu._SafeStr_3250; import _-6Iu.PetFigureData; import flash.display.BitmapData; import _-Qy._SafeStr_3038; import _-0-8._SafeStr_2308; import _-3lv._SafeStr_3018; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-0qT._SafeStr_2633; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-Qy._SafeStr_3697; import _-tc.IBitmapWrapperWindow; import flash.geom.Point; import _-tc.ITextWindow; import _-tc.IButtonWindow; public class PetsView implements _SafeStr_3712, _SafeStr_2325 { private static const _SafeStr_5622:int = 4; private const _SafeStr_5623:int = 0; private const _SafeStr_5624:int = 1; private const _SafeStr_5625:int = 2; private const _SafeStr_5626:int = 3; private var _SafeStr_5627:_SafeStr_634; private var _SafeStr_5628:_SafeStr_10; private var _SafeStr_5554:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5629:_SafeStr_2630; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5630:IItemGridWindow; private var _SafeStr_5556:_SafeStr_2253; private var _SafeStr_5631:Map; private var _SafeStr_5632:_SafeStr_4872; private var _SafeStr_5633:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_5634:int; private var _SafeStr_5635:Boolean = false; public function PetsView(k:_SafeStr_2630, _arg_2:_SafeStr_634, _arg_3:_SafeStr_10, _arg_4:_SafeStr_2253) { this._SafeStr_5629 = k; this._SafeStr_5628 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_5627 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5556 = _arg_4; this._SafeStr_5631 = new Map(); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function get _SafeStr_5575():Boolean { return (((((this._SafeStr_5554) && (!((this._SafeStr_5554.parent == null))))) && (this._SafeStr_5554.visible))); } public function dispose():void { if (!this._disposed){ this._SafeStr_5627 = null; this._SafeStr_5629 = null; this._SafeStr_5554 = null; this._disposed = true; }; } public function update():void { if (!this._SafeStr_5635){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5636(); this._SafeStr_5637(this._SafeStr_5632); this._SafeStr_5638(); } public function _SafeStr_5572(k:int):void { if (!this._SafeStr_5635){ return; }; var _local_2:_SafeStr_4872 = (this._SafeStr_5631.remove(k) as _SafeStr_4872); if (_local_2 == null){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5630._SafeStr_5639(_local_2.window); if (this._SafeStr_5632 == _local_2){ this._SafeStr_5632 = null; this._SafeStr_5640(); }; } public function _SafeStr_5567(k:_SafeStr_3250):void { if (!this._SafeStr_5635){ return; }; if (k == null){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_5631.getValue(k.id) != null){ return; }; var _local_2:_SafeStr_4872 = new _SafeStr_4872(this, k, this._SafeStr_5627, this._SafeStr_5628, this._SafeStr_5629._SafeStr_5596(k.id)); if (_local_2 != null){ this._SafeStr_5630._SafeStr_5641(_local_2.window); this._SafeStr_5631.add(k.id, _local_2); if (this._SafeStr_5632 == null){ this._SafeStr_5640(); }; }; } public function _SafeStr_5579(k:int, _arg_2:Boolean=false):void { this._SafeStr_5629._SafeStr_5579(k, _arg_2); } public function getWindowContainer():IWindowContainer { if (!this._SafeStr_5635){ this.init(); }; if (this._SafeStr_5554 == null){ return (null); }; if (this._SafeStr_5554.disposed){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5554); } public function _SafeStr_5619(k:_SafeStr_4872):void { if (!this._SafeStr_5635){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_5632 != null){ this._SafeStr_5632._SafeStr_5436(false); }; this._SafeStr_5632 = k; if (this._SafeStr_5632 != null){ this._SafeStr_5632._SafeStr_5436(true); }; this._SafeStr_5637(k); } public function _SafeStr_5565():void { var _local_2:int; if (!this._SafeStr_5635){ return; }; var k:Map = this._SafeStr_5629.pets; if (!this._SafeStr_5629._SafeStr_5563()){ _local_2 = this._SafeStr_5624; } else { if (((!(k)) || ((k.length == 0)))){ _local_2 = this._SafeStr_5625; } else { _local_2 = this._SafeStr_5626; }; }; if (this._SafeStr_5633 == _local_2){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5633 = _local_2; this._SafeStr_5638(); if (this._SafeStr_5633 == this._SafeStr_5626){ this._SafeStr_5636(); this._SafeStr_5637(); }; } public function _SafeStr_5616(k:_SafeStr_3250, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:Boolean, _arg_4:_SafeStr_4872=null, _arg_5:int=64, _arg_6:String=null):BitmapData { var _local_7:PetFigureData = k.figureData; var _local_8:BitmapData; var _local_9:uint = parseInt(_local_7.color, 16); var _local_10:uint; var _local_11:Array = []; var _local_12:int; while (_local_12 < (_local_7._SafeStr_5642 * 3)) { _local_11.push(new _SafeStr_3038(_local_7._SafeStr_5643[_local_12], _local_7._SafeStr_5643[(_local_12 + 1)], _local_7._SafeStr_5643[(_local_12 + 2)])); _local_12 = (_local_12 + 3); }; var _local_13:_SafeStr_3018 = this._SafeStr_5556._SafeStr_5616(_local_7.typeId, _local_7.paletteId, _local_9, new _SafeStr_2308((_arg_2 * 45)), _arg_5, this, _arg_3, _local_10, _local_11, _arg_6); if (_local_13 != null){ _local_8 = _local_13.data; if (_arg_4 != null){ _arg_4._SafeStr_5621 = _local_13.id; } else { if (_arg_3){ this._SafeStr_5634 = _local_13.id; }; }; }; if (_local_8 == null){ _local_8 = new BitmapData(30, 30, false, 4289374890); }; return (_local_8); } public function imageReady(k:int, _arg_2:BitmapData):void { var _local_3:_SafeStr_4872; if (k == this._SafeStr_5634){ this._SafeStr_5637(this._SafeStr_5632); return; }; for each (_local_3 in this._SafeStr_5631) { if (_local_3._SafeStr_5621 == k){ _local_3._SafeStr_5617(_arg_2); return; }; }; } public function _SafeStr_5644(k:int):void { } private function _SafeStr_5640():void { if ((((this._SafeStr_5631 == null)) || ((this._SafeStr_5631.length == 0)))){ this._SafeStr_5637(); return; }; this._SafeStr_5619(this._SafeStr_5631._SafeStr_5645(0)); } public function _SafeStr_5601(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_5619(this._SafeStr_5631.getValue(k)); } private function _SafeStr_5636():void { var _local_3:int; var _local_4:_SafeStr_4872; if (this._SafeStr_5554 == null){ return; }; var k:Array = this._SafeStr_5631._SafeStr_5569(); var _local_2:Array = ((this._SafeStr_5629.pets) ? this._SafeStr_5629.pets._SafeStr_5569() : new Array()); this._SafeStr_5630.lock(); for each (_local_3 in k) { if (_local_2.indexOf(_local_3) == -1){ this._SafeStr_5572(_local_3); }; }; for each (_local_3 in _local_2) { if (k.indexOf(_local_3) == -1){ this._SafeStr_5567(this._SafeStr_5629.pets.getValue(_local_3)); }; _local_4 = this._SafeStr_5631.getValue(_local_3); _local_4._SafeStr_5620(this._SafeStr_5629._SafeStr_5596(_local_3)); }; this._SafeStr_5630.unlock(); } private function _SafeStr_5646(k:WindowMouseEvent):void { if (this._SafeStr_5632 == null){ return; }; var _local_2:_SafeStr_3250 = this._SafeStr_5632.pet; if (_local_2 == null){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5579(_local_2.id); } private function _SafeStr_5638():void { if (this._SafeStr_5629.controller._SafeStr_5647 != _SafeStr_2633._SafeStr_5571){ return; }; var k:IWindowContainer = this._SafeStr_5629.controller.view._SafeStr_5648; var _local_2:IWindowContainer = this._SafeStr_5629.controller.view._SafeStr_5649; var _local_3:IWindow = this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("grid"); var _local_4:IWindow = this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("preview_container"); switch (this._SafeStr_5633){ case this._SafeStr_5624: if (k){ k.visible = true; }; if (_local_2){ _local_2.visible = false; }; _local_3.visible = false; _local_4.visible = false; return; case this._SafeStr_5625: if (k){ k.visible = false; }; if (_local_2){ _local_2.visible = true; }; _local_3.visible = false; _local_4.visible = false; return; case this._SafeStr_5626: if (k){ k.visible = false; }; if (_local_2){ _local_2.visible = false; }; _local_3.visible = true; _local_4.visible = true; return; }; } private function _SafeStr_5637(k:_SafeStr_4872=null):void { var _local_2:BitmapData; var _local_3:String; var _local_4:String; var _local_5:Boolean; var _local_16:_SafeStr_3250; var _local_17:BitmapData; if (this._SafeStr_5554 == null){ return; }; var _local_6:int = 64; var _local_7:int = 4; var _local_8:Boolean = true; var _local_9:String; this._SafeStr_5634 = -1; if ((((k == null)) || ((k.pet == null)))){ _local_2 = new BitmapData(1, 1); _local_3 = ""; _local_4 = ""; _local_5 = false; } else { _local_16 = k.pet; _local_3 = _local_16.name; if (_local_16.typeId == _SafeStr_3697._SafeStr_5581){ _local_7 = 2; _local_8 = true; if (_local_16.level >= 7){ _local_9 = "std"; } else { _local_9 = ("grw" + _local_16.level); }; }; _local_2 = this._SafeStr_5616(_local_16, _local_7, _local_8, null, _local_6, _local_9); _local_5 = true; }; var _local_10:IBitmapWrapperWindow = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("preview_image") as IBitmapWrapperWindow); if (_local_10 != null){ _local_17 = new BitmapData(_local_10.width, _local_10.height); _local_17.fillRect(_local_17.rect, 0); _local_17.copyPixels(_local_2, _local_2.rect, new Point(((_local_17.width / 2) - (_local_2.width / 2)), ((_local_17.height / 2) - (_local_2.height / 2)))); _local_10.bitmap = _local_17; }; _local_2.dispose(); var _local_11:ITextWindow = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("preview_text") as ITextWindow); if (_local_11 != null){ _local_11.caption = _local_3; }; _local_11 = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("preview_description") as ITextWindow); if (_local_11 != null){ _local_11.caption = _local_4; }; var _local_12:Boolean; var _local_13:Boolean; if (this._SafeStr_5629.roomSession != null){ _local_12 = this._SafeStr_5629.roomSession._SafeStr_5588; _local_13 = this._SafeStr_5629.roomSession._SafeStr_5582; }; var _local_14:String = ""; if (!_local_13){ if (_local_12){ _local_14 = "${inventory.pets.allowed}"; } else { _local_14 = "${inventory.pets.forbidden}"; }; }; _local_11 = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("preview_info") as ITextWindow); if (_local_11 != null){ _local_11.caption = _local_14; }; var _local_15:IButtonWindow = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("place_button") as IButtonWindow); if (_local_15 != null){ if (((_local_5) && (((_local_13) || (_local_12))))){ _local_15.enable(); } else { _local_15.disable(); }; }; } private function init():void { var k:IButtonWindow; this._SafeStr_5554 = this._SafeStr_5629.controller.view._SafeStr_5650(_SafeStr_2633._SafeStr_5571); this._SafeStr_5554.visible = false; this._SafeStr_5630 = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("grid") as IItemGridWindow); k = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("place_button") as IButtonWindow); if (k != null){ k.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_5646); }; var _local_2:IBitmapWrapperWindow = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("preview_image") as IBitmapWrapperWindow); if (_local_2 != null){ _local_2.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.DOWN, this._SafeStr_5646); }; this._SafeStr_5637(); this._SafeStr_5565(); this._SafeStr_5635 = true; } } }//package _-02o // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2253 = "_-36U" (String#859, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2308 = "_-1e-" (String#156, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2325 = "_-4O4" (String#1334, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2630 = "_-1l0" (String#4946, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2633 = "_-66e" (String#1177, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3018 = "_-58g" (String#688, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3038 = "_-3J-" (String#2143, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3250 = "_-20Z" (String#2773, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3697 = "_-2Rk" (String#2764, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3712 = "_-1-h" (String#7811, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4872 = "_-2vx" (String#5082, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5436 = "_-6NU" (String#1752, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5554 = "_-09l" (String#95, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5556 = "_-3Zz" (String#209, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5563 = "_-4Rn" (String#24855, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5565 = "_-6Q7" (String#4719, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5567 = "_-2k8" (String#16818, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5569 = "_-2vO" (String#2303, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5571 = "_-3md" (String#4465, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5572 = "_-1zu" (String#16054, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5575 = "_-371" (String#2411, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5579 = "_-Cj" (String#8700, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5581 = "_-3Gh" (String#3198, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5582 = "_-2fd" (String#2602, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5588 = "_-6B-" (String#12941, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5596 = "_-0-x" (String#4501, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5601 = "_-3ba" (String#25295, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5616 = "_-6Cp" (String#2158, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5617 = "_-2o4" (String#30701, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5619 = "_-1au" (String#10592, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5620 = "_-05M" (String#24868, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5621 = "_-0GZ" (String#22137, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5622 = "_-1wt" (String#15952, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5623 = "_-6h4" (String#18874, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5624 = "_-1fR" (String#5635, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5625 = "_-3NX" (String#7677, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5626 = "_-0Ft" (String#6451, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5627 = "_-699" (String#189, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5628 = "_-1ef" (String#1368, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5629 = "_-3Ji" (String#469, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5630 = "_-0N3" (String#2631, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5631 = "_-Rf" (String#3698, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5632 = "_-16A" (String#1842, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5633 = "_-0T0" (String#2904, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5634 = "_-6-W" (String#14339, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5635 = "_-2Pj" (String#1015, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5636 = "_-5rA" (String#11413, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5637 = "_-CA" (String#3544, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5638 = "_-9x" (String#9286, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5639 = "_-2f5" (String#6411, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5640 = "_-CN" (String#12638, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5641 = "_-1s2" (String#2663, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5642 = "_-0Zu" (String#20994, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5643 = "_-FY" (String#4360, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5644 = "_-2IS" (String#2207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5645 = "_-3rg" (String#915, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5646 = "_-2Ak" (String#16739, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5647 = "_-6g2" (String#15759, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5648 = "_-5qY" (String#16656, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5649 = "_-PE" (String#15824, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5650 = "_-Rv" (String#11975, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_634 = "_-6kX" (String#471, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-05m._SafeStr_5014 package _-05m { import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.display.BitmapData; public class _SafeStr_5014 extends Bitmap { private var _SafeStr_5651:int = 128; private var _SafeStr_5652:Point; private var _SafeStr_5653:String = ""; private var _SafeStr_5654:String = ""; private var _SafeStr_5655:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5656:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5657:_SafeStr_5018 = null; private var _SafeStr_5658:int = 0; private var _height:int = 0; private var _updateID1:int = -1; private var _updateID2:int = -1; private var _SafeStr_5659:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_5660:int = 0; public function _SafeStr_5014():void { this._SafeStr_5652 = new Point(); cacheAsBitmap = false; } public function get _SafeStr_5661():int { return (this._SafeStr_5651); } public function set _SafeStr_5661(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_5651 = k; } public function get tag():String { return (this._SafeStr_5653); } public function set tag(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_5653 = k; } public function get identifier():String { return (this._SafeStr_5654); } public function set identifier(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_5654 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_5662():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5656); } public function set _SafeStr_5662(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5656 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_5663():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5655); } public function set _SafeStr_5663(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5655 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_5664():int { return (this._SafeStr_5659); } public function set _SafeStr_5664(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_5659 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_5665():int { return (this._SafeStr_5660); } public function set _SafeStr_5665(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_5660 = k; } public function dispose():void { if (this._SafeStr_5657 != null){ this._SafeStr_5657.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5657 = null; }; } override public function set bitmapData(k:BitmapData):void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_5018; if (k == bitmapData){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_5657 != null){ this._SafeStr_5657.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5657 = null; }; if (k != null){ this._SafeStr_5658 = k.width; this._height = k.height; _local_2 = (k as _SafeStr_5018); if (_local_2 != null){ _local_2._SafeStr_5666(); this._SafeStr_5657 = _local_2; }; } else { this._SafeStr_5658 = 0; this._height = 0; this._updateID1 = -1; this._updateID2 = -1; }; super.bitmapData = k; } public function _SafeStr_5667(k:int, _arg_2:int):Boolean { if (((!((k == this._updateID1))) || (!((_arg_2 == this._updateID2))))){ this._updateID1 = k; this._updateID2 = _arg_2; return (true); }; if (((!((this._SafeStr_5657 == null))) && (this._SafeStr_5657.disposed))){ return (true); }; return (false); } override public function hitTestPoint(k:Number, _arg_2:Number, _arg_3:Boolean=false):Boolean { return (this.hitTest(k, _arg_2)); } public function hitTest(k:int, _arg_2:int):Boolean { if ((((this._SafeStr_5651 > 0xFF)) || ((bitmapData == null)))){ return (false); }; if ((((((((k < 0)) || ((_arg_2 < 0)))) || ((k >= this._SafeStr_5658)))) || ((_arg_2 >= this._height)))){ return (false); }; return (this._SafeStr_5668(k, _arg_2)); } private function _SafeStr_5668(k:int, _arg_2:int):Boolean { var _local_4:uint; var _local_3:Boolean; try { _local_4 = bitmapData.getPixel32(k, _arg_2); _local_4 = (_local_4 >> 24); _local_3 = (_local_4 > this._SafeStr_5651); } catch(e:Error) { }; return (_local_3); } } }//package _-05m // _SafeStr_5014 = "_-3lL" (String#3577, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5018 = "_-21o" (String#2025, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5651 = "_-5JO" (String#17138, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5652 = "_-1JZ" (String#32470, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5653 = "_-1sz" (String#3458, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5654 = "_-D7" (String#8426, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5655 = "_-0-h" (String#8619, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5656 = "_-17a" (String#13222, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5657 = "_-5Fm" (String#749, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5658 = "_-2ty" (String#603, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5659 = "_-5hG" (String#27292, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5660 = "_-5HT" (String#27379, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5661 = "_-RY" (String#5239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5662 = "_-17R" (String#5818, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5663 = "_-2Fj" (String#5880, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5664 = "_-68i" (String#21296, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5665 = "_-4Ea" (String#19209, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5666 = "_-34J" (String#12947, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5667 = "_-D5" (String#25899, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5668 = "_-61S" (String#38919, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-05m._SafeStr_5016 package _-05m { public class _SafeStr_5016 { private var _SafeStr_5669:String = ""; private var _SafeStr_5670:String = ""; public function get _SafeStr_5671():String { return (this._SafeStr_5669); } public function set _SafeStr_5671(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_5669 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_5672():String { return (this._SafeStr_5670); } public function set _SafeStr_5672(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_5670 = k; } } }//package _-05m // _SafeStr_5016 = "_-5tu" (String#6979, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5669 = "_-1T1" (String#575, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5670 = "_-5WP" (String#15773, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5671 = "_-6Kh" (String#619, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5672 = "_-Yp" (String#5474, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-05m._SafeStr_5017 package _-05m { import _-h6._SafeStr_4673; import _-h6._SafeStr_4365; public class _SafeStr_5017 implements _SafeStr_4673 { public static const _SafeStr_5673:Number = 100000000; private var _x:int = 0; private var _y:int = 0; private var _z:Number = 0; public var name:String = ""; private var _SafeStr_5674:_SafeStr_4365 = null; public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5674 = null; this._z = -(_SafeStr_5673); } public function get x():int { return (this._x); } public function set x(k:int):void { this._x = k; } public function get y():int { return (this._y); } public function set y(k:int):void { this._y = k; } public function get z():Number { return (this._z); } public function set z(k:Number):void { this._z = k; } public function get sprite():_SafeStr_4365 { return (this._SafeStr_5674); } public function set sprite(k:_SafeStr_4365):void { this._SafeStr_5674 = k; } } }//package _-05m // _SafeStr_4365 = "_-2Ih" (String#1252, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4673 = "_-EF" (String#11580, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5017 = "_-1ud" (String#3576, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5673 = "_-32f" (String#25968, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5674 = "_-3AF" (String#6863, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-05m._SafeStr_5018 package _-05m { import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.geom.Point; public class _SafeStr_5018 extends BitmapData { private static const _SafeStr_5675:Point = new Point(0, 0); private var _SafeStr_5676:int = 0; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; public function _SafeStr_5018(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:Boolean=true, _arg_4:uint=0) { super(k, _arg_2, _arg_3, _arg_4); } public function get _SafeStr_5677():int { return (this._SafeStr_5676); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function _SafeStr_5666():void { this._SafeStr_5676++; } override public function dispose():void { if (this._disposed){ return; }; if (--this._SafeStr_5676 <= 0){ super.dispose(); this._disposed = true; }; } override public function clone():BitmapData { var data:_SafeStr_5018; try { data = new _SafeStr_5018(width, height, true, 0xFFFFFF); data.copyPixels(this, rect, _SafeStr_5675, null, null, true); } catch(e:Error) { data = new _SafeStr_5018(1, 1, true, 0xFFFFFF); }; return (data); } } }//package _-05m // _SafeStr_5018 = "_-21o" (String#2025, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5666 = "_-34J" (String#12947, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5675 = "_-21B" (String#4816, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5676 = "_-22m" (String#5890, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5677 = "_-6i5" (String#34106, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-07a._SafeStr_3160 package _-07a { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3160 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5678:int; public function _SafeStr_3160(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5678 = k; } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._SafeStr_5678]); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-07a // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3160 = "_-0Vd" (String#13896, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5678 = "_-2V2" (String#3488, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-07a._SafeStr_3165 package _-07a { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3165 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5679:int = 0; public function _SafeStr_3165(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5679 = k; } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5679 = 0; } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._SafeStr_5679]); } } }//package _-07a // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3165 = "_-05V" (String#16512, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5679 = "_-0BR" (String#7281, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-07a._SafeStr_3174 package _-07a { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3174 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5680:String; public function _SafeStr_3174(k:String) { this._SafeStr_5680 = k; } public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._SafeStr_5680]); } } }//package _-07a // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3174 = "_-6IN" (String#13542, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5680 = "_-22g" (String#3221, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-07a._SafeStr_3177 package _-07a { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3177 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5681:int; public function _SafeStr_3177(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5681 = k; } public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._SafeStr_5681]); } } }//package _-07a // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3177 = "_-4WV" (String#14776, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5681 = "_-XC" (String#985, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-07a._SafeStr_3180 package _-07a { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3180 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5682:int; public function _SafeStr_3180(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5682 = k; } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._SafeStr_5682]); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-07a // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3180 = "_-z7" (String#14192, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5682 = "_-69K" (String#27619, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-07a._SafeStr_3990 package _-07a { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3990 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5683:int; private var _SafeStr_5684:int; public function _SafeStr_3990(k:int, _arg_2:int) { this._SafeStr_5683 = k; this._SafeStr_5684 = _arg_2; } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._SafeStr_5683, this._SafeStr_5684]); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-07a // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3990 = "_-6eq" (String#15556, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5683 = "_-3KX" (String#16967, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5684 = "_-1mk" (String#29339, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-07a._SafeStr_4059 package _-07a { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4059 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5685:int; public function _SafeStr_4059(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5685 = k; } public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._SafeStr_5685]); } } }//package _-07a // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4059 = "_-0tk" (String#14580, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5685 = "_-2ci" (String#1143, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-07a._SafeStr_4067 package _-07a { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4067 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4067(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-07a // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4067 = "_-0ut" (String#14488, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-07a._SafeStr_4260 package _-07a { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4260 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([]); } } }//package _-07a // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4260 = "_-Vb" (String#16275, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-07a._SafeStr_4287 package _-07a { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4287 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5687:int; public function _SafeStr_4287(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5687 = k; } public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._SafeStr_5687]); } } }//package _-07a // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4287 = "_-T0" (String#15726, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5687 = "_-2Ca" (String#462, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-8._SafeStr_2305 package _-0-8 { import flash.geom.Point; public interface _SafeStr_2305 { function get scale():Number; function get _SafeStr_5688():_SafeStr_2307; function get direction():_SafeStr_2307; function _SafeStr_5689(_arg_1:_SafeStr_2307):_SafeStr_2307; function _SafeStr_5690(_arg_1:_SafeStr_2307):Point; function _SafeStr_5691(_arg_1:_SafeStr_2307):_SafeStr_2307; function _SafeStr_5692(_arg_1:Point, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_3:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_4:_SafeStr_2307):Point; function _SafeStr_5693(_arg_1:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307):void; function _SafeStr_5694(_arg_1:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:Number):void; function _SafeStr_5695():void; function _SafeStr_5696():void; function _SafeStr_5697():void; function _SafeStr_5698():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_5699():int; function set _SafeStr_5700(_arg_1:Number):void; } }//package _-0-8 // _SafeStr_2305 = "_-cg" (String#1071, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2307 = "_-3nQ" (String#260, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5688 = "_-dI" (String#17416, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5689 = "_-4rd" (String#12871, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5690 = "_-QU" (String#3192, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5691 = "_-1vv" (String#5517, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5692 = "_-im" (String#31539, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5693 = "_-3VB" (String#30757, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5694 = "_-3nE" (String#11977, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5695 = "_-3Z4" (String#31122, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5696 = "_-11a" (String#22563, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5697 = "_-2Gc" (String#25278, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5698 = "_-3Be" (String#11814, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5699 = "_-0xx" (String#4673, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5700 = "_-4pv" (String#23785, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-8._SafeStr_2307 package _-0-8 { public interface _SafeStr_2307 { function get x():Number; function get y():Number; function get z():Number; function get length():Number; } }//package _-0-8 // _SafeStr_2307 = "_-3nQ" (String#260, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-8._SafeStr_2308 package _-0-8 { public class _SafeStr_2308 implements _SafeStr_2307 { private var _x:Number; private var _y:Number; private var _z:Number; private var _SafeStr_5701:Number = NaN; public function _SafeStr_2308(k:Number=0, _arg_2:Number=0, _arg_3:Number=0) { this._x = k; this._y = _arg_2; this._z = _arg_3; } public static function sum(k:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307):_SafeStr_2308 { if ((((k == null)) || ((_arg_2 == null)))){ return (null); }; var _local_3:_SafeStr_2308 = new (_SafeStr_2308)((k.x + _arg_2.x), (k.y + _arg_2.y), (k.z + _arg_2.z)); return (_local_3); } public static function _SafeStr_5702(k:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307):_SafeStr_2308 { if ((((k == null)) || ((_arg_2 == null)))){ return (null); }; var _local_3:_SafeStr_2308 = new (_SafeStr_2308)((k.x - _arg_2.x), (k.y - _arg_2.y), (k.z - _arg_2.z)); return (_local_3); } public static function product(k:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:Number):_SafeStr_2308 { if (k == null){ return (null); }; var _local_3:_SafeStr_2308 = new (_SafeStr_2308)((k.x * _arg_2), (k.y * _arg_2), (k.z * _arg_2)); return (_local_3); } public static function _SafeStr_5703(k:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307):Number { if ((((k == null)) || ((_arg_2 == null)))){ return (0); }; return ((((k.x * _arg_2.x) + (k.y * _arg_2.y)) + (k.z * _arg_2.z))); } public static function _SafeStr_5704(k:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307):_SafeStr_2308 { if ((((k == null)) || ((_arg_2 == null)))){ return (null); }; var _local_3:_SafeStr_2308 = new (_SafeStr_2308)(((k.y * _arg_2.z) - (k.z * _arg_2.y)), ((k.z * _arg_2.x) - (k.x * _arg_2.z)), ((k.x * _arg_2.y) - (k.y * _arg_2.x))); return (_local_3); } public static function _SafeStr_5705(k:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307):Number { if ((((k == null)) || ((_arg_2 == null)))){ return (-1); }; var _local_3:Number = _arg_2.length; if (_local_3 > 0){ return (((((k.x * _arg_2.x) + (k.y * _arg_2.y)) + (k.z * _arg_2.z)) / _local_3)); }; return (-1); } public static function cosAngle(k:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307):Number { if ((((k == null)) || ((_arg_2 == null)))){ return (0); }; var _local_3:Number = (k.length * _arg_2.length); if (_local_3 == 0){ return (0); }; return ((_SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5703(k, _arg_2) / _local_3)); } public static function _SafeStr_5706(k:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307):Boolean { if ((((k == null)) || ((_arg_2 == null)))){ return (false); }; if ((((((k.x == _arg_2.x)) && ((k.y == _arg_2.y)))) && ((k.z == _arg_2.z)))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function get x():Number { return (this._x); } public function get y():Number { return (this._y); } public function get z():Number { return (this._z); } public function get length():Number { if (isNaN(this._SafeStr_5701)){ this._SafeStr_5701 = Math.sqrt((((this._x * this._x) + (this._y * this._y)) + (this._z * this._z))); }; return (this._SafeStr_5701); } public function set x(k:Number):void { this._x = k; this._SafeStr_5701 = NaN; } public function set y(k:Number):void { this._y = k; this._SafeStr_5701 = NaN; } public function set z(k:Number):void { this._z = k; this._SafeStr_5701 = NaN; } public function _SafeStr_5707():void { this._x = -(this._x); this._y = -(this._y); this._z = -(this._z); } public function add(k:_SafeStr_2307):void { if (k == null){ return; }; this._x = (this._x + k.x); this._y = (this._y + k.y); this._z = (this._z + k.z); this._SafeStr_5701 = NaN; } public function _SafeStr_5708(k:_SafeStr_2307):void { if (k == null){ return; }; this._x = (this._x - k.x); this._y = (this._y - k.y); this._z = (this._z - k.z); this._SafeStr_5701 = NaN; } public function _SafeStr_5709(k:Number):void { this._x = (this._x * k); this._y = (this._y * k); this._z = (this._z * k); this._SafeStr_5701 = NaN; } public function div(k:Number):void { if (k != 0){ this._x = (this._x / k); this._y = (this._y / k); this._z = (this._z / k); this._SafeStr_5701 = NaN; }; } public function _SafeStr_5710(k:_SafeStr_2307):void { if (k == null){ return; }; this._x = k.x; this._y = k.y; this._z = k.z; this._SafeStr_5701 = NaN; } public function toString():String { return ((("(" + [this._x, this._y, this._z].join(",")) + ")")); } } }//package _-0-8 // _SafeStr_2307 = "_-3nQ" (String#260, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2308 = "_-1e-" (String#156, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5701 = "_-1Ux" (String#5534, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5702 = "_-22t" (String#7238, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5703 = "_-4Qy" (String#22369, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5704 = "_-5Zw" (String#10609, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5705 = "_-Uq" (String#6383, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5706 = "_-1GM" (String#21052, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5707 = "_-45q" (String#13493, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5708 = "_-65b" (String#20783, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5709 = "_-3E2" (String#8334, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5710 = "_-2Pb" (String#1343, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-8._SafeStr_2806 package _-0-8 { public class _SafeStr_2806 { private static const _SafeStr_5711:int = 0x7FFF0000; public static function _SafeStr_5712(k:int):int { return (((k & 0xFFFF) + _SafeStr_5711)); } public static function _SafeStr_5713(k:int):Boolean { return ((k >= _SafeStr_5711)); } } }//package _-0-8 // _SafeStr_2806 = "_-63z" (String#12903, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5711 = "_-61h" (String#19294, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5712 = "case" (String#36320, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5713 = "_-67j" (String#24359, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-8._SafeStr_2859 package _-0-8 { import flash.utils.getTimer; public class _SafeStr_2859 { public static const _SafeStr_5714:int = 0; public static const _SafeStr_5715:int = 1; public static const _SafeStr_5716:int = 2; public static const _SafeStr_5717:int = 3; private static var _SafeStr_5718:int = _SafeStr_5714;//0 private static var _SafeStr_5719:Boolean = false; private static var _SafeStr_5720:Number; private static var _SafeStr_5721:int = 0; private static var _SafeStr_5722:int = (20 * 1000);//20000 private static var _SafeStr_5723:int = 2000; public static function init(k:int, _arg_2:int):void { _SafeStr_5720 = 0; _SafeStr_5722 = k; _SafeStr_5723 = _arg_2; _SafeStr_5721 = getTimer(); _SafeStr_5718 = _SafeStr_5715; } public static function _SafeStr_5724():void { if ((((_SafeStr_5718 == _SafeStr_5714)) || ((_SafeStr_5718 == _SafeStr_5717)))){ return; }; var k:int = (getTimer() - _SafeStr_5721); if (k > (_SafeStr_5722 + _SafeStr_5723)){ _SafeStr_5718 = _SafeStr_5717; return; }; _SafeStr_5719 = true; if (k < _SafeStr_5722){ _SafeStr_5718 = _SafeStr_5715; return; }; _SafeStr_5718 = _SafeStr_5716; _SafeStr_5720 = ((k - _SafeStr_5722) / _SafeStr_5723); } public static function _SafeStr_5725():void { _SafeStr_5719 = false; } public static function _SafeStr_5726():Boolean { return (((_SafeStr_5719) && (_SafeStr_5727()))); } public static function _SafeStr_5727():Boolean { if ((((_SafeStr_5718 == _SafeStr_5715)) || ((_SafeStr_5718 == _SafeStr_5716)))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public static function _SafeStr_5728(k:Number=0, _arg_2:Number=1):Number { return (Math.min(Math.max(_SafeStr_5720, k), _arg_2)); } public static function get _SafeStr_5729():int { return ((_SafeStr_5722 + _SafeStr_5723)); } } }//package _-0-8 // _SafeStr_2859 = "_-4bn" (String#4161, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5714 = "_-gY" (String#18674, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5715 = "_-54m" (String#13984, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5716 = "_-50U" (String#17677, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5717 = "_-Fb" (String#17779, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5718 = "_-2XZ" (String#413, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5719 = "_-5ks" (String#11096, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5720 = "_-4s" (String#16754, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5721 = "_-4Ss" (String#13873, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5722 = "_-1Y2" (String#8968, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5723 = "_-fA" (String#11276, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5724 = "_-pJ" (String#33433, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5725 = "_-0II" (String#32667, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5726 = "_-41Z" (String#30569, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5727 = "_-5Vb" (String#5002, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5728 = "_-0kE" (String#21889, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5729 = "_-3n5" (String#25225, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-8._SafeStr_3049 package _-0-8 { public class _SafeStr_3049 { private var _SafeStr_5730:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_5731:Array; private var _SafeStr_5732:Array; public function _SafeStr_3049(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5731 = []; this._SafeStr_5732 = []; super(); if (k < 0){ k = 0; }; var _local_2:int; while (_local_2 < k) { this._SafeStr_5732.push(_local_2); _local_2++; }; } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5731 = null; this._SafeStr_5732 = null; this._SafeStr_5730 = 0; } public function _SafeStr_5733():int { var k:int; if (this._SafeStr_5732.length > 0){ k = (this._SafeStr_5732.pop() as int); this._SafeStr_5731.push(k); return (k); }; return (-1); } public function _SafeStr_5734(k:int):void { var _local_2:int = this._SafeStr_5731.indexOf(k); if (_local_2 >= 0){ this._SafeStr_5731.splice(_local_2, 1); this._SafeStr_5732.push(k); }; } } }//package _-0-8 // _SafeStr_3049 = "_-61E" (String#9579, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5730 = "_-3l1" (String#11826, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5731 = "_-0hE" (String#14965, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5732 = "_-3jR" (String#11757, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5733 = "_-5xb" (String#26805, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5734 = "_-2qG" (String#17277, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-8._SafeStr_3066 package _-0-8 { import _-15X.Map; import flash.geom.Point; public class _SafeStr_3066 implements _SafeStr_2305 { public static const _SafeStr_5735:Number = 64; public static const _SafeStr_5736:Number = 32; private var _SafeStr_5737:int = 0; private var _x:_SafeStr_2308; private var _y:_SafeStr_2308; private var _z:_SafeStr_2308; private var _SafeStr_5738:_SafeStr_2308; private var _location:_SafeStr_2308; private var _SafeStr_5739:_SafeStr_2308; private var _SafeStr_5740:_SafeStr_2308; private var _SafeStr_5741:Number = 1; private var _SafeStr_5742:Number = 1; private var _SafeStr_5743:Number = 1; private var _SafeStr_5744:Number = 1; private var _SafeStr_5745:Number = 1; private var _SafeStr_5746:Number = 1; private var _SafeStr_5747:Number = 1; private var _SafeStr_5748:_SafeStr_2308; private var _SafeStr_5749:_SafeStr_2308; private var _SafeStr_5750:Number = -500; private var _SafeStr_5751:Number = 500; private var _SafeStr_5752:Map = null; public function _SafeStr_3066(k:Number, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_3:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_4:_SafeStr_2307=null) { this.scale = k; this._x = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._y = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._z = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._SafeStr_5738 = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._location = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._SafeStr_5739 = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._SafeStr_5740 = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._SafeStr_5745 = 1; this._SafeStr_5746 = 1; this._SafeStr_5753 = 1; this._SafeStr_5754 = 1; this._SafeStr_5747 = (Math.sqrt((1 / 2)) / Math.sqrt((3 / 4))); this._SafeStr_5700 = 1; this.location = new _SafeStr_2308(_arg_3.x, _arg_3.y, _arg_3.z); this.direction = new _SafeStr_2308(_arg_2.x, _arg_2.y, _arg_2.z); if (_arg_4 != null){ this._SafeStr_5755(_arg_4); } else { this._SafeStr_5755(_arg_2); }; this._SafeStr_5752 = new Map(); } public static function getIntersectionVector(k:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_3:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_4:_SafeStr_2307):_SafeStr_2307 { var _local_5:Number = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5703(_arg_2, _arg_4); if (Math.abs(_local_5) < 1E-5){ return (null); }; var _local_6:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5702(k, _arg_3); var _local_7:Number = (-(_SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5703(_arg_4, _local_6)) / _local_5); var _local_8:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(k, _SafeStr_2308.product(_arg_2, _local_7)); return (_local_8); } public function get _SafeStr_5699():int { return (this._SafeStr_5737); } public function get scale():Number { return ((this._SafeStr_5741 / Math.sqrt(0.5))); } public function get _SafeStr_5688():_SafeStr_2307 { return (this._SafeStr_5738); } public function get location():_SafeStr_2307 { this._location._SafeStr_5710(this._SafeStr_5748); this._location.x = (this._location.x * this._SafeStr_5742); this._location.y = (this._location.y * this._SafeStr_5743); this._location.z = (this._location.z * this._SafeStr_5744); return (this._location); } public function get direction():_SafeStr_2307 { return (this._SafeStr_5739); } public function set _SafeStr_5753(k:Number):void { if (this._SafeStr_5742 != (k * this._SafeStr_5745)){ this._SafeStr_5742 = (k * this._SafeStr_5745); this._SafeStr_5737++; }; } public function set _SafeStr_5754(k:Number):void { if (this._SafeStr_5743 != (k * this._SafeStr_5746)){ this._SafeStr_5743 = (k * this._SafeStr_5746); this._SafeStr_5737++; }; } public function set _SafeStr_5700(k:Number):void { if (this._SafeStr_5744 != (k * this._SafeStr_5747)){ this._SafeStr_5744 = (k * this._SafeStr_5747); this._SafeStr_5737++; }; } public function set scale(k:Number):void { if (k <= 1){ k = 1; }; k = (k * Math.sqrt(0.5)); if (k != this._SafeStr_5741){ this._SafeStr_5741 = k; this._SafeStr_5737++; }; } public function set location(k:_SafeStr_2307):void { if (k == null){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_5748 == null){ this._SafeStr_5748 = new _SafeStr_2308(); }; var _local_2:Number = this._SafeStr_5748.x; var _local_3:Number = this._SafeStr_5748.y; var _local_4:Number = this._SafeStr_5748.z; this._SafeStr_5748._SafeStr_5710(k); this._SafeStr_5748.x = (this._SafeStr_5748.x / this._SafeStr_5742); this._SafeStr_5748.y = (this._SafeStr_5748.y / this._SafeStr_5743); this._SafeStr_5748.z = (this._SafeStr_5748.z / this._SafeStr_5744); if (((((!((this._SafeStr_5748.x == _local_2))) || (!((this._SafeStr_5748.y == _local_3))))) || (!((this._SafeStr_5748.z == _local_4))))){ this._SafeStr_5737++; }; } public function set direction(k:_SafeStr_2307):void { var _local_21:Number; var _local_22:Number; var _local_23:_SafeStr_2308; var _local_24:_SafeStr_2308; var _local_25:_SafeStr_2308; if (k == null){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_5749 == null){ this._SafeStr_5749 = new _SafeStr_2308(); }; var _local_2:Number = this._SafeStr_5749.x; var _local_3:Number = this._SafeStr_5749.y; var _local_4:Number = this._SafeStr_5749.z; this._SafeStr_5749._SafeStr_5710(k); this._SafeStr_5739._SafeStr_5710(k); if (((((!((this._SafeStr_5749.x == _local_2))) || (!((this._SafeStr_5749.y == _local_3))))) || (!((this._SafeStr_5749.z == _local_4))))){ this._SafeStr_5737++; }; var _local_5:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308(0, 1, 0); var _local_6:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308(0, 0, 1); var _local_7:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308(1, 0, 0); var _local_8:Number = ((k.x / 180) * Math.PI); var _local_9:Number = ((k.y / 180) * Math.PI); var _local_10:Number = ((k.z / 180) * Math.PI); var _local_11:Number = Math.cos(_local_8); var _local_12:Number = Math.sin(_local_8); var _local_13:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.product(_local_5, _local_11), _SafeStr_2308.product(_local_7, -(_local_12))); var _local_14:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308(_local_6.x, _local_6.y, _local_6.z); var _local_15:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.product(_local_5, _local_12), _SafeStr_2308.product(_local_7, _local_11)); var _local_16:Number = Math.cos(_local_9); var _local_17:Number = Math.sin(_local_9); var _local_18:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308(_local_13.x, _local_13.y, _local_13.z); var _local_19:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.product(_local_14, _local_16), _SafeStr_2308.product(_local_15, _local_17)); var _local_20:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.product(_local_14, -(_local_17)), _SafeStr_2308.product(_local_15, _local_16)); if (_local_10 != 0){ _local_21 = Math.cos(_local_10); _local_22 = Math.sin(_local_10); _local_23 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.product(_local_18, _local_21), _SafeStr_2308.product(_local_19, _local_22)); _local_24 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.product(_local_18, -(_local_22)), _SafeStr_2308.product(_local_19, _local_21)); _local_25 = new _SafeStr_2308(_local_20.x, _local_20.y, _local_20.z); this._x._SafeStr_5710(_local_23); this._y._SafeStr_5710(_local_24); this._z._SafeStr_5710(_local_25); this._SafeStr_5738._SafeStr_5710(this._z); } else { this._x._SafeStr_5710(_local_18); this._y._SafeStr_5710(_local_19); this._z._SafeStr_5710(_local_20); this._SafeStr_5738._SafeStr_5710(this._z); }; } public function dispose():void { this._x = null; this._y = null; this._z = null; this._SafeStr_5748 = null; this._SafeStr_5749 = null; this._SafeStr_5738 = null; this._location = null; if (this._SafeStr_5752 != null){ this._SafeStr_5752.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5752 = null; }; } public function _SafeStr_5693(k:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307):void { var _local_3:String; var _local_4:_SafeStr_2308; if ((((k == null)) || ((_arg_2 == null)))){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_5752 != null){ _local_3 = ((((int(Math.round(k.x)) + "_") + int(Math.round(k.y))) + "_") + int(Math.round(k.z))); this._SafeStr_5752.remove(_local_3); _local_4 = new _SafeStr_2308(); _local_4._SafeStr_5710(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5752.add(_local_3, _local_4); this._SafeStr_5737++; }; } private function _SafeStr_5756(k:_SafeStr_2307):_SafeStr_2307 { var _local_2:String; if (this._SafeStr_5752 != null){ _local_2 = ((((int(Math.round(k.x)) + "_") + int(Math.round(k.y))) + "_") + int(Math.round(k.z))); return (this._SafeStr_5752.getValue(_local_2)); }; return (null); } public function _SafeStr_5755(k:_SafeStr_2307):void { var _local_18:Number; var _local_19:Number; var _local_20:_SafeStr_2308; var _local_21:_SafeStr_2308; var _local_22:_SafeStr_2308; var _local_2:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308(0, 1, 0); var _local_3:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308(0, 0, 1); var _local_4:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308(1, 0, 0); var _local_5:Number = ((k.x / 180) * Math.PI); var _local_6:Number = ((k.y / 180) * Math.PI); var _local_7:Number = ((k.z / 180) * Math.PI); var _local_8:Number = Math.cos(_local_5); var _local_9:Number = Math.sin(_local_5); var _local_10:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.product(_local_2, _local_8), _SafeStr_2308.product(_local_4, -(_local_9))); var _local_11:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308(_local_3.x, _local_3.y, _local_3.z); var _local_12:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.product(_local_2, _local_9), _SafeStr_2308.product(_local_4, _local_8)); var _local_13:Number = Math.cos(_local_6); var _local_14:Number = Math.sin(_local_6); var _local_15:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308(_local_10.x, _local_10.y, _local_10.z); var _local_16:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.product(_local_11, _local_13), _SafeStr_2308.product(_local_12, _local_14)); var _local_17:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.product(_local_11, -(_local_14)), _SafeStr_2308.product(_local_12, _local_13)); if (_local_7 != 0){ _local_18 = Math.cos(_local_7); _local_19 = Math.sin(_local_7); _local_20 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.product(_local_15, _local_18), _SafeStr_2308.product(_local_16, _local_19)); _local_21 = _SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.product(_local_15, -(_local_19)), _SafeStr_2308.product(_local_16, _local_18)); _local_22 = new _SafeStr_2308(_local_17.x, _local_17.y, _local_17.z); this._SafeStr_5740._SafeStr_5710(_local_22); } else { this._SafeStr_5740._SafeStr_5710(_local_17); }; this._SafeStr_5737++; } public function _SafeStr_5694(k:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:Number):void { if ((((k == null)) || ((this._z == null)))){ return; }; var _local_3:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308.product(this._z, -(_arg_2)); var _local_4:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308((k.x + _local_3.x), (k.y + _local_3.y), (k.z + _local_3.z)); this.location = _local_4; } public function _SafeStr_5689(k:_SafeStr_2307):_SafeStr_2307 { if (k == null){ return (null); }; var _local_2:Number = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5705(k, this._x); var _local_3:Number = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5705(k, this._y); var _local_4:Number = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5705(k, this._z); var _local_5:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308(_local_2, _local_3, _local_4); return (_local_5); } public function _SafeStr_5691(k:_SafeStr_2307):_SafeStr_2307 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5702(k, this._SafeStr_5748); _local_2.x = (_local_2.x * this._SafeStr_5742); _local_2.y = (_local_2.y * this._SafeStr_5743); _local_2.z = (_local_2.z * this._SafeStr_5744); var _local_3:Number = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5705(_local_2, this._SafeStr_5740); if ((((_local_3 < this._SafeStr_5750)) || ((_local_3 > this._SafeStr_5751)))){ return (null); }; var _local_4:Number = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5705(_local_2, this._x); var _local_5:Number = -(_SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5705(_local_2, this._y)); _local_4 = (_local_4 * this._SafeStr_5741); _local_5 = (_local_5 * this._SafeStr_5741); var _local_6:_SafeStr_2307 = this._SafeStr_5756(k); if (_local_6 != null){ _local_2 = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5702(k, this._SafeStr_5748); _local_2.add(_local_6); _local_2.x = (_local_2.x * this._SafeStr_5742); _local_2.y = (_local_2.y * this._SafeStr_5743); _local_2.z = (_local_2.z * this._SafeStr_5744); _local_3 = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5705(_local_2, this._SafeStr_5740); }; _local_2.x = _local_4; _local_2.y = _local_5; _local_2.z = _local_3; return (_local_2); } public function _SafeStr_5690(k:_SafeStr_2307):Point { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2307 = this._SafeStr_5691(k); if (_local_2 == null){ return (null); }; var _local_3:Point = new Point(_local_2.x, _local_2.y); return (_local_3); } public function _SafeStr_5692(k:Point, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_3:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_4:_SafeStr_2307):Point { var _local_15:Number; var _local_16:Number; var _local_5:Number = (k.x / this._SafeStr_5741); var _local_6:Number = (-(k.y) / this._SafeStr_5741); var _local_7:_SafeStr_2308 = _SafeStr_2308.product(this._x, _local_5); _local_7.add(_SafeStr_2308.product(this._y, _local_6)); var _local_8:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308((this._SafeStr_5748.x * this._SafeStr_5742), (this._SafeStr_5748.y * this._SafeStr_5743), (this._SafeStr_5748.z * this._SafeStr_5744)); _local_8.add(_local_7); var _local_9:_SafeStr_2307 = this._z; var _local_10:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308((_arg_2.x * this._SafeStr_5742), (_arg_2.y * this._SafeStr_5743), (_arg_2.z * this._SafeStr_5744)); var _local_11:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308((_arg_3.x * this._SafeStr_5742), (_arg_3.y * this._SafeStr_5743), (_arg_3.z * this._SafeStr_5744)); var _local_12:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308((_arg_4.x * this._SafeStr_5742), (_arg_4.y * this._SafeStr_5743), (_arg_4.z * this._SafeStr_5744)); var _local_13:_SafeStr_2307 = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5704(_local_11, _local_12); var _local_14:_SafeStr_2308 = new _SafeStr_2308(); _local_14._SafeStr_5710(_SafeStr_3066.getIntersectionVector(_local_8, _local_9, _local_10, _local_13)); if (_local_14 != null){ _local_14._SafeStr_5708(_local_10); _local_15 = ((_SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5705(_local_14, _arg_3) / _local_11.length) * _arg_3.length); _local_16 = ((_SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5705(_local_14, _arg_4) / _local_12.length) * _arg_4.length); return (new Point(_local_15, _local_16)); }; return (null); } public function _SafeStr_5695():void { if (this._SafeStr_5698()){ this.scale = _SafeStr_5736; } else { this.scale = _SafeStr_5735; }; } public function _SafeStr_5698():Boolean { return ((this.scale == _SafeStr_5735)); } public function _SafeStr_5696():void { this.scale = _SafeStr_5736; } public function _SafeStr_5697():void { this.scale = _SafeStr_5735; } } }//package _-0-8 // _SafeStr_2305 = "_-cg" (String#1071, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2307 = "_-3nQ" (String#260, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2308 = "_-1e-" (String#156, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3066 = "_-6GR" (String#3122, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5688 = "_-dI" (String#17416, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5689 = "_-4rd" (String#12871, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5690 = "_-QU" (String#3192, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5691 = "_-1vv" (String#5517, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5692 = "_-im" (String#31539, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5693 = "_-3VB" (String#30757, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5694 = "_-3nE" (String#11977, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5695 = "_-3Z4" (String#31122, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5696 = "_-11a" (String#22563, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5697 = "_-2Gc" (String#25278, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5698 = "_-3Be" (String#11814, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5699 = "_-0xx" (String#4673, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5700 = "_-4pv" (String#23785, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5702 = "_-22t" (String#7238, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5703 = "_-4Qy" (String#22369, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5704 = "_-5Zw" (String#10609, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5705 = "_-Uq" (String#6383, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5708 = "_-65b" (String#20783, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5710 = "_-2Pb" (String#1343, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5735 = "_-0v0" (String#9983, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5736 = "_-0qH" (String#15489, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5737 = "_-36o" (String#4777, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5738 = "_-4ea" (String#13902, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5739 = "_-5u2" (String#1226, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5740 = "_-0XP" (String#6500, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5741 = "_-3KQ" (String#1072, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5742 = "_-15M" (String#7479, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5743 = "_-1sT" (String#7390, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5744 = "_-4fh" (String#7301, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5745 = "_-5JC" (String#23623, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5746 = "_-1-6" (String#22242, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5747 = "_-4Fm" (String#25960, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5748 = "_-4X9" (String#1279, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5749 = "_-0bS" (String#2037, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5750 = "_-5Qr" (String#39006, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5751 = "_-3-c" (String#38139, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5752 = "_-iy" (String#8144, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5753 = "_-3bH" (String#37788, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5754 = "_-6HN" (String#33813, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5755 = "_-5Zy" (String#27536, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5756 = "_-1Rs" (String#35167, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-8._SafeStr_3706 package _-0-8 { public class _SafeStr_3706 { public static function _SafeStr_5757(k:int):int { var _local_2:Number = (((k >> 16) & 0xFF) / 0xFF); var _local_3:Number = (((k >> 8) & 0xFF) / 0xFF); var _local_4:Number = ((k & 0xFF) / 0xFF); var _local_5:Number = Math.max(_local_2, _local_3, _local_4); var _local_6:Number = Math.min(_local_2, _local_3, _local_4); var _local_7:Number = (_local_5 - _local_6); var _local_8:Number = 0; var _local_9:Number = 0; var _local_10:Number = 0; if (_local_7 == 0){ _local_8 = 0; } else { if (_local_5 == _local_2){ if (_local_3 > _local_4){ _local_8 = ((60 * (_local_3 - _local_4)) / _local_7); } else { _local_8 = (((60 * (_local_3 - _local_4)) / _local_7) + 360); }; } else { if (_local_5 == _local_3){ _local_8 = (((60 * (_local_4 - _local_2)) / _local_7) + 120); } else { if (_local_5 == _local_4){ _local_8 = (((60 * (_local_2 - _local_3)) / _local_7) + 240); }; }; }; }; _local_9 = (0.5 * (_local_5 + _local_6)); if (_local_7 == 0){ _local_10 = 0; } else { if (_local_9 <= 0.5){ _local_10 = ((_local_7 / _local_9) * 0.5); } else { _local_10 = ((_local_7 / (1 - _local_9)) * 0.5); }; }; var _local_11:int = Math.round(((_local_8 / 360) * 0xFF)); var _local_12:int = Math.round((_local_10 * 0xFF)); var _local_13:int = Math.round((_local_9 * 0xFF)); var _local_14:int = (((_local_11 << 16) + (_local_12 << 8)) + _local_13); return (_local_14); } public static function _SafeStr_5758(k:int):int { var _local_12:Number; var _local_13:Number; var _local_14:Number; var _local_15:Number; var _local_16:Number; var _local_2:Number = (((k >> 16) & 0xFF) / 0xFF); var _local_3:Number = (((k >> 8) & 0xFF) / 0xFF); var _local_4:Number = ((k & 0xFF) / 0xFF); var _local_5:Number = 0; var _local_6:Number = 0; var _local_7:Number = 0; if (_local_3 > 0){ _local_12 = 0; _local_13 = 0; if (_local_4 < 0.5){ _local_12 = (_local_4 * (1 + _local_3)); } else { _local_12 = ((_local_4 + _local_3) - (_local_4 * _local_3)); }; _local_13 = ((2 * _local_4) - _local_12); _local_14 = (_local_2 + (1 / 3)); _local_15 = _local_2; _local_16 = (_local_2 - (1 / 3)); if (_local_14 < 0){ _local_14 = (_local_14 + 1); } else { if (_local_14 > 1){ _local_14--; }; }; if (_local_15 < 0){ _local_15 = (_local_15 + 1); } else { if (_local_15 > 1){ _local_15--; }; }; if (_local_16 < 0){ _local_16 = (_local_16 + 1); } else { if (_local_16 > 1){ _local_16--; }; }; if ((_local_14 * 6) < 1){ _local_5 = (_local_13 + (((_local_12 - _local_13) * 6) * _local_14)); } else { if ((_local_14 * 2) < 1){ _local_5 = _local_12; } else { if ((_local_14 * 3) < 2){ _local_5 = (_local_13 + (((_local_12 - _local_13) * 6) * ((2 / 3) - _local_14))); } else { _local_5 = _local_13; }; }; }; if ((_local_15 * 6) < 1){ _local_6 = (_local_13 + (((_local_12 - _local_13) * 6) * _local_15)); } else { if ((_local_15 * 2) < 1){ _local_6 = _local_12; } else { if ((_local_15 * 3) < 2){ _local_6 = (_local_13 + (((_local_12 - _local_13) * 6) * ((2 / 3) - _local_15))); } else { _local_6 = _local_13; }; }; }; if ((_local_16 * 6) < 1){ _local_7 = (_local_13 + (((_local_12 - _local_13) * 6) * _local_16)); } else { if ((_local_16 * 2) < 1){ _local_7 = _local_12; } else { if ((_local_16 * 3) < 2){ _local_7 = (_local_13 + (((_local_12 - _local_13) * 6) * ((2 / 3) - _local_16))); } else { _local_7 = _local_13; }; }; }; } else { _local_5 = _local_4; _local_6 = _local_4; _local_7 = _local_4; }; var _local_8:int = Math.round((_local_5 * 0xFF)); var _local_9:int = Math.round((_local_6 * 0xFF)); var _local_10:int = Math.round((_local_7 * 0xFF)); var _local_11:int = (((_local_8 << 16) + (_local_9 << 8)) + _local_10); return (_local_11); } public static function rgb2xyz(k:int):_SafeStr_2307 { var _local_2:Number = (((k >> 16) & 0xFF) / 0xFF); var _local_3:Number = (((k >> 8) & 0xFF) / 0xFF); var _local_4:Number = (((k >> 0) & 0xFF) / 0xFF); if (_local_2 > 0.04045){ _local_2 = Math.pow(((_local_2 + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); } else { _local_2 = (_local_2 / 12.92); }; if (_local_3 > 0.04045){ _local_3 = Math.pow(((_local_3 + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); } else { _local_3 = (_local_3 / 12.92); }; if (_local_4 > 0.04045){ _local_4 = Math.pow(((_local_4 + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); } else { _local_4 = (_local_4 / 12.92); }; _local_2 = (_local_2 * 100); _local_3 = (_local_3 * 100); _local_4 = (_local_4 * 100); return (new _SafeStr_2308((((_local_2 * 0.4124) + (_local_3 * 0.3576)) + (_local_4 * 0.1805)), (((_local_2 * 0.2126) + (_local_3 * 0.7152)) + (_local_4 * 0.0722)), (((_local_2 * 0.0193) + (_local_3 * 0.1192)) + (_local_4 * 0.9505)))); } public static function _SafeStr_5759(k:_SafeStr_2307):_SafeStr_2307 { var _local_2:Number = (k.x / 95.047); var _local_3:Number = (k.y / 100); var _local_4:Number = (k.z / 108.883); if (_local_2 > 0.008856){ _local_2 = Math.pow(_local_2, (1 / 3)); } else { _local_2 = ((7.787 * _local_2) + (16 / 116)); }; if (_local_3 > 0.008856){ _local_3 = Math.pow(_local_3, (1 / 3)); } else { _local_3 = ((7.787 * _local_3) + (16 / 116)); }; if (_local_4 > 0.008856){ _local_4 = Math.pow(_local_4, (1 / 3)); } else { _local_4 = ((7.787 * _local_4) + (16 / 116)); }; return (new _SafeStr_2308(((116 * _local_3) - 16), (500 * (_local_2 - _local_3)), (200 * (_local_3 - _local_4)))); } public static function rgb2CieLab(k:int):_SafeStr_2307 { return (_SafeStr_3706._SafeStr_5759(_SafeStr_3706.rgb2xyz(k))); } } }//package _-0-8 // _SafeStr_2307 = "_-3nQ" (String#260, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2308 = "_-1e-" (String#156, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3706 = "_-585" (String#5773, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5757 = "_-3yH" (String#27735, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5758 = "_-2ys" (String#17237, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5759 = "_-3Bv" (String#38376, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-8._SafeStr_5019 package _-0-8 { import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Matrix; public class _SafeStr_5019 { public static function line(k:BitmapData, _arg_2:Point, _arg_3:Point, _arg_4:int):void { var _local_5:int; var _local_6:int; var _local_7:int; var _local_8:int; var _local_9:int; var _local_10:int; var _local_11:int = _arg_2.x; var _local_12:int = _arg_2.y; _local_5 = (_arg_3.x - _arg_2.x); _local_6 = (_arg_3.y - _arg_2.y); _local_8 = (((_local_5)>0) ? 1 : -1); _local_9 = (((_local_6)>0) ? 1 : -1); _local_5 = Math.abs(_local_5); _local_6 = Math.abs(_local_6); k.lock(); k.setPixel32(_local_11, _local_12, _arg_4); if ((((_local_5 == 0)) && ((_local_6 == 0)))){ return; }; if (_local_5 > _local_6){ _local_7 = (_local_5 - 1); while (_local_7 >= 0) { _local_10 = (_local_10 + _local_6); _local_11 = (_local_11 + _local_8); if (_local_10 >= (_local_5 / 2)){ _local_10 = (_local_10 - _local_5); _local_12 = (_local_12 + _local_9); }; k.setPixel32(_local_11, _local_12, _arg_4); _local_7--; }; } else { _local_7 = (_local_6 - 1); while (_local_7 >= 0) { _local_10 = (_local_10 + _local_5); _local_12 = (_local_12 + _local_9); if (_local_10 >= (_local_6 / 2)){ _local_10 = (_local_10 - _local_6); _local_11 = (_local_11 + _local_8); }; k.setPixel32(_local_11, _local_12, _arg_4); _local_7--; }; }; k.setPixel32(_arg_3.x, _arg_3.y, _arg_4); k.unlock(); } public static function _SafeStr_5760(k:BitmapData):BitmapData { if (k == null){ return (null); }; var _local_2:BitmapData; _local_2 = new BitmapData(k.width, k.height, true, 0xFFFFFF); var _local_3:Matrix = new Matrix(); _local_3.scale(-1, 1); _local_3.translate(k.width, 0); _local_2.draw(k, _local_3); return (_local_2); } public static function _SafeStr_5761(k:BitmapData):BitmapData { if (k == null){ return (null); }; var _local_2:BitmapData; _local_2 = new BitmapData(k.width, k.height, true, 0xFFFFFF); var _local_3:Matrix = new Matrix(); _local_3.scale(1, -1); _local_3.translate(0, k.height); _local_2.draw(k, _local_3); return (_local_2); } public static function _SafeStr_5762(k:BitmapData):BitmapData { if (k == null){ return (null); }; var _local_2:BitmapData; _local_2 = new BitmapData(k.width, k.height, true, 0xFFFFFF); var _local_3:Matrix = new Matrix(); _local_3.scale(-1, -1); _local_3.translate(k.width, k.height); _local_2.draw(k, _local_3); return (_local_2); } } }//package _-0-8 // _SafeStr_5019 = "_-4rR" (String#7237, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5760 = "_-3Kq" (String#24432, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5761 = "_-492" (String#31947, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5762 = "_-3tD" (String#26145, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-8._SafeStr_5053 package _-0-8 { import flash.geom.Point; public class _SafeStr_5053 { public static function sum(k:Point, _arg_2:Point):Point { return (new Point((k.x + _arg_2.x), (k.y + _arg_2.y))); } public static function _SafeStr_5708(k:Point, _arg_2:Point):Point { return (new Point((k.x - _arg_2.x), (k.y - _arg_2.y))); } public static function _SafeStr_5709(k:Point, _arg_2:Number):Point { return (new Point((k.x * _arg_2), (k.y * _arg_2))); } } }//package _-0-8 // _SafeStr_5053 = "_-1U5" (String#18601, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5708 = "_-65b" (String#20783, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5709 = "_-3E2" (String#8334, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-8.XMLValidator package _-0-8 { public class XMLValidator { public static function _SafeStr_5763(k:Object, _arg_2:Array):Boolean { var _local_4:XML; var _local_5:XMLList; if ((((k == null)) || ((_arg_2 == null)))){ return (false); }; var _local_3:int; if ((k is XML)){ _local_4 = (k as XML); _local_3 = 0; while (_local_3 < _arg_2.length) { if (_local_4.attribute(String(_arg_2[_local_3])).length() == 0){ return (false); }; _local_3++; }; } else { if ((k is XMLList)){ _local_5 = (k as XMLList); _local_3 = 0; while (_local_3 < _arg_2.length) { if (_local_4.attribute(String(_arg_2[_local_3])).length() == 0){ return (false); }; _local_3++; }; } else { return (false); }; }; return (true); } } }//package _-0-8 // _SafeStr_5763 = "_-5rM" (String#2496, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-082._SafeStr_4095 package _-082 { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-2Xs._SafeStr_4939; public class _SafeStr_4095 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_4095(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_4939); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_4939 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_4939)); } } }//package _-082 // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4095 = "_-1C8" (String#13364, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4939 = "_-4ZR" (String#13185, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-082._SafeStr_4288 package _-082 { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-2Xs._SafeStr_4994; public class _SafeStr_4288 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_4288(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_4994); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_4994 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_4994)); } } }//package _-082 // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4288 = "_-as" (String#12296, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4994 = "_-4Rj" (String#13244, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-082._SafeStr_4311 package _-082 { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-2Xs._SafeStr_5001; public class _SafeStr_4311 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_4311(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_5001); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_5001 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_5001)); } } }//package _-082 // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4311 = "_-1fz" (String#12028, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5001 = "_-4-c" (String#12433, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-09q._SafeStr_184 package _-09q { import flash.text.TextField; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-2mL._SafeStr_183; import flash.text.TextFormat; public class _SafeStr_184 extends TextField implements _SafeStr_3 { protected var _disposed:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5764:_SafeStr_183; public function _SafeStr_184(k:_SafeStr_183) { var _local_2:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Courier New", 8); defaultTextFormat = _local_2; setTextFormat(_local_2); textColor = 0xFFFFFF; width = 10; height = 10; autoSize = "left"; mouseEnabled = false; selectable = false; super(); if (k){ this._SafeStr_5764 = k; this._SafeStr_5764._SafeStr_5765(this.refresh); }; } private static function _SafeStr_5766(k:String, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:String=" ", _arg_4:Boolean=false):String { var _local_5:int = (_arg_2 - k.length); if (_local_5 <= 0){ return (k.substring(0, _arg_2)); }; var _local_6:String = ""; var _local_7:int; while (_local_7 < _local_5) { _local_6 = (_local_6 + _arg_3); _local_7++; }; return (((_arg_4) ? (_local_6 + k) : (k + _local_6))); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function set profiler(k:_SafeStr_183):void { if (((!(this._SafeStr_5764)) && (k))){ this._SafeStr_5764 = k; this._SafeStr_5764._SafeStr_5765(this.refresh); }; } public function get profiler():_SafeStr_183 { return (this._SafeStr_5764); } public function dispose():void { if (!this._disposed){ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; if (this._SafeStr_5764){ this._SafeStr_5764._SafeStr_5767(this.refresh); this._SafeStr_5764 = null; }; this._disposed = true; }; } public function refresh():void { text = (((((((((((((((((((_SafeStr_5766("task", 30) + "|") + _SafeStr_5766("#rounds", 10, " ", true)) + "|") + _SafeStr_5766("latest ms", 10, " ", true)) + "|") + _SafeStr_5766("average ms", 10, " ", true)) + "|") + _SafeStr_5766("total ms", 10, " ", true)) + "|\r") + _SafeStr_5766("", 30, "-")) + "|") + _SafeStr_5766("", 10, "-")) + "|") + _SafeStr_5766("", 10, "-")) + "|") + _SafeStr_5766("", 10, "-")) + "|") + _SafeStr_5766("", 10, "-")) + "|\r"); var k:Array = this._SafeStr_5764._SafeStr_5768(); while (k.length > 0) { this._SafeStr_5769(k.pop(), 0); }; if (parent){ parent.swapChildren(this, parent.getChildAt((parent.numChildren - 1))); }; } private function _SafeStr_5769(k:ProfilerAgentTask, _arg_2:uint):void { text = (text + (((((((((_SafeStr_5766(String(k.name), 30) + "|") + _SafeStr_5766(String(k._SafeStr_5770), 10)) + "|") + _SafeStr_5766(String(k._SafeStr_5771), 10)) + "|") + _SafeStr_5766(String(k.average), 10)) + "|") + _SafeStr_5766(String(k.total), 10)) + "|\r")); var _local_3:uint; while (_local_3 < k._SafeStr_5772) { this._SafeStr_5769(k._SafeStr_5773(_local_3), (_arg_2 + 1)); _local_3++; }; } } }//package _-09q // _SafeStr_183 = "_-20d" (String#2010, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_184 = "_-5ST" (String#2806, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#2665, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5764 = "_-RG" (String#3138, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5765 = "_-2FH" (String#2072, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5766 = "_-0l6" (String#1744, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5767 = "_-Rx" (String#3140, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5768 = "_-0CD" (String#1624, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5769 = "_-521" (String#2697, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5770 = "_-1n4" (String#1954, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5771 = "_-6aZ" (String#3045, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5772 = "_-5MD" (String#2780, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5773 = "_-0Pd" (String#1668, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-09q._SafeStr_192 package _-09q { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-2mL._SafeStr_35; import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName; public class _SafeStr_192 extends ProfilerAgentTask implements _SafeStr_3 { protected var _receiver:_SafeStr_35; public function _SafeStr_192(k:_SafeStr_35) { this._receiver = k; var _local_2:String = getQualifiedClassName(this._receiver); super(_local_2.slice((_local_2.lastIndexOf(":") + 1), _local_2.length)); } public function get receiver():_SafeStr_35 { return (this._receiver); } override public function dispose():void { this._receiver = null; super.dispose(); } public function update(k:int):void { if (!paused){ super.start(); this._receiver.update(k); super.stop(); }; } } }//package _-09q // _SafeStr_192 = "_-3lB" (String#2411, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#2665, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_35 = "_-4V8" (String#2588, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-09q.ProfilerAgentTask package _-09q { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import flash.utils.getTimer; public class ProfilerAgentTask implements _SafeStr_3 { private var _name:String; private var _SafeStr_5774:uint; private var _SafeStr_5775:int; private var _SafeStr_5776:int; private var _SafeStr_5777:Number; private var _SafeStr_5778:String; private var _SafeStr_5779:Boolean; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5780:Array; private var _SafeStr_5781:uint; private var _SafeStr_5782:Boolean = false; public function ProfilerAgentTask(k:String, _arg_2:String="") { this._name = k; this._SafeStr_5774 = 0; this._SafeStr_5777 = 0; this._SafeStr_5779 = false; this._SafeStr_5780 = new Array(); this._SafeStr_5778 = _arg_2; } public function dispose():void { if (!this._disposed){ this._disposed = true; }; } public function start():void { if (!this._SafeStr_5779){ this._SafeStr_5781 = getTimer(); this._SafeStr_5779 = true; }; } public function stop():void { if (this._SafeStr_5779){ this._SafeStr_5776 = (getTimer() - this._SafeStr_5781); this._SafeStr_5774++; this._SafeStr_5775 = (this._SafeStr_5775 + this._SafeStr_5776); this._SafeStr_5777 = (this._SafeStr_5775 / this._SafeStr_5774); this._SafeStr_5779 = false; }; } public function get name():String { return (this._name); } public function get _SafeStr_5770():uint { return (this._SafeStr_5774); } public function get total():int { return (this._SafeStr_5775); } public function get _SafeStr_5771():int { return (this._SafeStr_5776); } public function get average():Number { return (this._SafeStr_5777); } public function get caption():String { return (this._SafeStr_5778); } public function set caption(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_5778 = this.caption; } public function get running():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5779); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function get paused():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5782); } public function set paused(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5782 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_5772():uint { return (this._SafeStr_5780.length); } public function _SafeStr_5783(k:ProfilerAgentTask):void { if (this._SafeStr_5784(k.name) != null){ throw (new Error((('Component profiler task with name "' + k.name) + '" already exists!'))); }; this._SafeStr_5780.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5785(k:ProfilerAgentTask):ProfilerAgentTask { var _local_2:int = this._SafeStr_5780.indexOf(k); if (_local_2 > -1){ this._SafeStr_5780.splice(_local_2, 1); }; return (k); } public function _SafeStr_5773(k:uint):ProfilerAgentTask { return ((this._SafeStr_5780[k] as ProfilerAgentTask)); } public function _SafeStr_5784(k:String):ProfilerAgentTask { var _local_4:ProfilerAgentTask; var _local_2:uint = this._SafeStr_5780.length; var _local_3:uint; while (_local_3 < _local_2) { _local_4 = (this._SafeStr_5780[_local_3++] as ProfilerAgentTask); if (_local_4.name == k){ return (_local_4); }; }; return (null); } } }//package _-09q // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#2665, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5770 = "_-1n4" (String#1954, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5771 = "_-6aZ" (String#3045, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5772 = "_-5MD" (String#2780, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5773 = "_-0Pd" (String#1668, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5774 = "_-4mB" (String#2642, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5775 = "_-2UE" (String#2132, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5776 = "_-0yd" (String#1786, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5777 = "_-2M9" (String#2097, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5778 = "_-0xY" (String#1782, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5779 = "_-T8" (String#3144, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5780 = "_-191" (String#1823, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5781 = "_-2pB" (String#2201, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5782 = "_-5xM" (String#2902, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5783 = "_-26u" (String#2043, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5784 = "_-4He" (String#2530, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5785 = "_-0bV" (String#1709, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ai._SafeStr_3922 package _-0ai { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3922 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_3922(k:String) { this._SafeStr_5686 = new Array(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0ai // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3922 = "_-53e" (String#15233, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ai._SafeStr_3925 package _-0ai { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3925 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_3925(k:String) { this._SafeStr_5686 = new Array(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0ai // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3925 = "_-3fS" (String#11219, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ai._SafeStr_3975 package _-0ai { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3975 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_3975() { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } } }//package _-0ai // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3975 = "_-1xE" (String#9843, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ai._SafeStr_4152 package _-0ai { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4152 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4152(k:int, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:String) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_3); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } } }//package _-0ai // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4152 = "_-j" (String#9960, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ar._SafeStr_2908 package _-0ar { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-0LP._SafeStr_2909; public class _SafeStr_2908 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_2908(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_2909); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_2909 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_2909)); } } }//package _-0ar // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2908 = "_-4XY" (String#13022, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2909 = "_-03J" (String#10354, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ar._SafeStr_3234 package _-0ar { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-0LP._SafeStr_3245; public class _SafeStr_3234 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3234(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3245); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3245 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3245)); } } }//package _-0ar // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3234 = "_-1wl" (String#9079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3245 = "_-3Om" (String#9797, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ar._SafeStr_3237 package _-0ar { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-0LP._SafeStr_3248; public class _SafeStr_3237 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3237(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3248); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3248 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3248)); } } }//package _-0ar // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3237 = "_-1Md" (String#13273, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3248 = "_-3Mw" (String#10611, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ar._SafeStr_3240 package _-0ar { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-0LP._SafeStr_3261; public class _SafeStr_3240 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3240(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3261); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3261 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3261)); } } }//package _-0ar // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3240 = "_-3Z" (String#9273, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3261 = "_-8W" (String#11052, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ar._SafeStr_3255 package _-0ar { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-0LP._SafeStr_3232; public class _SafeStr_3255 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3255(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3232); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3232 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3232)); } } }//package _-0ar // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3232 = "_-1dZ" (String#9817, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3255 = "_-6Z-" (String#8742, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ar._SafeStr_4041 package _-0ar { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-0LP._SafeStr_4929; public class _SafeStr_4041 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_4041(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_4929); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_4929 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_4929)); } } }//package _-0ar // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4041 = "_-3jA" (String#22481, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4929 = "_-1jA" (String#11476, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bq._SafeStr_3835 package _-0Bq { import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import _-59z.BitmapDataAsset; import _-tc.IBitmapWrapperWindow; import flash.events.TimerEvent; public class _SafeStr_3835 extends Icon { private static const _SafeStr_5786:int = 200; private static const _SafeStr_5787:int = 500; private var _assets:_SafeStr_10; public function _SafeStr_3835(k:_SafeStr_10, _arg_2:IBitmapWrapperWindow) { this._assets = k; alignment = (_SafeStr_5788 | _SafeStr_5789); image = (k.getAssetByName("icon_friendlist_png") as BitmapDataAsset); canvas = _arg_2; } override public function dispose():void { if (!disposed){ this._assets = null; super.dispose(); }; } override public function notify(k:Boolean):void { super.notify(k); this.enable(k); _SafeStr_5790(((k) || (_hover)), ((_hover) ? _SafeStr_5786 : _SafeStr_5787)); if (((!(_SafeStr_5791)) && (!(_hover)))){ image = (this._assets.getAssetByName("icon_friendlist_png") as BitmapDataAsset); }; } override public function hover(k:Boolean):void { super.hover(k); _SafeStr_5790(((k) || (_SafeStr_5791)), ((_hover) ? _SafeStr_5786 : _SafeStr_5787)); if (((!(_SafeStr_5791)) && (!(_hover)))){ image = (this._assets.getAssetByName("icon_friendlist_png") as BitmapDataAsset); }; } override public function enable(k:Boolean):void { canvas.blend = ((disabled) ? 0.5 : 1); } override protected function onTimerEvent(k:TimerEvent):void { if (_hover){ _frame = (++_frame % 4); image = (this._assets.getAssetByName((("icon_friendlist_hover_" + _frame) + "_png")) as BitmapDataAsset); } else { if (_SafeStr_5791){ _frame = (++_frame % 2); image = (this._assets.getAssetByName((("icon_friendlist_notify_" + _frame) + "_png")) as BitmapDataAsset); }; }; } } }//package _-0Bq // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3835 = "_-1lu" (String#19129, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5786 = "_-6Jn" (String#19646, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5787 = "_-6MQ" (String#9682, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5788 = "_-4FO" (String#12869, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5789 = "_-3I4" (String#11836, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5790 = "_-1ev" (String#10573, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5791 = "_-3KT" (String#7366, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bq._SafeStr_3837 package _-0Bq { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFormat; import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize; import _-tc.ITextWindow; public class _SafeStr_3837 implements _SafeStr_3 { private var _disposed:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5792:TextField; private var _SafeStr_5793:TextFormat; private var _SafeStr_5794:String = "..."; private var _SafeStr_5795:int = 20; public function _SafeStr_3837() { this._SafeStr_5792 = new TextField(); this._SafeStr_5792.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; this._SafeStr_5793 = this._SafeStr_5792.defaultTextFormat; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function dispose():void { if (!this._disposed){ this._SafeStr_5792 = null; this._disposed = true; }; } public function crop(k:ITextWindow):void { var _local_3:int; this._SafeStr_5793.font = k.fontFace; this._SafeStr_5793.size = k.fontSize; this._SafeStr_5793.bold = k.bold; this._SafeStr_5793.italic = k.italic; this._SafeStr_5792.setTextFormat(this._SafeStr_5793); this._SafeStr_5792.text = k.getLineText(0); var _local_2:int = this._SafeStr_5792.textWidth; if (_local_2 > k.width){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_5792.getCharIndexAtPoint((k.width - this._SafeStr_5795), (this._SafeStr_5792.textHeight / 2)); k.text = (k.text.slice(0, _local_3) + this._SafeStr_5794); }; } } }//package _-0Bq // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3837 = "_-2W2" (String#10493, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5792 = "_-1Dn" (String#1389, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5793 = "_-6TF" (String#8061, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5794 = "_-5nV" (String#33894, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5795 = "_-2X4" (String#38219, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bq._SafeStr_3838 package _-0Bq { import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import _-59z.BitmapDataAsset; import _-tc.IBitmapWrapperWindow; import flash.events.TimerEvent; public class _SafeStr_3838 extends Icon { private static const _SafeStr_5787:int = 500; private var _assets:_SafeStr_10; public function _SafeStr_3838(k:_SafeStr_10, _arg_2:IBitmapWrapperWindow) { this._assets = k; alignment = (_SafeStr_5788 | _SafeStr_5789); image = (k.getAssetByName("icon_messenger_png") as BitmapDataAsset); canvas = _arg_2; } override public function notify(k:Boolean):void { super.notify(k); image = (this._assets.getAssetByName(((k) ? "icon_messenger_notify_1_png" : "icon_messenger_png")) as BitmapDataAsset); _SafeStr_5790(k, _SafeStr_5787); } override public function hover(k:Boolean):void { super.hover(k); } override public function enable(k:Boolean):void { super.enable(k); canvas.visible = k; } override protected function onTimerEvent(k:TimerEvent):void { if (_SafeStr_5791){ _frame = (((_frame == 1)) ? 0 : 1); image = (this._assets.getAssetByName((("icon_messenger_notify_" + _frame) + "_png")) as BitmapDataAsset); }; } } }//package _-0Bq // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3838 = "_-2ZU" (String#18162, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5787 = "_-6MQ" (String#9682, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5788 = "_-4FO" (String#12869, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5789 = "_-3I4" (String#11836, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5790 = "_-1ev" (String#10573, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5791 = "_-3KT" (String#7366, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bq.Icon package _-0Bq { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-59z.BitmapDataAsset; import _-tc.IBitmapWrapperWindow; import flash.utils.Timer; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.events.TimerEvent; public class Icon implements _SafeStr_3 { protected static const _SafeStr_5796:int = 0; protected static const _SafeStr_5788:int = 1; protected static const _SafeStr_5797:int = 2; protected static const _SafeStr_5798:int = 3; protected static const ALIGN_TOP:int = 4; protected static const _SafeStr_5789:int = 8; protected static const _SafeStr_5799:int = 18; protected static const _SafeStr_5800:int = 18; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5801:Boolean = false; protected var _SafeStr_5802:BitmapDataAsset; protected var _SafeStr_5803:IBitmapWrapperWindow; private var _SafeStr_5804:uint; protected var _SafeStr_5805:Timer; protected var _frame:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_5806:Point; protected var _SafeStr_5791:Boolean = false; protected var _hover:Boolean = false; public function Icon() { this._SafeStr_5804 = (_SafeStr_5788 | _SafeStr_5789); this._SafeStr_5806 = new Point(); super(); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function get disabled():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5801); } protected function set image(k:BitmapDataAsset):void { this._SafeStr_5802 = k; this._SafeStr_5807(); } protected function get image():BitmapDataAsset { return (this._SafeStr_5802); } protected function set canvas(k:IBitmapWrapperWindow):void { this._SafeStr_5803 = k; this._SafeStr_5807(); } protected function get canvas():IBitmapWrapperWindow { return (this._SafeStr_5803); } protected function set alignment(k:uint):void { this._SafeStr_5804 = k; this._SafeStr_5807(); } protected function get alignment():uint { return (this._SafeStr_5804); } public function dispose():void { if (!this._disposed){ this._SafeStr_5790(false, 0); this.image = null; this.canvas = null; this._disposed = true; }; } public function notify(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5791 = k; if (((this._SafeStr_5791) && (this._SafeStr_5801))){ this.enable(true); }; } public function hover(k:Boolean):void { this._hover = k; } public function enable(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5801 = !(k); } protected function _SafeStr_5807():void { var k:BitmapData; if (((this._SafeStr_5803) && (!(this._SafeStr_5803.disposed)))){ if (!this._SafeStr_5803.bitmap){ this._SafeStr_5803.bitmap = new BitmapData(this._SafeStr_5803.width, this._SafeStr_5803.height, true, 0); } else { this._SafeStr_5803.bitmap.fillRect(this._SafeStr_5803.bitmap.rect, 0); }; if (((this._SafeStr_5802) && (!(this._SafeStr_5802.disposed)))){ this._SafeStr_5806.x = (this._SafeStr_5806.y = 0); k = (this._SafeStr_5802.content as BitmapData); switch ((this._SafeStr_5804 & _SafeStr_5798)){ case _SafeStr_5788: this._SafeStr_5806.x = ((this._SafeStr_5803.bitmap.width / 2) - (k.width / 2)); break; case _SafeStr_5797: this._SafeStr_5806.x = (this._SafeStr_5803.bitmap.width - k.width); break; }; switch ((this._SafeStr_5804 & _SafeStr_5800)){ case _SafeStr_5789: this._SafeStr_5806.y = ((this._SafeStr_5803.bitmap.height / 2) - (k.height / 2)); break; case _SafeStr_5799: this._SafeStr_5806.y = (this._SafeStr_5803.bitmap.height - k.height); break; }; this._SafeStr_5803.bitmap.copyPixels(k, k.rect, this._SafeStr_5806); this._SafeStr_5803.invalidate(); }; }; } protected function _SafeStr_5790(k:Boolean, _arg_2:int):void { if (k){ if (!this._SafeStr_5805){ this._SafeStr_5805 = new Timer(_arg_2, 0); this._SafeStr_5805.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.onTimerEvent); this._SafeStr_5805.start(); this.onTimerEvent(null); }; this._SafeStr_5805.delay = _arg_2; } else { this._frame = 0; if (this._SafeStr_5805){ this._SafeStr_5805.reset(); this._SafeStr_5805.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.onTimerEvent); this._SafeStr_5805 = null; }; }; } protected function onTimerEvent(k:TimerEvent):void { } } }//package _-0Bq // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5788 = "_-4FO" (String#12869, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5789 = "_-3I4" (String#11836, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5790 = "_-1ev" (String#10573, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5791 = "_-3KT" (String#7366, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5796 = "_-3er" (String#30988, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5797 = "_-24B" (String#21721, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5798 = "_-0Zr" (String#22539, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5799 = "_-4LI" (String#4306, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5800 = "_-Wy" (String#22898, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5801 = "_-1iC" (String#6327, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5802 = "_-6-e" (String#1089, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5803 = "_-6Sk" (String#1070, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5804 = "_-1BA" (String#5546, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5805 = "_-pD" (String#988, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5806 = "_-5y8" (String#9275, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5807 = "_-5E8" (String#8963, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bt._SafeStr_2400 package _-0Bt { import _-5Xu._SafeStr_2399; import _-5GT._SafeStr_2410; import _-5GT.Offer; import _-5GT._SafeStr_3451; import _-5GT._SafeStr_2382; import _-5GT._SafeStr_2383; public class _SafeStr_2400 implements _SafeStr_2399 { private var _SafeStr_5808:int; private var _SafeStr_5809:String; private var _SafeStr_5810:int; private var _SafeStr_5811:int; private var _SafeStr_5812:int; private var _SafeStr_5813:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_5814:int; private var _SafeStr_5815:int; private var _SafeStr_5816:_SafeStr_2410; private var _SafeStr_5817:int; private var _SafeStr_5818:int; private var _SafeStr_5819:int; private var _SafeStr_5820:String; private var _SafeStr_5821:Boolean = false; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5822:int; private var _SafeStr_5823:Boolean; public function _SafeStr_2400(k:int, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:int, _arg_4:int, _arg_5:int, _arg_6:Boolean, _arg_7:int, _arg_8:int, _arg_9:int, _arg_10:int, _arg_11:int, _arg_12:int, _arg_13:Boolean=false) { this._SafeStr_5808 = k; this._SafeStr_5809 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5810 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_5811 = _arg_4; this._SafeStr_5812 = _arg_5; this._SafeStr_5813 = _arg_6; this._SafeStr_5814 = _arg_7; this._SafeStr_5822 = _arg_8; this._SafeStr_5815 = _arg_9; this._SafeStr_5817 = _arg_10; this._SafeStr_5818 = _arg_11; this._SafeStr_5819 = _arg_12; this._SafeStr_5823 = _arg_13; } public function dispose():void { if (this.disposed){ return; }; this._disposed = true; this._SafeStr_5816 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function get extraParameter():String { return (this._SafeStr_5820); } public function set extraParameter(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_5820 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_5824():int { return (this._SafeStr_5808); } public function get _SafeStr_5825():String { return (this._SafeStr_5809); } public function get priceCredits():int { return (this._SafeStr_5810); } public function get vip():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5813); } public function get months():int { return (this._SafeStr_5814); } public function get _SafeStr_5826():int { return (this._SafeStr_5815); } public function get year():int { return (this._SafeStr_5817); } public function get month():int { return (this._SafeStr_5818); } public function get day():int { return (this._SafeStr_5819); } public function get _SafeStr_5827():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5823); } public function get priceInActivityPoints():int { return (this._SafeStr_5811); } public function get activityPointType():int { return (this._SafeStr_5812); } public function get priceInCredits():int { return (this._SafeStr_5810); } public function get page():_SafeStr_2410 { return (this._SafeStr_5816); } public function get _SafeStr_5828():String { return (Offer._SafeStr_5829); } public function get productContainer():_SafeStr_3451 { return (null); } public function get product():_SafeStr_2382 { return (((this.productContainer) ? this.productContainer._SafeStr_5830 : null)); } public function get gridItem():_SafeStr_2383 { return (null); } public function get _SafeStr_5831():String { return (this._SafeStr_5809); } public function set page(k:_SafeStr_2410):void { this._SafeStr_5816 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_5832():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5821); } public function set _SafeStr_5832(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5821 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_5833():int { return (this._SafeStr_5822); } public function get _SafeStr_5834():Boolean { return (false); } public function get _SafeStr_5835():Boolean { return (false); } public function get _SafeStr_5836():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5823); } public function get _SafeStr_5837():String { return (""); } public function set _SafeStr_5838(k:int):void { } public function get _SafeStr_5838():int { return (0); } public function get clubLevel():int { return (0); } public function get _SafeStr_5839():String { return (""); } public function get _SafeStr_5840():String { return ((("${" + this._SafeStr_5831) + "}")); } public function get _SafeStr_5841():String { return ((("${" + this._SafeStr_5831) + "}")); } } }//package _-0Bt // _SafeStr_2382 = "_-47G" (String#1380, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2383 = "_-5Gr" (String#3027, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2399 = "_-4V" (String#691, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2400 = "_-1uF" (String#2844, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2410 = "_-6MA" (String#2757, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3451 = "_-UQ" (String#4700, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5808 = "_-3HK" (String#1680, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5809 = "_-00D" (String#1992, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5810 = "_-3b0" (String#7935, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5811 = "_-1jg" (String#8734, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5812 = "_-iN" (String#14372, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5813 = "_-34W" (String#14956, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5814 = "_-3ZM" (String#15510, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5815 = "_-5AE" (String#15831, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5816 = "_-0R5" (String#2139, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5817 = "_-3Uu" (String#8404, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5818 = "_-1pM" (String#16671, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5819 = "_-1-x" (String#16254, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5820 = "_-7n" (String#7497, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5821 = "_-5kC" (String#27073, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5822 = "_-4vQ" (String#15739, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5823 = "_-6FF" (String#5426, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5824 = "_-0" (String#1493, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5825 = "_-1br" (String#2388, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5826 = "_-53W" (String#15512, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5827 = "_-5eE" (String#24585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5828 = "for" (String#19470, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5829 = "_-1f-" (String#17609, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5830 = "_-6Va" (String#8693, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5831 = "_-5RW" (String#2341, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5832 = "_-gA" (String#16104, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5833 = "_-1zh" (String#18099, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5834 = "_-3nS" (String#4704, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5835 = "_-1Rv" (String#9377, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5836 = "_-16R" (String#5641, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5837 = "_-5Fb" (String#4804, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5838 = "_-0rU" (String#3986, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5839 = "_-U3" (String#1639, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5840 = "_-5ve" (String#11362, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5841 = "_-1M1" (String#10960, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bt._SafeStr_2420 package _-0Bt { import _-6Hq.ClubGiftWidget; import _-15X.Map; import _-5Xu.HabboCatalog; import _-34X._SafeStr_3468; import _-5Xu._SafeStr_2399; import _-34X._SafeStr_3473; import _-0Qu._SafeStr_634; import _-33o._SafeStr_500; import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import _-3lv._SafeStr_2253; import _-XF._SafeStr_2357; import _-3pm._SafeStr_2358; public class _SafeStr_2420 { private var _SafeStr_5842:ClubGiftWidget; private var _SafeStr_5843:int; private var _SafeStr_5844:int; private var _SafeStr_5845:Array; private var _SafeStr_5846:Map; private var _SafeStr_5557:HabboCatalog; private var _SafeStr_5847:_SafeStr_3472; public function _SafeStr_2420(k:HabboCatalog) { this._SafeStr_5557 = k; } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5557 = null; if (this._SafeStr_5847){ this._SafeStr_5847.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5847 = null; }; } public function set widget(k:ClubGiftWidget):void { this._SafeStr_5842 = k; this._SafeStr_5557.connection.send(new _SafeStr_3468()); } public function get _SafeStr_5848():int { return (this._SafeStr_5843); } public function get _SafeStr_5849():int { return (this._SafeStr_5844); } public function _SafeStr_5850(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:Array, _arg_4:Map):void { this._SafeStr_5843 = k; this._SafeStr_5844 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5845 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_5846 = _arg_4; if (this._SafeStr_5842){ this._SafeStr_5842.update(); }; } public function _SafeStr_5851(k:_SafeStr_2399):void { this._SafeStr_5852(); this._SafeStr_5847 = new _SafeStr_3472(this, k); } public function _SafeStr_5853(k:String):void { if (((((!(k)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5557)))) || (!(this._SafeStr_5557.connection)))){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5557.connection.send(new _SafeStr_3473(k)); this._SafeStr_5844--; this._SafeStr_5842.update(); this._SafeStr_5852(); } public function _SafeStr_5852():void { if (this._SafeStr_5847){ this._SafeStr_5847.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5847 = null; }; } public function _SafeStr_5854():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5845); } public function _SafeStr_5855():Map { return (this._SafeStr_5846); } public function get _SafeStr_5856():Boolean { if (((!(this._SafeStr_5557)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5557.getPurse())))){ return (false); }; return ((this._SafeStr_5557.getPurse().clubDays > 0)); } public function get windowManager():_SafeStr_634 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.windowManager); } public function get localization():_SafeStr_500 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.localization); } public function get assets():_SafeStr_10 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.assets); } public function get roomEngine():_SafeStr_2253 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.roomEngine); } public function getProductData(k:String):_SafeStr_2357 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.getProductData(k)); } public function get purse():_SafeStr_2358 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.getPurse()); } public function get catalog():HabboCatalog { return (this._SafeStr_5557); } } }//package _-0Bt // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2253 = "_-36U" (String#859, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2357 = "_-4Bm" (String#2343, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2358 = "_-0yU" (String#3976, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2399 = "_-4V" (String#691, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2420 = "_-3k3" (String#7204, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3468 = "_-2Or" (String#10288, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3472 = "_-3oT" (String#11542, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3473 = "_-3WG" (String#16628, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_500 = "_-5Ii" (String#590, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5557 = "_-rS" (String#164, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5842 = "_-49Y" (String#66, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5843 = "_-2Sp" (String#13884, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5844 = "_-5EQ" (String#7534, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5845 = "_-5YB" (String#1174, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5846 = "_-1uU" (String#8387, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5847 = "_-2GS" (String#2181, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5848 = "_-nb" (String#17261, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5849 = "_-1P9" (String#11199, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5850 = "_-3Bc" (String#38404, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5851 = "_-5HD" (String#36075, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5852 = "_-2h" (String#5878, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5853 = "_-5Ay" (String#15925, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5854 = "_-64o" (String#24212, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5855 = "_-2sx" (String#37407, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5856 = "_-2ZH" (String#9309, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_634 = "_-6kX" (String#471, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bt._SafeStr_2466 package _-0Bt { import _-6Hq._SafeStr_3499; import _-5Xu.HabboCatalog; import _-ZX._SafeStr_2309; import _-4Qe._SafeStr_3494; import _-Tg._SafeStr_2440; import _-5Lv._SafeStr_2356; import _-0Qu._SafeStr_634; import _-33o._SafeStr_500; import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import _-3lv._SafeStr_2253; import _-XF._SafeStr_2357; import _-3pm._SafeStr_2358; public class _SafeStr_2466 { private var _visualization:_SafeStr_3499; private var _SafeStr_5557:HabboCatalog; private var _SafeStr_5845:Array; private var _SafeStr_5847:ClubBuyConfirmationDialog; private var _SafeStr_5857:_SafeStr_2309; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; public function _SafeStr_2466(k:HabboCatalog, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2309) { this._SafeStr_5557 = k; this._SafeStr_5857 = _arg_2; } public function dispose():void { if (this._disposed){ return; }; if (this._visualization != null){ this._visualization.dispose(); this._visualization = null; }; this.reset(); this._SafeStr_5852(); this._SafeStr_5557 = null; this._disposed = true; } public function get catalog():HabboCatalog { return (this._SafeStr_5557); } public function reset():void { var k:_SafeStr_2400; for each (k in this._SafeStr_5845) { k.dispose(); }; this._SafeStr_5845 = []; } public function _SafeStr_5858(k:_SafeStr_2440):void { var _local_3:_SafeStr_2400; var _local_4:_SafeStr_3494; var _local_5:_SafeStr_2400; var _local_6:Boolean; var _local_7:Array; var _local_8:_SafeStr_2400; var _local_9:int; if (this._disposed){ return; }; this.reset(); var _local_2:int; for each (_local_4 in k.offers) { _local_5 = new _SafeStr_2400(_local_4._SafeStr_5824, _local_4._SafeStr_5825, _local_4.priceCredits, _local_4.priceActivityPoints, _local_4._SafeStr_5859, _local_4.vip, _local_4.months, _local_4._SafeStr_5833, _local_4._SafeStr_5826, _local_4.year, _local_4.month, _local_4.day, _local_4._SafeStr_5827); this._SafeStr_5845.push(_local_5); if (_local_4.vip){ _local_2++; _local_3 = _local_5; }; }; if (_local_2 == 1){ _local_3._SafeStr_5832 = true; }; this._SafeStr_5845.sort(this._SafeStr_5860); if (this._visualization != null){ this._visualization.reset(); this._visualization._SafeStr_5861(this._SafeStr_5862()); _local_6 = this._visualization.isGift; _local_7 = this._SafeStr_5863(_local_6); for each (_local_8 in this._SafeStr_5845) { if (_local_8.months > 0){ if (_local_7.length > 0){ _local_9 = _local_8.months; if (_local_7.indexOf(_local_9) == -1){ continue; }; }; this._visualization._SafeStr_5864(_local_8); }; }; }; } private function _SafeStr_5863(k:Boolean):Array { var _local_4:String; var _local_5:Array; var _local_6:String; var _local_7:Number; var _local_2:Array = new Array(); var _local_3:String = ((k) ? "catalog.vip.gift.promo" : "catalog.vip.buy.promo"); if (this._SafeStr_5557.propertyExists(_local_3)){ _local_4 = this._SafeStr_5557.getProperty(_local_3, null); if (((!((_local_4 == null))) && ((_local_4.length > 0)))){ _local_5 = _local_4.split(","); if (_local_5.length > 0){ for each (_local_6 in _local_5) { _local_7 = parseInt(_local_6); if (((!(isNaN(_local_7))) && ((_local_7 > 0)))){ _local_2.push(_local_7); }; }; }; }; }; return (_local_2); } public function _SafeStr_5865(k:_SafeStr_3499):void { if (this._visualization == k){ this._visualization = null; }; } public function _SafeStr_5866(k:_SafeStr_3499):void { this._visualization = k; } public function _SafeStr_5867(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_5557._SafeStr_5868(k); } public function showConfirmation(k:_SafeStr_2400, _arg_2:int):void { this._SafeStr_5852(); this._SafeStr_5847 = new ClubBuyConfirmationDialog(this, k, _arg_2); } public function _SafeStr_5853(k:_SafeStr_2400, _arg_2:int):void { if (((!(this._SafeStr_5557)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5557.connection)))){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5557._SafeStr_5869(_arg_2, k._SafeStr_5824); this._SafeStr_5852(); } public function _SafeStr_5852():void { if (this._SafeStr_5847){ this._SafeStr_5847.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5847 = null; }; } public function _SafeStr_5862():int { var k:int = _SafeStr_2356._SafeStr_5870; if (this._SafeStr_5557.getPurse()._SafeStr_5871){ k = ((this._SafeStr_5557.getPurse()._SafeStr_5872) ? _SafeStr_2356._SafeStr_5873 : _SafeStr_2356._SafeStr_5874); }; return (k); } public function get _SafeStr_5856():Boolean { if (((!(this._SafeStr_5557)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5557.getPurse())))){ return (false); }; return ((this._SafeStr_5557.getPurse().clubDays > 0)); } public function get windowManager():_SafeStr_634 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.windowManager); } public function get localization():_SafeStr_500 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.localization); } public function get assets():_SafeStr_10 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.assets); } public function get roomEngine():_SafeStr_2253 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.roomEngine); } public function getProductData(k:String):_SafeStr_2357 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.getProductData(k)); } public function getPurse():_SafeStr_2358 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.getPurse()); } private function _SafeStr_5860(k:_SafeStr_2400, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2400):Number { var _local_3:Number = k.months; var _local_4:Number = _arg_2.months; if (_local_3 < _local_4){ return (-1); }; if (_local_3 > _local_4){ return (1); }; return (0); } } }//package _-0Bt // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2253 = "_-36U" (String#859, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2309 = "_-3uO" (String#1057, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2356 = "_-6ju" (String#1141, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2357 = "_-4Bm" (String#2343, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2358 = "_-0yU" (String#3976, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2400 = "_-1uF" (String#2844, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2440 = "_-60v" (String#9689, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2466 = "_-3Dv" (String#6422, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3494 = "_-3QM" (String#7318, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3499 = "_-45O" (String#8356, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_500 = "_-5Ii" (String#590, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5557 = "_-rS" (String#164, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5824 = "_-0" (String#1493, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5825 = "_-1br" (String#2388, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5826 = "_-53W" (String#15512, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5827 = "_-5eE" (String#24585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5832 = "_-gA" (String#16104, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5833 = "_-1zh" (String#18099, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5845 = "_-5YB" (String#1174, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5847 = "_-2GS" (String#2181, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5852 = "_-2h" (String#5878, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5853 = "_-5Ay" (String#15925, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5856 = "_-2ZH" (String#9309, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5857 = "_-b5" (String#483, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5858 = "_-2uv" (String#19159, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5859 = "_-2co" (String#37979, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5860 = "_-63t" (String#38688, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5861 = "_-3S-" (String#17581, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5862 = "_-21g" (String#34724, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5863 = "_-2NL" (String#36303, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5864 = "_-5qt" (String#8235, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5865 = "_-zg" (String#25823, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5866 = "_-2FL" (String#10723, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5867 = "_-259" (String#11312, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5868 = "_-3BJ" (String#23054, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5869 = "_-10a" (String#23115, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5870 = "_-4AC" (String#3559, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5871 = "_-61Y" (String#19364, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5872 = "_-sg" (String#4735, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5873 = "_-2sD" (String#2006, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5874 = "_-8" (String#3079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_634 = "_-6kX" (String#471, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bt._SafeStr_2502 package _-0Bt { import _-5Xu.HabboCatalog; import _-4Qe._SafeStr_3517; import _-Tg._SafeStr_3518; import _-5lI._SafeStr_2286; import _-4Qe._SafeStr_2507; import _-0Qu._SafeStr_634; import _-33o._SafeStr_500; import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import _-2mL._SafeStr_12; public class _SafeStr_2502 { private var _SafeStr_5557:HabboCatalog; private var _SafeStr_5847:ClubExtendConfirmationDialog; private var _SafeStr_5875:_SafeStr_3517; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; public function _SafeStr_2502(k:HabboCatalog) { this._SafeStr_5557 = k; } public function dispose():void { if (this._disposed){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5852(); this._SafeStr_5875 = null; this._SafeStr_5557 = null; this._disposed = true; } public function _SafeStr_5876(k:_SafeStr_2507):void { if (this._disposed){ return; }; var _local_2:_SafeStr_3518 = k._SafeStr_5551(); this._SafeStr_5875 = _local_2.offer(); this.showConfirmation(); if (this._SafeStr_5557.connection){ if (this._SafeStr_5875.vip){ this._SafeStr_5557.connection.send(new _SafeStr_2286("Catalog", "dialog_show", "vip.membership.extension.purchase")); } else { this._SafeStr_5557.connection.send(new _SafeStr_2286("Catalog", "dialog_show", "basic.membership.extension.purchase")); }; }; } public function _SafeStr_5852():void { if (this._SafeStr_5847){ this._SafeStr_5847.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5847 = null; }; } public function showConfirmation():void { this._SafeStr_5852(); this._SafeStr_5847 = new ClubExtendConfirmationDialog(this, this._SafeStr_5875); this._SafeStr_5847.showConfirmation(); } public function _SafeStr_5853():void { if (((((!(this._SafeStr_5557)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5557.connection)))) || (!(this._SafeStr_5875)))){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_5557.getPurse().credits < this._SafeStr_5875.priceCredits){ this._SafeStr_5557._SafeStr_5877(); return; }; if (this._SafeStr_5875.vip){ this._SafeStr_5557._SafeStr_5878(this._SafeStr_5875._SafeStr_5824); } else { this._SafeStr_5557._SafeStr_5879(this._SafeStr_5875._SafeStr_5824); }; this._SafeStr_5852(); } public function get windowManager():_SafeStr_634 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.windowManager); } public function get localization():_SafeStr_500 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.localization); } public function get assets():_SafeStr_10 { if (!this._SafeStr_5557){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5557.assets); } public function get config():_SafeStr_12 { return (this._SafeStr_5557); } } }//package _-0Bt // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_12 = "_-3oD" (String#1602, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2286 = "_-05C" (String#1569, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2502 = "_-4jb" (String#8094, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2507 = "_-6Nh" (String#10923, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3517 = "_-is" (String#7251, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3518 = "_-21O" (String#10817, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_500 = "_-5Ii" (String#590, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5557 = "_-rS" (String#164, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5824 = "_-0" (String#1493, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5847 = "_-2GS" (String#2181, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5852 = "_-2h" (String#5878, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5853 = "_-5Ay" (String#15925, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5875 = "_-1UT" (String#645, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5876 = "_-4vt" (String#36607, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5877 = "_-3nR" (String#10757, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5878 = "_-1lD" (String#38136, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5879 = "_-3uZ" (String#37477, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_634 = "_-6kX" (String#471, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bt._SafeStr_3446 package _-0Bt { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-5Xu.HabboCatalog; public class _SafeStr_3446 implements _SafeStr_3 { private var _disposed:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5605:IWindowContainer; public function _SafeStr_3446(k:HabboCatalog) { this._SafeStr_5605 = (k.utils.createWindow("vip_benefits") as IWindowContainer); this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("header_button_close").addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_5880); this._SafeStr_5605.center(); } public function dispose():void { if (!this._disposed){ if (this._SafeStr_5605 != null){ this._SafeStr_5605.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5605 = null; }; }; this._disposed = true; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } private function _SafeStr_5880(k:WindowMouseEvent):void { this.dispose(); } } }//package _-0Bt // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3446 = "_-5Jq" (String#12220, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5605 = "_-1QN" (String#15, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5880 = "_-2dS" (String#1167, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bt._SafeStr_3472 package _-0Bt { import _-5Xu._SafeStr_2399; import _-tc.IFrameWindow; import _-tc.ITextWindow; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-XF._SafeStr_2357; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-59z.XmlAsset; public class _SafeStr_3472 { private var _SafeStr_5875:_SafeStr_2399; private var _SafeStr_5553:_SafeStr_2420; private var _SafeStr_5554:IFrameWindow; public function _SafeStr_3472(k:_SafeStr_2420, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2399) { this._SafeStr_5875 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5553 = k; this.showConfirmation(); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5553 = null; this._SafeStr_5875 = null; if (this._SafeStr_5554){ this._SafeStr_5554.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5554 = null; }; } public function showConfirmation():void { if (((!(this._SafeStr_5875)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5553)))){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5554 = (this.createWindow("club_gift_confirmation") as IFrameWindow); if (!this._SafeStr_5554){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5554.procedure = this._SafeStr_5881; this._SafeStr_5554.center(); var k:ITextWindow = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("item_name") as ITextWindow); if (k){ k.text = this._SafeStr_5882(); }; var _local_2:IWindowContainer = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("image_border") as IWindowContainer); if (!_local_2){ return; }; if (!this._SafeStr_5875.productContainer){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5875.productContainer.view = _local_2; this._SafeStr_5875.productContainer.initProductIcon(this._SafeStr_5553.roomEngine); } private function _SafeStr_5882():String { var k:_SafeStr_2357; if (((this._SafeStr_5875) && (this._SafeStr_5875.product))){ k = this._SafeStr_5875.product._SafeStr_5883; if (k){ return (k.name); }; }; return (""); } private function _SafeStr_5881(k:WindowEvent, _arg_2:IWindow):void { if (((((((!(k)) || (!(_arg_2)))) || (!(this._SafeStr_5553)))) || (!(this._SafeStr_5875)))){ return; }; if (k.type != WindowMouseEvent.CLICK){ return; }; switch (_arg_2.name){ case "select_button": this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5853(this._SafeStr_5875._SafeStr_5831); return; case "header_button_close": case "cancel_button": this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5852(); return; }; } private function createWindow(k:String):IWindow { if (((((!(this._SafeStr_5553)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5553.assets)))) || (!(this._SafeStr_5553.windowManager)))){ return (null); }; var _local_2:XmlAsset = (this._SafeStr_5553.assets.getAssetByName(k) as XmlAsset); if (((!(_local_2)) || (!(_local_2.content)))){ return (null); }; var _local_3:XML = (_local_2.content as XML); if (!_local_3){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5553.windowManager.buildFromXML(_local_3)); } } }//package _-0Bt // _SafeStr_2357 = "_-4Bm" (String#2343, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2399 = "_-4V" (String#691, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2420 = "_-3k3" (String#7204, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3472 = "_-3oT" (String#11542, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5553 = "_-2zO" (String#197, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5554 = "_-09l" (String#95, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5831 = "_-5RW" (String#2341, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5852 = "_-2h" (String#5878, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5853 = "_-5Ay" (String#15925, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5875 = "_-1UT" (String#645, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5881 = "_-4H" (String#4356, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5882 = "_-6je" (String#34465, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5883 = "_-hC" (String#12186, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bt._SafeStr_5142 package _-0Bt { import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-5GT._SafeStr_2410; import _-1lq.ILocalization; import _-5Xu.HabboCatalog; import _-33o._SafeStr_500; import _-tc.IButtonWindow; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-59z.XmlAsset; import _-vq.IWindow; public class _SafeStr_5142 { private var _SafeStr_5875:_SafeStr_2400; private var _SafeStr_5605:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5816:_SafeStr_2410; public function _SafeStr_5142(k:_SafeStr_2400, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2410) { var _local_3:XML; var _local_5:ILocalization; super(); this._SafeStr_5875 = k; this._SafeStr_5816 = _arg_2; if (k.vip){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_5884("club_buy_vip_item"); } else { _local_3 = this._SafeStr_5884("club_buy_hc_item"); }; this._SafeStr_5605 = (this._SafeStr_5816.viewer.catalog.windowManager.buildFromXML(_local_3) as IWindowContainer); var _local_4:_SafeStr_500 = (_arg_2.viewer.catalog as HabboCatalog).localization; _local_4.registerParameter("catalog.club.item.header", "months", String(k.months)); _local_5 = _local_4._SafeStr_5885("catalog.club.item.header"); this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("item_header").caption = _local_5.value; _local_4.registerParameter("catalog.club.price", "price", String(k.priceCredits)); _local_5 = _local_4._SafeStr_5885("catalog.club.price"); this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("item_price").caption = _local_5.value; var _local_6:IButtonWindow = (this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("item_buy") as IButtonWindow); if (_local_6 != null){ _local_6.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_5886); }; } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5605.dispose(); } private function _SafeStr_5886(k:WindowMouseEvent):void { HabboCatalog(this._SafeStr_5816.viewer.catalog)._SafeStr_5887(this._SafeStr_5875, this._SafeStr_5816.pageId); } private function _SafeStr_5884(k:String):XML { if (((((((!(this._SafeStr_5816)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5816.viewer)))) || (!(this._SafeStr_5816.viewer.catalog)))) || (!(this._SafeStr_5816.viewer.catalog.assets)))){ return (null); }; var _local_2:XmlAsset = (this._SafeStr_5816.viewer.catalog.assets.getAssetByName(k) as XmlAsset); if (_local_2 == null){ return (null); }; return ((_local_2.content as XML)); } public function get window():IWindow { return (this._SafeStr_5605); } } }//package _-0Bt // _SafeStr_2400 = "_-1uF" (String#2844, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2410 = "_-6MA" (String#2757, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_500 = "_-5Ii" (String#590, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5142 = "_-4XR" (String#7386, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5605 = "_-1QN" (String#15, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5816 = "_-0R5" (String#2139, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5875 = "_-1UT" (String#645, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5884 = "_-490" (String#8417, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5885 = "_-56P" (String#2833, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5886 = "_-5dR" (String#13802, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5887 = "_-6JG" (String#8206, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bt._SafeStr_5146 package _-0Bt { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-5Xu.HabboCatalog; import _-1lq.ILocalization; import _-33o._SafeStr_500; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-vq.IWindow; public class _SafeStr_5146 implements _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_5875:_SafeStr_2400; private var _SafeStr_5605:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5557:HabboCatalog; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5888:String; public function _SafeStr_5146(k:_SafeStr_2400, _arg_2:HabboCatalog, _arg_3:String) { var _local_5:ILocalization; super(); this._SafeStr_5875 = k; this._SafeStr_5557 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5888 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_5605 = (this._SafeStr_5557.utils.createWindow("vip_buy_item") as IWindowContainer); var _local_4:_SafeStr_500 = this._SafeStr_5557.localization; if (k.months > 0){ _local_4.registerParameter("catalog.vip.item.header.months", "num_months", String(k.months)); _local_5 = _local_4._SafeStr_5885("catalog.vip.item.header.months"); } else { _local_4.registerParameter("catalog.vip.item.header.days", "num_days", String(k._SafeStr_5833)); _local_5 = _local_4._SafeStr_5885("catalog.vip.item.header.days"); }; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("item_header").caption = (((_local_5)!=null) ? _local_5.value : "-"); this._SafeStr_5557.utils._SafeStr_5889((this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("item_price") as IWindowContainer), this._SafeStr_5875); this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("item_buy").addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_5886); if (k._SafeStr_5836){ this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("item_gift").addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_5890); } else { this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("item_gift").visible = false; }; } public function dispose():void { if (!this._disposed){ this._SafeStr_5605.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5605 = null; this._disposed = true; }; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } private function _SafeStr_5886(k:WindowMouseEvent):void { this._SafeStr_5557._SafeStr_5891(false); this._SafeStr_5557._SafeStr_5887(this._SafeStr_5875, (((this._SafeStr_5875.page == null)) ? -1 : this._SafeStr_5875.page.pageId)); } private function _SafeStr_5890(k:WindowMouseEvent):void { this._SafeStr_5557._SafeStr_5891(true); this._SafeStr_5557._SafeStr_5887(this._SafeStr_5875, (((this._SafeStr_5875.page == null)) ? -1 : this._SafeStr_5875.page.pageId)); } public function get window():IWindow { return (this._SafeStr_5605); } } }//package _-0Bt // _SafeStr_2400 = "_-1uF" (String#2844, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_500 = "_-5Ii" (String#590, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5146 = "_-1Ns" (String#4791, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5557 = "_-rS" (String#164, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5605 = "_-1QN" (String#15, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5833 = "_-1zh" (String#18099, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5836 = "_-16R" (String#5641, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5875 = "_-1UT" (String#645, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5885 = "_-56P" (String#2833, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5886 = "_-5dR" (String#13802, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5887 = "_-6JG" (String#8206, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5888 = "_-14Z" (String#32612, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5889 = "_-0WD" (String#8780, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5890 = "_-4w1" (String#24381, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5891 = "_-3Jd" (String#11445, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bt.ClubBuyConfirmationDialog package _-0Bt { import _-tc.IFrameWindow; import _-33o._SafeStr_500; import _-3pm._SafeStr_2358; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-tc.ICheckBoxWindow; import _-OK.WindowEvent; public class ClubBuyConfirmationDialog { private var _SafeStr_5875:_SafeStr_2400; private var _SafeStr_5553:_SafeStr_2466; private var _SafeStr_5554:IFrameWindow; private var _SafeStr_5892:int; public function ClubBuyConfirmationDialog(k:_SafeStr_2466, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2400, _arg_3:int) { this._SafeStr_5875 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5553 = k; this._SafeStr_5892 = _arg_3; this.showConfirmation(); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5553 = null; this._SafeStr_5875 = null; if (this._SafeStr_5554){ this._SafeStr_5554.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5554 = null; }; } public function showConfirmation():void { if (((!(this._SafeStr_5875)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5553)))){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5554 = (this._SafeStr_5553.catalog.utils.createWindow("club_buy_confirmation") as IFrameWindow); if (!this._SafeStr_5554){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5554.procedure = this._SafeStr_5881; this._SafeStr_5554.center(); if (this._SafeStr_5553.catalog.getBoolean("disclaimer.credit_spending.enabled")){ this._SafeStr_5893(false); } else { this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("disclaimer").dispose(); this._SafeStr_5893(true); }; var k:_SafeStr_500 = this._SafeStr_5553.localization; var _local_2:_SafeStr_2358 = this._SafeStr_5553.getPurse(); var _local_3:String = ((((_local_2._SafeStr_5871) && (_local_2._SafeStr_5872))) ? "extension." : "subscription."); var _local_4:String = (((this._SafeStr_5875.months == 0)) ? "days" : "months"); var _local_5:String = (("catalog.vip.buy.confirm." + _local_3) + _local_4); k.registerParameter(_local_5, ("num_" + _local_4), String((((this._SafeStr_5875.months == 0)) ? this._SafeStr_5875._SafeStr_5833 : this._SafeStr_5875.months))); this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("subscription_name").caption = k.getLocalization(_local_5); k.registerParameter("catalog.vip.buy.confirm.end_date", "day", String(this._SafeStr_5875.day)); k.registerParameter("catalog.vip.buy.confirm.end_date", "month", String(this._SafeStr_5875.month)); k.registerParameter("catalog.vip.buy.confirm.end_date", "year", String(this._SafeStr_5875.year)); this._SafeStr_5553.catalog.utils._SafeStr_5889((this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("purchase_cost_box") as IWindowContainer), this._SafeStr_5875); } private function _SafeStr_5893(k:Boolean):void { if (this._SafeStr_5554 == null){ return; }; var _local_2:IWindow = this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("select_button"); if (_local_2 == null){ return; }; if (k){ _local_2.enable(); } else { _local_2.disable(); }; } private function _SafeStr_5881(k:WindowEvent, _arg_2:IWindow):void { if (((((((!(k)) || (!(_arg_2)))) || (!(this._SafeStr_5553)))) || (!(this._SafeStr_5875)))){ return; }; if (((!((k.type == WindowMouseEvent.CLICK))) && (!((k.type == WindowMouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK))))){ return; }; switch (_arg_2.name){ case "spending_disclaimer": this._SafeStr_5893(ICheckBoxWindow(_arg_2)._SafeStr_5894); return; case "select_button": this._SafeStr_5553.catalog._SafeStr_5895(); this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5853(this._SafeStr_5875, this._SafeStr_5892); return; case "header_button_close": case "cancel_button": this._SafeStr_5553.catalog._SafeStr_5896(); this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5852(); return; }; } } }//package _-0Bt // _SafeStr_2358 = "_-0yU" (String#3976, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2400 = "_-1uF" (String#2844, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2466 = "_-3Dv" (String#6422, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_500 = "_-5Ii" (String#590, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5553 = "_-2zO" (String#197, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5554 = "_-09l" (String#95, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5833 = "_-1zh" (String#18099, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5852 = "_-2h" (String#5878, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5853 = "_-5Ay" (String#15925, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5871 = "_-61Y" (String#19364, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5872 = "_-sg" (String#4735, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5875 = "_-1UT" (String#645, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5881 = "_-4H" (String#4356, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5889 = "_-0WD" (String#8780, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5892 = "_-51j" (String#2346, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5893 = "_-0Uy" (String#4243, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5894 = "_-ZR" (String#1005, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5895 = "_-33f" (String#36489, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5896 = "_-3sA" (String#37284, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Bt.ClubExtendConfirmationDialog package _-0Bt { import _-tc.IFrameWindow; import _-4Qe._SafeStr_3517; import _-tc.IRegionWindow; import _-tc.ITextWindow; import _-tc.IBitmapWrapperWindow; import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.utils.Timer; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-tc.IIconWindow; import _-59z.BitmapDataAsset; import _-561._SafeStr_2455; import _-33o._SafeStr_500; import _-tc.IItemListWindow; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-3pm._SafeStr_2479; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.net.URLRequest; import _-59z._SafeStr_37; import _-53G.AssetLoaderEvent; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-59z.XmlAsset; import __AS3__.vec.*; public class ClubExtendConfirmationDialog { private static const _SafeStr_5897:int = 7; private static const _SafeStr_5898:String = "your_price_icon_left"; private static const _SafeStr_5899:String = "${image.library.catalogue.url}catalogue/vip_extend_tsr.png"; private static const _SafeStr_5900:String = "image/png"; private static const _SafeStr_5901:int = 2000; private static const _SafeStr_5902:int = 75; private static const _SafeStr_5903:uint = 0; private static const _SafeStr_5904:uint = 9552639; private var _SafeStr_5553:_SafeStr_2502; private var _SafeStr_5554:IFrameWindow; private var _SafeStr_5875:_SafeStr_3517; private var _SafeStr_5905:IRegionWindow; private var _SafeStr_5906:ITextWindow; private var _SafeStr_5907:IBitmapWrapperWindow; private var _SafeStr_5908:Vector.; private var _SafeStr_5909:Timer; private var _SafeStr_5910:Timer; private var _SafeStr_5911:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_5912:int = 0; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5913:String = "catalog.club.extend."; public function ClubExtendConfirmationDialog(k:_SafeStr_2502, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3517) { this._SafeStr_5553 = k; this._SafeStr_5875 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5908 = new Vector.(_SafeStr_5897); } public function dispose():void { var k:int; if (this._disposed){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5875 = null; this._SafeStr_5553 = null; this._SafeStr_5914(); if (this._SafeStr_5905){ this._SafeStr_5905.removeEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348, this._SafeStr_5915); this._SafeStr_5905.removeEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347, this._SafeStr_5916); this._SafeStr_5905 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5906){ this._SafeStr_5906 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5907){ this._SafeStr_5907 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5908){ while (k < _SafeStr_5897) { this._SafeStr_5908[k].dispose(); this._SafeStr_5908[k] = null; k++; }; this._SafeStr_5908 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5554){ this._SafeStr_5554.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5554 = null; }; this._disposed = true; } public function showConfirmation():void { var _local_2:String; var _local_10:IIconWindow; var _local_11:BitmapDataAsset; var _local_12:BitmapData; if (((((!(this._SafeStr_5875)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5553)))) || (this._disposed))){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5554 = (this.createWindow("club_extend_confirmation") as IFrameWindow); if (!this._SafeStr_5554){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5554.procedure = this._SafeStr_5881; this._SafeStr_5554.center(); if (!this._SafeStr_5875.vip){ this._SafeStr_5913 = (this._SafeStr_5913 + "basic."); _local_10 = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("club_level_icon") as IIconWindow); if (_local_10){ _local_10.style = _SafeStr_2455._SafeStr_5917; _local_10.x = (_local_10.x + 15); }; }; var k:_SafeStr_500 = this._SafeStr_5553.localization; this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("normal_price_price_left").caption = this._SafeStr_5875._SafeStr_5918.toString(); this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("normal_price_price_right").caption = this._SafeStr_5875._SafeStr_5919.toString(); this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("you_save_price_left").caption = this._SafeStr_5875._SafeStr_5920.toString(); this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("you_save_price_right").caption = this._SafeStr_5875._SafeStr_5921.toString(); this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("your_price_price_left").caption = this._SafeStr_5875.priceCredits.toString(); this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("your_price_price_right").caption = this._SafeStr_5875.priceActivityPoints.toString(); this._SafeStr_5554.title.caption = k.getLocalization((this._SafeStr_5913 + "confirm.caption")); this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("extend_title").caption = k.getLocalization((this._SafeStr_5913 + "confirm.title")); this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("normal_price_label").caption = k.getLocalization((this._SafeStr_5913 + "normal.label")); this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("you_save_label").caption = k.getLocalization((this._SafeStr_5913 + "save.label")); this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("your_price_label").caption = k.getLocalization((this._SafeStr_5913 + "price.label")); this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("buy_now_button").caption = k.getLocalization((this._SafeStr_5913 + "buy.button")); this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("maybe_later_link").caption = k.getLocalization((this._SafeStr_5913 + "later.link")); if (this._SafeStr_5875._SafeStr_5922 > 1){ k.registerParameter((this._SafeStr_5913 + "expiration_days_left"), "day", this._SafeStr_5875._SafeStr_5922.toString()); k.registerParameter((this._SafeStr_5913 + "expiration_days_left"), "duration", (31 * this._SafeStr_5875.months).toString()); _local_2 = k.getLocalization((this._SafeStr_5913 + "expiration_days_left")); } else { _local_2 = k.getLocalization((this._SafeStr_5913 + "expires_today")); }; this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("offer_expiration").caption = _local_2; this._SafeStr_5905 = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("maybe_later_region") as IRegionWindow); this._SafeStr_5906 = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("maybe_later_link") as ITextWindow); if (((!(this._SafeStr_5905)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5906)))){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5905.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348, this._SafeStr_5915); this._SafeStr_5905.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347, this._SafeStr_5916); var _local_3:BitmapData = this._SafeStr_5923("icon_credit_0"); this._SafeStr_5924("normal_price_icon_left", _local_3); this._SafeStr_5924("you_save_icon_left", _local_3); this._SafeStr_5925("normal_price_icon_right"); this._SafeStr_5925("you_save_icon_right"); this._SafeStr_5925("your_price_icon_right"); var _local_4:IBitmapWrapperWindow = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("club_teaser") as IBitmapWrapperWindow); _local_4.x = 1; _local_4.y = (this._SafeStr_5554.height - 144); _local_4.height = 144; _local_4.width = 133; var _local_5:String = this._SafeStr_5553.config.interpolate(_SafeStr_5899); if (this._SafeStr_5553.config){ _local_5 = this._SafeStr_5553.config.updateUrlProtocol(_local_5); }; this._SafeStr_5926("club_teaser", "club_teaser", _local_5, _SafeStr_5900, this._SafeStr_5927); var _local_6:IItemListWindow = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("itemlist_vertical") as IItemListWindow); if (!_local_6){ return; }; var _local_7:IWindowContainer = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("total_amount_line") as IWindowContainer); if (!_local_7){ return; }; var _local_8:IWindowContainer = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName("background_container") as IWindowContainer); if (!_local_8){ return; }; _local_8.height = ((_local_6.y + _local_7.height) + _local_7.y); this._SafeStr_5907 = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName(_SafeStr_5898) as IBitmapWrapperWindow); if (this._SafeStr_5907 == null){ return; }; var _local_9:int; while (_local_9 < _SafeStr_5897) { _local_11 = (this._SafeStr_5553.assets.getAssetByName(("icon_credit_" + _local_9)) as BitmapDataAsset); _local_12 = (_local_11.content as BitmapData); this._SafeStr_5908[_local_9] = _local_12.clone(); _local_9++; }; this._SafeStr_5928(); } private function _SafeStr_5925(k:String):void { var _local_2:IWindow = this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName(k); _local_2.style = _SafeStr_2479._SafeStr_5929(this._SafeStr_5875._SafeStr_5930, this._SafeStr_5553.config, true); } private function _SafeStr_5915(k:WindowMouseEvent):void { if (this._SafeStr_5906){ this._SafeStr_5906.textColor = _SafeStr_5903; }; } private function _SafeStr_5916(k:WindowMouseEvent):void { if (this._SafeStr_5906){ this._SafeStr_5906.textColor = _SafeStr_5904; }; } private function _SafeStr_5928():void { if (this._SafeStr_5909){ this._SafeStr_5914(); }; this._SafeStr_5931(); this._SafeStr_5909 = new Timer(_SafeStr_5901); this._SafeStr_5909.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this._SafeStr_5932); this._SafeStr_5909.start(); } private function _SafeStr_5914():void { this._SafeStr_5911 = 0; this._SafeStr_5912 = 0; if (this._SafeStr_5910){ this._SafeStr_5910.stop(); this._SafeStr_5910 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5909){ this._SafeStr_5909.stop(); this._SafeStr_5909 = null; }; } private function _SafeStr_5931():void { if (!this._SafeStr_5907){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_5907.bitmap){ this._SafeStr_5907.bitmap.dispose(); }; if (this._SafeStr_5911 < _SafeStr_5897){ this._SafeStr_5907.bitmap = new BitmapData(this._SafeStr_5907.width, this._SafeStr_5907.height, true, 0); this._SafeStr_5907.bitmap.copyPixels(this._SafeStr_5908[this._SafeStr_5911], this._SafeStr_5908[this._SafeStr_5911].rect, new Point(0, 0)); } else { _SafeStr_4.log(("Animation frame " + this._SafeStr_5911)); }; } private function _SafeStr_5933():void { this._SafeStr_5910 = new Timer(_SafeStr_5902, (_SafeStr_5897 - 1)); this._SafeStr_5910.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this._SafeStr_5934); this._SafeStr_5910.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_5935); this._SafeStr_5910.start(); } private function _SafeStr_5932(k:TimerEvent):void { this._SafeStr_5933(); } private function _SafeStr_5934(k:TimerEvent):void { this._SafeStr_5911 = (this._SafeStr_5911 + 1); this._SafeStr_5931(); } private function _SafeStr_5935(k:TimerEvent):void { if (this._SafeStr_5910){ this._SafeStr_5910.stop(); this._SafeStr_5910 = null; }; this._SafeStr_5911 = 0; this._SafeStr_5931(); if (this._SafeStr_5912 == 0){ this._SafeStr_5912 = 1; this._SafeStr_5933(); } else { this._SafeStr_5912 = 0; }; } private function _SafeStr_5923(k:String):BitmapData { var _local_2:BitmapDataAsset = (this._SafeStr_5553.assets.getAssetByName(k) as BitmapDataAsset); if (_local_2 != null){ return ((_local_2.content as BitmapData)); }; return (null); } private function _SafeStr_5924(k:String, _arg_2:BitmapData):void { var _local_3:IBitmapWrapperWindow = (this._SafeStr_5554.findChildByName(k) as IBitmapWrapperWindow); if (_local_3.bitmap != null){ _local_3.bitmap.dispose(); }; if (((!((_arg_2 == null))) && (!((_local_3 == null))))){ if (_local_3.width != _arg_2.width){ _local_3.width = _arg_2.width; }; if (_local_3.height != _arg_2.height){ _local_3.height = _arg_2.height; }; _local_3.bitmap = new BitmapData(_local_3.width, _local_3.height, true, 0); _local_3.bitmap.copyPixels(_arg_2, _arg_2.rect, new Point(0, 0)); }; } private function _SafeStr_5926(k:String, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:String, _arg_4:String, _arg_5:Function):Boolean { var _local_6:BitmapData = this._SafeStr_5923(_arg_2); if (_local_6 != null){ this._SafeStr_5924(k, _local_6); return (true); }; var _local_7:URLRequest = new URLRequest(_arg_3); var _local_8:_SafeStr_37 = this._SafeStr_5553.assets.loadAssetFromFile(_arg_2, _local_7, _arg_4); if (!_local_8){ return (false); }; _local_8.addEventListener(AssetLoaderEvent._SafeStr_5315, _arg_5); return (true); } private function _SafeStr_5927(k:AssetLoaderEvent):void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_37; var _local_3:BitmapData; if (!this._disposed){ _local_2 = (k.target as _SafeStr_37); if (_local_2 != null){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_5923(_local_2.assetName); this._SafeStr_5924("club_teaser", _local_3); }; }; } private function _SafeStr_5881(k:WindowEvent, _arg_2:IWindow):void { if (((((((((!(k)) || (!(_arg_2)))) || (!(this._SafeStr_5553)))) || (!(this._SafeStr_5875)))) || (this._disposed))){ return; }; if (k.type != WindowMouseEvent.CLICK){ return; }; switch (_arg_2.name){ case "buy_now_button": this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5853(); return; case "header_button_close": case "maybe_later_region": this._SafeStr_5553._SafeStr_5852(); return; }; } private function createWindow(k:String):IWindow { if (((((((!(this._SafeStr_5553)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5553.assets)))) || (!(this._SafeStr_5553.windowManager)))) || (this._disposed))){ return (null); }; var _local_2:XmlAsset = (this._SafeStr_5553.assets.getAssetByName(k) as XmlAsset); if (((!(_local_2)) || (!(_local_2.content)))){ return (null); }; var _local_3:XML = (_local_2.content as XML); if (!_local_3){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_5553.windowManager.buildFromXML(_local_3)); } } }//package _-0Bt // _SafeStr_2455 = "_-30i" (String#10477, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2479 = "_-6Dw" (String#3099, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2502 = "_-4jb" (String#8094, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3517 = "_-is" (String#7251, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_37 = "_-3AZ" (String#1157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4 = "_-5F-" (String#232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_500 = "_-5Ii" (String#590, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5315 = "_-3B" (String#2876, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5347 = "_-5mq" (String#585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5348 = "_-38T" (String#626, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5553 = "_-2zO" (String#197, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5554 = "_-09l" (String#95, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5852 = "_-2h" (String#5878, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5853 = "_-5Ay" (String#15925, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5875 = "_-1UT" (String#645, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5881 = "_-4H" (String#4356, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5897 = "_-1ex" (String#10556, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5898 = "_-1eD" (String#25466, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5899 = "_-3ZW" (String#24054, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5900 = "_-6Jm" (String#24068, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5901 = "_-3Pr" (String#23029, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5902 = "_-1F0" (String#22131, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5903 = "_-6Le" (String#23432, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5904 = "_-1Y4" (String#24000, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5905 = "_-3YQ" (String#9173, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5906 = "_-4M1" (String#9294, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5907 = "_-3Z3" (String#6920, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5908 = "_-4J7" (String#8893, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5909 = "_-6gO" (String#11248, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5910 = "_-2As" (String#7320, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5911 = "_-6E9" (String#9586, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5912 = "_-2Oa" (String#18851, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5913 = "_-6cf" (String#3831, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5914 = "_-15b" (String#12989, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5915 = "_-4Ub" (String#27709, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5916 = "_-6Y0" (String#26899, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5917 = "_-0gH" (String#22311, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5918 = "_-0Ke" (String#32831, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5919 = "_-5tK" (String#27235, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5920 = "_-5NU" (String#36541, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5921 = "_-3y1" (String#38198, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5922 = "_-6Dt" (String#27184, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5923 = "_-1S3" (String#23034, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5924 = "_-5Vz" (String#21310, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5925 = "_-3Ew" (String#11991, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5926 = "_-1AP" (String#33361, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5927 = "_-4mM" (String#36557, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5928 = "_-3HS" (String#37699, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5929 = "_-3p" (String#6746, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5930 = "_-3Je" (String#37734, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5931 = "_-65I" (String#12859, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5932 = "_-37M" (String#36170, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5933 = "_-2pX" (String#30593, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5934 = "_-6-z" (String#36699, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5935 = "_-26k" (String#35912, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0C.GoogleAnalyticsConfigGroup package _-0C { import _-43u._SafeStr_5194; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import _-0Ua._SafeStr_5193; import _-4Bv.StringUtils; public class GoogleAnalyticsConfigGroup extends _SafeStr_5194 { public static const OVA:String = "OVA"; public static const CUSTOM:String = "CUSTOM"; protected var _SafeStr_5936:Boolean = true; protected var _SafeStr_5937:GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup; protected var _SafeStr_5938:GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup = null; protected var _SafeStr_5939:DisplayObject = null; public function GoogleAnalyticsConfigGroup(k:Object=null, _arg_2:_SafeStr_5193=null) { this._SafeStr_5937 = new GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup("OVA", { "enable":true, "impressions":{"enable":true} }); super(k, _arg_2); } protected function _SafeStr_5940():void { if (this._SafeStr_5939 != null){ this.ova.displayObject = this._SafeStr_5939; if (this._SafeStr_5938 != null){ this._SafeStr_5938.displayObject = this._SafeStr_5939; }; }; } override public function initialise(k:Object=null, _arg_2:_SafeStr_5193=null, _arg_3:Boolean=false):void { _SafeStr_5941(); super.initialise(k, _arg_2); if (k != null){ if (k.enable != undefined){ if ((k.enable is String)){ this._SafeStr_5936 = (k.enable.toUpperCase() == "TRUE"); } else { this._SafeStr_5936 = k.enable; }; }; if (k.ova != undefined){ this.ova = new GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup("OVA", k.ova, _arg_3); if (k.ova.displayObject != null){ this._SafeStr_5939 = k.ova.displayObject; }; }; if (k.custom != undefined){ if (k.custom.displayObject != null){ this._SafeStr_5939 = k.custom.displayObject; }; this.custom = new GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup("CUSTOM"); this.custom.initialise(k.custom, _arg_3); }; this._SafeStr_5940(); }; _SafeStr_5942(); } public function update(k:Object):void { if (StringUtils._SafeStr_5943(k.element, OVA)){ this.ova.update(k); }; if (StringUtils._SafeStr_5943(k.element, CUSTOM)){ this.custom.update(k); }; if (k.displayObject != null){ this._SafeStr_5939 = k.displayObject; }; this._SafeStr_5940(); } public function get enabled():Boolean { if (this._SafeStr_5936 == false){ return (false); }; return (((this.ova.trackingEnabled) || (this.custom.trackingEnabled))); } public function set ova(k:GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup):void { this._SafeStr_5937 = k; } public function get ova():GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup { if (this._SafeStr_5937 == null){ this._SafeStr_5937 = new GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup(OVA); }; return (this._SafeStr_5937); } public function set custom(k:GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup):void { this._SafeStr_5938 = k; } public function get custom():GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup { if (this._SafeStr_5938 == null){ this._SafeStr_5938 = new GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup(CUSTOM, {"enable":false}); }; return (this._SafeStr_5938); } } }//package _-0C // _SafeStr_5193 = "_-5hI" (String#2457, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5194 = "_-B8" (String#3982, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5936 = "_-39n" (String#2328, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5937 = "_-4iX" (String#15238, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5938 = "_-6WQ" (String#6303, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5939 = "_-09W" (String#4920, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5940 = "_-1dk" (String#29047, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5941 = "_-Jh" (String#4619, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5942 = "_-6b3" (String#3455, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5943 = "_-6iy" (String#1988, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0C.GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup package _-0C { import _-5pY.Debuggable; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import _-6g9._SafeStr_5095; import _-4Bv.StringUtils; public class GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup extends Debuggable { protected static const _SafeStr_5944:String = "UA-4011032-6"; protected var _SafeStr_5945:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_5946:Boolean = true; protected var _SafeStr_5947:Boolean = false; protected var _SafeStr_5948:Boolean = true; protected var _SafeStr_5949:Boolean = true; protected var _name:String = "No name"; protected var _SafeStr_5950:Object; protected var _SafeStr_5951:Object = null; protected var _SafeStr_5952:String = ""; protected var _SafeStr_5939:DisplayObject = null; public function GoogleAnalyticsTrackingGroup(k:String, _arg_2:Object=null, _arg_3:Boolean=false) { this._SafeStr_5950 = { "impressions":{"enable":false}, "adCalls":{"enable":false}, "template":{"enable":false}, "adSlot":{"enable":false}, "progress":{"enable":false}, "clicks":{"enable":false}, "vpaid":{"enable":false} }; super(); if (k != null){ this._name = k; }; if (_arg_2 != null){ this.initialise(_arg_2, _arg_3); } else { this._SafeStr_5953(); }; } public function _SafeStr_5954():void { this._SafeStr_5946 = true; } public function _SafeStr_5955():void { this._SafeStr_5946 = false; } public function _SafeStr_5956(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_5946 = true; if (k == _SafeStr_5095.ALL){ this._SafeStr_5954(); } else { this._SafeStr_5950[k].enable = true; }; } public function _SafeStr_5957(k:String):void { if (k == _SafeStr_5095.ALL){ this._SafeStr_5955(); } else { this._SafeStr_5950[k].enable = false; }; } public function set name(k:String):void { this._name = k; } public function get name():String { return (this._name); } protected function _SafeStr_5958(k:Object, _arg_2:Object, _arg_3:Boolean=false):void { var _local_4:Boolean; var _local_5:Boolean; var _local_6:*; if (((!((k == null))) && (!((_arg_2 == null))))){ _local_4 = false; _local_5 = false; for (_local_6 in k) { if (_local_6 == "enable"){ if ((k.enable is String)){ _arg_2.enable = (k.enable.toUpperCase() == "TRUE"); } else { _arg_2.enable = k.enable; }; if (_arg_2.enable){ this._SafeStr_5946 = true; }; _local_4 = true; } else { _arg_2[_local_6] = k[_local_6]; _local_5 = true; }; }; if (((((_arg_3) && (_local_5))) && ((_local_4 == false)))){ _arg_2.enable = true; }; }; } protected function _SafeStr_5959():void { var _local_2:*; var k:String = ""; if (this._SafeStr_5951 != null){ for (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_5951) { k = (k + ((("&" + _local_2) + "=") + this._SafeStr_5951[_local_2])); }; }; this._SafeStr_5952 = k; } public function initialise(k:Object, _arg_2:Boolean=false):void { if (k.useDefaultPaths != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5949 = StringUtils._SafeStr_5960(k.useDefaultPaths); }; this._SafeStr_5953(); if (k.accountId != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5945 = k.accountId; }; if (k.enable != undefined){ if ((k.enable is String)){ this._SafeStr_5946 = (k.enable.toUpperCase() == "TRUE"); } else { this._SafeStr_5946 = k.enable; }; }; if (k.name != undefined){ this._name = k.name; }; if (k.impressions != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5958(k.impressions, this._SafeStr_5950.impressions, _arg_2); }; if (k.adCalls != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5958(k.adCalls, this._SafeStr_5950.adCalls, _arg_2); }; if (k.template != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5958(k.template, this._SafeStr_5950.template, _arg_2); }; if (k.adSlot != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5958(k.adSlot, this._SafeStr_5950.adSlot, _arg_2); }; if (k.progress != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5958(k.progress, this._SafeStr_5950.progress, _arg_2); }; if (k.vpaid != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5958(k.vpaid, this._SafeStr_5950.vpaid, _arg_2); }; if (k.clicks != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5958(k.clicks, this._SafeStr_5950.clicks, _arg_2); }; if (k.parameters != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5961 = k.parameters; }; if (k.displayObject != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5939 = k.displayObject; }; if (k.trackAdTags != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5947 = StringUtils._SafeStr_5960(k.trackAdTags); }; if (k.addParamsToTrackingURL != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5948 = StringUtils._SafeStr_5960(k.addParamsToTrackingURL); }; this._SafeStr_5962(); } protected function _SafeStr_5953():void { if (this._SafeStr_5949){ this._SafeStr_5950 = { "impressions":{ "enable":false, "linear":"/ova/impression/default?ova_format=linear", "nonLinear":"/ova/impression/default?ova_format=non-linear", "companion":"/ova/impression/default?ova_format=companion" }, "adCalls":{ "enable":false, "fired":"/ova/ad-call/default?ova_action=fired", "complete":"/ova/ad-call/default?ova_action=complete", "failover":"/ova/ad-call/default?ova_action=failover", "error":"/ova/ad-call/default?ova_action=error", "timeout":"/ova/ad-call/default?ova_action=timeout", "deferred":"/ova/ad-call/default?ova_action=deferred" }, "template":{ "enable":false, "loaded":"/ova/template/default?ova_action=loaded", "error":"/ova/template/default?ova_action=error", "timeout":"/ova/template/default?ova_action=timeout", "deferred":"/ova/template/default?ova_action=deferred" }, "adSlot":{ "enable":false, "loaded":"/ova/ad-slot/default?ova_action=loaded", "error":"/ova/ad-slot/default?ova_action=error", "timeout":"/ova/ad-slot/default?ova_action=timeout", "deferred":"/ova/ad-slot/default?ova_action=deferred" }, "progress":{ "enable":false, "start":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=start", "stop":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=stop", "firstQuartile":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=firstQuartile", "midpoint":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=midpoint", "thirdQuartile":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=thirdQuartile", "complete":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=complete", "pause":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=pause", "resume":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=resume", "fullscreen":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=fullscreen", "mute":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=mute", "unmute":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=unmute", "expand":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=expand", "collapse":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=collapse", "userAcceptInvitation":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=userAcceptInvitation", "close":"/ova/progress/default?ova_action=close" }, "clicks":{ "enable":false, "linear":"/ova/clicks/default?ova_action=linear", "nonLinear":"/ova/clicks/default?ova_action=nonLinear", "vpaid":"/ova/clicks/default?ova_action=vpaid" }, "vpaid":{ "enable":false, "loaded":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=loaded", "started":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=started", "stopped":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=stopped", "linearChange":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=linearChange", "expandedChange":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=expandedChange", "remainingTimeChange":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=remainingTimeChange", "volumeChange":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=volumeChange", "videoStart":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=videoStart", "videoFirstQuartile":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=videoFirstQuartile", "videoMidpoint":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=videoMidpoint", "videoThirdQuartile":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=videoThirdQuartile", "videoComplete":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=videoComplete", "userAcceptInvitation":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=userAcceptInvitation", "userClose":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=userClose", "paused":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=paused", "playing":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=playing", "error":"/ova/vpaid/default?ova_action=error" } }; } else { this._SafeStr_5950 = { "impressions":{"enable":false}, "adCalls":{"enable":false}, "template":{"enable":false}, "adSlot":{"enable":false}, "progress":{"enable":false}, "clicks":{"enable":false}, "vpaid":{"enable":false} }; }; } public function update(k:Object):void { this.initialise(k); } public function _SafeStr_5962():void { } public function set _SafeStr_5961(k:Object):void { this._SafeStr_5951 = k; this._SafeStr_5959(); } protected function _SafeStr_5963():String { return (this._SafeStr_5952); } public function _SafeStr_5964():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_5945 == null))); } public function set accountId(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_5945 = k; } public function get accountId():String { if (this._SafeStr_5945 == null){ return (_SafeStr_5944); }; return (this._SafeStr_5945); } public function _SafeStr_5965(k:String, _arg_2:String):String { if (this._SafeStr_5950.hasOwnProperty(k)){ if (this._SafeStr_5950[k].hasOwnProperty(_arg_2)){ return ((this._SafeStr_5950[k][_arg_2] + this._SafeStr_5963())); }; }; return (null); } public function set trackingEnabled(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5946 = k; } public function get trackingEnabled():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5946); } public function _SafeStr_5966(k:String):Boolean { if (this._SafeStr_5950.hasOwnProperty(k)){ if (this._SafeStr_5950[k].hasOwnProperty("enable")){ return (((this.trackingEnabled) && (this._SafeStr_5950[k].enable))); }; }; return (false); } public function _SafeStr_5967():Boolean { return (((this.trackingEnabled) && (this._SafeStr_5950.adCalls.enable))); } public function _SafeStr_5968():Boolean { return (((this.trackingEnabled) && (this._SafeStr_5950.template.enable))); } public function _SafeStr_5969():Boolean { return (((this.trackingEnabled) && (this._SafeStr_5950.adSlot.enable))); } public function _SafeStr_5970():Boolean { return (((this.trackingEnabled) && (this._SafeStr_5950.progress.enable))); } public function _SafeStr_5971():Boolean { return (((this.trackingEnabled) && (this._SafeStr_5950.impressions.enable))); } public function _SafeStr_5972():Boolean { return (((this.trackingEnabled) && (this._SafeStr_5950.vpaid.enable))); } public function _SafeStr_5973():Boolean { return (((this.trackingEnabled) && (this._SafeStr_5950.clicks.enable))); } public function set displayObject(k:DisplayObject):void { this._SafeStr_5939 = k; } public function get displayObject():DisplayObject { return (this._SafeStr_5939); } public function set trackAdTags(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5947 = k; } public function get trackAdTags():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5947); } public function set addParamsToTrackingURL(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5948 = k; } public function get addParamsToTrackingURL():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5948); } public function set useDefaultPaths(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5949 = k; } public function get useDefaultPaths():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5949); } } }//package _-0C // _SafeStr_5095 = "_-5vI" (String#1235, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5939 = "_-09W" (String#4920, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5944 = "_-28U" (String#23958, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5945 = "_-0UE" (String#6620, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5946 = "_-45z" (String#9091, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5947 = "_-2p-" (String#22415, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5948 = "_-sj" (String#23967, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5949 = "_-1Z7" (String#17513, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5950 = "_-6Tw" (String#3510, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5951 = "_-0zd" (String#17577, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5952 = "_-0ml" (String#26671, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5953 = "_-1f3" (String#29057, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5954 = "_-6hp" (String#34496, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5955 = "_-415" (String#37193, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5956 = "_-Sx" (String#42486, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5957 = "_-5j6" (String#40308, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5958 = "_-3DB" (String#9901, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5959 = "_-2kV" (String#37300, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5960 = "_-4qM" (String#2676, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5961 = "_-2gX" (String#37695, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5962 = "_-2S9" (String#36429, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5963 = "_-6ee" (String#34308, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5964 = "_-3-1" (String#39316, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5965 = "_-2ez" (String#39695, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5966 = "_-3Do" (String#39904, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5967 = "_-4vm" (String#46162, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5968 = "_-3EK" (String#39817, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5969 = "_-E3" (String#41908, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5970 = "_-1qi" (String#39954, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5971 = "_-1OX" (String#43148, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5972 = "_-6NX" (String#39808, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5973 = "_-4oP" (String#44829, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0C2.HotLooksModel package _-0C2 { import _-6Fg.CategoryBaseModel; import _-6Fg._SafeStr_4708; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import _-21l.FigureData; import _-CG.HabboAvatarEditor; import _-5yP.Outfit; import flash.net.URLRequest; import _-59z._SafeStr_37; import _-53G.AssetLoaderEvent; import _-59z.XmlAsset; import flash.events.Event; import _-6Fg.CategoryData; import _-5yP.*; public class HotLooksModel extends CategoryBaseModel implements _SafeStr_4708 { public static const _SafeStr_5974:String = "hot_looks"; public static const _SafeStr_5975:String = "my_looks"; private static const _SafeStr_5976:int = 20; private var _SafeStr_5977:Dictionary; public function HotLooksModel(k:HabboAvatarEditor) { super(k); this._SafeStr_5977 = new Dictionary(); this._SafeStr_5977[FigureData._SafeStr_5978] = new Array(); this._SafeStr_5977[FigureData._SafeStr_5979] = new Array(); this._SafeStr_5977[(FigureData._SafeStr_5978 + ".index")] = 0; this._SafeStr_5977[(FigureData._SafeStr_5979 + ".index")] = 0; this._SafeStr_5980(); } override public function dispose():void { super.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5977 = null; } override protected function init():void { if (!_SafeStr_5554){ _SafeStr_5554 = new HotLooksView(this); }; _SafeStr_5554.init(); _SafeStr_5635 = true; } public function _SafeStr_5981(k:int):void { var _local_2:Array = this._SafeStr_5977[_SafeStr_5553.gender]; var _local_3:Outfit = _local_2[k]; if (_local_3 != null){ if (_local_3.figure == ""){ return; }; _SafeStr_5553.loadAvatarInEditor(_local_3.figure, _local_3.gender, _SafeStr_5553.clubMemberLevel); }; } public function get _SafeStr_5982():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5977[_SafeStr_5553.gender]); } private function _SafeStr_5980():void { var k:String = _SafeStr_5553.manager.getProperty("avatareditor.promohabbos"); var _local_2:URLRequest = new URLRequest(k); var _local_3:_SafeStr_37 = _SafeStr_5553.manager.assets.loadAssetFromFile("hotLooksConfiguration", _local_2, "text/xml"); _local_3.addEventListener(AssetLoaderEvent._SafeStr_5315, this._SafeStr_5983); } private function _SafeStr_5983(event:Event=null):void { var habbos:XML; var processedHotLooks:int; var habbo:XML; var hotLook:Outfit; var loaderStruct:_SafeStr_37 = (event.target as _SafeStr_37); if (loaderStruct == null){ return; }; var xmlAsset:XmlAsset = (_SafeStr_5553.manager.assets.getAssetByName("hotLooksConfiguration") as XmlAsset); if (xmlAsset != null){ try { habbos = (xmlAsset.content as XML); processedHotLooks = 0; for each (habbo in habbos.habbo) { if (processedHotLooks > _SafeStr_5976){ break; }; hotLook = new Outfit(_SafeStr_5553, habbo.@figure, habbo.@gender); (this._SafeStr_5977[hotLook.gender] as Array).push(hotLook); processedHotLooks = (processedHotLooks + 1); }; } catch(e:Error) { }; }; } override public function switchCategory(k:String=""):void { } override public function getCategoryData(k:String):CategoryData { return (null); } override public function selectPart(k:String, _arg_2:int):void { } } }//package _-0C2 // _SafeStr_37 = "_-3AZ" (String#1157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4708 = "_-18p" (String#2183, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5315 = "_-3B" (String#2876, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5553 = "_-2zO" (String#197, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5554 = "_-09l" (String#95, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5635 = "_-2Pj" (String#1015, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5974 = "_-1Fa" (String#26563, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5975 = "_-2RI" (String#29228, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5976 = "_-0kJ" (String#22429, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5977 = "_-4XO" (String#8352, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5978 = "_-4Cz" (String#4421, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5979 = "_-2Fp" (String#4563, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5980 = "_-12S" (String#32304, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5981 = "_-41J" (String#37298, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5982 = "_-53o" (String#37738, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5983 = "_-bO" (String#33859, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0C2.HotLooksView package _-0C2 { import _-6Fg._SafeStr_5125; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-tc.IItemGridWindow; import _-4R8._SafeStr_3079; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-5yP.Outfit; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-5yP.*; public class HotLooksView implements _SafeStr_5125 { private var _SafeStr_5605:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_5629:HotLooksModel; private var _SafeStr_5984:IItemGridWindow; public function HotLooksView(k:HotLooksModel) { this._SafeStr_5629 = k; } public function init():void { if (this._SafeStr_5984){ this._SafeStr_5984._SafeStr_5985(); }; if (!this._SafeStr_5605){ this._SafeStr_5605 = (this._SafeStr_5629.controller.view.getCategoryContainer(_SafeStr_3079._SafeStr_5986) as IWindowContainer); this._SafeStr_5984 = (this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("hotlooks") as IItemGridWindow); this._SafeStr_5605.visible = false; }; this.update(); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5984._SafeStr_5985(); this._SafeStr_5605 = null; this._SafeStr_5629 = null; } public function update():void { var k:IWindow; var _local_2:Outfit; this._SafeStr_5984._SafeStr_5985(); for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_5629._SafeStr_5982) { k = _local_2.view.window; this._SafeStr_5984._SafeStr_5641(k); k.procedure = this._SafeStr_5987; }; } public function getWindowContainer():IWindowContainer { return (this._SafeStr_5605); } private function _SafeStr_5987(k:WindowEvent, _arg_2:IWindow=null):void { var _local_3:int; if (_arg_2 == null){ _arg_2 = (k.target as IWindow); }; if (k.type == WindowMouseEvent.CLICK){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_5984._SafeStr_5988(_arg_2.parent); this._SafeStr_5629._SafeStr_5981(_local_3); }; } public function switchCategory(k:String):void { } public function _SafeStr_5989(k:String, _arg_2:int):void { } public function reset():void { } } }//package _-0C2 // _SafeStr_3079 = "_-2F3" (String#3128, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5125 = "_-3Bd" (String#7364, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5605 = "_-1QN" (String#15, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5629 = "_-3Ji" (String#469, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5641 = "_-1s2" (String#2663, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5981 = "_-41J" (String#37298, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5982 = "_-53o" (String#37738, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5984 = "_-5W5" (String#10497, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5985 = "_-1a4" (String#4994, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5986 = "_-wh" (String#12824, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5987 = "_-5dN" (String#35682, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5988 = "_-5qG" (String#3979, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5989 = "_-3xg" (String#7544, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0CW._SafeStr_2663 package _-0CW { import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import flash.display.BitmapData; public interface _SafeStr_2663 { function dispose():void; function set assetLibrary(_arg_1:_SafeStr_10):void; function _SafeStr_5666():void; function _SafeStr_5990():void; function _SafeStr_5991():int; function _SafeStr_5992():int; function _SafeStr_5993(_arg_1:XML):Boolean; function getAsset(_arg_1:String):_SafeStr_3892; function getAssetWithPalette(_arg_1:String, _arg_2:String):_SafeStr_3892; function _SafeStr_5994():Array; function _SafeStr_5995(_arg_1:String):Array; function _SafeStr_5996(_arg_1:String):XML; function addAsset(_arg_1:String, _arg_2:BitmapData, _arg_3:Boolean, _arg_4:int=0, _arg_5:int=0, _arg_6:Boolean=false, _arg_7:Boolean=false):Boolean; function disposeAsset(_arg_1:String):void; } }//package _-0CW // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2663 = "_-0F4" (String#1907, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3892 = "_-4uU" (String#1285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5666 = "_-34J" (String#12947, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5990 = "_-1LA" (String#26783, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5991 = "_-3be" (String#31075, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5992 = "_-5lU" (String#27121, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5993 = "_-4JZ" (String#18321, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5994 = "_-1tg" (String#28687, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5995 = "_-0S6" (String#28079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5996 = "_-2aF" (String#23127, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0CW._SafeStr_3892 package _-0CW { import _-59z._SafeStr_39; public interface _SafeStr_3892 { function get flipV():Boolean; function get flipH():Boolean; function get width():int; function get height():int; function get asset():_SafeStr_39; function get assetName():String; function get _SafeStr_5997():String; function get offsetX():int; function get offsetY():int; function get _SafeStr_5998():int; function get _SafeStr_5999():int; function get usesPalette():Boolean; } }//package _-0CW // _SafeStr_3892 = "_-4uU" (String#1285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_39 = "_-0yC" (String#592, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5997 = "_-dg" (String#4380, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5998 = "_-0dh" (String#26560, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5999 = "_-2m5" (String#30656, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0CW._SafeStr_4381 package _-0CW { import flash.utils.ByteArray; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.display.BitmapDataChannel; public class _SafeStr_4381 { private static var _SafeStr_6000:Array = []; private var _SafeStr_6001:Array; private var _SafeStr_6002:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_6003:int = 0; public function _SafeStr_4381(k:ByteArray, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:int) { var _local_4:uint; var _local_5:uint; var _local_6:uint; var _local_7:uint; this._SafeStr_6001 = []; super(); k.position = 0; while (k.bytesAvailable >= 3) { _local_4 = k.readUnsignedByte(); _local_5 = k.readUnsignedByte(); _local_6 = k.readUnsignedByte(); _local_7 = ((((0xFF << 24) | (_local_4 << 16)) | (_local_5 << 8)) | _local_6); this._SafeStr_6001.push(_local_7); }; while (this._SafeStr_6001.length < 0x0100) { this._SafeStr_6001.push(0); }; while (_SafeStr_6000.length < 0x0100) { _SafeStr_6000.push(0); }; this._SafeStr_6002 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6003 = _arg_3; } public function get _SafeStr_6004():int { return (this._SafeStr_6002); } public function get _SafeStr_6005():int { return (this._SafeStr_6003); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6001 = []; } public function _SafeStr_6006(k:BitmapData):void { var _local_2:BitmapData = k.clone(); k.paletteMap(k, k.rect, new Point(0, 0), _SafeStr_6000, this._SafeStr_6001, _SafeStr_6000, _SafeStr_6000); k.copyChannel(_local_2, k.rect, new Point(0, 0), BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA); _local_2.dispose(); } } }//package _-0CW // _SafeStr_4381 = "_-3N9" (String#5498, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6000 = "_-0Gy" (String#6234, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6001 = "_-2f0" (String#11711, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6002 = "_-0CC" (String#9002, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6003 = "_-6J5" (String#9431, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6004 = "_-51F" (String#8516, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6005 = "_-1X3" (String#8990, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6006 = "_-mC" (String#33897, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0CW.GraphicAsset package _-0CW { import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import _-59z.BitmapDataAsset; import _-59z._SafeStr_39; import flash.display.BitmapData; import __AS3__.vec.*; public class GraphicAsset implements _SafeStr_3892 { private static const _SafeStr_6007:Vector. = new Vector.(); private var _SafeStr_6008:String; private var _SafeStr_6009:String; private var _SafeStr_6010:BitmapDataAsset; private var _flipH:Boolean; private var _flipV:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6011:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6012:int; private var _SafeStr_6013:int; private var _SafeStr_5658:int; private var _height:int; private var _SafeStr_6014:Boolean; public static function _SafeStr_6015(k:String, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:_SafeStr_39, _arg_4:Boolean, _arg_5:Boolean, _arg_6:int, _arg_7:int, _arg_8:Boolean=false):GraphicAsset { var _local_9:GraphicAsset = (((_SafeStr_6007.length > 0)) ? _SafeStr_6007.pop() : new (GraphicAsset)()); _local_9._SafeStr_6008 = k; _local_9._SafeStr_6009 = _arg_2; var _local_10:BitmapDataAsset = (_arg_3 as BitmapDataAsset); if (_local_10 != null){ _local_9._SafeStr_6010 = _local_10; _local_9._SafeStr_6014 = false; } else { _local_9._SafeStr_6010 = null; _local_9._SafeStr_6014 = true; }; _local_9._flipH = _arg_4; _local_9._flipV = _arg_5; _local_9._SafeStr_6012 = _arg_6; _local_9._SafeStr_6013 = _arg_7; _local_9._SafeStr_6011 = _arg_8; return (_local_9); } public function recycle():void { this._SafeStr_6010 = null; _SafeStr_6007.push(this); } private function initialize():void { var k:BitmapData; if (((!(this._SafeStr_6014)) && (!((this._SafeStr_6010 == null))))){ k = (this._SafeStr_6010.content as BitmapData); if (k != null){ this._SafeStr_5658 = k.width; this._height = k.height; }; this._SafeStr_6014 = true; }; } public function get flipV():Boolean { return (this._flipV); } public function get flipH():Boolean { return (this._flipH); } public function get width():int { this.initialize(); return (this._SafeStr_5658); } public function get height():int { this.initialize(); return (this._height); } public function get assetName():String { return (this._SafeStr_6008); } public function get _SafeStr_5997():String { return (this._SafeStr_6009); } public function get asset():_SafeStr_39 { return (this._SafeStr_6010); } public function get usesPalette():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6011); } public function get offsetX():int { if (!this._flipH){ return (this._SafeStr_6012); }; return (-((this.width + this._SafeStr_6012))); } public function get offsetY():int { if (!this._flipV){ return (this._SafeStr_6013); }; return (-((this.height + this._SafeStr_6013))); } public function get _SafeStr_5998():int { return (this._SafeStr_6012); } public function get _SafeStr_5999():int { return (this._SafeStr_6013); } } }//package _-0CW // _SafeStr_3892 = "_-4uU" (String#1285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_39 = "_-0yC" (String#592, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5658 = "_-2ty" (String#603, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5997 = "_-dg" (String#4380, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5998 = "_-0dh" (String#26560, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5999 = "_-2m5" (String#30656, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6007 = "_-344" (String#6043, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6008 = "_-1Zr" (String#6145, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6009 = "_-4F" (String#16652, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6010 = "_-4u8" (String#1557, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6011 = "_-pk" (String#31749, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6012 = "_-2f-" (String#2499, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6013 = "_-2tD" (String#1863, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6014 = "_-00F" (String#2333, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6015 = "_-6kl" (String#978, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0CW.GraphicAssetCollection package _-0CW { import _-15X.Map; import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import flash.utils.getTimer; import _-59z._SafeStr_39; import flash.utils.ByteArray; import _-0-8.XMLValidator; import _-59z.BitmapDataAsset; import flash.display.BitmapData; public class GraphicAssetCollection implements _SafeStr_2663 { private static const _SafeStr_6016:int = 10; private static const _SafeStr_6017:Array = ["id", "source"]; private static const _SafeStr_6018:Boolean = false; private var _assets:Map; private var _SafeStr_6019:_SafeStr_10; private var _SafeStr_6020:Map; private var _SafeStr_6021:Array; private var _SafeStr_6022:Map; private var _SafeStr_5676:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_6023:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_6024:Dictionary; public function GraphicAssetCollection() { this._assets = new Map(); this._SafeStr_6020 = new Map(); this._SafeStr_6022 = new Map(); this._SafeStr_6021 = []; this._SafeStr_6024 = new Dictionary(); } public function dispose():void { var k:String; var _local_2:_SafeStr_4381; var _local_3:GraphicAsset; var _local_4:String; if (this._SafeStr_6020 != null){ for (k in this._SafeStr_6020) { _local_2 = this._SafeStr_6020[k]; if (_local_2 != null){ _local_2.dispose(); }; }; this._SafeStr_6020.reset(); }; if (this._SafeStr_6022 != null){ this._SafeStr_6020.reset(); }; if (this._SafeStr_6021 != null){ this._SafeStr_6025(); this._SafeStr_6021 = null; }; if (this._assets != null){ for (k in this._assets) { _local_3 = this._assets[k]; if (_local_3 != null){ _local_3.recycle(); }; }; this._assets.reset(); }; if (this._SafeStr_6024){ for (_local_4 in this._SafeStr_6024) { delete this._SafeStr_6024[_local_4]; }; }; this._SafeStr_6019 = null; } public function set assetLibrary(k:_SafeStr_10):void { this._SafeStr_6019 = k; } public function _SafeStr_5666():void { this._SafeStr_5676++; this._SafeStr_6023 = getTimer(); } public function _SafeStr_5990():void { this._SafeStr_5676--; if (this._SafeStr_5676 <= 0){ this._SafeStr_5676 = 0; this._SafeStr_6023 = getTimer(); this._SafeStr_6025(false); }; } public function _SafeStr_5991():int { return (this._SafeStr_5676); } public function _SafeStr_5992():int { return (this._SafeStr_6023); } public function _SafeStr_5993(k:XML):Boolean { if (k == null){ return (false); }; var _local_2:XMLList = k.asset; if (_local_2 == null){ return (false); }; var _local_3:XMLList = k.palette; if (_local_3 != null){ this._SafeStr_6026(_local_3); }; if (_SafeStr_6018){ this._SafeStr_6027(_local_2); } else { this._SafeStr_6028(_local_2); }; return (true); } private function _SafeStr_6027(k:XMLList):void { var _local_2:XML; var _local_3:String; for each (_local_2 in k) { _local_3 = _local_2.@name; if (_local_3.length > 0){ this._SafeStr_6024[_local_3] = _local_2; }; }; } private function _SafeStr_6028(k:XMLList):void { var _local_4:XML; var _local_5:String; var _local_6:String; var _local_7:Boolean; var _local_8:Boolean; var _local_9:Boolean; var _local_10:int; var _local_11:int; var _local_12:_SafeStr_39; var _local_13:Boolean; var _local_14:_SafeStr_3892; var _local_2:int = k.length(); var _local_3:int; while (_local_3 < _local_2) { _local_4 = k[_local_3]; _local_5 = _local_4.@name; if (_local_5.length > 0){ _local_6 = null; _local_7 = false; _local_8 = false; _local_9 = false; _local_10 = 0; _local_11 = 0; _local_10 = -(int(_local_4.@x)); _local_11 = -(int(_local_4.@y)); _local_6 = _local_4.@source; if (int(_local_4.@flipH) > 0){ if (_local_6.length > 0){ _local_7 = true; }; }; if (int(_local_4.@flipV) > 0){ if (_local_6.length > 0){ _local_8 = true; }; }; _local_9 = !((int(_local_4.@usesPalette) == 0)); if (_local_6.length == 0){ _local_6 = _local_5; }; _local_12 = this._SafeStr_6019.getAssetByName(_local_6); if (_local_12 != null){ _local_13 = this._SafeStr_6029(_local_5, _local_6, _local_12, _local_7, _local_8, _local_10, _local_11, _local_9); if (!_local_13){ _local_14 = this.getAsset(_local_5); if (((!((_local_14 == null))) && (!((_local_14.assetName == _local_14._SafeStr_5997))))){ _local_13 = this._SafeStr_6030(_local_5, _local_6, _local_12, _local_7, _local_8, _local_10, _local_11, _local_9); }; }; }; }; _local_3++; }; } private function _SafeStr_6026(k:XMLList):void { var _local_2:XML; var _local_3:String; var _local_4:String; var _local_5:_SafeStr_39; var _local_6:ByteArray; var _local_7:int; var _local_8:int; var _local_9:String; var _local_10:_SafeStr_4381; for each (_local_2 in k) { if (XMLValidator._SafeStr_5763(_local_2, _SafeStr_6017)){ _local_3 = _local_2.@id; _local_4 = _local_2.@source; if (this._SafeStr_6020[_local_3] == null){ _local_5 = this._SafeStr_6019.getAssetByName(_local_4); if ((_local_5.content is Class)){ _local_6 = (new ((_local_5.content as Class))() as ByteArray); } else { _local_6 = (_local_5.content as ByteArray); }; _local_7 = 0xFFFFFF; _local_8 = 0xFFFFFF; _local_9 = _local_2.@color1; if (_local_9.length > 0){ _local_7 = parseInt(_local_9, 16); _local_8 = _local_7; }; _local_9 = _local_2.@color2; if (_local_9.length > 0){ _local_8 = parseInt(_local_9, 16); }; _local_10 = new _SafeStr_4381(_local_6, _local_7, _local_8); this._SafeStr_6020[_local_3] = _local_10; this._SafeStr_6022[_local_3] = _local_2; }; }; }; } protected function _SafeStr_6029(k:String, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:_SafeStr_39, _arg_4:Boolean, _arg_5:Boolean, _arg_6:Number, _arg_7:Number, _arg_8:Boolean):Boolean { if (this._assets[k] != null){ return (false); }; if (this._SafeStr_6024[k]){ return (false); }; var _local_9:GraphicAsset = GraphicAsset._SafeStr_6015(k, _arg_2, _arg_3, _arg_4, _arg_5, _arg_6, _arg_7, _arg_8); this._assets[k] = _local_9; return (true); } protected function _SafeStr_6030(k:String, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:_SafeStr_39, _arg_4:Boolean, _arg_5:Boolean, _arg_6:Number, _arg_7:Number, _arg_8:Boolean):Boolean { var _local_9:GraphicAsset = this._assets.remove(k); if (_local_9 != null){ _local_9.recycle(); } else { delete this._SafeStr_6024[k]; }; return (this._SafeStr_6029(k, _arg_2, _arg_3, _arg_4, _arg_5, _arg_6, _arg_7, _arg_8)); } public function getAsset(k:String):_SafeStr_3892 { var _local_4:String; var _local_5:Boolean; var _local_6:Boolean; var _local_7:Boolean; var _local_8:int; var _local_9:int; var _local_10:_SafeStr_39; var _local_11:_SafeStr_3892; var _local_2:_SafeStr_3892 = this._assets.getValue(k); if (_local_2){ return (_local_2); }; var _local_3:XML = this._SafeStr_6024[k]; if (_local_3){ delete this._SafeStr_6024[k]; _local_4 = null; _local_5 = false; _local_6 = false; _local_7 = false; _local_8 = 0; _local_9 = 0; _local_8 = -(int(_local_3.@x)); _local_9 = -(int(_local_3.@y)); _local_4 = _local_3.@source; if (int(_local_3.@flipH) > 0){ if (_local_4.length > 0){ _local_5 = true; }; }; if (int(_local_3.@flipV) > 0){ if (_local_4.length > 0){ _local_6 = true; }; }; _local_7 = !((int(_local_3.@usesPalette) == 0)); if (_local_4.length == 0){ _local_4 = k; }; _local_10 = this._SafeStr_6019.getAssetByName(_local_4); if (_local_10 != null){ if (this._SafeStr_6029(k, _local_4, _local_10, _local_5, _local_6, _local_8, _local_9, _local_7)){ return (this._assets[k]); }; _local_11 = this.getAsset(k); if (((!((_local_11 == null))) && (!((_local_11.assetName == _local_11._SafeStr_5997))))){ if (!this._SafeStr_6030(k, _local_4, _local_10, _local_5, _local_6, _local_8, _local_9, _local_7)){ return (null); }; }; }; }; return (null); } public function getAssetWithPalette(k:String, _arg_2:String):_SafeStr_3892 { var _local_5:_SafeStr_3892; var _local_6:String; var _local_7:BitmapDataAsset; var _local_8:BitmapData; var _local_9:_SafeStr_4381; var _local_10:BitmapData; var _local_3:String = ((k + "@") + _arg_2); var _local_4:_SafeStr_3892 = this.getAsset(_local_3); if (_local_4 == null){ _local_5 = this.getAsset(k); if ((((_local_5 == null)) || (!(_local_5.usesPalette)))){ return (_local_5); }; _local_6 = ((_local_5._SafeStr_5997 + "@") + _arg_2); _local_7 = this._SafeStr_6031(_local_6); if (_local_7 == null){ _local_8 = (_local_5.asset.content as BitmapData); if (_local_8 != null){ _local_9 = this._SafeStr_6032(_arg_2); if (_local_9 != null){ _local_10 = _local_8.clone(); _local_9._SafeStr_6006(_local_10); _local_7 = this._SafeStr_6033(_local_6, _local_10); if (_local_7 == null){ _local_10.dispose(); return (null); }; } else { return (_local_5); }; }; }; this._SafeStr_6021.push(_local_3); this._SafeStr_6029(_local_3, _local_6, _local_7, _local_5.flipH, _local_5.flipV, _local_5._SafeStr_5998, _local_5._SafeStr_5999, false); _local_4 = this.getAsset(_local_3); }; return (_local_4); } public function _SafeStr_5994():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6020._SafeStr_5569()); } public function _SafeStr_5995(k:String):Array { var _local_2:_SafeStr_4381 = this._SafeStr_6032(k); if (_local_2 != null){ return ([_local_2._SafeStr_6004, _local_2._SafeStr_6005]); }; return (null); } public function _SafeStr_5996(k:String):XML { return (this._SafeStr_6022[k]); } private function _SafeStr_6032(k:String):_SafeStr_4381 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_4381 = this._SafeStr_6020[k]; return (_local_2); } public function addAsset(k:String, _arg_2:BitmapData, _arg_3:Boolean, _arg_4:int=0, _arg_5:int=0, _arg_6:Boolean=false, _arg_7:Boolean=false):Boolean { var _local_9:BitmapData; if ((((k == null)) || ((_arg_2 == null)))){ return (false); }; if (this._SafeStr_6019 == null){ return (false); }; var _local_8:BitmapDataAsset = this._SafeStr_6031(k); if (_local_8 == null){ _local_8 = new BitmapDataAsset(this._SafeStr_6019.getAssetTypeDeclarationByClass(BitmapDataAsset)); this._SafeStr_6019.setAsset(k, _local_8); _local_8._SafeStr_6034(_arg_2); return (this._SafeStr_6029(k, k, _local_8, _arg_6, _arg_7, _arg_4, _arg_5, false)); }; if (_arg_3){ _local_9 = (_local_8.content as BitmapData); if (((!((_local_9 == null))) && (!((_local_9 == _arg_2))))){ _local_9.dispose(); }; _local_8._SafeStr_6034(_arg_2); return (true); }; return (false); } public function disposeAsset(k:String):void { var _local_3:BitmapDataAsset; var _local_2:GraphicAsset = this._assets.remove(k); if (_local_2 != null){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_6031(_local_2._SafeStr_5997); if (_local_3 != null){ this._SafeStr_6019.removeAsset(_local_3); _local_3.dispose(); }; _local_2.recycle(); } else { delete this._SafeStr_6024[k]; }; } private function _SafeStr_6031(k:String):BitmapDataAsset { var _local_2:BitmapDataAsset = (this._SafeStr_6019.getAssetByName(k) as BitmapDataAsset); return (_local_2); } private function _SafeStr_6033(k:String, _arg_2:BitmapData):BitmapDataAsset { var _local_3:BitmapDataAsset = this._SafeStr_6031(k); if (_local_3 == null){ _local_3 = new BitmapDataAsset(this._SafeStr_6019.getAssetTypeDeclarationByClass(BitmapDataAsset)); this._SafeStr_6019.setAsset(k, _local_3); _local_3._SafeStr_6034(_arg_2); return (_local_3); }; return (null); } private function _SafeStr_6025(k:Boolean=true):void { var _local_2:String; if (this._SafeStr_6021 != null){ if (((k) || ((this._SafeStr_6021.length > _SafeStr_6016)))){ for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6021) { this.disposeAsset(_local_2); }; this._SafeStr_6021 = []; }; }; } } }//package _-0CW // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2663 = "_-0F4" (String#1907, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3892 = "_-4uU" (String#1285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_39 = "_-0yC" (String#592, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4381 = "_-3N9" (String#5498, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5569 = "_-2vO" (String#2303, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5666 = "_-34J" (String#12947, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5676 = "_-22m" (String#5890, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5763 = "_-5rM" (String#2496, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5990 = "_-1LA" (String#26783, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5991 = "_-3be" (String#31075, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5992 = "_-5lU" (String#27121, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5993 = "_-4JZ" (String#18321, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5994 = "_-1tg" (String#28687, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5995 = "_-0S6" (String#28079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5996 = "_-2aF" (String#23127, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5997 = "_-dg" (String#4380, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5998 = "_-0dh" (String#26560, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5999 = "_-2m5" (String#30656, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6004 = "_-51F" (String#8516, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6005 = "_-1X3" (String#8990, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6006 = "_-mC" (String#33897, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6015 = "_-6kl" (String#978, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6016 = "_-45P" (String#22814, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6017 = "_-49v" (String#21852, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6018 = "_-3-m" (String#25357, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6019 = "_-3fD" (String#6388, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6020 = "_-5Dn" (String#3591, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6021 = "_-3Jo" (String#8803, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6022 = "_-BJ" (String#17897, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6023 = "_-4nZ" (String#23402, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6024 = "_-k1" (String#7249, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6025 = "_-2pH" (String#30897, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6026 = "_-254" (String#35173, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6027 = "_-cO" (String#33879, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6028 = "_-6b8" (String#34478, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6029 = "_-2me" (String#10289, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6030 = "_-0rT" (String#26363, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6031 = "_-ze" (String#19086, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6032 = "_-4-w" (String#5931, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6033 = "_-4gF" (String#36095, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6034 = "_-2ge" (String#13146, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0D2._SafeStr_4974 package _-0D2 { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4974 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6035:int; public function get stuffId():int { return (this._SafeStr_6035); } public function flush():Boolean { this._SafeStr_6035 = -1; return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { this._SafeStr_6035 = k.readInt(); return (true); } } }//package _-0D2 // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4974 = "_-4vN" (String#12295, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6035 = "_-2-d" (String#2029, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0D2._SafeStr_4983 package _-0D2 { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4983 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6035:int; private var _SafeStr_6037:Boolean; public function get stuffId():int { return (this._SafeStr_6035); } public function get _SafeStr_6038():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6037); } public function flush():Boolean { this._SafeStr_6035 = -1; this._SafeStr_6037 = false; return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { this._SafeStr_6035 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_6037 = k.readBoolean(); return (true); } } }//package _-0D2 // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4983 = "_-2CV" (String#12478, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6035 = "_-2-d" (String#2029, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6037 = "_-4XK" (String#5957, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6038 = "_-5W" (String#3652, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0D2._SafeStr_4985 package _-0D2 { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4985 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6035:int; public function get stuffId():int { return (this._SafeStr_6035); } public function flush():Boolean { this._SafeStr_6035 = -1; return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { this._SafeStr_6035 = k.readInt(); return (true); } } }//package _-0D2 // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4985 = "_-0c0" (String#13420, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6035 = "_-2-d" (String#2029, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Dt._SafeStr_2315 package _-0Dt { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_2315 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_2315(k:int, _arg_2:int) { this._SafeStr_6039 = new Array(); super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(k); this._SafeStr_6039.push(_arg_2); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0Dt // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2315 = "_-3PE" (String#13656, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-E.BaseRegionConfig package _-0-E { import _-5pY.Debuggable; import _-4Bv.StringUtils; import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.Loader; public class BaseRegionConfig extends Debuggable { protected var _SafeStr_6040:String; protected var _SafeStr_5681:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6041:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6042:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6043:int = -1; protected var _SafeStr_6044:int = -1; protected var _SafeStr_6045:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6046:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6047:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6048 = null; protected var _SafeStr_6049:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6050:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6051:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6052:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6053:CloseButtonConfig; protected var _SafeStr_6054:Number = -1; protected var _SafeStr_6055:String = "5 5 5 5"; protected var _SafeStr_6056:Number = 1; protected var _SafeStr_6057:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_5802 = null; protected var _SafeStr_6058 = null; public function BaseRegionConfig(k:Object=null) { this._SafeStr_6053 = new CloseButtonConfig(); super(); this.setup(k); } public function setup(k:Object):void { if (k != null){ if (k.id != undefined){ this.id = k.id; }; if (k.stylesheet != undefined){ this.stylesheet = k.stylesheet; }; if (k.style != undefined){ this.style = k.style; }; if (k.border != undefined){ this.border = k.border; }; if (k.borderRadius != undefined){ this.borderRadius = k.borderRadius; }; if (k.borderColor != undefined){ this.borderColor = k.borderColor; }; if (k.borderWidth != undefined){ this.borderWidth = k.borderWidth; }; if (k.backgroundGradient != undefined){ this.backgroundGradient = k.backgroundGradient; }; if (k.background != undefined){ this.background = k.background; }; if (k.backgroundImage != undefined){ this.backgroundImage = StringUtils._SafeStr_6059(k.backgroundImage, "%27"); }; if (k.backgroundRepeat != undefined){ this.backgroundRepeat = k.backgroundRepeat; }; if (k.backgroundColor != undefined){ this.backgroundColor = k.backgroundColor; }; if (k.closeButton != undefined){ if ((k.closeButton is CloseButtonConfig)){ this._SafeStr_6053 = k.closeButton; } else { this._SafeStr_6053 = new CloseButtonConfig(k.closeButton); }; }; if (k.padding != undefined){ this.padding = k.padding; }; if (k.opacity != undefined){ this.opacity = k.opacity; }; if (k.html != undefined){ this.html = StringUtils._SafeStr_6059(k.html, "'"); }; if (k.image != undefined){ this.image = k.image; }; if (k.swf != undefined){ this.swf = k.swf; }; }; } public function set id(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6041 = k; } public function get id():String { return (this._SafeStr_6041); } public function set style(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_5681 = k; } public function get style():String { return (this._SafeStr_5681); } public function set stylesheet(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6040 = k; } public function get stylesheet():String { return (this._SafeStr_6040); } public function set html(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6057 = k; } public function get html():String { return (this._SafeStr_6057); } public function set borderRadius(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6043 = k; } public function get borderRadius():int { return (this._SafeStr_6043); } public function _SafeStr_6060():Boolean { return ((this._SafeStr_6043 > -1)); } public function set borderWidth(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6044 = k; } public function get borderWidth():int { return (this._SafeStr_6044); } public function _SafeStr_6061():Boolean { return ((this._SafeStr_6044 > -1)); } public function set border(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6042 = k; } public function get border():String { return (this._SafeStr_6042); } public function _SafeStr_6062():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_6042 == null))); } public function set borderColor(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6045 = k; } public function get borderColor():String { return (this._SafeStr_6045); } public function _SafeStr_6063():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_6045 == null))); } public function set background(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6046 = k; this._SafeStr_6047 = k; } public function get background():String { return (this._SafeStr_6046); } public function _SafeStr_6064():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_6046 == null))); } public function set _SafeStr_6065(k:Boolean):void { if (k){ this._SafeStr_6066(); } else { this._SafeStr_6067(); }; } public function _SafeStr_6066():void { this._SafeStr_6046 = "transparent"; this._SafeStr_6051 = "transparent"; } public function _SafeStr_6067():void { this._SafeStr_6046 = this._SafeStr_6047; this._SafeStr_6051 = this._SafeStr_6052; } public function set backgroundRepeat(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6050 = k; } public function get backgroundRepeat():String { return (this._SafeStr_6050); } public function _SafeStr_6068():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_6050 == null))); } public function set backgroundGradient(k:*):void { this._SafeStr_6048 = k; } public function get backgroundGradient() { return (this._SafeStr_6048); } public function _SafeStr_6069():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_6048 == null))); } public function set backgroundImage(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6049 = k; } public function get backgroundImage():String { return (this._SafeStr_6049); } public function _SafeStr_6070():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_6049 == null))); } public function set backgroundColor(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6051 = k; this._SafeStr_6052 = k; } public function get backgroundColor():String { return (this._SafeStr_6051); } public function _SafeStr_6071():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_6051 == null))); } public function set opacity(k:Number):void { this._SafeStr_6054 = k; } public function get opacity():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6054); } public function _SafeStr_6072():Boolean { return ((this._SafeStr_6054 > -1)); } public function set padding(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6055 = k; } public function get padding():String { return (this._SafeStr_6055); } public function set scaleRate(k:Number):void { this._SafeStr_6056 = k; } public function get scaleRate():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6056); } public function set image(k:*):void { this._SafeStr_5802 = k; } public function get image() { return (this._SafeStr_5802); } public function _SafeStr_6073():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_5802 == null))); } public function _SafeStr_6074():Boolean { return ((this._SafeStr_5802 is Bitmap)); } public function _SafeStr_6075():Boolean { return ((this._SafeStr_5802 is Loader)); } public function set swf(k:*):void { this._SafeStr_6058 = k; } public function get swf() { return (this._SafeStr_6058); } public function _SafeStr_6076():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_6058 == null))); } public function get properties():Object { var k:Object = new Object(); k.id = this.id; k.border = this.border; k.borderRadius = this.borderRadius; k.backgroundGradient = this.backgroundGradient; k.backgroundImage = this.backgroundImage; k.backgroundColor = this.backgroundColor; k.closeButton = this.closeButton; k.opacity = this.opacity; k.stylesheet = this.stylesheet; k.style = this.style; k.scaleRate = this.scaleRate; k.image = this.image; k.swf = this.swf; return (k); } public function set closeButton(k:CloseButtonConfig):void { this._SafeStr_6053 = k; } public function get closeButton():CloseButtonConfig { return (this._SafeStr_6053); } public function _SafeStr_6077():Boolean { return ((((this._SafeStr_6053)!=null) ? this._SafeStr_6053.enabled : true)); } } }//package _-0-E // _SafeStr_5681 = "_-XC" (String#985, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5802 = "_-6-e" (String#1089, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6040 = "_-4r1" (String#28189, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6041 = "_-4WA" (String#285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6042 = "_-2Ou" (String#766, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6043 = "_-2Tr" (String#14174, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6044 = "_-0K1" (String#21816, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6045 = "_-2sb" (String#23093, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6046 = "_-4u9" (String#1535, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6047 = "_-3Nx" (String#30694, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6048 = "_-4OI" (String#25449, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6049 = "_-3Lk" (String#23517, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6050 = "_-DJ" (String#26031, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6051 = "_-5uD" (String#5896, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6052 = "_-6OW" (String#27244, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6053 = "_-5I8" (String#2399, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6054 = "_-1oy" (String#16620, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6055 = "_-45f" (String#30795, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6056 = "_-km" (String#17487, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6057 = "_-0vx" (String#5860, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6058 = "_-2ze" (String#8715, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6059 = "_-4dO" (String#27437, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6060 = "_-1ZF" (String#24472, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6061 = "_-6Pf" (String#23486, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6062 = "_-4Ix" (String#18368, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6063 = "_-1Jw" (String#21551, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6064 = "_-6eo" (String#25249, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6065 = "_-5FL" (String#36202, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6066 = "_-0-k" (String#13753, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6067 = "_-25C" (String#20350, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6068 = "_-Bq" (String#41823, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6069 = "_-3p3" (String#25050, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6070 = "_-3Q0" (String#42391, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6071 = "_-019" (String#20328, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6072 = "_-2qd" (String#22636, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6073 = "_-5Jk" (String#36378, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6074 = "_-30w" (String#36256, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6075 = "_-1q6" (String#36265, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6076 = "_-2fC" (String#37969, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6077 = "_-5tT" (String#24306, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-E.CloseButtonConfig package _-0-E { import _-5pY.Debuggable; public class CloseButtonConfig extends Debuggable { protected var _SafeStr_6078:String = "crosshair"; protected var _color:String = "#FFFFFF"; protected var _SafeStr_5936:Boolean = true; protected var _SafeStr_6079:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_5658:int = 15; protected var _height:int = 15; public function CloseButtonConfig(k:Object=null) { if (k != null){ this.initialise(k); }; } protected function initialise(k:Object):void { if (k.type != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6078 = k.type; }; if (k.color != undefined){ this._color = k.color; }; if (k.enabled != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5936 = k.enabled; }; if (k.image != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6079 = k.image; }; if (k.width != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5658 = k.width; }; if (k.height != undefined){ this._height = k.height; }; } public function set type(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6078 = k; } public function get type():String { if (this._SafeStr_6078 != null){ return (this._SafeStr_6078.toUpperCase()); }; return (this._SafeStr_6078); } public function set width(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_5658 = k; } public function get width():int { return (this._SafeStr_5658); } public function set height(k:int):void { this._height = k; } public function get height():int { return (this._height); } public function set color(k:String):void { this._color = k; } public function get color():String { return (this._color); } public function set enabled(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_5936 = k; } public function get enabled():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5936); } public function set _SafeStr_6080(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6079 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_6080():String { return (this._SafeStr_6079); } } }//package _-0-E // _SafeStr_5658 = "_-2ty" (String#603, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5936 = "_-39n" (String#2328, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6078 = "_-07n" (String#365, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6079 = "_-2GL" (String#11905, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6080 = "_-6UM" (String#9471, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-E.RegionsConfig package _-0-E { public class RegionsConfig extends BaseRegionConfig { protected var _SafeStr_6081:Boolean = false; protected var _SafeStr_6082:Array; protected var _SafeStr_6083:String = null; public function RegionsConfig(k:Object=null) { this._SafeStr_6082 = new Array(); super(k); } override public function setup(k:Object):void { super.setup(k); id = "master"; if (k != null){ if (k.hasOwnProperty("declarations")){ this.regions = k.declarations; }; if (k.closeButton != undefined){ closeButton = new CloseButtonConfig(k.closeButton); }; }; } public function hasRegionDefinitions():Boolean { return ((this._SafeStr_6082.length > 0)); } public function set _SafeStr_6084(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6081 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_6084():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6081); } public function set regions(k:Array):void { var _local_2:int; var _local_3:RegionViewConfig; this._SafeStr_6082 = new Array(); if (k != null){ _local_2 = 0; while (_local_2 < k.length) { _local_3 = new RegionViewConfig(properties); _local_3.setup(k[_local_2]); this._SafeStr_6082.push(_local_3); _local_2++; }; }; } public function get regions():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6082); } } }//package _-0-E // _SafeStr_6081 = "_-5su" (String#27213, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6082 = "_-4xs" (String#4887, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6083 = "_-3WJ" (String#42169, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6084 = "_-1Ny" (String#32456, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0-E.RegionViewConfig package _-0-E { import _-4Bv.StringUtils; import _-4Bv._SafeStr_5253; public class RegionViewConfig extends BaseRegionConfig { protected static var _SafeStr_6085:Array = [{ "id":"standard-text", "html":"" }]; protected var _SafeStr_6086:String = "TOP"; protected var _SafeStr_6087:Number = 0; protected var _SafeStr_6088:String = "left"; protected var _SafeStr_5658; protected var _height; protected var _SafeStr_6089:Number = -1; protected var _SafeStr_6090:Number = -1; protected var _SafeStr_6091 = null; protected var _SafeStr_6092:Boolean = false; protected var _SafeStr_6093:Boolean = true; protected var _SafeStr_6094:Boolean = false; protected var _SafeStr_6095:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6096:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6097:Boolean = false; protected var _SafeStr_6098:Boolean = false; protected var _SafeStr_6099 = 0; protected var _SafeStr_6100:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6101:Boolean = false; protected var _SafeStr_6102:Boolean = false; protected var _SafeStr_6103:Boolean = true; public function RegionViewConfig(k:Object=null) { super(k); } override public function setup(k:Object):void { var _local_2:Array; if (k != null){ super.setup(k); if (k.verticalAlign != undefined){ if (k.verticalAlign != null){ if (String(k.verticalAlign).indexOf(":") > -1){ _local_2 = String(k.verticalAlign).split(":"); if (_local_2.length == 2){ this._SafeStr_6086 = _local_2[0].toUpperCase(); this._SafeStr_6087 = parseInt(_local_2[1]); } else { this._SafeStr_6086 = "BOTTOM"; }; } else { this._SafeStr_6086 = String(k.verticalAlign).toUpperCase(); }; }; }; if (k.horizontalAlign != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6088 = k.horizontalAlign; }; if (k.width != undefined){ this._SafeStr_5658 = k.width; }; if (k.height != undefined){ this._height = k.height; }; if (k.expandedWidth != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6089 = k.expandedWidth; }; if (k.expandedHeight != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6090 = k.expandedHeight; }; if (k.autoShow != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6092 = k.autoShow; }; if (k.clickable != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6093 = k.clickable; }; if (k.clickToPlay != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6094 = k.clickToPlay; }; if (k.keepAfterClick != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6097 = k.keepAfterClick; }; if (k.canScale != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6098 = k.canScale; }; if (k.additionalHeight != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6099 = k.additionalHeight; }; if (k.autoSizing != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6101 = k.autoSizing; }; if (k.useOverrideMargin != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6102 = k.useOverrideMargin; }; if (k.minimizedHeight != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6091 = k.minimizedHeight; }; if (k.autoHide != undefined){ this._SafeStr_6103 = k.autoHide; }; }; } public function isAutoSizing():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6101); } public function set autoSizing(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6101 = k; } public function get autoSizing():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6101); } public function set autoHide(k:*):void { this._SafeStr_6103 = k; } public function get autoHide() { return (this._SafeStr_6103); } public function set width(k:*):void { this._SafeStr_5658 = k; } public function get width() { return (this._SafeStr_5658); } public function set height(k:*):void { this._height = k; } public function get height() { return (this._height); } public function _SafeStr_6104():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_6091 == null))); } public function hasMinimizedHeightBasedOnYPosForDisplayMode(k:String):Boolean { if (this._SafeStr_6104()){ if ((this._SafeStr_6091 is String)){ if (StringUtils._SafeStr_5943(this._SafeStr_6091, "CONTROLS-YPOS-WHEN-VISIBLE-ALL-MODES")){ return (true); }; if (StringUtils._SafeStr_5943(k, "FULLSCREEN")){ return (StringUtils._SafeStr_5943(this._SafeStr_6091, "CONTROLS-YPOS-WHEN-VISIBLE-FULLSCREEN")); }; return (StringUtils._SafeStr_5943(this._SafeStr_6091, "CONTROLS-YPOS-WHEN-VISIBLE-NORMAL")); }; }; return (false); } public function set minimizedHeight(k:*):void { this._SafeStr_6091 = k; } public function get minimizedHeight() { return (this._SafeStr_6091); } public function calculateMinimizedHeight(k:_SafeStr_5253):Number { if (((((StringUtils._SafeStr_5943(this._SafeStr_6091, "CONTROLS-YPOS-WHEN-VISIBLE-ALL-MODES")) || (((k._SafeStr_6106()) && (StringUtils._SafeStr_5943(this._SafeStr_6091, "CONTROLS-YPOS-WHEN-VISIBLE-NORMAL")))))) || (((k._SafeStr_6105()) && (StringUtils._SafeStr_5943(this._SafeStr_6091, "CONTROLS-YPOS-WHEN-VISIBLE-FULLSCREEN")))))){ if (k._SafeStr_6107){ return (k._SafeStr_6108); }; }; return (k.displayHeight); } public function set expandedHeight(k:Number):void { this._SafeStr_6090 = k; } public function get expandedHeight():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6090); } public function set expandedWidth(k:Number):void { this._SafeStr_6089 = k; } public function get expandedWidth():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6089); } public function hasExpandedSizing():Boolean { return ((((this._SafeStr_6089 > -1)) && ((this._SafeStr_6090 > -1)))); } public function set useOverrideMargin(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6102 = k; } public function get useOverrideMargin():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6102); } public function _SafeStr_6109():Boolean { if (this._SafeStr_6099 != null){ if ((this._SafeStr_6099 is String)){ return (StringUtils._SafeStr_5943(this._SafeStr_6099, "CONTROLS-HEIGHT-WHEN-NORMAL")); }; }; return (false); } public function set additionalHeight(k:*):void { this._SafeStr_6099 = k; } public function get additionalHeight() { return (this._SafeStr_6099); } public function _SafeStr_6110():Boolean { return (((!((this._SafeStr_6099 == 0))) && (!((this._SafeStr_6099 == null))))); } public function _SafeStr_6111(k:_SafeStr_5253):Boolean { if (this._SafeStr_6099 != null){ if ((this._SafeStr_6099 is String)){ return (((StringUtils._SafeStr_5943(this._SafeStr_6099, "CONTROLS-HEIGHT-WHEN-NORMAL")) && (k._SafeStr_6106()))); }; }; return (false); } public function _SafeStr_6112(k:_SafeStr_5253):Number { if (this._SafeStr_6099 != null){ if ((this._SafeStr_6099 is String)){ if (((StringUtils._SafeStr_5943(this._SafeStr_6099, "CONTROLS-HEIGHT-WHEN-NORMAL")) && (!((k == null))))){ return (k._SafeStr_6113); }; } else { return (this._SafeStr_6099); }; }; return (0); } public function set canScale(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6098 = k; } public function get canScale():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6098); } public function set autoShow(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6092 = k; } public function get autoShow():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6092); } public function set keepVisibleAfterClick(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6097 = k; } public function get keepVisibleAfterClick():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6097); } public function set verticalAlignPosition(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6086 = k; } public function get verticalAlignPosition():String { return (this._SafeStr_6086); } public function set verticalAlignOffset(k:Number):void { this._SafeStr_6087 = k; } public function get verticalAlignOffset():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6087); } public function set horizontalAlign(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6088 = k; } public function get horizontalAlign():String { return (this._SafeStr_6088); } public function set clickable(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6093 = k; } public function get clickable():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6093); } public function set clickToPlay(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6094 = k; } public function get clickToPlay():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6094); } public function set template(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6095 = k; } public function get template():String { return (this._SafeStr_6095); } public function _SafeStr_6114():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_6095 == null))); } public function set contentTypes(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6096 = k; } public function get contentTypes():String { return (this._SafeStr_6096); } public function hasContentTypes():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_6096 == null))); } } }//package _-0-E // _SafeStr_5253 = "_-6MZ" (String#3087, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5658 = "_-2ty" (String#603, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5943 = "_-6iy" (String#1988, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6085 = "_-12F" (String#28067, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6086 = "_-49m" (String#10844, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6087 = "_-0sP" (String#22998, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6088 = "_-6Ez" (String#14449, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6089 = "_-iT" (String#7076, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6090 = "_-61T" (String#7171, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6091 = "_-0Ej" (String#6672, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6092 = "_-1dC" (String#24651, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6093 = "_-1Z4" (String#23649, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6094 = "_-1cV" (String#24763, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6095 = "_-1ao" (String#2123, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6096 = "_-l4" (String#24611, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6097 = "_-1y3" (String#12971, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6098 = "_-52P" (String#25836, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6099 = "_-2rj" (String#5360, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6100 = "_-3fs" (String#39886, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6101 = "_-85" (String#16890, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6102 = "_-4Y0" (String#22981, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6103 = "_-2Ng" (String#10503, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6104 = "_-6RT" (String#33698, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6105 = "_-1YO" (String#35850, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6106 = "_-4qn" (String#23834, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6107 = "_-3Tg" (String#30814, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6108 = "_-1Ui" (String#35915, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6109 = "_-60z" (String#38861, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6110 = "_-2aj" (String#38411, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6111 = "_-II" (String#34366, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6112 = "_-qH" (String#31753, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6113 = "_-5mu" (String#33892, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6114 = "_-2sp" (String#22434, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ee.HabboCampaigns package _-0ee { import _-2mL.Component; import _-1HD._SafeStr_36; import _-3oH._SafeStr_1408; import _-33o._SafeStr_500; import _-5Lv._SafeStr_2177; import _-0Qu._SafeStr_634; import _-5Xu._SafeStr_431; import _-3lv._SafeStr_2253; import _-93._SafeStr_4615; import _-nu.CampaignCalendarData; import _-2mL._SafeStr_9; import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import _-2mL._SafeStr_44; import com.sulake.iid.IIDHabboCommunicationManager; import com.sulake.iid.IIDSessionDataManager; import com.sulake.iid.IIDHabboWindowManager; import com.sulake.iid.IIDHabboLocalizationManager; import com.sulake.iid.IIDHabboCatalog; import com.sulake.iid.IIDRoomEngine; import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import _-46P._SafeStr_4149; import _-46P._SafeStr_4161; import _-nu._SafeStr_4613; import _-nu._SafeStr_4614; import _-5Y3._SafeStr_4066; import _-5Y3._SafeStr_3995; import _-XF._SafeStr_2357; import _-3lv._SafeStr_3018; import _-0nx._SafeStr_2354; import _-3lv._SafeStr_2325; import __AS3__.vec.*; public class HabboCampaigns extends Component implements _SafeStr_36 { private var _SafeStr_6115:_SafeStr_1408; private var _SafeStr_6116:_SafeStr_500; private var _SafeStr_6117:_SafeStr_2177; private var _SafeStr_5627:_SafeStr_634; private var _SafeStr_5557:_SafeStr_431; private var _SafeStr_5556:_SafeStr_2253; private var _SafeStr_6118:_SafeStr_4615; private var _SafeStr_6119:CampaignCalendarData; private var _SafeStr_6120:int = -1; private var _SafeStr_6121:Boolean = false; public function HabboCampaigns(k:_SafeStr_9, _arg_2:uint, _arg_3:_SafeStr_10) { super(k, _arg_2, _arg_3); } override protected function get dependencies():Vector.<_SafeStr_44> { return (super.dependencies.concat(new <_SafeStr_44>[new _SafeStr_44(new IIDHabboCommunicationManager(), function (k:_SafeStr_1408):void { _SafeStr_6115 = k; }, true), new _SafeStr_44(new IIDSessionDataManager(), function (k:_SafeStr_2177):void { _SafeStr_6117 = k; }), new _SafeStr_44(new IIDHabboWindowManager(), function (k:_SafeStr_634):void { _SafeStr_5627 = k; }), new _SafeStr_44(new IIDHabboLocalizationManager(), function (k:_SafeStr_500):void { _SafeStr_6116 = k; }), new _SafeStr_44(new IIDHabboCatalog(), function (k:_SafeStr_431):void { _SafeStr_5557 = k; }), new _SafeStr_44(new IIDRoomEngine(), function (k:_SafeStr_2253):void { _SafeStr_5556 = k; })])); } override protected function initComponent():void { this._SafeStr_6115.addHabboConnectionMessageEvent(new _SafeStr_4149(this._SafeStr_6122)); this._SafeStr_6115.addHabboConnectionMessageEvent(new _SafeStr_4161(this._SafeStr_6123)); context.addLinkEventTracker(this); } private function _SafeStr_6122(k:_SafeStr_4149):void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_4613 = k._SafeStr_5551(); this._SafeStr_6119 = _local_2._SafeStr_6124(); } private function _SafeStr_6123(k:_SafeStr_4161):void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_4614 = k._SafeStr_5551(); if (_local_2._SafeStr_6125){ this._SafeStr_6126(_local_2.productName, _local_2.customImage, _local_2._SafeStr_6127); }; } public function _SafeStr_6128(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6120 = k; this._SafeStr_6115.connection.send(new _SafeStr_4066(this._SafeStr_6119._SafeStr_6129, k)); } public function _SafeStr_6130(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6120 = k; this._SafeStr_6115.connection.send(new _SafeStr_3995(this._SafeStr_6119._SafeStr_6129, k)); } private function _SafeStr_6126(k:String, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:String):void { var _local_4:_SafeStr_2357 = this._SafeStr_6117.getProductData(k); if (_local_4 != null){ this._SafeStr_6119._SafeStr_6131.push(this._SafeStr_6120); this._SafeStr_6120 = -1; if (((_arg_2) && (!((_arg_2 == ""))))){ this._SafeStr_6118._SafeStr_6132(_local_4, (this._SafeStr_6133() + _arg_2)); } else { if (((_arg_3) && (!((_arg_3 == ""))))){ this._SafeStr_6118._SafeStr_6132(_local_4); this._SafeStr_6134(this._SafeStr_6118, _arg_3); }; }; }; } private function _SafeStr_6134(k:_SafeStr_2325, _arg_2:String):_SafeStr_3018 { var _local_3:_SafeStr_3018; var _local_4:_SafeStr_2354; _local_4 = this._SafeStr_6117.getFloorItemDataByName(_arg_2); if (_local_4){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_5556.getFurnitureIcon(_local_4.id, k); } else { _local_4 = this._SafeStr_6117._SafeStr_6135(_arg_2); if (_local_4){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_5556.getWallItemIcon(_local_4.id, k); }; }; if (((_local_3) && (_local_3.data))){ k.imageReady(_local_3.id, _local_3.data); }; return (_local_3); } public function get _SafeStr_6136():String { return ("openView/"); } public function _SafeStr_6137(k:String):void { var _local_2:Array = k.split("/"); if (_local_2.length < 2){ return; }; if (_local_2[1] == "calendar"){ this._SafeStr_6138(); }; } private function _SafeStr_6138():void { if (((!(this._SafeStr_6118)) && (this._SafeStr_6119))){ this._SafeStr_6118 = new _SafeStr_4615(this, this._SafeStr_5627); }; } public function _SafeStr_6139():void { if (this._SafeStr_6118){ this._SafeStr_6118.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6118 = null; }; } private function _SafeStr_6133():String { return (getProperty("image.library.url")); } public function get _SafeStr_6140():CampaignCalendarData { return (this._SafeStr_6119); } public function get _SafeStr_6141():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6117._SafeStr_6141); } public function get localizationManager():_SafeStr_500 { return (this._SafeStr_6116); } } }//package _-0ee // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_1408 = "_-0GR" (String#890, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2177 = "_-3uG" (String#1074, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2253 = "_-36U" (String#859, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2325 = "_-4O4" (String#1334, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2354 = "_-3Ul" (String#684, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2357 = "_-4Bm" (String#2343, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3018 = "_-58g" (String#688, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_36 = "_-2h6" (String#3290, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3995 = "_-0Uz" (String#14806, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4066 = "_-3fa" (String#14924, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4149 = "_-R4" (String#13483, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4161 = "_-1eN" (String#11942, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_431 = "_-2P1" (String#1134, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_44 = "_-54h" (String#193, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4613 = "_-3si" (String#10294, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4614 = "_-3AG" (String#9948, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4615 = "_-06m" (String#9933, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_500 = "_-5Ii" (String#590, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5556 = "_-3Zz" (String#209, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5557 = "_-rS" (String#164, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5627 = "_-699" (String#189, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6115 = "_-5VL" (String#889, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6116 = "_-2LI" (String#2860, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6117 = "_-vB" (String#571, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6118 = "_-0gb" (String#8756, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6119 = "_-6CP" (String#6272, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6120 = "_-6F5" (String#19200, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6121 = "_-6d9" (String#18022, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6122 = "_-3M2" (String#37295, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6123 = "_-50Q" (String#38154, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6124 = "_-40c" (String#37201, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6125 = "_-3PN" (String#37445, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6126 = "_-Cv" (String#25970, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6127 = "_-3Hv" (String#13376, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6128 = "_-5AT" (String#36929, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6129 = "_-18E" (String#13885, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6130 = "_-6Zc" (String#33444, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6131 = "_-2tL" (String#13859, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6132 = "_-N7" (String#30923, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6133 = "_-4cb" (String#36409, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6134 = "_-1gT" (String#9205, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6135 = "_-kt" (String#17587, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6136 = "_-57i" (String#3500, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6137 = "_-3IU" (String#3677, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6138 = "_-4rU" (String#28225, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6139 = "_-6HZ" (String#33833, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6140 = "_-638" (String#8678, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6141 = "_-6NA" (String#2679, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_634 = "_-6kX" (String#471, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_9 = "_-2he" (String#1385, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0EL.AssetAlias package _-0EL { public class AssetAlias { private var _name:String; private var _SafeStr_6142:String; private var _flipH:Boolean; private var _flipV:Boolean; public function AssetAlias(k:XML) { this._name = String(k.@name); this._SafeStr_6142 = String(k.@link); this._flipH = Boolean(parseInt(k.@fliph)); this._flipV = Boolean(parseInt(k.@flipv)); } public function get name():String { return (this._name); } public function get link():String { return (this._SafeStr_6142); } public function get flipH():Boolean { return (this._flipH); } public function get flipV():Boolean { return (this._flipV); } } }//package _-0EL // _SafeStr_6142 = "_-66v" (String#2940, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0EL.AssetAliasCollection package _-0EL { import _-59z.AssetLibraryCollection; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import _-CG.AvatarRenderManager; import _-59z._SafeStr_39; public class AssetAliasCollection { private var _assets:AssetLibraryCollection; private var _SafeStr_6143:Dictionary; private var _SafeStr_6144:AvatarRenderManager; private var _SafeStr_6145:Array; public function AssetAliasCollection(k:AvatarRenderManager, _arg_2:AssetLibraryCollection) { this._SafeStr_6144 = k; this._SafeStr_6143 = new Dictionary(); this._assets = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6145 = []; } public function dispose():void { this._assets = null; this._SafeStr_6143 = null; } public function reset():void { this.init(); } public function init():void { var _local_2:XML; var _local_3:XML; var _local_4:String; var _local_5:AssetAlias; var k:Array = this._assets._SafeStr_6146(); for each (_local_2 in k) { for each (_local_3 in _local_2..alias) { _local_4 = String(_local_3.@name); _local_5 = new AssetAlias(_local_3); this._SafeStr_6143[_local_4] = _local_5; }; }; } public function _SafeStr_6147(k:String, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:Boolean=false, _arg_4:Boolean=false):void { var _local_5:XML = ; _local_5.@name = k; _local_5.@link = _arg_2; var _local_6:AssetAlias = new AssetAlias(_local_5); this._SafeStr_6143[k] = _local_6; } public function _SafeStr_6148(k:String):Boolean { var _local_2:AssetAlias = (this._SafeStr_6143[k] as AssetAlias); return (!((_local_2 == null))); } public function _SafeStr_6149(k:String):String { var _local_4:AssetAlias; var _local_2:String = k; var _local_3:int = 5; while (((this._SafeStr_6148(_local_2)) && ((_local_3 >= 0)))) { _local_4 = (this._SafeStr_6143[_local_2] as AssetAlias); _local_2 = _local_4.link; _local_3--; }; return (_local_2); } public function getAssetByName(k:String):_SafeStr_39 { k = this._SafeStr_6149(k); var _local_2:_SafeStr_39 = this._assets.getAssetByName(k); return (_local_2); } } }//package _-0EL // _SafeStr_39 = "_-0yC" (String#1785, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6143 = "_-1tx" (String#1982, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6144 = "_-1Kn" (String#1866, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6145 = "_-2Y4" (String#2146, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6146 = "_-0v9" (String#1777, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6147 = "_-57J" (String#2723, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6148 = "_-1px" (String#1968, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6149 = "_-1la" (String#1950, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0fG._SafeStr_2375 package _-0fG { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_2375 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_2375(k:int) { this._SafeStr_6039 = new Array(); super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0fG // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2375 = "_-5ua" (String#14013, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0fG._SafeStr_2414 package _-0fG { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_2414 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_2414() { this._SafeStr_6039 = new Array(); super(); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0fG // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2414 = "_-0GN" (String#15377, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0fG._SafeStr_2441 package _-0fG { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_2441 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_2441(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:String, _arg_4:int) { this._SafeStr_6039 = new Array(); super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(k); this._SafeStr_6039.push(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_6039.push(_arg_3); this._SafeStr_6039.push(_arg_4); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0fG // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2441 = "_-2yg" (String#13643, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0fG._SafeStr_2475 package _-0fG { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_2475 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_2475(k:int) { this._SafeStr_6039 = new Array(); super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0fG // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2475 = "_-1Jp" (String#14905, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0fG._SafeStr_2483 package _-0fG { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_2483 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_2483() { this._SafeStr_6039 = new Array(); super(); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0fG // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2483 = "_-1yR" (String#16241, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0fG._SafeStr_2489 package _-0fG { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_2489 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_2489(k:int, _arg_2:int) { this._SafeStr_6039 = new Array(); super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(k); this._SafeStr_6039.push(_arg_2); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0fG // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2489 = "_-2pk" (String#10649, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0fG._SafeStr_3475 package _-0fG { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3475 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (new Array()); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-0fG // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3475 = "_-3t5" (String#10568, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0fG._SafeStr_3805 package _-0fG { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3805 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (new Array()); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-0fG // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3805 = "_-12A" (String#16117, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0fG._SafeStr_3806 package _-0fG { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_3806 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { public static const _SafeStr_6150:int = 1; public static const _SafeStr_6151:int = 2; private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_3806(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:int) { this._SafeStr_6039 = new Array(); super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(k); this._SafeStr_6039.push(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_6039.push(_arg_3); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0fG // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3806 = "_-2Dv" (String#9962, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6150 = "_-6af" (String#23039, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6151 = "_-Gc" (String#25194, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0fG._SafeStr_3807 package _-0fG { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3807 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (new Array()); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-0fG // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3807 = "_-5KC" (String#15062, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0g4._SafeStr_3452 package _-0g4 { public class _SafeStr_3452 { public static const DEFAULT:uint = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6152:uint = 1; public static const _SafeStr_6153:uint = 2; public static const _SafeStr_6154:uint = 3; public static const _SafeStr_6155:uint = 4; public static const _SafeStr_6156:uint = 5; public static const _SafeStr_5345:uint = 6; public static const _SafeStr_6157:uint = 7; public static const _SafeStr_6158:uint = 8; public static const _SafeStr_6159:uint = 9; public static const _SafeStr_6160:uint = 10; public static const _SafeStr_6161:uint = 11; public static const _SafeStr_6162:uint = 12; public static const _SafeStr_6163:uint = 13; public static const NONE:uint = 0xFFFFFFFE; public static const CUSTOM:uint = 0xFFFFFFFF; } }//package _-0g4 // _SafeStr_3452 = "_-65c" (String#2701, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5345 = "_-5Vs" (String#3190, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6152 = "_-0cM" (String#16771, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6153 = "_-0A4" (String#9139, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6154 = "_-2Eb" (String#29076, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6155 = "_-4g9" (String#27812, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6156 = "_-0K6" (String#16165, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6157 = "_-1th" (String#25535, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6158 = "_-11u" (String#23375, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6159 = "_-34F" (String#28543, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6160 = "_-0r-" (String#26249, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6161 = "_-6L8" (String#27072, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6162 = "_-2wE" (String#31918, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6163 = "_-86" (String#30321, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0g4._SafeStr_3617 package _-0g4 { public class _SafeStr_3617 { public static const TOP_LEFT:uint = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6164:uint = 1; public static const _SafeStr_6165:uint = 2; public static const _SafeStr_6166:uint = 3; public static const CENTER:uint = 4; public static const _SafeStr_6167:uint = 5; public static const _SafeStr_6168:uint = 6; public static const _SafeStr_6169:uint = 7; public static const _SafeStr_6170:uint = 8; public static const _SafeStr_6171:Array = ["top left", "top center", "top right", "center left", "center", "center right", "bottom left", "bottom center", "bottom right"]; public static function _SafeStr_6172(k:String):uint { return (_SafeStr_6171.indexOf(k)); } } }//package _-0g4 // _SafeStr_3617 = "_-1ND" (String#3311, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6164 = "_-59p" (String#17810, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6165 = "_-2rg" (String#4743, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6166 = "_-0zM" (String#17242, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6167 = "_-CX" (String#19137, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6168 = "_-03T" (String#4561, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6169 = "_-SJ" (String#18276, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6170 = "_-5fi" (String#4995, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6171 = "_-2PO" (String#11475, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6172 = "_-2P7" (String#29294, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0g4._SafeStr_3619 package _-0g4 { public class _SafeStr_3619 { public static const _SafeStr_6173:String = "_self"; public static const _SafeStr_6000:String = "_blank"; public static const _SafeStr_6174:String = "_parent"; public static const TOP:String = "_top"; public static const DEFAULT:String = "default"; public static const _SafeStr_6175:String = "internal"; } }//package _-0g4 // _SafeStr_3619 = "_-1WV" (String#4318, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6000 = "_-0Gy" (String#6234, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6173 = "_-2K2" (String#17876, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6174 = "_-63e" (String#19869, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6175 = "_-11Y" (String#16305, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0g4._SafeStr_3622 package _-0g4 { public class _SafeStr_3622 { public static const UP:String = "up"; public static const DOWN:String = "down"; public static const LEFT:String = "left"; public static const RIGHT:String = "right"; } }//package _-0g4 // _SafeStr_3622 = "_-2gQ" (String#6534, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0g4.MouseListenerType package _-0g4 { public class MouseListenerType { public static const _SafeStr_6176:uint = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6177:uint = 1; public static const _SafeStr_6178:uint = 3; } }//package _-0g4 // _SafeStr_6176 = "_-6Qk" (String#24630, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6177 = "_-1mi" (String#25649, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6178 = "_-5U-" (String#19790, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0g4.WindowParam package _-0g4 { public class WindowParam { public static const _SafeStr_6179:uint = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6180:uint = (1 << 0); public static const _SafeStr_6181:uint = (_SafeStr_6180 | (1 << 1)); public static const _SafeStr_6182:uint = (_SafeStr_6180 | (1 << 2)); public static const _SafeStr_6183:uint = (_SafeStr_6180 | (1 << 3)); public static const _SafeStr_6184:uint = (1 << 4); public static const _SafeStr_6185:uint = (1 << 5); public static const _SafeStr_6186:uint = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6187:uint = ((1 << 6) | _SafeStr_6186); public static const _SafeStr_6188:uint = ((1 << 7) | _SafeStr_6186); public static const _SafeStr_6189:uint = ((_SafeStr_6186 | _SafeStr_6187) | _SafeStr_6188); public static const _SafeStr_6190:uint = _SafeStr_6189; public static const _SafeStr_6191:uint = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6192:uint = ((1 << 10) | _SafeStr_6191); public static const _SafeStr_6193:uint = ((1 << 11) | _SafeStr_6191); public static const _SafeStr_6194:uint = ((_SafeStr_6191 | _SafeStr_6192) | _SafeStr_6193); public static const _SafeStr_6195:uint = _SafeStr_6194; public static const _SafeStr_6196:uint = (_SafeStr_6186 | _SafeStr_6191); public static const _SafeStr_6197:uint = (_SafeStr_6187 | _SafeStr_6192); public static const _SafeStr_6198:uint = (_SafeStr_6188 | _SafeStr_6193); public static const _SafeStr_6199:uint = (_SafeStr_6189 | _SafeStr_6194); public static const _SafeStr_6200:uint = (1 << 17); public static const _SafeStr_6201:uint = ((1 << 14) | _SafeStr_6200); public static const _SafeStr_6202:uint = (1 << 15); public static const _SafeStr_6203:uint = ((1 << 8) | _SafeStr_6180); public static const _SafeStr_6204:uint = (_SafeStr_6202 | _SafeStr_6203); public static const _SafeStr_6205:uint = (1 << 16); public static const _SafeStr_6206:uint = (1 << 12); public static const _SafeStr_6207:uint = (1 << 13); public static const _SafeStr_6208:uint = (_SafeStr_6206 | _SafeStr_6207); public static const _SafeStr_6209:uint = _SafeStr_6208; public static const _SafeStr_6210:uint = (_SafeStr_6205 | _SafeStr_6208); public static const _SafeStr_6211:uint = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6212:uint = (1 << 18); public static const _SafeStr_6213:uint = ((1 << 19) | _SafeStr_6212); public static const _SafeStr_6214:uint = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6215:uint = (1 << 20); public static const _SafeStr_6216:uint = ((1 << 21) | _SafeStr_6215); public static const _SafeStr_6217:uint = (_SafeStr_6213 | _SafeStr_6216); public static const _SafeStr_6218:uint = _SafeStr_6211;//0 public static const _SafeStr_6219:uint = _SafeStr_6213; public static const _SafeStr_6220:uint = _SafeStr_6212; public static const _SafeStr_6221:uint = _SafeStr_6214;//0 public static const _SafeStr_6222:uint = _SafeStr_6216; public static const _SafeStr_6223:uint = _SafeStr_6215; public static const _SafeStr_6224:uint = ((_SafeStr_6218 | _SafeStr_6219) | _SafeStr_6220); public static const _SafeStr_6225:uint = ((_SafeStr_6221 | _SafeStr_6222) | _SafeStr_6223); public static const _SafeStr_6226:uint = (1 << 22); public static const _SafeStr_6227:uint = (1 << 23); public static const _SafeStr_6228:uint = (_SafeStr_6226 | _SafeStr_6227); public static const _SafeStr_6229:uint = ((_SafeStr_6180 | _SafeStr_6186) | _SafeStr_6191); public static const _SafeStr_6230:uint = (_SafeStr_6180 | _SafeStr_6185); public static const _SafeStr_6231:uint = (((_SafeStr_6180 | _SafeStr_6185) | _SafeStr_6181) | _SafeStr_6184); public static const _SafeStr_6232:uint = (1 << 30); public static const _SafeStr_6233:uint = (1 << 31); } }//package _-0g4 // _SafeStr_6179 = "_-6Yj" (String#5655, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6180 = "_-0bq" (String#2582, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6181 = "_-3hi" (String#9090, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6182 = "_-1bO" (String#17243, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6183 = "_-669" (String#16715, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6184 = "_-12O" (String#2179, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6185 = "_-6H0" (String#5250, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6186 = "_-RB" (String#5083, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6187 = "_-2Uy" (String#8999, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6188 = "_-351" (String#7521, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6189 = "_-09E" (String#7475, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6190 = "_-3R-" (String#5654, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6191 = "_-5ub" (String#5707, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6192 = "_-3-T" (String#8542, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6193 = "_-3-e" (String#6533, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6194 = "_-5O7" (String#7423, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6195 = "_-5M-" (String#5488, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6196 = "_-2oX" (String#15743, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6197 = "_-6M0" (String#21340, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6198 = "_-JC" (String#17735, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6199 = "_-5Ht" (String#17347, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6200 = "_-6N9" (String#4321, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6201 = "_-0OE" (String#4256, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6202 = "_-1d2" (String#9716, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6203 = "_-1aT" (String#9913, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6204 = "_-6jH" (String#17742, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6205 = "_-2Po" (String#6962, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6206 = "_-wU" (String#8085, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6207 = "_-3KD" (String#8576, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6208 = "_-4NE" (String#11647, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6209 = "_-0m4" (String#15763, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6210 = "_-m0" (String#17449, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6211 = "_-2TZ" (String#18995, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6212 = "_-4M4" (String#11676, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6213 = "_-4co" (String#15176, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6214 = "_-3CC" (String#18013, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6215 = "_-2U4" (String#12606, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6216 = "_-rH" (String#15111, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6217 = "_-1aE" (String#29990, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6218 = "_-4hy" (String#15096, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6219 = "_-4Qi" (String#11560, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6220 = "_-4w3" (String#12303, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6221 = "_-02q" (String#16399, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6222 = "_-6cm" (String#11667, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6223 = "_-1R" (String#10967, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6224 = "_-33T" (String#23748, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6225 = "_-qT" (String#25724, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6226 = "_-49y" (String#13198, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6227 = "_-2yl" (String#12413, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6228 = "_-3N2" (String#9664, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6229 = "_-sv" (String#18696, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6230 = "_-3Yq" (String#18055, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6231 = "_-6l7" (String#18303, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6232 = "_-6Qo" (String#6463, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6233 = "_-5QK" (String#19554, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0g4.WindowState package _-0g4 { public class WindowState { public static const _SafeStr_6234:uint = (0 << 0); public static const _SafeStr_6235:uint = (1 << 0); public static const _SafeStr_6236:uint = (1 << 1); public static const _SafeStr_6237:uint = (1 << 2); public static const _SafeStr_6238:uint = (1 << 3); public static const _SafeStr_6239:uint = (1 << 4); public static const _SafeStr_6240:uint = (1 << 5); public static const _SafeStr_6241:uint = (1 << 6); public static const _SafeStr_6242:uint = (1 << 30); } }//package _-0g4 // _SafeStr_6234 = "_-2CN" (String#4679, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6235 = "_-0u7" (String#4720, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6236 = "_-1zp" (String#4642, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6237 = "_-35Q" (String#4219, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6238 = "_-PB" (String#3339, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6239 = "_-1Hb" (String#4135, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6240 = "_-Ry" (String#3240, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6241 = "_-4pQ" (String#4309, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6242 = "_-3uM" (String#13484, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0g4.WindowStyle package _-0g4 { public class WindowStyle { public static const _SafeStr_6243:uint = 0; } }//package _-0g4 // _SafeStr_6243 = "_-2Mv" (String#4890, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0g4.WindowType package _-0g4 { public class WindowType { public static const _SafeStr_6244:uint = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6245:uint = 1; public static const _SafeStr_6246:uint = 2; public static const _SafeStr_6247:uint = 4; public static const _SafeStr_6248:uint = 5; public static const _SafeStr_6249:uint = 6; public static const _SafeStr_6250:uint = 7; public static const _SafeStr_6251:uint = 8; public static const _SafeStr_6252:uint = 9; public static const _SafeStr_6253:uint = 10; public static const _SafeStr_6254:uint = 11; public static const _SafeStr_6255:uint = 12; public static const _SafeStr_6256:uint = 14; public static const _SafeStr_6257:uint = 15; public static const _SafeStr_6258:uint = 16; public static const _SafeStr_6259:uint = 17; public static const _SafeStr_6260:uint = 20; public static const _SafeStr_6261:uint = 21; public static const _SafeStr_6262:uint = 22; public static const _SafeStr_6263:uint = 23; public static const _SafeStr_6264:uint = 30; public static const _SafeStr_6265:uint = 31; public static const _SafeStr_6266:uint = 32; public static const _SafeStr_6267:uint = 33; public static const _SafeStr_6268:uint = 35; public static const _SafeStr_6269:uint = 36; public static const _SafeStr_6270:uint = 37; public static const _SafeStr_6271:uint = 38; public static const _SafeStr_6272:uint = 40; public static const _SafeStr_6273:uint = 41; public static const _SafeStr_6274:uint = 42; public static const _SafeStr_6275:uint = 43; public static const _SafeStr_6276:uint = 45; public static const _SafeStr_6277:uint = 46; public static const _SafeStr_6278:uint = 47; public static const _SafeStr_6279:uint = 48; public static const _SafeStr_6280:uint = 49; public static const _SafeStr_6281:uint = 50; public static const _SafeStr_6282:uint = 50; public static const _SafeStr_6283:uint = 51; public static const _SafeStr_6284:uint = 52; public static const _SafeStr_6285:uint = 53; public static const _SafeStr_6286:uint = 54; public static const _SafeStr_6287:uint = 55; public static const _SafeStr_6288:uint = 56; public static const _SafeStr_6289:uint = 57; public static const _SafeStr_6290:uint = 60; public static const _SafeStr_6291:uint = 61; public static const _SafeStr_6292:uint = 62; public static const _SafeStr_6293:uint = 63; public static const _SafeStr_6294:uint = 64; public static const _SafeStr_6295:uint = 65; public static const _SafeStr_6296:uint = 66; public static const _SafeStr_6297:uint = 67; public static const _SafeStr_6298:uint = 68; public static const _SafeStr_6299:uint = 69; public static const _SafeStr_6300:uint = 70; public static const _SafeStr_6301:uint = 71; public static const _SafeStr_6302:uint = 72; public static const _SafeStr_6303:uint = 73; public static const _SafeStr_6304:uint = 74; public static const _SafeStr_6305:uint = 75; public static const _SafeStr_6306:uint = 76; public static const _SafeStr_6307:uint = 77; public static const _SafeStr_6308:uint = 78; public static const _SafeStr_6309:uint = 90; public static const _SafeStr_6310:uint = 91; public static const _SafeStr_6311:uint = 92; public static const _SafeStr_6312:uint = 93; public static const _SafeStr_6313:uint = 94; public static const _SafeStr_6314:uint = 100; public static const _SafeStr_6315:uint = 101; public static const _SafeStr_6316:uint = 102; public static const _SafeStr_6317:uint = 103; public static const _SafeStr_6318:uint = 104; public static const _SafeStr_6319:uint = 105; public static const _SafeStr_6320:uint = 106; public static const _SafeStr_6321:uint = 110; public static const _SafeStr_6322:uint = 111; public static const _SafeStr_6323:uint = 112; public static const _SafeStr_6324:uint = 120; public static const _SafeStr_6325:uint = 121; public static const _SafeStr_6326:uint = 122; public static const _SafeStr_6327:uint = 130; public static const _SafeStr_6328:uint = 131; public static const _SafeStr_6329:uint = 132; public static const _SafeStr_6330:uint = 133; public static const _SafeStr_6331:uint = 134; public static const _SafeStr_6332:uint = 135; public static const _SafeStr_6333:uint = 136; public static const _SafeStr_6334:uint = 137; public static const _SafeStr_6335:uint = 138; public static const _SafeStr_6336:uint = 139; public static const _SafeStr_6337:uint = 140; } }//package _-0g4 // _SafeStr_6244 = "_-0zv" (String#14359, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6245 = "_-0bE" (String#13453, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6246 = "_-0dZ" (String#15990, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6247 = "_-4Yg" (String#7533, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6248 = "_-0P1" (String#7990, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6249 = "_-3N" (String#16404, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6250 = "_-5b9" (String#25559, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6251 = "_-0kL" (String#13031, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6252 = "case " (String#23176, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6253 = "_-1Za" (String#14755, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6254 = "_-2qc" (String#18621, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6255 = "_-1Fb" (String#13210, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6256 = "_-5wH" (String#18898, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6257 = "_-4DZ" (String#20273, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6258 = "_-5--" (String#18193, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6259 = "_-0qF" (String#20026, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6260 = "_-06q" (String#16527, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6261 = "_-5Fk" (String#7458, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6262 = "_-4wl" (String#27523, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6263 = "_-1h9" (String#12029, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6264 = "_-137" (String#10339, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6265 = "_-1uy" (String#31509, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6266 = "_-33Q" (String#28568, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6267 = "_-cE" (String#24153, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6268 = "_-1R1" (String#11402, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6269 = "_-3sN" (String#26221, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6270 = "_-2LX" (String#29355, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6271 = "_-03w" (String#24803, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6272 = "_-2ur" (String#22073, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6273 = "_-2H" (String#16773, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6274 = "_-0ql" (String#16299, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6275 = "_-14j" (String#16653, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6276 = "_-5s8" (String#16875, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6277 = "_-2bJ" (String#18005, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6278 = "_-6JZ" (String#19606, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6279 = "_-6fO" (String#18251, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6280 = "_-2Pw" (String#18930, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6281 = "_-3nX" (String#17607, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6282 = "_-02C" (String#10471, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6283 = "_-1Jr" (String#10873, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6284 = "_-5a1" (String#19772, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6285 = "_-4Ur" (String#16790, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6286 = "_-5oO" (String#12227, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6287 = "_-0h5" (String#22082, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6288 = "_-5RV" (String#15229, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6289 = "_-1Y8" (String#17349, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6290 = "_-60T" (String#12807, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6291 = "_-1Ie" (String#15137, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6292 = "_-5hA" (String#24500, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6293 = "_-xk" (String#31953, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6294 = "_-17s" (String#26640, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6295 = "_-37-" (String#28668, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6296 = "_-5Bh" (String#27406, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6297 = "_-it" (String#14419, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6298 = "_-4xT" (String#14762, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6299 = "_-0Zv" (String#14522, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6300 = "_-1ZA" (String#13875, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6301 = "_-07Y" (String#17028, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6302 = "_-36x" (String#17622, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6303 = "_-3ZU" (String#23479, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6304 = "_-40h" (String#24129, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6305 = "_-3ve" (String#22684, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6306 = "_-0IA" (String#22184, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6307 = "_-4Ru" (String#15860, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6308 = "_-xP" (String#13655, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6309 = "_-464" (String#18563, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6310 = "_-3FM" (String#15350, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6311 = "_-g7" (String#15982, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6312 = "_-0r1" (String#15884, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6313 = "_-3iD" (String#18187, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6314 = "_-Vj" (String#22726, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6315 = "_-5qi" (String#24671, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6316 = "_-5Dh" (String#14880, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6317 = "_-0-F" (String#11604, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6318 = "_-4F9" (String#19459, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6319 = "_-6Aj" (String#19511, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6320 = "_-6KH" (String#15056, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6321 = "_-0AU" (String#28011, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6322 = "_-1AW" (String#26569, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6323 = "_-zH" (String#31937, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6324 = "_-5bx" (String#19802, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6325 = "_-6kj" (String#22643, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6326 = "_-4Kr" (String#21758, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6327 = "_-5iR" (String#12752, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6328 = "_-BW" (String#14082, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6329 = "_-6fV" (String#17747, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6330 = "_-4q5" (String#19477, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6331 = "_-5jh" (String#21338, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6332 = "_-0xb" (String#17185, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6333 = "_-2AM" (String#17412, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6334 = "_-0VD" (String#19349, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6335 = "_-lV" (String#17333, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6336 = "_-0Ls" (String#20569, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6337 = "_-0Cm" (String#15703, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0GL._SafeStr_2780 package _-0GL { import _-1ZV._SafeStr_2757; import _-2QZ._SafeStr_2485; public class _SafeStr_2780 extends _SafeStr_2757 { private var _SafeStr_6338:Number = 0; public function get _SafeStr_6339():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6338); } public function set _SafeStr_6339(k:Number):void { this._SafeStr_6338 = k; } override protected function getSpriteYOffset(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:int):int { if (_arg_3 == 1){ this._SafeStr_6339 = object.getModel().getNumber(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6340); return ((-(this._SafeStr_6339) * (k / 2))); }; return (super.getSpriteYOffset(k, _arg_2, _arg_3)); } } }//package _-0GL // _SafeStr_2485 = "_-6Uf" (String#217, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2757 = "_-2mC" (String#1561, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2780 = "_-3Tb" (String#18501, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6338 = "_-6bs" (String#26862, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6339 = "_-3sm" (String#15397, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6340 = "_-52L" (String#18823, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0GL._SafeStr_4672 package _-0GL { import _-h6._SafeStr_4671; import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import flash.geom.Point; public class _SafeStr_4672 implements _SafeStr_4671 { private var _z:Number; private var _points:Vector.; private var _color:uint; private var _SafeStr_6341:Array; private var _SafeStr_6342:Array; private var _SafeStr_6343:Array; private var _SafeStr_6344:Array; private var _SafeStr_6345:Boolean = false; private var _assetNames:Array; public function _SafeStr_4672(k:_SafeStr_4672=null, _arg_2:uint=0, _arg_3:Boolean=false) { this._assetNames = []; super(); this._SafeStr_6341 = []; this._SafeStr_6342 = []; this._SafeStr_6343 = []; this._SafeStr_6344 = []; if (k != null){ this._SafeStr_6341 = k._SafeStr_6341; this._SafeStr_6342 = k._SafeStr_6342; this._SafeStr_6343 = k._SafeStr_6343; this._SafeStr_6344 = k._SafeStr_6344; }; this._color = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6345 = _arg_3; } public function addMask(k:String, _arg_2:Point, _arg_3:Boolean, _arg_4:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6341.push(k); this._SafeStr_6342.push(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_6343.push(_arg_3); this._SafeStr_6344.push(_arg_4); } public function _SafeStr_6346(k:Array):void { this._assetNames.push(k); } public function set z(k:Number):void { this._z = k; } public function get z():Number { return (this._z); } public function set cornerPoints(k:Vector.):void { this._points = k; } public function get cornerPoints():Vector. { return (this._points); } public function get color():uint { return (this._color); } public function get _SafeStr_6347():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6341); } public function get _SafeStr_6348():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6342); } public function get _SafeStr_6349():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6343); } public function get _SafeStr_6350():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6344); } public function _SafeStr_6351():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6345); } public function get _SafeStr_6352():Array { return (this._assetNames); } } }//package _-0GL // _SafeStr_4671 = "_-3m7" (String#7706, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4672 = "_-5w6" (String#3599, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6341 = "_-5wE" (String#16640, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6342 = "_-5l" (String#17085, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6343 = "_-0Mw" (String#16044, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6344 = "_-3U-" (String#14911, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6345 = "_-1zy" (String#31635, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6346 = "_-04x" (String#32095, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6347 = "_-j3" (String#31597, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6348 = "_-08q" (String#28020, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6349 = "_-2He" (String#29178, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6350 = "_-aA" (String#29148, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6351 = "_-025" (String#20674, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6352 = "_-9f" (String#25314, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0GL._SafeStr_5028 package _-0GL { public class _SafeStr_5028 { private var _SafeStr_6353:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6354:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6355:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6356:Number = 0; public function _SafeStr_5028(k:Number, _arg_2:Number, _arg_3:Number, _arg_4:Number) { this._SafeStr_6353 = k; this._SafeStr_6354 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6355 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_6356 = _arg_4; } public function get _SafeStr_6357():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6353); } public function get _SafeStr_6358():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6354); } public function get _SafeStr_6359():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6355); } public function get _SafeStr_6360():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6356); } } }//package _-0GL // _SafeStr_5028 = "_-6cS" (String#4753, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6353 = "_-1IM" (String#9184, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6354 = "_-4QG" (String#8783, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6355 = "_-18h" (String#15214, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6356 = "_-6Qt" (String#16610, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6357 = "_-6VA" (String#6836, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6358 = "_-3k2" (String#6421, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6359 = "_-21k" (String#11981, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6360 = "_-6ct" (String#15539, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0GL._SafeStr_5029 package _-0GL { public class _SafeStr_5029 { private var _SafeStr_6078:String = null; private var _SafeStr_6353:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6354:Number = 0; public function _SafeStr_5029(k:String, _arg_2:Number, _arg_3:Number) { this._SafeStr_6078 = k; this._SafeStr_6353 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6354 = _arg_3; } public function get type():String { return (this._SafeStr_6078); } public function get _SafeStr_6357():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6353); } public function get _SafeStr_6358():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6354); } } }//package _-0GL // _SafeStr_5029 = "_-0yb" (String#3564, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6078 = "_-07n" (String#365, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6353 = "_-1IM" (String#9184, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6354 = "_-4QG" (String#8783, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6357 = "_-6VA" (String#6836, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6358 = "_-3k2" (String#6421, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0GL.RoomPlane package _-0GL { import _-h6._SafeStr_4382; import flash.geom.Point; import _-0-8._SafeStr_2308; import flash.display.BitmapData; import _-2pF._SafeStr_4379; import _-5wa.PlaneMaskManager; import _-15X.Map; import _-2Yl._SafeStr_5023; import _-0-8._SafeStr_2307; import _-4Qm.Canvas; import _-0-8._SafeStr_2305; import _-5wa.PlaneMask; import _-0CW._SafeStr_3892; import _-1y5._SafeStr_5025; import _-1y5.PlaneMaterialCellMatrix; import _-1y5.PlaneMaterialCellColumn; import _-1y5.PlaneMaterialCell; import _-2Yl.Randomizer; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.display.BitmapDataChannel; import flash.display.BlendMode; public class RoomPlane implements _SafeStr_4382 { private static const _SafeStr_5675:Point = new Point(0, 0); public static const _SafeStr_6361:int = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6362:int = 1; public static const _SafeStr_6363:int = 2; public static const _SafeStr_6364:int = 3; private static var _SafeStr_6365:int = 1; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_6366:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_6367:_SafeStr_2308 = null; private var _SafeStr_5748:_SafeStr_2308 = null; private var _SafeStr_6368:_SafeStr_2308 = null; private var _SafeStr_6369:_SafeStr_2308 = null; private var _normal:_SafeStr_2308 = null; private var _SafeStr_6370:Array; private var _SafeStr_6371:int = -1; private var _SafeStr_6078:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_6372:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_5657:BitmapData = null; private var _SafeStr_6373:Boolean = true; private var _SafeStr_6374:Point = null; private var _SafeStr_6375:Number = 0; private var _color:uint = 0; private var _SafeStr_6376:_SafeStr_4379 = null; private var _SafeStr_6377:PlaneMaskManager = null; private var _SafeStr_6041:String = null; private var _SafeStr_6378:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_6379:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6380:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6381:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6382:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6383:Map = null; private var _SafeStr_6384:_SafeStr_5023 = null; private var _SafeStr_6385:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_6386:Array; private var _SafeStr_6387:Array; private var _SafeStr_6388:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_6389:BitmapData = null; private var _SafeStr_6390:BitmapData = null; private var _SafeStr_6391:Array; private var _SafeStr_6392:Array; private var _SafeStr_6393:_SafeStr_2308 = null; private var _SafeStr_6394:_SafeStr_2308 = null; private var _SafeStr_6395:_SafeStr_2308 = null; private var _SafeStr_6396:_SafeStr_2308 = null; private var _SafeStr_5658:Number = 0; private var _height:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6397:Boolean = true; public function RoomPlane(k:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_3:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_4:_SafeStr_2307, _arg_5:int, _arg_6:Boolean, _arg_7:Array, _arg_8:int, _arg_9:Number=0, _arg_10:Number=0, _arg_11:Number=0, _arg_12:Number=0) { var _local_13:int; var _local_14:_SafeStr_2307; var _local_15:_SafeStr_2308; this._SafeStr_6370 = []; this._SafeStr_6386 = []; this._SafeStr_6387 = []; this._SafeStr_6391 = []; this._SafeStr_6392 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_6366 = _arg_8; this._SafeStr_6367 = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._SafeStr_6367._SafeStr_5710(k); this._SafeStr_5748 = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._SafeStr_5748._SafeStr_5710(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_6368 = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._SafeStr_6368._SafeStr_5710(_arg_3); this._SafeStr_6369 = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._SafeStr_6369._SafeStr_5710(_arg_4); this._normal = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5704(this._SafeStr_6368, this._SafeStr_6369); if (this._normal.length > 0){ this._normal._SafeStr_5709((1 / this._normal.length)); }; if (_arg_7 != null){ _local_13 = 0; while (_local_13 < _arg_7.length) { _local_14 = (_arg_7[_local_13] as _SafeStr_2307); if (_local_14 != null){ _local_15 = new _SafeStr_2308(); _local_15._SafeStr_5710(_local_14); this._SafeStr_6370.push(_local_15); }; _local_13++; }; }; this._SafeStr_6374 = new Point(); this._SafeStr_6078 = _arg_5; this._SafeStr_6383 = new Map(); this._SafeStr_6393 = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._SafeStr_6394 = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._SafeStr_6395 = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._SafeStr_6396 = new _SafeStr_2308(); this._SafeStr_6379 = _arg_9; this._SafeStr_6380 = _arg_10; this._SafeStr_6381 = _arg_11; this._SafeStr_6382 = _arg_12; this._SafeStr_6385 = _arg_6; this._SafeStr_6378 = _SafeStr_6365++; } private static function blend(k:uint, _arg_2:uint):uint { return ((Canvas.colorize(_arg_2, (k | 0xFF000000)) & 0xFFFFFF)); } public function set _SafeStr_6398(k:Boolean):void { if (k != this._SafeStr_6397){ if (!this._SafeStr_6397){ this._SafeStr_6399(); }; this._SafeStr_6397 = k; }; } public function get _SafeStr_6398():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6397); } public function get bitmapData():BitmapData { var bitmap:BitmapData; if (this.visible){ if (this._SafeStr_5657 != null){ try { bitmap = this._SafeStr_5657.clone(); } catch(e:Error) { return (null); }; }; }; return (bitmap); } public function get visible():Boolean { return (((this._SafeStr_6372) && (this._SafeStr_6397))); } public function get offset():Point { return (this._SafeStr_6374); } public function get relativeDepth():Number { return (this._SafeStr_6375); } public function get color():uint { return (this._color); } public function set color(k:uint):void { this._color = k; } public function get type():int { return (this._SafeStr_6078); } public function get _SafeStr_6400():_SafeStr_2307 { return (this._SafeStr_6368); } public function get _SafeStr_6401():_SafeStr_2307 { return (this._SafeStr_6369); } public function get location():_SafeStr_2307 { return (this._SafeStr_5748); } public function get normal():_SafeStr_2307 { return (this._normal); } public function get _SafeStr_6402():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6373); } public function set _SafeStr_6402(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6373 = k; } public function set rasterizer(k:_SafeStr_4379):void { this._SafeStr_6376 = k; } public function set _SafeStr_6403(k:PlaneMaskManager):void { this._SafeStr_6377 = k; } public function set id(k:String):void { if (k != this._SafeStr_6041){ this._SafeStr_6399(); this._SafeStr_6041 = k; }; } public function get uniqueId():int { return (this._SafeStr_6378); } public function dispose():void { var k:int; var _local_2:_SafeStr_5023; if (this._SafeStr_5657 != null){ this._SafeStr_5657.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5657 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_6383 != null){ k = 0; while (k < this._SafeStr_6383.length) { _local_2 = (this._SafeStr_6383._SafeStr_5645(k) as _SafeStr_5023); if (_local_2 != null){ if (_local_2.bitmap != null){ _local_2.bitmap.dispose(); }; _local_2.dispose(); }; k++; }; this._SafeStr_6383.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6383 = null; }; this._SafeStr_6384 = null; this._SafeStr_5748 = null; this._SafeStr_6367 = null; this._SafeStr_6368 = null; this._SafeStr_6369 = null; this._normal = null; this._SafeStr_6376 = null; this._SafeStr_6393 = null; this._SafeStr_6394 = null; this._SafeStr_6395 = null; this._SafeStr_6396 = null; this._SafeStr_6386 = null; this._SafeStr_6387 = null; if (this._SafeStr_6389 != null){ this._SafeStr_6389.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6389 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_6390 != null){ this._SafeStr_6390.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6390 = null; }; this._disposed = true; } public function _SafeStr_6404(k:BitmapData):BitmapData { if (this.visible){ if (((!((this._SafeStr_5657 == null))) && (!((k == null))))){ if ((((this._SafeStr_5657.width == k.width)) && ((this._SafeStr_5657.height == k.height)))){ k.copyPixels(this._SafeStr_5657, this._SafeStr_5657.rect, _SafeStr_5675); return (k); }; }; }; return (null); } private function _SafeStr_6405(k:String, _arg_2:_SafeStr_5023):Boolean { var _local_3:_SafeStr_5023 = (this._SafeStr_6383.remove(k) as _SafeStr_5023); if (_local_3 != null){ if (((!((_arg_2 == null))) && (!((_arg_2.bitmap == _local_3.bitmap))))){ _local_3.bitmap.dispose(); }; _local_3.dispose(); }; this._SafeStr_6384 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6383.add(k, _arg_2); return (true); } private function _SafeStr_6399(k:BitmapData=null):void { var _local_2:int; var _local_3:_SafeStr_5023; if (this._SafeStr_6383 != null){ _local_2 = 0; while (_local_2 < this._SafeStr_6383.length) { _local_3 = (this._SafeStr_6383._SafeStr_5645(_local_2) as _SafeStr_5023); if (_local_3 != null){ if (((!((_local_3.bitmap == null))) && (!((_local_3.bitmap == k))))){ _local_3.bitmap.dispose(); }; _local_3.dispose(); }; _local_2++; }; this._SafeStr_6383.reset(); }; this._SafeStr_6384 = null; } private function getTextureIdentifier(k:Number):String { if (this._SafeStr_6376 != null){ return (this._SafeStr_6376.getTextureIdentifier(k, this.normal)); }; return (String(k)); } private function _SafeStr_6406(k:_SafeStr_2305, _arg_2:int):Boolean { var _local_4:String; if (k == null){ return (false); }; var _local_3:_SafeStr_5023 = this._SafeStr_6384; if (_local_3 == null){ _local_4 = this.getTextureIdentifier(k.scale); _local_3 = (this._SafeStr_6383.getValue(_local_4) as _SafeStr_5023); }; this._SafeStr_6407(); if (((this._SafeStr_6397) && ((((((_local_3 == null)) || ((((_local_3.timeStamp >= 0)) && ((_arg_2 > _local_3.timeStamp)))))) || (this._SafeStr_6388))))){ return (true); }; return (false); } private function _SafeStr_6408(k:_SafeStr_2305, _arg_2:int):BitmapData { var _local_5:Number; var _local_6:Number; var _local_7:_SafeStr_2307; var _local_8:BitmapData; var _local_9:BitmapData; if (k == null){ return (null); }; var _local_3:_SafeStr_5023; var _local_4:String; if (this._SafeStr_6406(k, _arg_2)){ _local_5 = (this._SafeStr_6368.length * k.scale); _local_6 = (this._SafeStr_6369.length * k.scale); _local_7 = k._SafeStr_5689(this._normal); _local_4 = this.getTextureIdentifier(k.scale); if (this._SafeStr_6384 != null){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_6384; } else { _local_3 = (this._SafeStr_6383.getValue(_local_4) as _SafeStr_5023); }; _local_8 = null; if (_local_3 != null){ _local_8 = _local_3.bitmap; }; if (this._SafeStr_6376 != null){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_6376.render(_local_8, this._SafeStr_6041, _local_5, _local_6, k.scale, _local_7, this._SafeStr_6373, this._SafeStr_6379, this._SafeStr_6380, this._SafeStr_6381, this._SafeStr_6382, _arg_2); if (_local_3 != null){ if (((!((_local_8 == null))) && (!((_local_3.bitmap == _local_8))))){ _local_8.dispose(); }; }; } else { _local_9 = new BitmapData(_local_5, _local_6, true, (0xFF000000 | this._color)); _local_3 = new _SafeStr_5023(_local_9, -1); }; if (_local_3 != null){ this._SafeStr_6409(_local_3.bitmap, k); this._SafeStr_6405(_local_4, _local_3); }; } else { if (this._SafeStr_6384 != null){ _local_3 = this._SafeStr_6384; } else { _local_4 = this.getTextureIdentifier(k.scale); _local_3 = (this._SafeStr_6383.getValue(_local_4) as _SafeStr_5023); }; }; if (_local_3 != null){ this._SafeStr_6384 = _local_3; return (_local_3.bitmap); }; return (null); } private function _SafeStr_6410(k:_SafeStr_2305):_SafeStr_4672 { var _local_7:PlaneMask; var _local_8:String; var _local_9:_SafeStr_2307; var _local_10:_SafeStr_3892; var _local_11:Point; if (!this._SafeStr_6385){ return (null); }; var _local_2:_SafeStr_5029; var _local_3:int; var _local_4:int; var _local_5:_SafeStr_4672 = new _SafeStr_4672(); var _local_6:int; while (_local_6 < this._SafeStr_6386.length) { _local_2 = (this._SafeStr_6386[_local_6] as _SafeStr_5029); if (_local_2 != null){ _local_7 = this._SafeStr_6377._SafeStr_6411(_local_2.type); if (_local_7 != null){ _local_8 = _local_7._SafeStr_6149(k.scale); if (_local_8 != null){ _local_9 = k._SafeStr_5689(this._normal); _local_10 = _local_7._SafeStr_6412(k.scale, _local_9); if (_local_10 != null){ _local_3 = (this._SafeStr_6389.width * (1 - (_local_2._SafeStr_6357 / this._SafeStr_6368.length))); _local_4 = (this._SafeStr_6389.height * (1 - (_local_2._SafeStr_6358 / this._SafeStr_6369.length))); _local_11 = new Point((_local_3 + _local_10.offsetX), (_local_4 + _local_10.offsetY)); _local_5.addMask(_local_8, _local_11, _local_10.flipH, _local_10.flipV); }; }; }; }; _local_6++; }; return (_local_5); } private function _SafeStr_6413(k:_SafeStr_2305):int { var _local_2:Point = k._SafeStr_5690(new _SafeStr_2308(0, 0, 0)); var _local_3:Point = k._SafeStr_5690(new _SafeStr_2308(0, 1, 0)); return (Math.round((this._SafeStr_6368.length * Math.abs((_local_2.x - _local_3.x))))); } public function _SafeStr_6414(geometry:_SafeStr_2305):Array { var maskData:_SafeStr_4672; var data:_SafeStr_4672; var layers:Array; var layer:_SafeStr_5025; var i:int; var normal:_SafeStr_2307; var cm:PlaneMaterialCellMatrix; var column:PlaneMaterialCellColumn; var assetNames:Array; var cell:PlaneMaterialCell; var name:String; var drawingDatas:Array = []; if (this._SafeStr_6372){ maskData = null; try { maskData = this._SafeStr_6410(geometry); layers = this._SafeStr_6376._SafeStr_6415(this._SafeStr_6041); i = 0; while (i < layers.length) { layer = (layers[i] as _SafeStr_5025); if (layer != null){ if (((this._SafeStr_6373) && (!((layer._SafeStr_6416() == null))))){ normal = geometry._SafeStr_5689(this._normal); cm = layer._SafeStr_6416()._SafeStr_6417(normal); data = new _SafeStr_4672(maskData, blend(this._color, layer._SafeStr_6418()), cm._SafeStr_6351()); Randomizer._SafeStr_6419(this._SafeStr_6366); for each (column in cm._SafeStr_6420(this._SafeStr_6413(geometry))) { assetNames = []; for each (cell in column._SafeStr_6421()) { name = cell._SafeStr_6149(normal); if (name != null){ assetNames.push(name); }; }; if (assetNames.length > 0){ if (!column._SafeStr_6422()){ assetNames.push(""); }; data._SafeStr_6346(assetNames); }; }; if (data._SafeStr_6352.length > 0){ drawingDatas.push(data); }; } else { data = new _SafeStr_4672(maskData, blend(this._color, layer._SafeStr_6418())); drawingDatas.push(data); }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e:Error) { _SafeStr_4.log("Error in getting RoomPlane drawing data.", e); }; if (drawingDatas.length == 0){ drawingDatas.push(new _SafeStr_4672(maskData, this._color)); }; }; return (drawingDatas); } private function _SafeStr_6423(k:_SafeStr_5023):void { } public function update(geometry:_SafeStr_2305, timeSinceStartMs:int):Boolean { var cosAngle:Number; var i:int; var originPos:_SafeStr_2307; var originZ:Number; var relativeDepth:Number; var texture:BitmapData; if ((((geometry == null)) || (this._disposed))){ return (false); }; var geometryChanged:Boolean; if (this._SafeStr_6371 != geometry._SafeStr_5699){ geometryChanged = true; }; if (((!(geometryChanged)) || (!(this._SafeStr_6397)))){ if (!this.visible){ return (false); }; }; if (geometryChanged){ this._SafeStr_6384 = null; cosAngle = 0; cosAngle = _SafeStr_2308.cosAngle(geometry._SafeStr_5688, this.normal); if (cosAngle > -0.001){ if (this._SafeStr_6372){ this._SafeStr_6372 = false; return (true); }; return (false); }; i = 0; while (i < this._SafeStr_6370.length) { cosAngle = _SafeStr_2308.cosAngle(geometry._SafeStr_5688, this._SafeStr_6370[i]); if (cosAngle > -0.001){ if (this._SafeStr_6372){ this._SafeStr_6372 = false; return (true); }; return (false); }; i = (i + 1); }; this._SafeStr_6424(geometry); originPos = geometry._SafeStr_5691(this._SafeStr_6367); originZ = originPos.z; relativeDepth = (Math.max(this._SafeStr_6393.z, this._SafeStr_6394.z, this._SafeStr_6395.z, this._SafeStr_6396.z) - originZ); if (this._SafeStr_6078 == _SafeStr_6363){ relativeDepth = (relativeDepth - ((this._SafeStr_5748.z + Math.min(0, this._SafeStr_6368.z, this._SafeStr_6369.z)) * 8)); }; if (this._SafeStr_6078 == _SafeStr_6364){ relativeDepth = (relativeDepth + 0.02); }; this._SafeStr_6375 = relativeDepth; this._SafeStr_6372 = true; this._SafeStr_6371 = geometry._SafeStr_5699; }; if (((geometryChanged) || (this._SafeStr_6406(geometry, timeSinceStartMs)))){ if ((((((this._SafeStr_5657 == null)) || (!((this._SafeStr_5658 == this._SafeStr_5657.width))))) || (!((this._height == this._SafeStr_5657.height))))){ if (this._SafeStr_5657 != null){ this._SafeStr_5657.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5657 = null; if ((((this._SafeStr_5658 < 1)) || ((this._height < 1)))){ return (true); }; } else { if ((((this._SafeStr_5658 < 1)) || ((this._height < 1)))){ return (false); }; }; try { this._SafeStr_5657 = new BitmapData(this._SafeStr_5658, this._height, true, 0xFFFFFF); } catch(e:Error) { _SafeStr_5657 = null; dispose(); }; if (this._SafeStr_5657 == null){ return (false); }; this._SafeStr_5657.lock(); } else { this._SafeStr_5657.lock(); this._SafeStr_5657.fillRect(this._SafeStr_5657.rect, 0xFFFFFF); }; Randomizer._SafeStr_6419(this._SafeStr_6366); texture = this._SafeStr_6408(geometry, timeSinceStartMs); if (texture != null){ this._SafeStr_6425(geometry, texture); } else { this.dispose(); return (false); }; this._SafeStr_5657.unlock(); return (((texture) || (geometryChanged))); }; return (false); } private function _SafeStr_6424(k:_SafeStr_2305):void { this._SafeStr_6393._SafeStr_5710(k._SafeStr_5691(this._SafeStr_5748)); this._SafeStr_6394._SafeStr_5710(k._SafeStr_5691(_SafeStr_2308.sum(this._SafeStr_5748, this._SafeStr_6369))); this._SafeStr_6395._SafeStr_5710(k._SafeStr_5691(_SafeStr_2308.sum(_SafeStr_2308.sum(this._SafeStr_5748, this._SafeStr_6368), this._SafeStr_6369))); this._SafeStr_6396._SafeStr_5710(k._SafeStr_5691(_SafeStr_2308.sum(this._SafeStr_5748, this._SafeStr_6368))); this._SafeStr_6374 = k._SafeStr_5690(this._SafeStr_6367); this._SafeStr_6393.x = Math.round(this._SafeStr_6393.x); this._SafeStr_6393.y = Math.round(this._SafeStr_6393.y); this._SafeStr_6394.x = Math.round(this._SafeStr_6394.x); this._SafeStr_6394.y = Math.round(this._SafeStr_6394.y); this._SafeStr_6395.x = Math.round(this._SafeStr_6395.x); this._SafeStr_6395.y = Math.round(this._SafeStr_6395.y); this._SafeStr_6396.x = Math.round(this._SafeStr_6396.x); this._SafeStr_6396.y = Math.round(this._SafeStr_6396.y); this._SafeStr_6374.x = Math.round(this._SafeStr_6374.x); this._SafeStr_6374.y = Math.round(this._SafeStr_6374.y); var _local_2:Number = Math.min(this._SafeStr_6393.x, this._SafeStr_6394.x, this._SafeStr_6395.x, this._SafeStr_6396.x); var _local_3:Number = Math.max(this._SafeStr_6393.x, this._SafeStr_6394.x, this._SafeStr_6395.x, this._SafeStr_6396.x); var _local_4:Number = Math.min(this._SafeStr_6393.y, this._SafeStr_6394.y, this._SafeStr_6395.y, this._SafeStr_6396.y); var _local_5:Number = Math.max(this._SafeStr_6393.y, this._SafeStr_6394.y, this._SafeStr_6395.y, this._SafeStr_6396.y); _local_3 = (_local_3 - _local_2); this._SafeStr_6374.x = (this._SafeStr_6374.x - _local_2); this._SafeStr_6393.x = (this._SafeStr_6393.x - _local_2); this._SafeStr_6394.x = (this._SafeStr_6394.x - _local_2); this._SafeStr_6395.x = (this._SafeStr_6395.x - _local_2); this._SafeStr_6396.x = (this._SafeStr_6396.x - _local_2); _local_5 = (_local_5 - _local_4); this._SafeStr_6374.y = (this._SafeStr_6374.y - _local_4); this._SafeStr_6393.y = (this._SafeStr_6393.y - _local_4); this._SafeStr_6394.y = (this._SafeStr_6394.y - _local_4); this._SafeStr_6395.y = (this._SafeStr_6395.y - _local_4); this._SafeStr_6396.y = (this._SafeStr_6396.y - _local_4); this._SafeStr_5658 = _local_3; this._height = _local_5; } private function _SafeStr_6425(k:_SafeStr_2305, _arg_2:BitmapData):void { if ((((((((((((this._SafeStr_6393 == null)) || ((this._SafeStr_6394 == null)))) || ((this._SafeStr_6395 == null)))) || ((this._SafeStr_6396 == null)))) || ((_arg_2 == null)))) || ((this._SafeStr_5657 == null)))){ return; }; var _local_3:Number = (this._SafeStr_6396.x - this._SafeStr_6395.x); var _local_4:Number = (this._SafeStr_6396.y - this._SafeStr_6395.y); var _local_5:Number = (this._SafeStr_6394.x - this._SafeStr_6395.x); var _local_6:Number = (this._SafeStr_6394.y - this._SafeStr_6395.y); if ((((this._SafeStr_6078 == _SafeStr_6362)) || ((this._SafeStr_6078 == _SafeStr_6364)))){ if (Math.abs((_local_5 - _arg_2.width)) <= 1){ _local_5 = _arg_2.width; }; if (Math.abs((_local_6 - _arg_2.width)) <= 1){ _local_6 = _arg_2.width; }; if (Math.abs((_local_3 - _arg_2.height)) <= 1){ _local_3 = _arg_2.height; }; if (Math.abs((_local_4 - _arg_2.height)) <= 1){ _local_4 = _arg_2.height; }; }; var _local_7:Number = (_local_5 / _arg_2.width); var _local_8:Number = (_local_6 / _arg_2.width); var _local_9:Number = (_local_3 / _arg_2.height); var _local_10:Number = (_local_4 / _arg_2.height); var _local_11:Matrix = new Matrix(); _local_11.a = _local_7; _local_11.b = _local_8; _local_11.c = _local_9; _local_11.d = _local_10; _local_11.translate(this._SafeStr_6395.x, this._SafeStr_6395.y); this.draw(_arg_2, _local_11); } private function draw(k:BitmapData, _arg_2:Matrix):void { var _local_3:int; var _local_4:int; var _local_5:Number; var _local_6:int; var _local_7:int; if (this._SafeStr_5657 != null){ if ((((((((((((_arg_2.a == 1)) && ((_arg_2.d == 1)))) && ((_arg_2.c == 0)))) && (!((_arg_2.b == 0))))) && ((Math.abs(_arg_2.b) <= 1)))) && ((((this._SafeStr_6078 == _SafeStr_6362)) || ((this._SafeStr_6078 == _SafeStr_6364)))))){ _local_3 = 0; _local_4 = 0; _local_5 = 0; _local_6 = 0; if (_arg_2.b > 0){ _arg_2.ty++; }; _local_7 = 0; while (_local_3 < k.width) { _local_3++; _local_5 = (_local_5 + Math.abs(_arg_2.b)); if (_local_5 >= 1){ this._SafeStr_5657.copyPixels(k, new Rectangle((_local_4 + _local_6), 0, (_local_3 - _local_4), k.height), new Point((_arg_2.tx + _local_4), (_arg_2.ty + _local_7)), null, null, true); _local_4 = _local_3; if (_arg_2.b > 0){ _local_7++; } else { _local_7--; }; _local_5 = 0; }; }; if (_local_5 > 0){ this._SafeStr_5657.copyPixels(k, new Rectangle(_local_4, 0, (_local_3 - _local_4), k.height), new Point((_arg_2.tx + _local_4), (_arg_2.ty + _local_7)), null, null, true); }; return; }; this._SafeStr_5657.draw(k, _arg_2, null, null, null, false); }; } public function _SafeStr_6426():void { if (this._disposed){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_6385){ if (this._SafeStr_6386.length == 0){ return; }; this._SafeStr_6388 = true; this._SafeStr_6386 = []; }; } public function _SafeStr_6427(k:String, _arg_2:Number, _arg_3:Number):Boolean { var _local_4:_SafeStr_5029; var _local_5:int; if (this._SafeStr_6385){ _local_4 = null; _local_5 = 0; while (_local_5 < this._SafeStr_6386.length) { _local_4 = (this._SafeStr_6386[_local_5] as _SafeStr_5029); if (_local_4 != null){ if ((((((_local_4.type == k)) && ((_local_4._SafeStr_6357 == _arg_2)))) && ((_local_4._SafeStr_6358 == _arg_3)))){ return (false); }; }; _local_5++; }; _local_4 = new _SafeStr_5029(k, _arg_2, _arg_3); this._SafeStr_6386.push(_local_4); this._SafeStr_6388 = true; return (true); }; return (false); } public function _SafeStr_6428():void { if (this._SafeStr_6385){ if (this._SafeStr_6387.length == 0){ return; }; this._SafeStr_6388 = true; this._SafeStr_6387 = []; }; } public function _SafeStr_6429(k:Number, _arg_2:Number, _arg_3:Number, _arg_4:Number):Boolean { var _local_5:_SafeStr_5028; var _local_6:int; if (this._SafeStr_6385){ _local_5 = null; _local_6 = 0; while (_local_6 < this._SafeStr_6387.length) { _local_5 = (this._SafeStr_6387[_local_6] as _SafeStr_5028); if (_local_5 != null){ if ((((((((_local_5._SafeStr_6357 == k)) && ((_local_5._SafeStr_6358 == _arg_2)))) && ((_local_5._SafeStr_6359 == _arg_3)))) && ((_local_5._SafeStr_6360 == _arg_4)))){ return (false); }; }; _local_6++; }; _local_5 = new _SafeStr_5028(k, _arg_2, _arg_3, _arg_4); this._SafeStr_6387.push(_local_5); this._SafeStr_6388 = true; return (true); }; return (false); } private function _SafeStr_6407():void { var _local_6:Boolean; var _local_7:_SafeStr_5029; if (!this._SafeStr_6388){ return; }; var k:int; var _local_2:int; var _local_3:Boolean = true; var _local_4:_SafeStr_5029; var _local_5:_SafeStr_5028; if (this._SafeStr_6386.length == this._SafeStr_6391.length){ while (k < this._SafeStr_6386.length) { _local_4 = (this._SafeStr_6386[k] as _SafeStr_5029); if (_local_4 != null){ _local_6 = false; while (_local_2 < this._SafeStr_6391.length) { _local_7 = (this._SafeStr_6391[_local_2] as _SafeStr_5029); if (_local_7 != null){ if ((((((_local_7.type == _local_4.type)) && ((_local_7._SafeStr_6357 == _local_4._SafeStr_6357)))) && ((_local_7._SafeStr_6358 == _local_4._SafeStr_6358)))){ _local_6 = true; break; }; }; _local_2++; }; if (!_local_6){ _local_3 = false; break; }; }; k++; }; } else { _local_3 = false; }; if (this._SafeStr_6387.length > this._SafeStr_6392.length){ _local_3 = false; }; if (_local_3){ this._SafeStr_6388 = false; }; } private function _SafeStr_6409(texture:BitmapData, geometry:_SafeStr_2305):void { var normal:_SafeStr_2307; var posX:int; var posY:int; var type:String; var wd:int; var ht:int; if (((((!(this._SafeStr_6385)) || ((((((this._SafeStr_6386.length == 0)) && ((this._SafeStr_6387.length == 0)))) && (!(this._SafeStr_6388)))))) || ((this._SafeStr_6377 == null)))){ return; }; if ((((texture == null)) || ((geometry == null)))){ return; }; var mask:_SafeStr_5029; var rectMask:_SafeStr_5028; var i:int; var j:int; this._SafeStr_6407(); var width:Number = texture.width; var height:Number = texture.height; if ((((((this._SafeStr_6389 == null)) || (!((this._SafeStr_6389.width == width))))) || (!((this._SafeStr_6389.height == height))))){ if (this._SafeStr_6389 != null){ this._SafeStr_6389.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6389 = null; }; try { this._SafeStr_6389 = new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0xFFFFFF); } catch(e:Error) { _SafeStr_6389 = null; return; }; this._SafeStr_6388 = true; }; if (this._SafeStr_6388){ this._SafeStr_6391 = []; this._SafeStr_6392 = []; if (this._SafeStr_6389 != null){ this._SafeStr_6389.fillRect(this._SafeStr_6389.rect, 0xFFFFFF); }; this._SafeStr_6399(texture); normal = geometry._SafeStr_5689(this._normal); posX = 0; posY = 0; i = 0; while (i < this._SafeStr_6386.length) { mask = (this._SafeStr_6386[i] as _SafeStr_5029); if (mask != null){ posX = (this._SafeStr_6389.width - ((this._SafeStr_6389.width * mask._SafeStr_6357) / this._SafeStr_6368.length)); posY = (this._SafeStr_6389.height - ((this._SafeStr_6389.height * mask._SafeStr_6358) / this._SafeStr_6369.length)); type = mask.type; this._SafeStr_6377._SafeStr_6409(this._SafeStr_6389, type, geometry.scale, normal, posX, posY); this._SafeStr_6391.push(new _SafeStr_5029(type, mask._SafeStr_6357, mask._SafeStr_6358)); }; i = (i + 1); }; j = 0; while (j < this._SafeStr_6387.length) { rectMask = (this._SafeStr_6387[j] as _SafeStr_5028); if (rectMask != null){ posX = (this._SafeStr_6389.width - ((this._SafeStr_6389.width * rectMask._SafeStr_6357) / this._SafeStr_6368.length)); posY = (this._SafeStr_6389.height - ((this._SafeStr_6389.height * rectMask._SafeStr_6358) / this._SafeStr_6369.length)); wd = ((this._SafeStr_6389.width * rectMask._SafeStr_6359) / this._SafeStr_6368.length); ht = ((this._SafeStr_6389.height * rectMask._SafeStr_6360) / this._SafeStr_6369.length); this._SafeStr_6389.fillRect(new Rectangle((posX - wd), (posY - ht), wd, ht), 0xFF000000); this._SafeStr_6392.push(new _SafeStr_5028(rectMask._SafeStr_6359, rectMask._SafeStr_6358, rectMask._SafeStr_6359, rectMask._SafeStr_6360)); }; j = (j + 1); }; this._SafeStr_6388 = false; }; this._SafeStr_6430(texture, this._SafeStr_6389); } private function _SafeStr_6430(texture:BitmapData, mask:BitmapData):void { if ((((texture == null)) || ((mask == null)))){ return; }; if (((!((this._SafeStr_6390 == null))) && (((!((this._SafeStr_6390.width == texture.width))) || (!((this._SafeStr_6390.height == texture.height))))))){ this._SafeStr_6390.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6390 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_6390 == null){ try { this._SafeStr_6390 = new BitmapData(texture.width, texture.height, true, 0xFFFFFFFF); } catch(e:Error) { if (_SafeStr_6390){ _SafeStr_6390.dispose(); }; _SafeStr_6390 = null; return; }; }; this._SafeStr_6390.copyChannel(texture, texture.rect, _SafeStr_5675, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA, BitmapDataChannel.RED); this._SafeStr_6390.draw(mask, null, null, BlendMode.DARKEN); texture.copyChannel(this._SafeStr_6390, this._SafeStr_6390.rect, _SafeStr_5675, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA); } } }//package _-0GL // _SafeStr_2305 = "_-cg" (String#1071, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2307 = "_-3nQ" (String#260, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2308 = "_-1e-" (String#156, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3892 = "_-4uU" (String#1285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4 = "_-5F-" (String#232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4379 = "_-5Vh" (String#8063, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4382 = "_-0qM" (String#5753, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4672 = "_-5w6" (String#3599, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5023 = "_-0VX" (String#1976, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5025 = "_-2mh" (String#3600, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5028 = "_-6cS" (String#4753, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5029 = "_-0yb" (String#3564, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5645 = "_-3rg" (String#915, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5657 = "_-5Fm" (String#749, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5658 = "_-2ty" (String#603, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5675 = "_-21B" (String#4816, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5688 = "_-dI" (String#17416, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5689 = "_-4rd" (String#12871, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5690 = "_-QU" (String#3192, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5691 = "_-1vv" (String#5517, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5699 = "_-0xx" (String#4673, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5704 = "_-5Zw" (String#10609, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5709 = "_-3E2" (String#8334, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5710 = "_-2Pb" (String#1343, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5748 = "_-4X9" (String#1279, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6041 = "_-4WA" (String#285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6078 = "_-07n" (String#365, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6149 = "_-1la" (String#16876, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6346 = "_-04x" (String#32095, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6351 = "_-025" (String#20674, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6352 = "_-9f" (String#25314, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6357 = "_-6VA" (String#6836, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6358 = "_-3k2" (String#6421, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6359 = "_-21k" (String#11981, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6360 = "_-6ct" (String#15539, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6361 = "_-3TQ" (String#22526, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6362 = "_-5lN" (String#4343, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6363 = "_-bY" (String#3748, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6364 = "_-6dE" (String#3810, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6365 = "_-54C" (String#13775, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6366 = "_-6Xg" (String#24826, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6367 = "_-3qc" (String#7016, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6368 = "_-3tR" (String#2946, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6369 = "_-2UB" (String#3026, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6370 = "_-Ir" (String#8330, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6371 = "_-5X3" (String#4075, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6372 = "_-5U0" (String#4838, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6373 = "_-3tX" (String#18857, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6374 = "_-1rR" (String#1691, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6375 = "_-1SD" (String#5510, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6376 = "_-1AL" (String#9872, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6377 = "_-4Rd" (String#6520, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6378 = "_-4cD" (String#27442, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6379 = "_-tK" (String#31672, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6380 = "_-0wM" (String#28858, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6381 = "_-Db" (String#31887, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6382 = "_-4lE" (String#28281, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6383 = "_-FS" (String#2345, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6384 = "_-bD" (String#7773, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6385 = "_-0hQ" (String#5832, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6386 = "_-3Ep" (String#5369, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6387 = "_-21E" (String#6926, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6388 = "_-358" (String#6933, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6389 = "_-5l5" (String#2433, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6390 = "_-1Zg" (String#4601, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6391 = "_-oH" (String#12407, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6392 = "_-6Vw" (String#17866, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6393 = "_-4Ej" (String#2734, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6394 = "_-4Tz" (String#2515, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6395 = "_-48N" (String#2162, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6396 = "_-5SU" (String#2548, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6397 = "_-1El" (String#10022, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6398 = "_-21G" (String#19619, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6399 = "_-Bk" (String#14113, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6400 = "_-2WW" (String#7351, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6401 = "_-1DH" (String#6681, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6402 = "_-M5" (String#25049, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6403 = "_-0FQ" (String#22319, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6404 = "_-5UB" (String#37157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6405 = "_-yx" (String#25750, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6406 = "_-4o4" (String#14353, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6407 = "_-1kJ" (String#29371, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6408 = "_-2H2" (String#16931, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6409 = "_-5gj" (String#24521, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6410 = "_-2Nu" (String#36318, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6411 = "_-5UU" (String#12459, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6412 = "_-RQ" (String#30625, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6413 = "_-32Q" (String#38039, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6414 = "_-2HE" (String#29011, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6415 = "_-4Fr" (String#12648, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6416 = "_-0RO" (String#13407, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6417 = "_-3Sa" (String#30925, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6418 = "_-1Bq" (String#5487, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6419 = "_-3Wk" (String#21703, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6420 = "_-0jV" (String#31974, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6421 = "_-0IL" (String#32627, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6422 = "_-2eW" (String#37954, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6423 = "_-4H3" (String#41495, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6424 = "_-41A" (String#24391, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6425 = "_-62h" (String#25745, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6426 = "_-4oj" (String#38826, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6427 = "_-5wl" (String#34397, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6428 = "_-3Wx" (String#39075, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6429 = "_-2UQ" (String#36160, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6430 = "_-3Sd" (String#37471, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0GL.RoomVisualization package _-0GL { import _-h6.RoomObjectSpriteVisualization; import _-h6._SafeStr_2783; import _-59z.AssetLibrary; import _-2QZ.RoomPlaneParser; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import _-2QZ.RoomPlaneBitmapMaskParser; import _-59z._SafeStr_39; import _-h6._SafeStr_2662; import _-h6._SafeStr_4365; import _-1oe._SafeStr_4368; import _-1oe._SafeStr_4378; import _-0-8._SafeStr_2307; import _-6k7._SafeStr_2457; import _-2QZ._SafeStr_2485; import _-0-8._SafeStr_2308; import _-2QZ.RoomPlaneData; import _-6k7._SafeStr_3068; import _-0-8._SafeStr_2305; import flash.geom.Point; import _-59z.BitmapDataAsset; import flash.display.BitmapData; import _-2QZ._SafeStr_3709; import _-h6._SafeStr_4382; import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import __AS3__.vec.*; public class RoomVisualization extends RoomObjectSpriteVisualization implements _SafeStr_2783 { public static const _SafeStr_6431:int = 0xFFFFFF; public static const _SafeStr_6432:int = 0xDDDDDD; public static const _SafeStr_6433:int = 0xBBBBBB; private static const _SafeStr_6434:int = 0xFFFFFF; private static const _SafeStr_6435:int = 0xCCCCCC; private static const _SafeStr_6436:int = 0x999999; private static const _SafeStr_6437:int = 0x999999; public static const _SafeStr_6438:int = 0xFFFFFF; public static const _SafeStr_6439:int = 0xCCCCCC; public static const _SafeStr_6440:int = 0x999999; private static const _SafeStr_6441:Number = 1000; private const _SafeStr_6442:int = 250; protected var _SafeStr_5686:RoomVisualizationData = null; private var _SafeStr_5628:AssetLibrary = null; private var _SafeStr_6443:RoomPlaneParser = null; private var _SafeStr_6444:Array; private var _SafeStr_6445:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_6446:Array; private var _SafeStr_6447:Array; private var _SafeStr_6448:Rectangle = null; private var _SafeStr_6449:RoomPlaneBitmapMaskParser = null; private var _SafeStr_6450:String = null; private var _SafeStr_6451:String = null; private var _SafeStr_6452:String = null; private var _SafeStr_6453:Number = NaN; private var _SafeStr_6454:Number = NaN; private var _SafeStr_6455:Number = NaN; private var _SafeStr_6456:String = null; private var _SafeStr_6051:uint = 0xFFFFFF; private var _SafeStr_6457:int = 0xFF; private var _SafeStr_6458:int = 0xFF; private var _SafeStr_6459:int = 0xFF; private var _SafeStr_6460:Boolean = true; private var _SafeStr_6461:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_6462:int = -1000; private var _SafeStr_6371:int = -1; private var _SafeStr_6463:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6464:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6465:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6466:Number = 0; private var _SafeStr_6467:Array; public function RoomVisualization() { this._SafeStr_6444 = []; this._SafeStr_6446 = []; this._SafeStr_6447 = []; this._SafeStr_6467 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5628 = new AssetLibrary("room visualization"); this._SafeStr_6443 = new RoomPlaneParser(); this._SafeStr_6449 = new RoomPlaneBitmapMaskParser(); this._SafeStr_6467[RoomPlane._SafeStr_6361] = false; this._SafeStr_6467[RoomPlane._SafeStr_6363] = true; this._SafeStr_6467[RoomPlane._SafeStr_6362] = true; this._SafeStr_6467[RoomPlane._SafeStr_6364] = true; } public function get _SafeStr_6468():Number { return ((_SafeStr_6441 + 0.1)); } public function get _SafeStr_6469():Number { return ((_SafeStr_6441 + 0.5)); } public function get _SafeStr_6470():Number { return ((_SafeStr_6441 + 0.49)); } public function get _SafeStr_6471():int { return (this._SafeStr_6444.length); } override public function dispose():void { var k:int; var _local_2:_SafeStr_39; super.dispose(); if (this._SafeStr_5628 != null){ k = 0; while (k < this._SafeStr_5628._SafeStr_6472) { _local_2 = this._SafeStr_5628._SafeStr_6473(k); if (_local_2 != null){ _local_2.dispose(); }; k++; }; this._SafeStr_5628.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5628 = null; }; this._SafeStr_6474(); this._SafeStr_6444 = null; this._SafeStr_6446 = null; this._SafeStr_6447 = null; if (this._SafeStr_6443 != null){ this._SafeStr_6443.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6443 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_6449 != null){ this._SafeStr_6449.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6449 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_5686 != null){ this._SafeStr_5686._SafeStr_6475(); this._SafeStr_5686 = null; }; } private function _SafeStr_6474():void { var k:int; var _local_2:RoomPlane; if (this._SafeStr_6444 != null){ k = 0; while (k < this._SafeStr_6444.length) { _local_2 = (this._SafeStr_6444[k] as RoomPlane); if (_local_2 != null){ _local_2.dispose(); }; k++; }; this._SafeStr_6444 = []; }; this._SafeStr_6445 = false; this._SafeStr_6461 = (this._SafeStr_6461 + 1); this.reset(); } override protected function reset():void { super.reset(); this._SafeStr_6450 = null; this._SafeStr_6451 = null; this._SafeStr_6452 = null; this._SafeStr_6456 = null; this._SafeStr_6371 = -1; this._SafeStr_6466 = 0; } override public function get boundingRectangle():Rectangle { if (this._SafeStr_6448 == null){ this._SafeStr_6448 = super.boundingRectangle; }; return (new Rectangle(this._SafeStr_6448.x, this._SafeStr_6448.y, this._SafeStr_6448.width, this._SafeStr_6448.height)); } override public function initialize(k:_SafeStr_2662):Boolean { this.reset(); if ((((k == null)) || (!((k is RoomVisualizationData))))){ return (false); }; this._SafeStr_5686 = (k as RoomVisualizationData); this._SafeStr_5686._SafeStr_6476(_SafeStr_6477); return (true); } protected function _SafeStr_6478():void { var _local_3:RoomPlane; var _local_4:_SafeStr_4365; var k:int = this._SafeStr_6444.length; _SafeStr_6479(k); var _local_2:int; while (_local_2 < k) { _local_3 = (this._SafeStr_6444[_local_2] as RoomPlane); _local_4 = _SafeStr_6480(_local_2); if (((((((!((_local_4 == null))) && (!((_local_3 == null))))) && (!((_local_3._SafeStr_6400 == null))))) && (!((_local_3._SafeStr_6401 == null))))){ if ((((_local_3.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6362)) && ((((_local_3._SafeStr_6400.length < 1)) || ((_local_3._SafeStr_6401.length < 1)))))){ _local_4._SafeStr_5661 = _SafeStr_4368._SafeStr_6481; } else { _local_4._SafeStr_5661 = _SafeStr_4368._SafeStr_6482; }; if (_local_3.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6362){ _local_4.tag = ("plane.wall@" + (_local_2 + 1)); } else { if (_local_3.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6363){ _local_4.tag = ("plane.floor@" + (_local_2 + 1)); } else { _local_4.tag = ("plane@" + (_local_2 + 1)); }; }; _local_4._SafeStr_6483 = _SafeStr_4378._SafeStr_6484; }; _local_2++; }; } protected function _SafeStr_6485():void { var _local_8:_SafeStr_2307; var _local_9:_SafeStr_2307; var _local_10:_SafeStr_2307; var _local_11:Array; var _local_12:int; var _local_13:RoomPlane; var _local_14:_SafeStr_2307; var _local_15:Number; var _local_16:Number; var _local_17:Number; var _local_18:Number; var _local_19:int; var _local_20:Number; var _local_21:Number; var _local_22:Number; var _local_23:Number; if (this._SafeStr_6445){ return; }; var k:_SafeStr_2457 = object; if (k == null){ return; }; if (!isNaN(this._SafeStr_6453)){ this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6486 = this._SafeStr_6453; }; if (!isNaN(this._SafeStr_6454)){ this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6487 = this._SafeStr_6454; }; var _local_2:String = k.getModel().getString(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6488); if (!this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6489(new XML(_local_2))){ return; }; var _local_3:Number = this._SafeStr_6490(); var _local_4:Number = this._SafeStr_6491(); var _local_5:Number = 0; var _local_6:int = k.getModel().getNumber(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6492); var _local_7:int; while (_local_7 < this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6471) { _local_8 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6493(_local_7); _local_9 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6494(_local_7); _local_10 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6495(_local_7); _local_11 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6496(_local_7); _local_12 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6497(_local_7); _local_13 = null; if (((((!((_local_8 == null))) && (!((_local_9 == null))))) && (!((_local_10 == null))))){ _local_14 = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5704(_local_9, _local_10); _local_6 = ((_local_6 * 7613) + 517); _local_13 = null; if (_local_12 == RoomPlaneData._SafeStr_6498){ _local_15 = ((_local_8.x + _local_9.x) + 0.5); _local_16 = ((_local_8.y + _local_10.y) + 0.5); _local_17 = (int(_local_15) - _local_15); _local_18 = (int(_local_16) - _local_16); _local_13 = new RoomPlane(k.getLocation(), _local_8, _local_9, _local_10, RoomPlane._SafeStr_6363, true, _local_11, _local_6, -(_local_17), -(_local_18)); if (_local_14.z != 0){ _local_13.color = _SafeStr_6431; } else { _local_13.color = (((_local_14.x)!=0) ? _SafeStr_6433 : _SafeStr_6432); }; if (this._SafeStr_5686 != null){ _local_13.rasterizer = this._SafeStr_5686._SafeStr_6499; }; } else { if (_local_12 == RoomPlaneData._SafeStr_6500){ _local_13 = new RoomPlane(k.getLocation(), _local_8, _local_9, _local_10, RoomPlane._SafeStr_6362, true, _local_11, _local_6); if ((((_local_9.length < 1)) || ((_local_10.length < 1)))){ _local_13._SafeStr_6402 = false; }; if ((((_local_14.x == 0)) && ((_local_14.y == 0)))){ _local_13.color = _SafeStr_6437; } else { if (_local_14.y > 0){ _local_13.color = _SafeStr_6434; } else { if (_local_14.y == 0){ _local_13.color = _SafeStr_6435; } else { _local_13.color = _SafeStr_6436; }; }; }; if (this._SafeStr_5686 != null){ _local_13.rasterizer = this._SafeStr_5686._SafeStr_6501; }; } else { if (_local_12 == RoomPlaneData._SafeStr_6502){ _local_13 = new RoomPlane(k.getLocation(), _local_8, _local_9, _local_10, RoomPlane._SafeStr_6364, true, _local_11, _local_6, _local_5, 0, _local_3, _local_4); if (_local_14.y > 0){ _local_13.color = _SafeStr_6438; } else { if (_local_14.y == 0){ _local_13.color = _SafeStr_6439; } else { _local_13.color = _SafeStr_6440; }; }; if (this._SafeStr_5686 != null){ _local_13.rasterizer = this._SafeStr_5686._SafeStr_6503; }; _local_5 = (_local_5 + _local_9.length); } else { if (_local_12 == RoomPlaneData._SafeStr_6504){ _local_13 = new RoomPlane(k.getLocation(), _local_8, _local_9, _local_10, RoomPlane._SafeStr_6362, true, _local_11, _local_6); if ((((_local_9.length < 1)) || ((_local_10.length < 1)))){ _local_13._SafeStr_6402 = false; }; if ((((_local_14.x == 0)) && ((_local_14.y == 0)))){ _local_13.color = _SafeStr_6437; } else { if (_local_14.y > 0){ _local_13.color = _SafeStr_6434; } else { if (_local_14.y == 0){ _local_13.color = _SafeStr_6435; } else { _local_13.color = _SafeStr_6436; }; }; }; if (this._SafeStr_5686 != null){ _local_13.rasterizer = this._SafeStr_5686._SafeStr_6505; }; }; }; }; }; if (_local_13 != null){ _local_13._SafeStr_6403 = this._SafeStr_5686._SafeStr_6403; _local_19 = 0; while (_local_19 < this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6506(_local_7)) { _local_20 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6507(_local_7, _local_19); _local_21 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6508(_local_7, _local_19); _local_22 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6509(_local_7, _local_19); _local_23 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6510(_local_7, _local_19); _local_13._SafeStr_6429(_local_20, _local_21, _local_22, _local_23); _local_19++; }; this._SafeStr_6444.push(_local_13); }; } else { return; }; _local_7++; }; this._SafeStr_6445 = true; this._SafeStr_6478(); } private function _SafeStr_6490():Number { var _local_3:int; var _local_4:_SafeStr_2307; var k:Number = 0; var _local_2:int; while (_local_2 < this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6471) { _local_3 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6497(_local_2); if (_local_3 == RoomPlaneData._SafeStr_6502){ _local_4 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6494(_local_2); k = (k + _local_4.length); }; _local_2++; }; return (k); } private function _SafeStr_6491():Number { var _local_3:int; var _local_4:_SafeStr_2307; var k:Number = 0; var _local_2:int; while (_local_2 < this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6471) { _local_3 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6497(_local_2); if (_local_3 == RoomPlaneData._SafeStr_6502){ _local_4 = this._SafeStr_6443._SafeStr_6495(_local_2); if (_local_4.length > k){ k = _local_4.length; }; }; _local_2++; }; if (k > 5){ k = 5; }; return (k); } override public function update(k:_SafeStr_2305, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:Boolean, _arg_4:Boolean):void { var _local_10:int; var _local_11:int; var _local_12:_SafeStr_4365; var _local_13:RoomPlane; var _local_14:uint; var _local_15:uint; var _local_16:uint; var _local_17:uint; var _local_18:uint; var _local_5:_SafeStr_2457 = object; if (_local_5 == null){ return; }; if (k == null){ return; }; var _local_6:Boolean = this._SafeStr_6511(k); var _local_7:_SafeStr_3068 = _local_5.getModel(); var _local_8:Boolean; if (this._SafeStr_6512(_local_7)){ _local_8 = true; }; if (this._SafeStr_6513(_local_7)){ _local_8 = true; }; this._SafeStr_6485(); _local_8 = this._SafeStr_6514(_local_7); var _local_9:int = _arg_2; if ((((((_local_9 < (this._SafeStr_6462 + this._SafeStr_6442))) && (!(_local_6)))) && (!(_local_8)))){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_6515(_local_7)){ _local_8 = true; }; if (this._SafeStr_6516(k, _local_6, _arg_2)){ _local_8 = true; }; if (_local_8){ _local_10 = 0; while (_local_10 < this._SafeStr_6446.length) { _local_11 = this._SafeStr_6447[_local_10]; _local_12 = _SafeStr_6480(_local_11); _local_13 = (this._SafeStr_6446[_local_10] as RoomPlane); if (((((!((_local_12 == null))) && (!((_local_13 == null))))) && (!((_local_13.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6364))))){ if (this._SafeStr_6460){ _local_14 = _local_13.color; _local_15 = (((_local_14 & 0xFF) * this._SafeStr_6459) / 0xFF); _local_16 = ((((_local_14 >> 8) & 0xFF) * this._SafeStr_6458) / 0xFF); _local_17 = ((((_local_14 >> 16) & 0xFF) * this._SafeStr_6457) / 0xFF); _local_18 = (_local_14 >> 24); _local_14 = ((((_local_18 << 24) + (_local_17 << 16)) + (_local_16 << 8)) + _local_15); _local_12.color = _local_14; } else { _local_12.color = _local_13.color; }; }; _local_10++; }; _SafeStr_6517(); }; _SafeStr_6518 = _local_7._SafeStr_6519(); this._SafeStr_6462 = _local_9; } private function _SafeStr_6511(k:_SafeStr_2305):Boolean { var _local_3:_SafeStr_2307; var _local_2:Boolean; if (k._SafeStr_5699 != this._SafeStr_6371){ this._SafeStr_6371 = k._SafeStr_5699; this._SafeStr_6448 = null; _local_3 = k.direction; if (((!((_local_3 == null))) && (((((((!((_local_3.x == this._SafeStr_6463))) || (!((_local_3.y == this._SafeStr_6464))))) || (!((_local_3.z == this._SafeStr_6465))))) || (!((k.scale == this._SafeStr_6466))))))){ this._SafeStr_6463 = _local_3.x; this._SafeStr_6464 = _local_3.y; this._SafeStr_6465 = _local_3.z; this._SafeStr_6466 = k.scale; _local_2 = true; }; }; return (_local_2); } private function _SafeStr_6514(k:_SafeStr_3068):Boolean { var _local_3:String; var _local_4:uint; var _local_5:Boolean; var _local_2:Boolean; if (_SafeStr_6518 != k._SafeStr_6519()){ _local_3 = k.getString(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6520); if (_local_3 != this._SafeStr_6456){ this._SafeStr_6521(_local_3); this._SafeStr_6456 = _local_3; _local_2 = true; }; _local_4 = k.getNumber(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6522); if (_local_4 != this._SafeStr_6051){ this._SafeStr_6051 = _local_4; this._SafeStr_6459 = (this._SafeStr_6051 & 0xFF); this._SafeStr_6458 = ((this._SafeStr_6051 >> 8) & 0xFF); this._SafeStr_6457 = ((this._SafeStr_6051 >> 16) & 0xFF); _local_2 = true; }; _local_5 = Boolean(k.getNumber(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6523)); if (_local_5 != this._SafeStr_6460){ this._SafeStr_6460 = _local_5; _local_2 = true; }; }; return (_local_2); } private function _SafeStr_6515(k:_SafeStr_3068):Boolean { var _local_2:String; var _local_3:String; var _local_4:String; var _local_5:Boolean; var _local_6:Boolean; var _local_7:Boolean; if (_SafeStr_6518 != k._SafeStr_6519()){ _local_2 = k.getString(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6524); _local_3 = k.getString(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6525); _local_4 = k.getString(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6526); this._SafeStr_6527(_local_3, _local_2, _local_4); _local_5 = Boolean(k.getNumber(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6528)); _local_6 = Boolean(k.getNumber(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6529)); _local_7 = Boolean(k.getNumber(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6530)); this._SafeStr_6531(_local_5, _local_6, _local_7); return (true); }; return (false); } private function _SafeStr_6512(k:_SafeStr_3068):Boolean { var _local_2:Number; var _local_3:Number; if (_SafeStr_6518 != k._SafeStr_6519()){ _local_2 = k.getNumber(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6532); _local_3 = k.getNumber(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6533); if (((((!(isNaN(_local_2))) && (!(isNaN(_local_3))))) && (((!((_local_2 == this._SafeStr_6453))) || (!((_local_3 == this._SafeStr_6454))))))){ this._SafeStr_6453 = _local_2; this._SafeStr_6454 = _local_3; this._SafeStr_6474(); return (true); }; }; return (false); } private function _SafeStr_6513(k:_SafeStr_3068):Boolean { var _local_2:Number; if (_SafeStr_6518 != k._SafeStr_6519()){ _local_2 = k.getNumber(_SafeStr_2485._SafeStr_6534); if (((!(isNaN(_local_2))) && (!((_local_2 == this._SafeStr_6455))))){ this._SafeStr_6455 = _local_2; this._SafeStr_6474(); return (true); }; }; return (false); } protected function _SafeStr_6527(k:String, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:String):Boolean { var _local_5:RoomPlane; if (k != this._SafeStr_6451){ this._SafeStr_6451 = k; } else { k = null; }; if (_arg_2 != this._SafeStr_6450){ this._SafeStr_6450 = _arg_2; } else { _arg_2 = null; }; if (_arg_3 != this._SafeStr_6452){ this._SafeStr_6452 = _arg_3; } else { _arg_3 = null; }; if ((((((k == null)) && ((_arg_2 == null)))) && ((_arg_3 == null)))){ return (false); }; var _local_4:int; while (_local_4 < this._SafeStr_6444.length) { _local_5 = (this._SafeStr_6444[_local_4] as RoomPlane); if (_local_5 != null){ if ((((_local_5.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6363)) && (!((k == null))))){ _local_5.id = k; } else { if ((((_local_5.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6362)) && (!((_arg_2 == null))))){ _local_5.id = _arg_2; } else { if ((((_local_5.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6364)) && (!((_arg_3 == null))))){ _local_5.id = _arg_3; }; }; }; }; _local_4++; }; return (true); } private function _SafeStr_6531(k:Boolean, _arg_2:Boolean, _arg_3:Boolean):void { if (((((!((k == this._SafeStr_6467[RoomPlane._SafeStr_6363]))) || (!((_arg_2 == this._SafeStr_6467[RoomPlane._SafeStr_6362]))))) || (!((_arg_3 == this._SafeStr_6467[RoomPlane._SafeStr_6364]))))){ this._SafeStr_6467[RoomPlane._SafeStr_6363] = k; this._SafeStr_6467[RoomPlane._SafeStr_6362] = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6467[RoomPlane._SafeStr_6364] = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_6446 = []; this._SafeStr_6447 = []; }; } protected function _SafeStr_6516(k:_SafeStr_2305, _arg_2:Boolean, _arg_3:int):Boolean { var _local_10:int; var _local_11:_SafeStr_4365; var _local_12:RoomPlane; var _local_13:Number; var _local_14:String; var _local_4:_SafeStr_2457 = object; if (_local_4 == null){ return (false); }; if (k == null){ return (false); }; this._SafeStr_6461++; if (_arg_2){ this._SafeStr_6446 = []; this._SafeStr_6447 = []; }; var _local_5:int = _arg_3; var _local_6:Array = this._SafeStr_6446; if (this._SafeStr_6446.length == 0){ _local_6 = this._SafeStr_6444; }; var _local_7:Boolean; var _local_8 = (this._SafeStr_6446.length > 0); var _local_9:int; while (_local_9 < _local_6.length) { _local_10 = _local_9; if (_local_8){ _local_10 = this._SafeStr_6447[_local_9]; }; _local_11 = _SafeStr_6480(_local_10); if (_local_11 != null){ _local_12 = (_local_6[_local_9] as RoomPlane); if (_local_12 != null){ _local_11._SafeStr_6535 = _local_12.uniqueId; if (_local_12.update(k, _local_5)){ if (_local_12.visible){ _local_13 = ((_local_12.relativeDepth + this._SafeStr_6468) + (Number(_local_10) / 1000)); if (_local_12.type != RoomPlane._SafeStr_6363){ _local_13 = ((_local_12.relativeDepth + this._SafeStr_6469) + (Number(_local_10) / 1000)); if ((((_local_12._SafeStr_6400.length < 1)) || ((_local_12._SafeStr_6401.length < 1)))){ _local_13 = (_local_13 + (_SafeStr_6441 * 0.5)); }; }; _local_14 = ((("plane " + _local_10) + " ") + k.scale); this._SafeStr_6536(_local_11, _local_12, _local_14, _local_13); }; _local_7 = true; }; if (_local_11.visible != ((_local_12.visible) && (this._SafeStr_6467[_local_12.type]))){ _local_11.visible = !(_local_11.visible); _local_7 = true; }; if (_local_11.visible){ if (!_local_8){ this._SafeStr_6446.push(_local_12); this._SafeStr_6447.push(_local_9); }; }; } else { _local_11._SafeStr_6535 = 0; if (_local_11.visible){ _local_11.visible = false; _local_7 = true; }; }; }; _local_9++; }; return (_local_7); } private function _SafeStr_6536(k:_SafeStr_4365, _arg_2:RoomPlane, _arg_3:String, _arg_4:Number):void { var _local_5:Point = _arg_2.offset; k.offsetX = -(_local_5.x); k.offsetY = -(_local_5.y); k.relativeDepth = _arg_4; k.color = _arg_2.color; k.asset = this._SafeStr_6537(_arg_2, _arg_3); k.assetName = ((_arg_3 + "_") + this._SafeStr_6461); } private function _SafeStr_6537(k:RoomPlane, _arg_2:String):BitmapData { var _local_3:BitmapDataAsset = (this._SafeStr_5628.getAssetByName(_arg_2) as BitmapDataAsset); if (_local_3 == null){ _local_3 = new BitmapDataAsset(this._SafeStr_5628.getAssetTypeDeclarationByClass(BitmapDataAsset)); this._SafeStr_5628.setAsset(_arg_2, _local_3); }; var _local_4:BitmapData = (_local_3.content as BitmapData); var _local_5:BitmapData = k._SafeStr_6404(_local_4); if (_local_5 == null){ _local_5 = k.bitmapData; if (_local_5 != null){ if (_local_4 != _local_5){ if (_local_4 != null){ _local_4.dispose(); }; _local_3._SafeStr_6034(_local_5); }; }; }; return (_local_5); } protected function _SafeStr_6521(k:String):void { var _local_10:String; var _local_11:_SafeStr_2307; var _local_12:String; var _local_13:int; var _local_14:_SafeStr_2307; var _local_15:Number; var _local_16:Number; var _local_17:Number; var _local_18:int; if (k == null){ return; }; var _local_2:XML = XML(k); this._SafeStr_6449.initialize(_local_2); var _local_3:RoomPlane; var _local_4:Array = []; var _local_5:Array = []; var _local_6:Boolean; var _local_7:int; while (_local_7 < this._SafeStr_6444.length) { _local_3 = (this._SafeStr_6444[_local_7] as RoomPlane); if (_local_3 != null){ _local_3._SafeStr_6426(); if (_local_3.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6364){ _local_4.push(_local_7); }; }; _local_7++; }; var _local_8:int; while (_local_8 < this._SafeStr_6449._SafeStr_6538) { _local_10 = this._SafeStr_6449._SafeStr_6539(_local_8); _local_11 = this._SafeStr_6449._SafeStr_6540(_local_8); _local_12 = this._SafeStr_6449._SafeStr_6541(_local_8); if (_local_11 != null){ _local_13 = 0; while (_local_13 < this._SafeStr_6444.length) { _local_3 = (this._SafeStr_6444[_local_13] as RoomPlane); if ((((_local_3.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6362)) || ((_local_3.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6364)))){ if (((((!((_local_3 == null))) && (!((_local_3.location == null))))) && (!((_local_3.normal == null))))){ _local_14 = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5702(_local_11, _local_3.location); _local_15 = Math.abs(_SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5705(_local_14, _local_3.normal)); if (_local_15 < 0.01){ if (((!((_local_3._SafeStr_6400 == null))) && (!((_local_3._SafeStr_6401 == null))))){ _local_16 = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5705(_local_14, _local_3._SafeStr_6400); _local_17 = _SafeStr_2308._SafeStr_5705(_local_14, _local_3._SafeStr_6401); if ((((_local_3.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6362)) || ((((_local_3.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6364)) && ((_local_12 == _SafeStr_3709._SafeStr_6542)))))){ _local_3._SafeStr_6427(_local_10, _local_16, _local_17); } else { if (_local_3.type == RoomPlane._SafeStr_6364){ if (!_local_3._SafeStr_6398){ _local_6 = true; }; _local_3._SafeStr_6398 = true; _local_5.push(_local_13); }; }; }; }; }; }; _local_13++; }; }; _local_8++; }; var _local_9:int; while (_local_9 < _local_4.length) { _local_18 = _local_4[_local_9]; if (_local_5.indexOf(_local_18) < 0){ _local_3 = (this._SafeStr_6444[_local_18] as RoomPlane); _local_3._SafeStr_6398 = false; _local_6 = true; }; _local_9++; }; if (_local_6){ this._SafeStr_6446 = []; this._SafeStr_6447 = []; }; } public function get _SafeStr_6543():Vector.<_SafeStr_4382> { var _local_2:RoomPlane; var k:Vector.<_SafeStr_4382> = new Vector.<_SafeStr_4382>(0); for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6446) { k.push(_local_2); }; return (k); } } }//package _-0GL // _SafeStr_2305 = "_-cg" (String#1071, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2307 = "_-3nQ" (String#260, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2308 = "_-1e-" (String#156, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2457 = "_-4BS" (String#351, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2485 = "_-6Uf" (String#217, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2662 = "_-nU" (String#2693, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2783 = "_-4ey" (String#12535, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3068 = "_-1lk" (String#1051, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3709 = "_-10l" (String#3554, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_39 = "_-0yC" (String#592, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4365 = "_-2Ih" (String#1252, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4368 = "_-6FG" (String#6849, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4378 = "_-4gP" (String#5576, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4382 = "_-0qM" (String#5753, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5628 = "_-1ef" (String#1368, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5661 = "_-RY" (String#5239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5699 = "_-0xx" (String#4673, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5702 = "_-22t" (String#7238, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5704 = "_-5Zw" (String#10609, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5705 = "_-Uq" (String#6383, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6034 = "_-2ge" (String#13146, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6051 = "_-5uD" (String#5896, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6361 = "_-3TQ" (String#22526, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6362 = "_-5lN" (String#4343, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6363 = "_-bY" (String#3748, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6364 = "_-6dE" (String#3810, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6371 = "_-5X3" (String#4075, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6398 = "_-21G" (String#19619, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6400 = "_-2WW" (String#7351, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6401 = "_-1DH" (String#6681, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6402 = "_-M5" (String#25049, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6403 = "_-0FQ" (String#22319, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6404 = "_-5UB" (String#37157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6426 = "_-4oj" (String#38826, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6427 = "_-5wl" (String#34397, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6429 = "_-2UQ" (String#36160, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6431 = "_-4ck" (String#23776, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6432 = "_-69H" (String#24234, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6433 = "_-3Vh" (String#22953, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6434 = "_-5tL" (String#21037, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6435 = "_-6Ak" (String#19475, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6436 = "_-x6" (String#18604, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6437 = "_-0F3" (String#20185, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6438 = "_-47N" (String#22764, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6439 = "_-2TW" (String#25742, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6440 = "_-4NF" (String#21629, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6441 = "_-2u9" (String#13011, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6442 = "_-35e" (String#12622, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6443 = "_-TR" (String#1917, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6444 = "_-2sU" (String#1850, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6445 = "_-6Qi" (String#12411, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6446 = "_-Gb" (String#6627, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6447 = "_-nE" (String#9746, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6448 = "_-1SM" (String#11200, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6449 = "_-6bd" (String#4725, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6450 = "_-0Wj" (String#5782, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6451 = "_-4VW" (String#6081, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6452 = "_-6OL" (String#5861, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6453 = "_-11s" (String#5580, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6454 = "_-0HZ" (String#6070, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6455 = "_-0Sl" (String#26605, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6456 = "_-0uM" (String#23684, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6457 = "_-4pl" (String#28188, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6458 = "_-3rU" (String#26189, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6459 = "_-1Xj" (String#28795, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6460 = "_-1ry" (String#25783, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6461 = "_-0RE" (String#7898, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6462 = "_-1EC" (String#6232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6463 = "_-6hW" (String#11064, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6464 = "_-1Xq" (String#14484, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6465 = "_-6Q3" (String#14627, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6466 = "_-477" (String#13133, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6467 = "_-3OB" (String#6226, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6468 = "_-6ZC" (String#34424, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6469 = "_-0d4" (String#32147, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6470 = "_-2Lx" (String#39367, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6471 = "_-0qX" (String#4675, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6472 = "_-2hJ" (String#37682, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6473 = "_-5Xg" (String#36645, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6474 = "_-WK" (String#22732, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6475 = "_-0Sv" (String#4017, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6476 = "_-0e6" (String#9101, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6477 = "_-4YQ" (String#2316, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6478 = "_-1ii" (String#25073, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6479 = "_-fa" (String#4790, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6480 = "_-0r7" (String#1695, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6481 = "_-2CX" (String#12469, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6482 = "_-5V7" (String#13752, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6483 = "_-3Nj" (String#7055, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6484 = "_-5Ac" (String#12966, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6485 = "_-28e" (String#36359, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6486 = "_-4I1" (String#13710, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6487 = "_-38b" (String#15699, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6488 = "_-2Ue" (String#13555, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6489 = "_-3W4" (String#21598, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6490 = "_-4Ky" (String#38395, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6491 = "_-8L" (String#34843, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6492 = "_-5VH" (String#20725, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6493 = "_-22F" (String#26304, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6494 = "_-5mB" (String#23536, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6495 = "_-Tk" (String#22171, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6496 = "_-3Q5" (String#37243, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6497 = "_-0z-" (String#17239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6498 = "_-4iI" (String#8149, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6499 = "_-19Y" (String#32968, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6500 = "_-2L3" (String#8546, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6501 = "_-5Qj" (String#38643, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6502 = "_-28c" (String#10628, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6503 = "_-2Dn" (String#36108, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6504 = "_-g1" (String#24312, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6505 = "_-3v7" (String#37419, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6506 = "_-06P" (String#32054, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6507 = "_-u2" (String#33409, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6508 = "_-1TY" (String#35940, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6509 = "_-0rc" (String#35201, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6510 = "_-59o" (String#38202, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6511 = "_-iY" (String#33483, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6512 = "_-FR" (String#33547, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6513 = "_-1xB" (String#22544, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6514 = "_-0GP" (String#32747, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6515 = "_-0yI" (String#35841, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6516 = "_-m5" (String#24507, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6517 = "_-4JI" (String#9059, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6518 = "_-3AV" (String#4351, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6519 = "_-5AJ" (String#3765, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6520 = "_-41q" (String#17410, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6521 = "_-3FI" (String#22379, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6522 = "_-111" (String#3324, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6523 = "_-0V" (String#20051, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6524 = "_-3Np" (String#7054, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6525 = "_-1kS" (String#7059, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6526 = "_-1Lc" (String#6773, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6527 = "_-5kW" (String#35450, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6528 = "_-3BL" (String#15872, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6529 = "_-5VS" (String#16092, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6530 = "_-0Ak" (String#15642, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6531 = "_-0fw" (String#32138, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6532 = "_-3a5" (String#20663, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6533 = "_-4Tg" (String#21142, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6534 = "_-56c" (String#17268, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6535 = "_-iu" (String#12102, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6536 = "_-52U" (String#10293, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6537 = "_-23i" (String#35087, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6538 = "_-2i4" (String#8877, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6539 = "_-3zu" (String#27366, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6540 = "_-5yj" (String#26869, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6541 = "_-3Qv" (String#30934, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6542 = "_-06N" (String#8584, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6543 = "_-576" (String#26214, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0GL.RoomVisualizationData package _-0GL { import _-h6._SafeStr_2662; import _-1y5.WallRasterizer; import _-1y5.FloorRasterizer; import _-1y5.WallAdRasterizer; import _-68L.LandscapeRasterizer; import _-5wa.PlaneMaskManager; import _-2pF._SafeStr_4379; import _-0CW._SafeStr_2663; public class RoomVisualizationData implements _SafeStr_2662 { private var _SafeStr_6544:WallRasterizer; private var _SafeStr_6545:FloorRasterizer; private var _SafeStr_6546:WallAdRasterizer; private var _SafeStr_6547:LandscapeRasterizer; private var _SafeStr_6377:PlaneMaskManager; private var _SafeStr_6014:Boolean = false; public function RoomVisualizationData() { this._SafeStr_6544 = new WallRasterizer(); this._SafeStr_6545 = new FloorRasterizer(); this._SafeStr_6546 = new WallAdRasterizer(); this._SafeStr_6547 = new LandscapeRasterizer(); this._SafeStr_6377 = new PlaneMaskManager(); } public function get _SafeStr_6548():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6014); } public function get _SafeStr_6499():_SafeStr_4379 { return (this._SafeStr_6545); } public function get _SafeStr_6501():_SafeStr_4379 { return (this._SafeStr_6544); } public function get _SafeStr_6505():WallAdRasterizer { return (this._SafeStr_6546); } public function get _SafeStr_6503():_SafeStr_4379 { return (this._SafeStr_6547); } public function get _SafeStr_6403():PlaneMaskManager { return (this._SafeStr_6377); } public function dispose():void { if (this._SafeStr_6544 != null){ this._SafeStr_6544.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6544 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_6545 != null){ this._SafeStr_6545.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6545 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_6546 != null){ this._SafeStr_6546.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6546 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_6547 != null){ this._SafeStr_6547.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6547 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_6377 != null){ this._SafeStr_6377.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6377 = null; }; } public function _SafeStr_6475():void { if (this._SafeStr_6544 != null){ this._SafeStr_6544._SafeStr_6475(); }; if (this._SafeStr_6545 != null){ this._SafeStr_6545._SafeStr_6475(); }; if (this._SafeStr_6547 != null){ this._SafeStr_6547._SafeStr_6475(); }; } public function initialize(k:XML):Boolean { var _local_7:XML; var _local_8:XML; var _local_9:XML; var _local_10:XML; var _local_11:XML; this.reset(); if (k == null){ return (false); }; var _local_2:XMLList = k.wallData; if (_local_2.length() > 0){ _local_7 = _local_2[0]; this._SafeStr_6544.initialize(_local_7); }; var _local_3:XMLList = k.floorData; if (_local_3.length() > 0){ _local_8 = _local_3[0]; this._SafeStr_6545.initialize(_local_8); }; var _local_4:XMLList = k.wallAdData; if (_local_4.length() > 0){ _local_9 = _local_4[0]; this._SafeStr_6546.initialize(_local_9); }; var _local_5:XMLList = k.landscapeData; if (_local_5.length() > 0){ _local_10 = _local_5[0]; this._SafeStr_6547.initialize(_local_10); }; var _local_6:XMLList = k.maskData; if (_local_6.length() > 0){ _local_11 = _local_6[0]; this._SafeStr_6377.initialize(_local_11); }; return (true); } public function _SafeStr_6476(k:_SafeStr_2663):void { if (this._SafeStr_6014){ return; }; this._SafeStr_6544._SafeStr_6476(k); this._SafeStr_6545._SafeStr_6476(k); this._SafeStr_6546._SafeStr_6476(k); this._SafeStr_6547._SafeStr_6476(k); this._SafeStr_6377._SafeStr_6476(k); this._SafeStr_6014 = true; } protected function reset():void { } } }//package _-0GL // _SafeStr_2662 = "_-nU" (String#2693, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2663 = "_-0F4" (String#1907, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4379 = "_-5Vh" (String#8063, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6014 = "_-00F" (String#2333, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6377 = "_-4Rd" (String#6520, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6403 = "_-0FQ" (String#22319, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6475 = "_-0Sv" (String#4017, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6476 = "_-0e6" (String#9101, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6499 = "_-19Y" (String#32968, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6501 = "_-5Qj" (String#38643, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6503 = "_-2Dn" (String#36108, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6505 = "_-3v7" (String#37419, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6544 = "_-JP" (String#8333, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6545 = "_-2sT" (String#8353, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6546 = "_-0xm" (String#10013, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6547 = "_-2DL" (String#8034, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6548 = "_-0EY" (String#5005, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0H8._SafeStr_5264 package _-0H8 { import flash.events.Event; public class _SafeStr_5264 extends Event { public static const _SafeStr_6549:String = "display-skip-button"; public static const _SafeStr_6550:String = "hide-skip-button"; protected var _SafeStr_6551:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6552:String = null; protected var _SafeStr_6553:Function = null; public function _SafeStr_5264(k:String, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:String=null, _arg_4:Function=null, _arg_5:Boolean=false, _arg_6:Boolean=false) { super(k, _arg_5, _arg_6); this._SafeStr_6551 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6552 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_6553 = _arg_4; } public function get region():String { return (this._SafeStr_6551); } public function get resource():String { return (this._SafeStr_6552); } public function get _SafeStr_6554():Function { return (this._SafeStr_6553); } public function _SafeStr_6555():Boolean { return (true); } public function _SafeStr_6556():Boolean { return (false); } override public function clone():Event { return (new _SafeStr_5264(type, this._SafeStr_6551, this._SafeStr_6552, this._SafeStr_6553, bubbles, cancelable)); } } }//package _-0H8 // _SafeStr_5264 = "_-tr" (String#6217, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6549 = "_-4Ec" (String#4655, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6550 = "_-19z" (String#2350, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6551 = "_-16g" (String#1432, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6552 = "_-6Gf" (String#24642, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6553 = "_-4TQ" (String#9930, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6554 = "_-4on" (String#38783, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6555 = "_-57Z" (String#42677, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6556 = "_-0rL" (String#26264, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0H8._SafeStr_5277 package _-0H8 { import _-35R.OverlayView; import _-2Lo.RegionController; import _-0-E.RegionViewConfig; import _-4Bv._SafeStr_5253; import flash.events.MouseEvent; public class _SafeStr_5277 extends OverlayView { protected var _SafeStr_6553:Function = null; protected var _active:Boolean = false; public function _SafeStr_5277(k:RegionController, _arg_2:RegionViewConfig, _arg_3:_SafeStr_5253, _arg_4:int=-1, _arg_5:int=-1) { super(k, _arg_2, _arg_3); if (_arg_2._SafeStr_6073()){ if (((_arg_2._SafeStr_6074()) || (_arg_2._SafeStr_6075()))){ this.alpha = 0.8; this.addChild(_arg_2.image); }; } else { if (_arg_2._SafeStr_6076()){ }; }; } public function _SafeStr_6557(k:Function):void { this._SafeStr_6553 = k; } override protected function onMouseOver(k:MouseEvent):void { this.alpha = 1; } override protected function onMouseOut(k:MouseEvent):void { this.alpha = 0.8; } override protected function onClick(k:MouseEvent):void { if (this._SafeStr_6553 != null){ this._SafeStr_6553(); }; } public function get active():Boolean { return (this._active); } public function activate():void { this._active = true; show(); } public function deactivate():void { this._active = false; hide(); } } }//package _-0H8 // _SafeStr_5253 = "_-6MZ" (String#3087, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5277 = "_-16z" (String#14805, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6073 = "_-5Jk" (String#36378, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6074 = "_-30w" (String#36256, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6075 = "_-1q6" (String#36265, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6076 = "_-2fC" (String#37969, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6553 = "_-4TQ" (String#9930, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6557 = "_-1OP" (String#32325, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0H8._SafeStr_5279 package _-0H8 { import flash.display.Bitmap; import _-0-E.CloseButtonConfig; import _-43u.SkipAdConfig; public class _SafeStr_5279 extends SkipAdRegionViewConfig { public function _SafeStr_5279(k:SkipAdConfig=null) { var _local_2:Bitmap; super(k.region, { "id":"reserved-skip-ad-button-image", "verticalAlign":5, "horizontalAlign":"right", "width":70, "height":20, "backgroundColor":"transparent", "clickable":true, "closeButton":new CloseButtonConfig({"enabled":false}), "keepAfterClick":false, "image":_local_2, "swf":null, "html":null }); } } }//package _-0H8 // _SafeStr_5279 = "_-Fd" (String#17030, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0H8._SafeStr_5280 package _-0H8 { import _-0-E.CloseButtonConfig; import _-43u.SkipAdConfig; public class _SafeStr_5280 extends SkipAdRegionViewConfig { public function _SafeStr_5280(k:SkipAdConfig=null) { super(k.region, { "id":"reserved-skip-ad-button-image", "verticalAlign":5, "horizontalAlign":"right", "width":(((k.width)>0) ? k.width : 70), "height":(((k.height)>0) ? k.height : 20), "backgroundColor":"transparent", "clickable":true, "closeButton":new CloseButtonConfig({"enabled":false}), "keepAfterClick":false, "image":null, "swf":null, "html":k.html }); } } }//package _-0H8 // _SafeStr_5280 = "_-16Y" (String#16917, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0H8.LoadableImageSkipAdButton package _-0H8 { import _-0-E.CloseButtonConfig; import flash.display.Loader; import flash.net.URLRequest; import _-43u.SkipAdConfig; public class LoadableImageSkipAdButton extends SkipAdRegionViewConfig { public function LoadableImageSkipAdButton(k:SkipAdConfig=null) { super(k.region, { "id":"reserved-skip-ad-button-image", "verticalAlign":5, "horizontalAlign":"right", "width":(((k.width)>0) ? k.width : 70), "height":(((k.height)>0) ? k.height : 20), "backgroundColor":"transparent", "clickable":true, "closeButton":new CloseButtonConfig({"enabled":false}), "keepAfterClick":false, "image":new Loader(), "swf":null, "html":null }); image.load(new URLRequest(k.image)); image.x = 0; image.y = 0; } } }//package _-0H8 //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0H8.SkipAdRegionViewConfig package _-0H8 { import _-0-E.RegionViewConfig; public class SkipAdRegionViewConfig extends RegionViewConfig { public function SkipAdRegionViewConfig(k:Object, _arg_2:Object) { var _local_3:Object = {}; if (k == null){ _local_3 = _arg_2; } else { _local_3 = { "id":(((k.id)!=undefined) ? k.id : _arg_2.id), "verticalAlign":(((k.verticalAlign)!=undefined) ? k.verticalAlign : _arg_2.verticalAlign), "horizontalAlign":(((k.horizontalAlign)!=undefined) ? k.horizontalAlign : _arg_2.horizontalAlign), "width":(((k.width)!=undefined) ? k.width : _arg_2.width), "height":(((k.height)!=undefined) ? k.height : _arg_2.height), "backgroundColor":(((k.backgroundColor)!=undefined) ? k.backgroundColor : _arg_2.backgroundColor), "clickable":(((k.clickable)!=undefined) ? k.clickable : _arg_2.clickable), "closeButton":(((k.closeButton)!=undefined) ? k.closeButton : _arg_2.closeButton), "keepAfterClick":(((k.keepAfterClick)!=undefined) ? k.keepAfterClick : _arg_2.keepAfterClick), "image":(((k.image)!=undefined) ? k.image : _arg_2.image), "swf":(((k.swf)!=undefined) ? k.swf : _arg_2.swf), "html":(((k.html)!=undefined) ? k.html : _arg_2.html), "autoHide":false }; if (k.styleSheetAddress != undefined){ _local_3.styleSheetAddress = k.styleSheetAddress; }; if (k.style != undefined){ _local_3.style = k.style; }; if (k.border != undefined){ _local_3.border = k.border; }; if (k.borderRadius != undefined){ _local_3.borderRadius = k.borderRadius; }; if (k.borderWidth != undefined){ _local_3.borderWidth = k.borderWidth; }; if (k.borderColor != undefined){ _local_3.borderColor = k.borderColor; }; if (k.background != undefined){ _local_3.background = k.background; }; if (k.backgroundGradient != undefined){ _local_3.backgroundGradient = k.backgroundGradient; }; if (k.backgroundImage != undefined){ _local_3.backgroundImage = k.backgroundImage; }; if (k.backgroundRepeat != undefined){ _local_3.backgroundRepeat = k.backgroundRepeat; }; if (k.backgroundColor != undefined){ _local_3.backgroundColor = k.backgroundColor; }; if (k.opacity != undefined){ _local_3.opacity = k.opacity; }; if (k.padding != undefined){ _local_3.padding = k.padding; }; if (k.canScale != undefined){ _local_3.canScale = k.canScale; }; if (k.scaleRate != undefined){ _local_3.scaleRate = k.scaleRate; }; if (k.autoHide != undefined){ _local_3.autoHide = k.autoHide; }; }; super(_local_3); } } }//package _-0H8 //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0HP.RentableSpaceDisplayWidget package _-0HP { import _-nN._SafeStr_2824; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-6k7._SafeStr_2457; import _-2LT._SafeStr_2823; import _-0Qu._SafeStr_634; import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import _-33o._SafeStr_500; import _-5YF._SafeStr_4414; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-4Qm._SafeStr_2486; import _-5Lv._SafeStr_2439; import _-tc.IItemListWindow; public class RentableSpaceDisplayWidget extends _SafeStr_2824 { private static var _SafeStr_6558:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); private var _SafeStr_5605:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_6559:_SafeStr_2457; { _SafeStr_6558[100] = "${rentablespace.widget.error_reason_already_rented}"; _SafeStr_6558[101] = "${rentablespace.widget.error_reason_not_rented}"; _SafeStr_6558[102] = "${rentablespace.widget.error_reason_not_rented_by_you}"; _SafeStr_6558[103] = "${rentablespace.widget.error_reason_can_rent_only_one_space}"; _SafeStr_6558[200] = "${rentablespace.widget.error_reason_not_enough_credits}"; _SafeStr_6558[201] = "${rentablespace.widget.error_reason_not_enough_duckets}"; _SafeStr_6558[202] = "${rentablespace.widget.error_reason_no_permission}"; _SafeStr_6558[203] = "${rentablespace.widget.error_reason_no_habboclub}"; _SafeStr_6558[300] = "${rentablespace.widget.error_reason_disabled}"; _SafeStr_6558[400] = "${rentablespace.widget.error_reason_generic}"; } public function RentableSpaceDisplayWidget(k:_SafeStr_2823, _arg_2:_SafeStr_634, _arg_3:_SafeStr_10, _arg_4:_SafeStr_500) { super(k, _arg_2, _arg_3, _arg_4); this._SafeStr_6560.widget = this; } private function get _SafeStr_6560():_SafeStr_4414 { return ((_SafeStr_6561 as _SafeStr_4414)); } public function hide(k:_SafeStr_2457):void { if (this._SafeStr_6559 != k){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_5605 != null){ this._SafeStr_5605.dispose(); this._SafeStr_5605 = null; }; this._SafeStr_6559 = null; } override public function dispose():void { if (disposed){ return; }; this.hide(this._SafeStr_6559); super.dispose(); } override public function get mainWindow():IWindow { return (this._SafeStr_5605); } public function show(k:_SafeStr_2457):void { this._SafeStr_6559 = k; this._SafeStr_6562(); } private function createWindow():void { if (this._SafeStr_5605 != null){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5605 = (windowManager.buildFromXML(XML(assets.getAssetByName("rentablespace_xml").content)) as IWindowContainer); this._SafeStr_5605.procedure = this._SafeStr_6563; this._SafeStr_5605.center(); this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("rent_button").disable(); this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("rented_view").visible = false; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("error_view").visible = false; } private function _SafeStr_6563(k:WindowEvent, _arg_2:IWindow):void { switch (k.type){ case WindowMouseEvent.CLICK: switch (_arg_2.name){ case "header_button_close": case "error_button_close": this.hide(this._SafeStr_6559); break; case "rent_button": this._SafeStr_6560._SafeStr_6564(this._SafeStr_6559.getId()); break; case "cancel_rent_button": this._SafeStr_6560._SafeStr_6565(this._SafeStr_6559.getId()); break; }; }; } public function _SafeStr_6562():void { if (this._SafeStr_6559 == null){ return; }; this._SafeStr_6560._SafeStr_6566(this._SafeStr_6559.getId()); } public function _SafeStr_6567(k:Boolean, _arg_2:Boolean, _arg_3:int, _arg_4:int, _arg_5:String, _arg_6:int, _arg_7:int):void { var _local_8:Boolean; if (this._SafeStr_6559 == null){ return; }; this.createWindow(); if (k){ this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("rent_view").visible = false; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("error_view").visible = false; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("rented_view").visible = true; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("renter_name").caption = _arg_5; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("time_remaining_label").caption = _SafeStr_2486._SafeStr_6568(this._SafeStr_6560.container.localization, _arg_6); this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("cancel_rent_button").visible = ((this._SafeStr_6560.container.isOwnerOfFurniture(this._SafeStr_6559)) || (this._SafeStr_6560.container.sessionDataManager.hasSecurity(_SafeStr_2439._SafeStr_6569))); IItemListWindow(this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("rented_view")).arrangeListItems(); } else { this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("rented_view").visible = false; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("error_view").visible = false; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("rent_view").visible = true; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("price_label").caption = (_arg_7.toString() + " x"); _local_8 = (_arg_7 <= this._SafeStr_6560._SafeStr_6570()); if (!_arg_2){ this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("cant_rent_error").caption = _SafeStr_6558[_arg_3]; } else { if (!_local_8){ this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("cant_rent_error").caption = _SafeStr_6558[200]; } else { this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("cant_rent_error").visible = false; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("rent_button").enable(); }; }; IItemListWindow(this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("rent_view")).arrangeListItems(); }; if (!this._SafeStr_5605.visible){ this._SafeStr_5605.visible = true; }; } public function _SafeStr_6571(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("rent_view").visible = false; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("rented_view").visible = false; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("error_view").visible = true; this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("error_message").caption = _SafeStr_6558[k]; } } }//package _-0HP // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2439 = "_-Yo" (String#2667, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2457 = "_-4BS" (String#351, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2486 = "_-5L9" (String#3555, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2823 = "_-0Et" (String#733, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2824 = "_-5jY" (String#864, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4414 = "_-17U" (String#10755, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_500 = "_-5Ii" (String#590, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5605 = "_-1QN" (String#15, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_634 = "_-6kX" (String#471, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6558 = "_-3vK" (String#5443, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6559 = "_-5xw" (String#2702, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6560 = "_-66w" (String#2776, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6561 = "_-1ow" (String#1544, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6562 = "_-4E-" (String#31041, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6563 = "_-0lg" (String#1822, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6564 = "_-5Hk" (String#35835, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6565 = "_-2kC" (String#37676, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6566 = "_-0z3" (String#35828, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6567 = "_-4Ew" (String#37533, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6568 = "_-5-X" (String#4506, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6569 = "_-3qf" (String#4307, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6570 = "_-1En" (String#33027, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6571 = "_-1RY" (String#35200, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0I6._SafeStr_3352 package _-0I6 { import _-vq.IWindowContainer; public interface _SafeStr_3352 { function _SafeStr_5432(_arg_1:IWindowContainer):void; function _SafeStr_5457():void; function _SafeStr_5414():void; function _SafeStr_5434(_arg_1:IWindowContainer):void; function get _SafeStr_6572():String; function _SafeStr_6573(_arg_1:int):void; function _SafeStr_6574(_arg_1:String):String; } }//package _-0I6 // _SafeStr_3352 = "_-2Gm" (String#6582, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5414 = "_-3vA" (String#10375, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5432 = "_-oj" (String#8454, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5434 = "_-5Up" (String#8079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5457 = "_-5fB" (String#9630, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6572 = "_-2-x" (String#7957, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6573 = "_-5SM" (String#10058, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6574 = "_-2vW" (String#13334, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0I6._SafeStr_3353 package _-0I6 { import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-G3.Tabs; public class _SafeStr_3353 implements _SafeStr_3352 { private var _SafeStr_5309:HabboNavigator; public function _SafeStr_3353(k:HabboNavigator) { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; } public function _SafeStr_5432(k:IWindowContainer):void { } public function _SafeStr_5457():void { } public function _SafeStr_5414():void { this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334._SafeStr_5305(Tabs._SafeStr_5422, Tabs._SafeStr_6575); } public function _SafeStr_5434(k:IWindowContainer):void { } public function _SafeStr_6573(k:int):void { } public function get _SafeStr_6572():String { return (null); } public function _SafeStr_6574(k:String):String { return (""); } } }//package _-0I6 // _SafeStr_3352 = "_-2Gm" (String#6582, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3353 = "_-8m" (String#16830, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5305 = "_-41M" (String#2686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5334 = "_-0ha" (String#2683, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5414 = "_-3vA" (String#10375, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5422 = "_-b4" (String#11185, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5432 = "_-oj" (String#8454, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5434 = "_-5Up" (String#8079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5457 = "_-5fB" (String#9630, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6572 = "_-2-x" (String#7957, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6573 = "_-5SM" (String#10058, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6574 = "_-2vW" (String#13334, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6575 = "_-uV" (String#14430, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0I6._SafeStr_3354 package _-0I6 { import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-G3.Tabs; import _-00S.MainViewCtrl; public class _SafeStr_3354 implements _SafeStr_3352 { private var _SafeStr_5309:HabboNavigator; public function _SafeStr_3354(k:HabboNavigator) { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; } public function _SafeStr_5432(k:IWindowContainer):void { } public function _SafeStr_5457():void { } public function _SafeStr_5434(k:IWindowContainer):void { this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5528._SafeStr_5489(k); } public function _SafeStr_5414():void { this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334._SafeStr_5305(Tabs._SafeStr_5452, Tabs._SafeStr_5468, "-1", MainViewCtrl._SafeStr_5380); } public function get _SafeStr_6572():String { return (null); } public function _SafeStr_6573(k:int):void { } public function _SafeStr_6574(k:String):String { return (k); } } }//package _-0I6 // _SafeStr_3352 = "_-2Gm" (String#6582, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3354 = "_-0em" (String#16693, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5305 = "_-41M" (String#2686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5334 = "_-0ha" (String#2683, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5380 = "get " (String#19936, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5414 = "_-3vA" (String#10375, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5432 = "_-oj" (String#8454, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5434 = "_-5Up" (String#8079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5452 = "_-6cM" (String#9291, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5457 = "_-5fB" (String#9630, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5468 = "_-2zR" (String#12106, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5489 = "_-53O" (String#26162, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5528 = "_-1bJ" (String#9920, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6572 = "_-2-x" (String#7957, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6573 = "_-5SM" (String#10058, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6574 = "_-2vW" (String#13334, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0I6._SafeStr_3355 package _-0I6 { import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-OK.WindowEvent; public class _SafeStr_3355 implements _SafeStr_3352 { private var _SafeStr_5309:HabboNavigator; public function _SafeStr_3355(k:HabboNavigator) { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; } public function _SafeStr_5432(k:IWindowContainer):void { this._SafeStr_6576(k); } public function _SafeStr_5457():void { } public function _SafeStr_5434(k:IWindowContainer):void { } public function _SafeStr_5414():void { this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334.open(); } public function get _SafeStr_6572():String { return (null); } private function _SafeStr_6576(k:IWindowContainer):void { var _local_2:IWindowContainer = (k.getChildByName("room_competitions_header") as IWindowContainer); if ((((this._SafeStr_5309.data == null)) || ((this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5462 == null)))){ _local_2.visible = false; return; }; var _local_3:int = this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5462._SafeStr_5477; var _local_4:int = this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5462._SafeStr_6577; var _local_5:int = (_local_3 + 1); if (_local_4 < 2){ _local_2.visible = false; return; }; _local_2.visible = true; this._SafeStr_5309.registerParameter("navigator.roomcompetitionspager", "page", ("" + _local_5)); this._SafeStr_5309.registerParameter("navigator.roomcompetitionspager", "total", ("" + _local_4)); var _local_6:IWindow = _local_2.findChildByName("next_button"); var _local_7:IWindow = _local_2.findChildByName("prev_button"); _local_6.visible = (_local_5 < _local_4); _local_7.visible = (_local_5 > 1); _local_6.procedure = this._SafeStr_6578; _local_7.procedure = this._SafeStr_6579; } private function _SafeStr_6578(k:WindowEvent, _arg_2:IWindow):void { if ((((k.type == WindowMouseEvent.CLICK)) && (!((this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5462 == null))))){ this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_6580(this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5462._SafeStr_5476, (this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5462._SafeStr_5477 + 1)); }; } private function _SafeStr_6579(k:WindowEvent, _arg_2:IWindow):void { if ((((k.type == WindowMouseEvent.CLICK)) && (!((this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5462 == null))))){ this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_6580(this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5462._SafeStr_5476, (this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_5462._SafeStr_5477 - 1)); }; } public function _SafeStr_6573(k:int):void { } public function _SafeStr_6574(k:String):String { return (k); } } }//package _-0I6 // _SafeStr_3352 = "_-2Gm" (String#6582, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3355 = "_-1WR" (String#15053, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5334 = "_-0ha" (String#2683, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5414 = "_-3vA" (String#10375, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5432 = "_-oj" (String#8454, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5434 = "_-5Up" (String#8079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5457 = "_-5fB" (String#9630, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5462 = "_-5a9" (String#5377, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5476 = "_-5CS" (String#10348, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5477 = "_-5oV" (String#4418, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6572 = "_-2-x" (String#7957, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6573 = "_-5SM" (String#10058, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6574 = "_-2vW" (String#13334, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6576 = "_-1nD" (String#36195, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6577 = "_-4LA" (String#11782, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6578 = "_-39o" (String#38216, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6579 = "_-3-W" (String#38023, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6580 = "_-6fx" (String#13995, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0I6.EventsTabPageDecorator package _-0I6 { import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-tc.IDropMenuWindow; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-G3.Tabs; public class EventsTabPageDecorator implements _SafeStr_3352 { private var _SafeStr_5309:HabboNavigator; private var _SafeStr_6581:IDropMenuWindow; public function EventsTabPageDecorator(k:HabboNavigator) { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; } public function _SafeStr_5432(k:IWindowContainer):void { var _local_2:IWindowContainer = (k.getChildByName("room_ad_header") as IWindowContainer); if ((((this._SafeStr_6581 == null)) || (this._SafeStr_6581.disposed))){ this._SafeStr_6581 = (_local_2.getChildByName("roomAdFilter") as IDropMenuWindow); this._SafeStr_6582(); this._SafeStr_6581.addEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_5426, this._SafeStr_6583); }; _local_2.visible = true; } public function _SafeStr_5457():void { if (((!((this._SafeStr_6581 == null))) && (!(this._SafeStr_6581.disposed)))){ this._SafeStr_6581.removeEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_5426, this._SafeStr_6583); this._SafeStr_6581.selection = 0; this._SafeStr_6581.addEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_5426, this._SafeStr_6583); }; } public function _SafeStr_5434(k:IWindowContainer):void { var _local_2:IWindowContainer = (k.getChildByName("room_ads_footer") as IWindowContainer); var _local_3:IWindow = _local_2.findChildByName("get_event_but"); if (_local_3 != null){ _local_3.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_6584); }; _local_2.visible = true; } public function _SafeStr_5414():void { this._SafeStr_5305(); } private function _SafeStr_6582():void { if ((((this._SafeStr_6581 == null)) || (this._SafeStr_6581.disposed))){ return; }; var k:Array = new Array(); k.push(this._SafeStr_5309.getText("navigator.roomad.topads")); k.push(this._SafeStr_5309.getText("navigator.roomad.newads")); this._SafeStr_6581.populate(k); this._SafeStr_6581.selection = 0; } private function _SafeStr_6583(k:WindowEvent):void { this._SafeStr_5305(); } private function _SafeStr_6584(k:WindowEvent):void { this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_6585(); } private function _SafeStr_5305():void { var k:int = Tabs._SafeStr_5439; if (((!((this._SafeStr_6581 == null))) && (!(this._SafeStr_6581.disposed)))){ k = this._SafeStr_6586(this._SafeStr_6581.selection); }; this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334._SafeStr_5305(Tabs._SafeStr_5423, k); } private function _SafeStr_6586(k:int):int { switch (k){ case 0: return (Tabs._SafeStr_5439); case 1: return (Tabs._SafeStr_5479); }; _SafeStr_4.log(("Invalid index when searching Room ad search type: " + k)); return (0); } public function get _SafeStr_6572():String { if ((((this._SafeStr_6581 == null)) || (this._SafeStr_6581.disposed))){ return (null); }; return (this._SafeStr_6581._SafeStr_6587()[this._SafeStr_6581.selection]); } public function _SafeStr_6573(k:int):void { } public function _SafeStr_6574(k:String):String { return (k); } } }//package _-0I6 // _SafeStr_3352 = "_-2Gm" (String#6582, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4 = "_-5F-" (String#232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5305 = "_-41M" (String#2686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5334 = "_-0ha" (String#2683, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5414 = "_-3vA" (String#10375, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5423 = "_-452" (String#8256, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5426 = "_-3nx" (String#2284, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5432 = "_-oj" (String#8454, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5434 = "_-5Up" (String#8079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5439 = "_-51V" (String#8745, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5457 = "_-5fB" (String#9630, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5479 = "_-2GH" (String#16835, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6572 = "_-2-x" (String#7957, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6573 = "_-5SM" (String#10058, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6574 = "_-2vW" (String#13334, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6581 = "_-6IY" (String#1370, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6582 = "_-6aL" (String#34477, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6583 = "_-0AN" (String#6654, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6584 = "_-3Ev" (String#22336, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6585 = "_-1zI" (String#15975, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6586 = "_-0Bk" (String#33138, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6587 = "_-2hT" (String#6001, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0I6.MyRoomsTabPageDecorator package _-0I6 { import _-G3.Tabs; import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-tc.IDropMenuWindow; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-6HM._SafeStr_3357; import _-OK.*; public class MyRoomsTabPageDecorator implements _SafeStr_3352 { private const _SafeStr_6588:Array = [[Tabs._SafeStr_5467, "navigator.navisel.myrooms"], [Tabs._SafeStr_5469, "navigator.navisel.wherearemyfriends"], [Tabs._SafeStr_5465, "navigator.navisel.myfriendsrooms"], [Tabs._SafeStr_5480, "navigator.navisel.roomswithrights"], [Tabs._SafeStr_5481, "navigator.navisel.mygroups"], [Tabs._SafeStr_5464, "navigator.navisel.myfavourites"], [Tabs._SafeStr_5466, "navigator.navisel.visitedrooms"], [Tabs._SafeStr_5472, ""]]; private var _SafeStr_5309:HabboNavigator; private var _SafeStr_6581:IDropMenuWindow; public function MyRoomsTabPageDecorator(k:HabboNavigator) { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; } public function _SafeStr_5432(k:IWindowContainer):void { var _local_2:String = "me_header"; var _local_3:IWindowContainer = (k.getChildByName(_local_2) as IWindowContainer); if ((((this._SafeStr_6581 == null)) || (this._SafeStr_6581.disposed))){ this._SafeStr_6581 = IDropMenuWindow(_local_3.findChildByName("meSubNavi")); this._SafeStr_6589(); this._SafeStr_6581.addEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_5426, this._SafeStr_6583); }; _local_3.visible = true; } public function _SafeStr_5457():void { if (((!((this._SafeStr_6581 == null))) && (!(this._SafeStr_6581.disposed)))){ this._SafeStr_6581.removeEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_5426, this._SafeStr_6583); this._SafeStr_6581.selection = 0; this._SafeStr_6581.addEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_5426, this._SafeStr_6583); }; } public function _SafeStr_5434(k:IWindowContainer):void { var _local_2:IWindowContainer = (k.getChildByName("me_footer") as IWindowContainer); var _local_3:IWindow = _local_2.findChildByName("create_room_but"); if (_local_3 != null){ _local_3.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_6590); }; this._SafeStr_5309.refreshButton(_local_2, "create_room", true, null, 0); _local_2.visible = true; } public function _SafeStr_5414():void { this._SafeStr_5305(); } private function _SafeStr_6590(k:WindowEvent):void { this._SafeStr_5309.send(new _SafeStr_3357()); } private function _SafeStr_6589():void { var _local_2:Array; if ((((this._SafeStr_6581 == null)) || (this._SafeStr_6581.disposed))){ return; }; var k:Array = []; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6588) { k.push(this._SafeStr_5309.getText(_local_2[1])); }; this._SafeStr_6581.populate(k); this._SafeStr_6581.selection = 0; } private function _SafeStr_6583(k:WindowEvent):void { this._SafeStr_5305(); var _local_2:IWindow = k.target; if ((_local_2 is IDropMenuWindow)){ this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_6591(IDropMenuWindow(_local_2)._SafeStr_6587()[IDropMenuWindow(_local_2).selection], "category.view"); }; } private function _SafeStr_5305():void { var k:int = (((((this._SafeStr_6581 == null)) || (this._SafeStr_6581.disposed))) ? 0 : this._SafeStr_6581.selection); this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334._SafeStr_5305(Tabs._SafeStr_5451, this._SafeStr_6592(k)); } private function _SafeStr_6592(k:int):int { if (k <= this._SafeStr_6588.length){ return (this._SafeStr_6588[k][0]); }; return (this._SafeStr_6588[0][0]); } public function get _SafeStr_6572():String { return (((((this._SafeStr_6581) && (!(this._SafeStr_6581.disposed)))) ? this._SafeStr_6581._SafeStr_6587()[this._SafeStr_6581.selection] : null)); } public function _SafeStr_6573(k:int):void { var _local_4:Array; if (((!(this._SafeStr_6581)) || (this._SafeStr_6581.disposed))){ return; }; var _local_2:int = this._SafeStr_6581.numMenuItems; var _local_3:int; while (_local_3 < _local_2) { _local_4 = this._SafeStr_6588[_local_3]; if (_local_4[0] == k){ this._SafeStr_6581.selection = _local_3; return; }; _local_3++; }; this._SafeStr_6581.selection = 0; } public function _SafeStr_6574(k:String):String { return (k); } } }//package _-0I6 // _SafeStr_3352 = "_-2Gm" (String#6582, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3357 = "_-12Q" (String#10657, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5305 = "_-41M" (String#2686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5334 = "_-0ha" (String#2683, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5414 = "_-3vA" (String#10375, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5426 = "_-3nx" (String#2284, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5432 = "_-oj" (String#8454, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5434 = "_-5Up" (String#8079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5451 = "_-3C8" (String#6872, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5457 = "_-5fB" (String#9630, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5464 = "_-0Ux" (String#10762, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5465 = "_-De" (String#11584, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5466 = "_-1mJ" (String#10454, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5467 = "_-6X-" (String#6278, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5469 = "_-4BM" (String#13195, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5472 = "_-6Ry" (String#11222, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5480 = "_-3mm" (String#16981, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5481 = "_-4jn" (String#14514, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6572 = "_-2-x" (String#7957, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6573 = "_-5SM" (String#10058, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6574 = "_-2vW" (String#13334, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6581 = "_-6IY" (String#1370, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6583 = "_-0AN" (String#6654, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6587 = "_-2hT" (String#6001, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6588 = "_-4Vl" (String#13456, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6589 = "_-zy" (String#33634, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6590 = "_-ma" (String#24764, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6591 = "_-1QF" (String#5270, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6592 = "_-lQ" (String#33844, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0I6.RoomsTabPageDecorator package _-0I6 { import _-4i9.HabboNavigator; import _-tc.IDropMenuWindow; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-482._SafeStr_3312; import _-G3.Tabs; import _-OK.*; public class RoomsTabPageDecorator implements _SafeStr_3352 { private var _SafeStr_5309:HabboNavigator; private var _SafeStr_6581:IDropMenuWindow; private var _SafeStr_6593:Boolean = false; public function RoomsTabPageDecorator(k:HabboNavigator) { this._SafeStr_5309 = k; } public function _SafeStr_5432(k:IWindowContainer):void { var _local_2:String = "rooms_header"; var _local_3:IWindowContainer = (k.getChildByName(_local_2) as IWindowContainer); if ((((this._SafeStr_6581 == null)) || (this._SafeStr_6581.disposed))){ this._SafeStr_6581 = IDropMenuWindow(_local_3.findChildByName("roomCtgFilter")); this._SafeStr_6594(); this._SafeStr_6581.addEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_5426, this._SafeStr_6583); }; _local_3.visible = true; } public function _SafeStr_6594():void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_3312; if ((((this._SafeStr_6581 == null)) || (this._SafeStr_6581.disposed))){ return; }; var k:Array = [this._SafeStr_5309.getText("navigator.navisel.popularrooms"), this._SafeStr_5309.getText("navigator.navisel.highestscore")]; this._SafeStr_6593 = this._SafeStr_5309.context.configuration.getBoolean("navigator.2014.personalized.navigator"); if (this._SafeStr_6593){ k.push(this._SafeStr_5309.getText("navigator.navisel.recommendedrooms")); }; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_6595) { k.push(_local_2._SafeStr_6596); }; this._SafeStr_6581.populate(k); this._SafeStr_6581.selection = this._SafeStr_6597; } private function get _SafeStr_6597():int { return (((this._SafeStr_6593) ? 2 : 0)); } public function _SafeStr_5457():void { if (((!((this._SafeStr_6581 == null))) && (!(this._SafeStr_6581.disposed)))){ this._SafeStr_6581.removeEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_5426, this._SafeStr_6583); this._SafeStr_6581.selection = this._SafeStr_6597; this._SafeStr_6581.addEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_5426, this._SafeStr_6583); }; } public function _SafeStr_5434(k:IWindowContainer):void { this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5528._SafeStr_5489(k); } public function _SafeStr_5414():void { this._SafeStr_5305(); } private function _SafeStr_6583(k:WindowEvent):void { this._SafeStr_5305(); } private function _SafeStr_5305():void { var _local_2:int; var _local_3:_SafeStr_3312; var _local_4:int; var k:int = ((((this._SafeStr_6581) && (!(this._SafeStr_6581.disposed)))) ? this._SafeStr_6581.selection : this._SafeStr_6597); _SafeStr_4.log(("Room filter changed: " + k)); if (k == 0){ this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334._SafeStr_5305(Tabs._SafeStr_5335, Tabs._SafeStr_5336); } else { if (k == 1){ this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334._SafeStr_5305(Tabs._SafeStr_5335, Tabs._SafeStr_5470); } else { if ((((k == 2)) && (this._SafeStr_6593))){ this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334._SafeStr_5305(Tabs._SafeStr_5335, Tabs._SafeStr_5483); } else { _local_2 = 2; if (this._SafeStr_6593){ _local_2++; }; _local_3 = this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_6595[(k - _local_2)]; if (_local_3 == null){ _SafeStr_4.log(((("No fc found: " + k) + ", ") + this._SafeStr_5309.data._SafeStr_6595.length)); return; }; _local_4 = _local_3._SafeStr_5328; _SafeStr_4.log(("Searching with catId: " + _local_4)); this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_5334._SafeStr_5305(Tabs._SafeStr_5335, Tabs._SafeStr_5336, ("" + _local_4)); }; }; }; if (((this._SafeStr_6581) && (!(this._SafeStr_6581.disposed)))){ this._SafeStr_5309._SafeStr_6591(this._SafeStr_6581._SafeStr_6587()[this._SafeStr_6581.selection], "category.view"); }; } public function get _SafeStr_6572():String { return (((((this._SafeStr_6581) && (!(this._SafeStr_6581.disposed)))) ? this._SafeStr_6581._SafeStr_6587()[this._SafeStr_6581.selection] : null)); } public function _SafeStr_6573(k:int):void { } public function _SafeStr_6574(k:String):String { return (k); } } }//package _-0I6 // _SafeStr_3312 = "_-y9" (String#2640, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3352 = "_-2Gm" (String#6582, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4 = "_-5F-" (String#232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5305 = "_-41M" (String#2686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5309 = "_-i6" (String#109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5328 = "_-3yg" (String#6604, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5334 = "_-0ha" (String#2683, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5335 = "_-mz" (String#5031, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5336 = "_-1cR" (String#7317, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5414 = "_-3vA" (String#10375, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5426 = "_-3nx" (String#2284, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5432 = "_-oj" (String#8454, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5434 = "_-5Up" (String#8079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5457 = "_-5fB" (String#9630, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5470 = "_-1Yi" (String#12086, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5483 = "_-1P" (String#11443, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5489 = "_-53O" (String#26162, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5528 = "_-1bJ" (String#9920, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6572 = "_-2-x" (String#7957, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6573 = "_-5SM" (String#10058, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6574 = "_-2vW" (String#13334, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6581 = "_-6IY" (String#1370, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6583 = "_-0AN" (String#6654, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6587 = "_-2hT" (String#6001, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6591 = "_-1QF" (String#5270, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6593 = "_-5g" (String#16976, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6594 = "_-1V5" (String#23736, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6595 = "_-4GO" (String#13717, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6596 = "_-1Gv" (String#26662, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6597 = "_-5u9" (String#24349, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0iE._SafeStr_3124 package _-0iE { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-6Iu._SafeStr_3127; public class _SafeStr_3124 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3124(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3127); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3127 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3127)); } } }//package _-0iE // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3124 = "_-1T5" (String#11778, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3127 = "_-3bc" (String#9245, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0iE._SafeStr_3126 package _-0iE { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-6Iu._SafeStr_3142; public class _SafeStr_3126 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3126(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3142); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3142 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3142)); } } }//package _-0iE // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3126 = "_-4S4" (String#10908, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3142 = "_-4pc" (String#10645, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0iE._SafeStr_3135 package _-0iE { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-6Iu._SafeStr_3122; public class _SafeStr_3135 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3135(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3122); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3122 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3122)); } } }//package _-0iE // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3122 = "_-Hj" (String#9195, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3135 = "_-5B" (String#11471, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0iE._SafeStr_3136 package _-0iE { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-6Iu._SafeStr_4723; public class _SafeStr_3136 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3136(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_4723); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_4723 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_4723)); } } }//package _-0iE // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3136 = "_-6Bc" (String#12730, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4723 = "_-0iV" (String#13505, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0iE._SafeStr_3231 package _-0iE { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-6Iu._SafeStr_3256; public class _SafeStr_3231 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3231(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3256); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3256 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3256)); } } }//package _-0iE // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3231 = "_-2Be" (String#12473, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3256 = "_-400" (String#10679, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0iE._SafeStr_3721 package _-0iE { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-6Iu._SafeStr_3758; public class _SafeStr_3721 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3721(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3758); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3758 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3758)); } } }//package _-0iE // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3721 = "_-4T2" (String#11985, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3758 = "_-6Sw" (String#11294, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0iE._SafeStr_3749 package _-0iE { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-6Iu._SafeStr_3747; public class _SafeStr_3749 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3749(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3747); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3747 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3747)); } } }//package _-0iE // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3747 = "_-0PZ" (String#10401, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3749 = "_-03k" (String#11525, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0iE._SafeStr_3763 package _-0iE { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-6Iu._SafeStr_3751; public class _SafeStr_3763 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3763(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3751); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3751 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3751)); } } }//package _-0iE // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3751 = "_-4vW" (String#10384, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3763 = "_-5T7" (String#12898, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0iE._SafeStr_3779 package _-0iE { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-6Iu._SafeStr_3720; public class _SafeStr_3779 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3779(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3720); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3720 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3720)); } } }//package _-0iE // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3720 = "_-3PT" (String#10155, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3779 = "_-0FL" (String#11713, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0j9._SafeStr_1 package _-0j9 { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class _SafeStr_1 { static const _SafeStr_6598:Array = new Array([1540698327, -415482442, -1246875317, 1219058160, 1698990397, -29372166, -1920055218, -845574901, 2071615400, -659849272, -899195797, 29618871, 1781508713, 1735539010, 585697237, -689982816], [-39347962, 1042662246, 834176284, 1519764688, 680870635, 1702006384, -1723470948, -939877565, -2058943455, -484647894, -1350497118, 1260923614, 569907591, 412536893, 1008695959, -1640094643], [340269514, -748075790, -57085631, -1449692156, -1830428074, 1986612779, 1086328227, 1903820139, 379034525, 40477929, -1298907089, 16257532, 626757142, 355274855, 845734873, -1100831198, 710959645, 178810264, -920650776, 1871923494, 1897805162, 722525222, -1702431786, -609722746, 726570017, -1652166469], [2116693962, -1402145165, -811459908, -1195532836, 1081433986, 659006416, 1160532816, 1928346295, 729174299, -1640364977, -1032330932, 1419467002, 1654992267, -607509881, 1631893868, 776726681, 1979577733, 1460887816, -384021991, 412702873, 1160532816, 1928346295, 1135028861, -667759937, -1943366860, 407292908, -1349971893, -1037430462], [-221433089, -602626670, 1827706397, 1969901796, -798446174, -187568434, -1543500676, 203489691, -957481944, 183373790, -454167488, 1211481680, 2048365401, -187194090, 1927837077, 437583480, -583595935, -313233608, 1653297192, 1142500842, 2059118583, 514913174, 6119947, -1396303419, -1021690580, -1331719418, -1877360825, 1886311440], [-748713256, 630062426, -1150725436, 1375605161, 130583034, 523542347, 2144831785, -427283144, -2062659829, 20901643, -1579848788, 1460330512, -893969210, -545436664, 959434430, 2079886191], [778540619, 1830068770, -173643535, 65976935, -1022071262, -825877414, -1283653498, 1495025905, -1872084014, 1784436434, -556429851, 1577730135, -1283653498, 1495025905, 778540619, 1830068770, 504472437, 2123270394], [-1939030399, 1875748894, -1214436047, 1672189197, -1351256743, -544850764, 1461324891, -1078403825, -207257578, 1836503420, -550130891, 184053075, 88368105, 143358288, 1633483777, -1739515994, -993835093, -841418290, 1750757284, -859598827, -1798738939, 632817044, 1893011106, -1853647586], [945438443, 1980050344, -1864962890, 1616525694, 1491792529, -301058109, 782891525, -1523600215, 645515056, -1788266131, -532328948, -1384612990, -1982593404, 391200726, 522632626, -414723318, -818076536, 1789021169, 1615559571, -1406614905], [1915053956, 1758826342, -731563781, -1028336164, 1518793652, 1322426962, -492024116, -1388971322, 1382931246, 560763699, -1910846276, 1006425629, -635744476, -658978068, 1873361744, 1366916176, -669780513, -1455269547, -1674641326, 84160603, 533424116, -1178659045], [-1536175270, -107200136, -891808657, -616453804, 329926581, -1843181702, -886945772, -198529976, 683938393, -42293101, -1134459390, 859559452, 1241649888, -1401367287, -1878265073, 1233820770, -2021866167, 2054237551, 2058683459, 1939031474, -2043368926, 1220424565], [-1313050350, -429668333, -234632494, 957618311, -1059853323, 968325595, -617166041, -1735555575, -773766880, 158540384, -414042930, 601556026, -323773546, -1178825335, 1059393775, 1247458501, 493720706, -1209984532, 1422886250, 778142930, -1960555305, 24515329]); static const _SafeStr_6599:Array = new Array([915799917, -1583398246, -749675463, 1270230624], [-702313433, 1027821685, -1100478585, -1925556694], [1352562811, 1333063175, 658976358, -1131612154], [-1556760342, -1925681613, 1543573771, 627989941], [-305418703, -1996026296, -114143717, -401389907], [-185114110, 936347302, -1671278463, 428254053], [1418746615, 333218215, 556058241, -95076145], [-1735443517, 1601248443, -554502643, 592062502], [-939744854, -1823877164, -178945449, -148195607], [1800074802, 791844613, -1670613337, -103959770], [68102171, -1027040667, 1651288686, 1087954939], [-1026064501, 344559673, 1216795290, 757388889]); static const _SafeStr_6600:Array = new Array(_SafeStr_1._SafeStr_6601(-710, 214), _SafeStr_1._SafeStr_6601(-711, 213), _SafeStr_1._SafeStr_6601(-708, 216), _SafeStr_1._SafeStr_6601(-709, 215), _SafeStr_1._SafeStr_6601(-714, 218), _SafeStr_1._SafeStr_6601(-715, 217), _SafeStr_1._SafeStr_6601(-712, 220), _SafeStr_1._SafeStr_6601(-713, 219), _SafeStr_1._SafeStr_6601(-702, 206), _SafeStr_1._SafeStr_6601(-703, 205), _SafeStr_1._SafeStr_6601(-700, 208), _SafeStr_1._SafeStr_6601(-701, 207)); static const _SafeStr_6602:Boolean = true; public static function _SafeStr_6601(_arg_1:int, _arg_2:int):String { var _local_3:String; var _local_4:int; var _local_5:int; var _local_6:int; var _local_7:int; var _local_8:*; var _local_9:*; _local_3 = ""; _local_4 = 0; _local_5 = _SafeStr_6598[((_arg_1 - 5) ^ -715)].length; while (_local_4 < _local_5) { _local_6 = int(_SafeStr_6598[((_arg_1 - 5) ^ -715)][_local_4]); _local_4++; _local_7 = int(_SafeStr_6598[((_arg_1 - 5) ^ -715)][_local_4]); _local_8 = 2654435769; _local_9 = 84941944608; while (_local_9 != 0) { _local_7 = (_local_7 - ((((_local_6 << 4) ^ (_local_6 >>> 5)) + _local_6) ^ (_local_9 + int(_SafeStr_6599[((_arg_2 + 3) ^ 217)][((_local_9 >>> 11) & 3)])))); _local_9 = (_local_9 - _local_8); _local_6 = (_local_6 - ((((_local_7 << 4) ^ (_local_7 >>> 5)) + _local_7) ^ (_local_9 + int(_SafeStr_6599[((_arg_2 + 3) ^ 217)][(_local_9 & 3)])))); }; _local_3 = (_local_3 + (String.fromCharCode(_local_6) + String.fromCharCode(_local_7))); _local_4++; }; if (_local_3.charCodeAt((_local_3.length - 1)) == 0){ _local_3 = _local_3.substring(0, (_local_3.length - 1)); }; return (_local_3); } public static function _SafeStr_5286(_arg_1:MovieClip):Boolean { return (true); return (false); //dead code } } }//package _-0j9 // _SafeStr_1 = "_-0gK" (String#12, DoABC#1) // _SafeStr_5286 = "_-1Yc" (String#26, DoABC#1) // _SafeStr_6598 = "_-2-w" (String#9, DoABC#1) // _SafeStr_6599 = "_-3Hb" (String#11, DoABC#1) // _SafeStr_6600 = "_-5z7" (String#8, DoABC#1) // _SafeStr_6601 = "_-0bL" (String#5, DoABC#1) // _SafeStr_6602 = "_-6Ls" (String#13, DoABC#1) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0kD._SafeStr_4882 package _-0kD { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4882 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6603:TalentTrack; public function flush():Boolean { this._SafeStr_6603 = null; return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { this._SafeStr_6603 = new TalentTrack(); this._SafeStr_6603.parse(k); return (true); } public function _SafeStr_6604():TalentTrack { return (this._SafeStr_6603); } } }//package _-0kD // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4882 = "_-2w8" (String#10037, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6603 = "_-10X" (String#2283, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6604 = "_-0xn" (String#35825, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0kD._SafeStr_4884 package _-0kD { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4884 { private var _SafeStr_5809:String; private var _SafeStr_6605:int; public function _SafeStr_4884(k:_SafeStr_2721) { this._SafeStr_5809 = k.readString(); this._SafeStr_6605 = k.readInt(); } public function get _SafeStr_5825():String { return (this._SafeStr_5809); } public function get _SafeStr_6606():int { return (this._SafeStr_6605); } } }//package _-0kD // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4884 = "_-02h" (String#4092, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5809 = "_-00D" (String#1992, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5825 = "_-1br" (String#2388, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6605 = "_-2Lv" (String#29378, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6606 = "_-2Vn" (String#17983, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0kD._SafeStr_4885 package _-0kD { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4885 { public static const _SafeStr_6607:String = "ACH_HabboWayGraduate1"; public static const _SafeStr_6608:String = "ACH_GuideGroupMember1"; public static const _SafeStr_6609:String = "ACH_SafetyQuizGraduate1"; public static const _SafeStr_6610:String = "ACH_EmailVerification1"; public static const ROOM_ENTRY_1:String = "ACH_RoomEntry1"; public static const ROOM_ENTRY_2:String = "ACH_RoomEntry2"; public static const _SafeStr_6611:String = "ACH_AvatarLooks1"; public static const _SafeStr_6612:String = "ACH_GuideAdvertisementReader1"; private var _SafeStr_6613:int; private var _SafeStr_6614:int; private var _SafeStr_6615:String; private var _SafeStr_5718:int; private var _SafeStr_6616:int; private var _SafeStr_6617:int; public function _SafeStr_4885(k:_SafeStr_2721) { this._SafeStr_6613 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_6614 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_6615 = k.readString(); this._SafeStr_5718 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_6616 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_6617 = k.readInt(); } public function get state():int { return (this._SafeStr_5718); } public function get achievementId():int { return (this._SafeStr_6613); } public function get _SafeStr_6618():int { return (this._SafeStr_6614); } public function get _SafeStr_5839():String { return (this._SafeStr_6615); } public function get _SafeStr_6619():int { return (this._SafeStr_6616); } public function get _SafeStr_6620():int { return (this._SafeStr_6617); } public function _SafeStr_6621():Boolean { switch (this._SafeStr_5839){ case _SafeStr_6607: case _SafeStr_6609: case _SafeStr_6610: case _SafeStr_6611: return (false); default: return (true); }; } } }//package _-0kD // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4885 = "_-2gW" (String#2711, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5718 = "_-2XZ" (String#413, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5839 = "_-U3" (String#1639, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6607 = "_-tt" (String#18732, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6608 = "_-3iw" (String#23284, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6609 = "_-0uZ" (String#10667, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6610 = "_-0Aq" (String#20123, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6611 = "_-4hR" (String#17408, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6612 = "_-6TS" (String#24379, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6613 = "_-1ri" (String#4238, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6614 = "_-644" (String#12913, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6615 = "_-01v" (String#2421, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6616 = "_-5N" (String#16595, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6617 = "_-0ke" (String#26320, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6618 = "_-2qn" (String#30952, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6619 = "_-2i6" (String#10483, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6620 = "_-4P5" (String#17680, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6621 = "_-1K3" (String#32428, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0kD._SafeStr_4886 package _-0kD { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4886 { private var _SafeStr_6622:String; public function _SafeStr_4886(k:_SafeStr_2721) { this._SafeStr_6622 = k.readString(); } public function get _SafeStr_6623():String { return (this._SafeStr_6622); } } }//package _-0kD // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4886 = "_-1sO" (String#4231, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6622 = "_-3Lp" (String#31288, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6623 = "_-2Oz" (String#13970, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0kD._SafeStr_4887 package _-0kD { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4887 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6624:String; private var _SafeStr_6625:int; private var _SafeStr_6626:int; public function flush():Boolean { this._SafeStr_6624 = null; return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { this._SafeStr_6624 = k.readString(); this._SafeStr_6625 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_6626 = k.readInt(); return (true); } public function get _SafeStr_6627():String { return (this._SafeStr_6624); } public function get level():int { return (this._SafeStr_6625); } public function get _SafeStr_6628():int { return (this._SafeStr_6626); } } }//package _-0kD // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4887 = "_-6U4" (String#11298, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6624 = "_-9A" (String#11015, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6625 = "_-3Xt" (String#1506, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6626 = "_-4PA" (String#9259, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6627 = "_-Cc" (String#13980, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6628 = "_-Sa" (String#22030, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0kD.TalentLevelUpMessageParser package _-0kD { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; import __AS3__.vec.*; public class TalentLevelUpMessageParser implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6624:String; private var _SafeStr_6625:int; private var _SafeStr_6629:Vector.<_SafeStr_4886>; private var _SafeStr_6630:Vector.<_SafeStr_4884>; public function flush():Boolean { this._SafeStr_6624 = null; this._SafeStr_6629 = null; this._SafeStr_6630 = null; return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { var _local_2:int; this._SafeStr_6624 = k.readString(); this._SafeStr_6625 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_6629 = new Vector.<_SafeStr_4886>(); var _local_3:int = k.readInt(); _local_2 = 0; while (_local_2 < _local_3) { this._SafeStr_6629.push(new _SafeStr_4886(k)); _local_2++; }; this._SafeStr_6630 = new Vector.<_SafeStr_4884>(); var _local_4:int = k.readInt(); _local_2 = 0; while (_local_2 < _local_4) { this._SafeStr_6630.push(new _SafeStr_4884(k)); _local_2++; }; return (true); } public function get _SafeStr_6627():String { return (this._SafeStr_6624); } public function get level():int { return (this._SafeStr_6625); } public function get _SafeStr_6631():Vector.<_SafeStr_4886> { return (this._SafeStr_6629); } public function get _SafeStr_6632():Vector.<_SafeStr_4884> { return (this._SafeStr_6630); } } }//package _-0kD // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4884 = "_-02h" (String#4092, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4886 = "_-1sO" (String#4231, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6624 = "_-9A" (String#11015, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6625 = "_-3Xt" (String#1506, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6627 = "_-Cc" (String#13980, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6629 = "_-2do" (String#8347, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6630 = "_-0Yt" (String#7846, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6631 = "_-6bB" (String#11766, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6632 = "_-1GD" (String#10238, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0kD.TalentTrack package _-0kD { import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; import _-4Qm._SafeStr_129; import __AS3__.vec.*; public class TalentTrack { public static const _SafeStr_6633:int = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6634:int = 1; public static const _SafeStr_6635:int = 2; private var _name:String; private var _SafeStr_6636:int; private var _SafeStr_6637:Vector.; public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):void { var _local_4:TalentTrackLevel; this._name = k.readString(); this._SafeStr_6637 = new Vector.(); var _local_2:int = k.readInt(); var _local_3:int; while (_local_3 < _local_2) { _local_4 = new TalentTrackLevel(); _local_4.parse(k); if (_local_4.state == _SafeStr_6634){ this._SafeStr_6636 = _local_3; }; this._SafeStr_6637.push(_local_4); _local_3++; }; } public function _SafeStr_6638(k:int):_SafeStr_4885 { var _local_3:TalentTrackLevel; var _local_4:_SafeStr_4885; var _local_2:_SafeStr_4885; for each (_local_3 in this._SafeStr_6637) { if (_local_3.state != TalentTrack._SafeStr_6633){ _local_4 = _local_3._SafeStr_6638(k); if (_local_4 != null){ _local_2 = _local_4; }; }; }; return (_local_2); } public function get name():String { return (this._name); } public function get levels():Vector. { return (this._SafeStr_6637); } public function get _SafeStr_6639():Number { if (this._SafeStr_6637.length > 0){ return ((1 / this._SafeStr_6637.length)); }; return (0); } public function get _SafeStr_6640():Number { var k:Number; if (this._SafeStr_6637.length > 0){ k = this._SafeStr_6637[this._SafeStr_6636].levelProgress; return (_SafeStr_129._SafeStr_6641(((this._SafeStr_6636 * this._SafeStr_6639) + (k * this._SafeStr_6639)))); }; return (0); } public function get _SafeStr_6642():Number { if (this._SafeStr_6637.length > 0){ return ((this._SafeStr_6636 * this._SafeStr_6639)); }; return (0); } public function _SafeStr_6643():void { this._SafeStr_6637.shift(); this._SafeStr_6636 = Math.max(0, (this._SafeStr_6636 - 1)); } } }//package _-0kD // _SafeStr_129 = "_-28I" (String#5694, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4885 = "_-2gW" (String#2711, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6633 = "_-4Yv" (String#6796, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6634 = "_-3WY" (String#9172, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6635 = "_-4Yf" (String#13234, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6636 = "_-4pY" (String#12527, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6637 = "_-2SM" (String#4555, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6638 = "_-5Vf" (String#24425, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6639 = "_-iQ" (String#17468, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6640 = "_-0cy" (String#22086, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6641 = "_-6XV" (String#4311, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6642 = "_-K-" (String#42392, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6643 = "_-0tg" (String#35938, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0kD.TalentTrackLevel package _-0kD { import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; import _-4Qm._SafeStr_129; import __AS3__.vec.*; public class TalentTrackLevel { private var _SafeStr_6625:int; private var _SafeStr_5718:int; private var _SafeStr_6644:Vector.<_SafeStr_4885>; private var _SafeStr_6629:Vector.<_SafeStr_4886>; private var _SafeStr_6630:Vector.<_SafeStr_4884>; public function TalentTrackLevel() { this._SafeStr_6644 = new Vector.<_SafeStr_4885>(); this._SafeStr_6629 = new Vector.<_SafeStr_4886>(); this._SafeStr_6630 = new Vector.<_SafeStr_4884>(); super(); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):void { var _local_2:int; var _local_3:int; this._SafeStr_6625 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_5718 = k.readInt(); _local_3 = k.readInt(); _local_2 = 0; while (_local_2 < _local_3) { this._SafeStr_6644.push(new _SafeStr_4885(k)); _local_2++; }; _local_3 = k.readInt(); _local_2 = 0; while (_local_2 < _local_3) { this._SafeStr_6629.push(new _SafeStr_4886(k)); _local_2++; }; _local_3 = k.readInt(); _local_2 = 0; while (_local_2 < _local_3) { this._SafeStr_6630.push(new _SafeStr_4884(k)); _local_2++; }; } public function get level():int { return (this._SafeStr_6625); } public function set level(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6625 = k; } public function get state():int { return (this._SafeStr_5718); } public function set state(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_5718 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_6645():Vector.<_SafeStr_4885> { return (this._SafeStr_6644); } public function get _SafeStr_6631():Vector.<_SafeStr_4886> { return (this._SafeStr_6629); } public function get _SafeStr_6632():Vector.<_SafeStr_4884> { return (this._SafeStr_6630); } public function get _SafeStr_6646():int { return ((this._SafeStr_6629.length + this._SafeStr_6630.length)); } public function get levelProgress():Number { var _local_3:_SafeStr_4885; var k:Number = (1 / this._SafeStr_6644.length); var _local_2:Number = 0; for each (_local_3 in this._SafeStr_6644) { if (_local_3.state == TalentTrack._SafeStr_6635){ _local_2 = (_local_2 + k); }; }; return (_SafeStr_129._SafeStr_6641(_local_2)); } public function _SafeStr_6638(k:int):_SafeStr_4885 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_4885; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6644) { if (_local_2.achievementId == k){ return (_local_2); }; }; return (null); } } }//package _-0kD // _SafeStr_129 = "_-28I" (String#5694, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4884 = "_-02h" (String#4092, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4885 = "_-2gW" (String#2711, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4886 = "_-1sO" (String#4231, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5718 = "_-2XZ" (String#413, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6625 = "_-3Xt" (String#1506, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6629 = "_-2do" (String#8347, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6630 = "_-0Yt" (String#7846, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6631 = "_-6bB" (String#11766, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6632 = "_-1GD" (String#10238, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6635 = "_-4Yf" (String#13234, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6638 = "_-5Vf" (String#24425, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6641 = "_-6XV" (String#4311, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6644 = "_-4ly" (String#12274, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6645 = "_-3sb" (String#26138, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6646 = "_-5vK" (String#19169, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_2968 package _-0KN { import _-zd._SafeStr_3006; public class _SafeStr_2968 { private var _SafeStr_6647:_SafeStr_2991; private var _SafeStr_6648:Array; private var _SafeStr_6649:int; private var _SafeStr_6650:int; public function _SafeStr_2968(k:_SafeStr_2991, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:int) { this._SafeStr_6648 = new Array(); super(); this._SafeStr_6647 = k; this._SafeStr_6649 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6650 = _arg_3; } public function _SafeStr_6651(k:Boolean):void { var _local_3:_SafeStr_3013; var _local_4:_SafeStr_3013; var _local_2:Array = new Array(); for each (_local_3 in this._SafeStr_6648) { if (((!(k)) || (!((_local_3.state == _SafeStr_3013._SafeStr_6652))))){ _local_2.push(_local_3); }; }; for each (_local_4 in _local_2) { _SafeStr_3006.remove(this._SafeStr_6648, _local_4); if (this._SafeStr_6647.view != null){ this._SafeStr_6647.view._SafeStr_6653(_local_4); }; _local_4.dispose(); }; this._SafeStr_6654(); } public function _SafeStr_6655(k:int):void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_3013 = this._SafeStr_6656(k); if (_local_2 == null){ _SafeStr_4.log((("Failed to accept friend request from " + k) + ", error retrieving the friendrequest.")); return; }; _local_2.state = _SafeStr_3013._SafeStr_6657; this._SafeStr_6647.view._SafeStr_6658(_local_2); } public function _SafeStr_6659(k:_SafeStr_3013):void { this._SafeStr_6648.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_6660(k:_SafeStr_3013):void { this._SafeStr_6648.push(k); this._SafeStr_6647.view._SafeStr_6659(k); } public function _SafeStr_6661(k:int):_SafeStr_3013 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_3013; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6648) { if (_local_2._SafeStr_6662 == k){ return (_local_2); }; }; return (null); } public function _SafeStr_6656(k:int):_SafeStr_3013 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_3013; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6648) { if (_local_2._SafeStr_6663 == k){ return (_local_2); }; }; return (null); } public function _SafeStr_6654():void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_3013; var k:Boolean = true; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6648) { k = !(k); this._SafeStr_6647.view._SafeStr_6654(_local_2, k); }; } public function _SafeStr_6664():int { var _local_2:_SafeStr_3013; var k:int; for each (_local_2 in this.requests) { if (_local_2.state == _SafeStr_3013._SafeStr_6652){ k++; }; }; return (k); } public function get requests():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6648); } public function get limit():int { return (this._SafeStr_6649); } public function get _SafeStr_6665():int { return (this._SafeStr_6650); } public function set limit(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6649 = k; } } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2968 = "_-5D1" (String#12387, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2991 = "_-4DL" (String#11747, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3006 = "_-Ss" (String#1105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3013 = "_-4CO" (String#1517, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4 = "_-5F-" (String#232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6647 = "_-16Z" (String#3866, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6648 = "_-0s2" (String#3133, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6649 = "_-0IO" (String#5240, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6650 = "_-3AK" (String#31767, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6651 = "_-4gk" (String#27454, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6652 = "_-EU" (String#6980, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6653 = "_-41Y" (String#10033, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6654 = "_-lk" (String#9721, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6655 = "_-6h7" (String#34089, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6656 = "_-4Fn" (String#37559, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6657 = "_-2Uk" (String#19139, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6658 = "_-1JI" (String#9210, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6659 = "_-6YL" (String#11434, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6660 = "_-4BH" (String#37758, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6661 = "_-4oK" (String#28400, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6662 = "_-0lH" (String#3014, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6663 = "_-0v8" (String#10664, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6664 = "_-3hZ" (String#31151, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6665 = "_-cG" (String#24144, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_2970 package _-0KN { import _-zd._SafeStr_2982; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-zd.HabboFriendList; public class _SafeStr_2970 { private var _SafeStr_6041:int; private var _name:String; private var _SafeStr_6666:String; private var _SafeStr_6667:String; private var _SafeStr_6668:_SafeStr_2982; private var _SafeStr_6669:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6670:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_5554:IWindowContainer; public function _SafeStr_2970(k:HabboFriendList, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:_SafeStr_2982, _arg_4:String, _arg_5:String, _arg_6:String) { this._SafeStr_6041 = _arg_2; this._name = _arg_4; this._SafeStr_6668 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_6666 = _arg_5; this._SafeStr_6667 = _arg_6; this._SafeStr_6668.init(k); } public function _SafeStr_5436(k:Boolean):void { if (k){ this._SafeStr_6669 = false; }; this._SafeStr_6670 = k; } public function _SafeStr_6671(k:Boolean):void { if (this.selected){ this._SafeStr_6669 = false; } else { this._SafeStr_6669 = k; }; } public function get _SafeStr_6672():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6669); } public function get id():int { return (this._SafeStr_6041); } public function get name():String { return (this._name); } public function get _SafeStr_6673():String { return (this._SafeStr_6666); } public function get _SafeStr_6674():String { return (this._SafeStr_6667); } public function get selected():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6670); } public function get _SafeStr_6675():_SafeStr_2982 { return (this._SafeStr_6668); } public function get view():IWindowContainer { return (this._SafeStr_5554); } public function set view(k:IWindowContainer):void { this._SafeStr_5554 = k; } } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2970 = "_-3OJ" (String#2471, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2982 = "_-2Pq" (String#8521, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5436 = "_-6NU" (String#1752, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5554 = "_-09l" (String#95, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6041 = "_-4WA" (String#285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6666 = "_-4Pr" (String#27766, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6667 = "_-240" (String#26357, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6668 = "_-2Zf" (String#23288, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6669 = "_-1O8" (String#19816, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6670 = "_-3ni" (String#1527, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6671 = "_-6Kd" (String#12199, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6672 = "_-3NU" (String#18342, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6673 = "_-PS" (String#34575, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6674 = "_-1oi" (String#36312, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6675 = "_-2fZ" (String#6336, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_2974 package _-0KN { import _-zd.HabboFriendList; public interface _SafeStr_2974 { function _SafeStr_6676():HabboFriendList; function _SafeStr_6677():int; } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2974 = "_-2RP" (String#12857, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6676 = "_-5qx" (String#21297, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6677 = "_-04f" (String#32084, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_2975 package _-0KN { import _-zd.HabboFriendList; public class _SafeStr_2975 implements _SafeStr_2974 { private var _SafeStr_6678:HabboFriendList; public function _SafeStr_2975(k:HabboFriendList) { this._SafeStr_6678 = k; } public function _SafeStr_6676():HabboFriendList { return (this._SafeStr_6678); } public function _SafeStr_6677():int { return (this._SafeStr_6678.view.mainWindow.height); } } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2974 = "_-2RP" (String#12857, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2975 = "_-Sp" (String#15294, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6676 = "_-5qx" (String#21297, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6677 = "_-04f" (String#32084, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6678 = "_-1FW" (String#457, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_2989 package _-0KN { import _-zd._SafeStr_2995; import _-gK._SafeStr_1321; import _-4YI._SafeStr_215; public interface _SafeStr_2989 { function get view():_SafeStr_2995; function get messenger():_SafeStr_1321; function get notifications():_SafeStr_215; } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_1321 = "_-29Y" (String#4124, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_215 = "_-6P3" (String#4592, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2989 = "_-1xM" (String#13021, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2995 = "_-hj" (String#8889, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_2990 package _-0KN { import _-zd.HabboFriendList; import _-zd._SafeStr_3008; import _-zd._SafeStr_2995; import _-gK._SafeStr_1321; import _-4YI._SafeStr_215; public class _SafeStr_2990 implements _SafeStr_2989 { private var _SafeStr_6678:HabboFriendList; public function _SafeStr_2990(k:HabboFriendList) { this._SafeStr_6678 = k; } public function get view():_SafeStr_2995 { return ((this._SafeStr_6678.tabs._SafeStr_6679(_SafeStr_3008._SafeStr_6680)._SafeStr_6675 as _SafeStr_2995)); } public function get messenger():_SafeStr_1321 { return (this._SafeStr_6678.messenger); } public function get notifications():_SafeStr_215 { return (this._SafeStr_6678.notifications); } } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_1321 = "_-29Y" (String#4124, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_215 = "_-6P3" (String#4592, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2989 = "_-1xM" (String#13021, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2990 = "_-4E7" (String#16899, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2995 = "_-hj" (String#8889, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3008 = "_-6b6" (String#2585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6675 = "_-2fZ" (String#6336, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6678 = "_-1FW" (String#457, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6679 = "_-2bq" (String#6052, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6680 = "_-2UW" (String#5265, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_2991 package _-0KN { import _-zd._SafeStr_2998; public interface _SafeStr_2991 { function get view():_SafeStr_2998; } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2991 = "_-4DL" (String#11747, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2998 = "_-3RI" (String#5254, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_2992 package _-0KN { import _-zd.HabboFriendList; import _-zd._SafeStr_3008; import _-zd._SafeStr_2998; public class _SafeStr_2992 implements _SafeStr_2991 { private var _SafeStr_6678:HabboFriendList; public function _SafeStr_2992(k:HabboFriendList) { this._SafeStr_6678 = k; } public function get view():_SafeStr_2998 { return ((this._SafeStr_6678.tabs._SafeStr_6679(_SafeStr_3008._SafeStr_6681)._SafeStr_6675 as _SafeStr_2998)); } } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2991 = "_-4DL" (String#11747, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2992 = "_-61a" (String#14915, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2998 = "_-3RI" (String#5254, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3008 = "_-6b6" (String#2585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6675 = "_-2fZ" (String#6336, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6678 = "_-1FW" (String#457, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6679 = "_-2bq" (String#6052, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6681 = "_-5Mi" (String#4834, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_2996 package _-0KN { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-zd._SafeStr_3006; public class _SafeStr_2996 implements _SafeStr_3 { public static const _SafeStr_6682:int = 100; public static const _SafeStr_6683:int = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6684:int = -1; private var _SafeStr_6041:int; private var _name:String; private var _SafeStr_6685:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6686:Array; private var _SafeStr_6687:Boolean; private var _disposed:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_5554:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_6688:int; public function _SafeStr_2996(k:int, _arg_2:String) { this._SafeStr_6686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_6041 = k; this._name = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6685 = !((this._SafeStr_6041 == _SafeStr_6684)); } public function dispose():void { if (this._disposed){ return; }; this._disposed = true; this._SafeStr_5554 = null; } public function _SafeStr_6689(k:_SafeStr_2997):void { this._SafeStr_6690(k.id); this._SafeStr_6686.push(k); this._SafeStr_6686.sortOn(["pocketHabboUser", "name"], [(Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING), Array.CASEINSENSITIVE]); } public function _SafeStr_6691(k:Array):void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2997; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6686) { if (_local_2.selected){ k.push(_local_2); }; }; } public function _SafeStr_6692(k:int):_SafeStr_2997 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2997; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6686) { if (_local_2.id == k){ return (_local_2); }; }; return (null); } public function _SafeStr_6693(k:Boolean, _arg_2:Boolean=false):int { var _local_4:_SafeStr_2997; var _local_3:int; for each (_local_4 in this._SafeStr_6686) { if (((((!(k)) || (_local_4.online))) && (((!(_arg_2)) || (_local_4._SafeStr_6694))))){ _local_3 = (_local_3 + 1); }; }; return (_local_3); } public function _SafeStr_6690(k:int):_SafeStr_2997 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2997 = this._SafeStr_6692(k); if (_local_2 != null){ _SafeStr_3006.remove(this._SafeStr_6686, _local_2); return (_local_2); }; return (null); } private function _SafeStr_6695():void { if (this._SafeStr_6688 >= this._SafeStr_6696()){ this._SafeStr_6688 = Math.max(0, (this._SafeStr_6696() - 1)); }; } public function _SafeStr_6696():int { return (Math.ceil((this._SafeStr_6686.length / _SafeStr_6682))); } public function _SafeStr_6697():int { this._SafeStr_6695(); return ((this._SafeStr_6688 * _SafeStr_6682)); } public function _SafeStr_6698():int { this._SafeStr_6695(); return (Math.min(((this._SafeStr_6688 + 1) * _SafeStr_6682), this._SafeStr_6686.length)); } public function _SafeStr_6699(k:Boolean):void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2997; this._SafeStr_6685 = k; if (!k){ for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6686) { _local_2.selected = false; }; }; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function get received():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6687); } public function get id():int { return (this._SafeStr_6041); } public function get name():String { return (this._name); } public function get friends():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6686); } public function get view():IWindowContainer { return (this._SafeStr_5554); } public function get open():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6685); } public function get _SafeStr_5477():int { return (this._SafeStr_6688); } public function set id(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6041 = k; } public function set name(k:String):void { this._name = k; } public function set view(k:IWindowContainer):void { this._SafeStr_5554 = k; } public function set received(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6687 = k; } public function set _SafeStr_5477(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6688 = k; } } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2996 = "_-50c" (String#2032, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2997 = "_-2a1" (String#1994, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3006 = "_-Ss" (String#1105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5477 = "_-5oV" (String#4418, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5554 = "_-09l" (String#95, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6041 = "_-4WA" (String#285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6682 = "_-3Wr" (String#3951, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6683 = "_-68G" (String#21004, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6684 = "_-0mP" (String#10830, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6685 = "_-6LX" (String#5971, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6686 = "_-4xB" (String#3417, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6687 = "_-1xS" (String#31744, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6688 = "_-20r" (String#6003, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6689 = "_-5Um" (String#13965, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6690 = "_-5dB" (String#12541, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6691 = "_-1Vj" (String#10328, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6692 = "_-0ZY" (String#6349, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6693 = "_-54l" (String#7450, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6694 = "_-01Y" (String#6042, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6695 = "_-2oN" (String#30889, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6696 = "_-1Fs" (String#14097, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6697 = "_-17M" (String#33160, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6698 = "_-nq" (String#33903, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6699 = "_-14" (String#30242, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_2997 package _-0KN { import _-zd._SafeStr_2676; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import flash.display.BitmapData; import _-5lG._SafeStr_3000; public class _SafeStr_2997 implements _SafeStr_2676, _SafeStr_3 { public static const _SafeStr_6700:int = "F".charCodeAt(0); public static const _SafeStr_6701:int = "M".charCodeAt(0); private var _SafeStr_6041:int; private var _name:String; private var _SafeStr_6702:int; private var _SafeStr_6703:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6704:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6705:String; private var _SafeStr_5680:String; private var _SafeStr_6706:String; private var _SafeStr_6707:int; private var _SafeStr_6670:Boolean; private var _disposed:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_5554:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_6708:BitmapData; private var _SafeStr_6709:String; private var _SafeStr_6710:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6711:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6712:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6713:int; public function _SafeStr_2997(k:_SafeStr_3000) { if (k == null){ return; }; this._SafeStr_6041 = k.id; this._name = k.name; this._SafeStr_6702 = k.gender; this._SafeStr_6703 = k.online; this._SafeStr_6704 = ((k._SafeStr_6694) && (k.online)); this._SafeStr_6705 = k.figure; this._SafeStr_5680 = k.motto; this._SafeStr_6706 = k._SafeStr_6714; this._SafeStr_6707 = k._SafeStr_6715; this._SafeStr_6709 = k.realName; this._SafeStr_6710 = k._SafeStr_6716; this._SafeStr_6712 = k._SafeStr_6717; this._SafeStr_6711 = k.pocketHabboUser; this._SafeStr_6713 = k._SafeStr_6718; _SafeStr_4.log(((((((((((((("Creating friend: " + this.id) + ", ") + this.name) + ", ") + this.gender) + ", ") + this.online) + ", ") + this._SafeStr_6694) + ", ") + this.figure) + ", ") + this._SafeStr_6715)); } public function dispose():void { if (this._disposed){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_6708 != null){ this._SafeStr_6708.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6708 = null; }; this._disposed = true; this._SafeStr_5554 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function get id():int { return (this._SafeStr_6041); } public function get name():String { return (this._name); } public function get gender():int { return (this._SafeStr_6702); } public function get online():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6703); } public function get _SafeStr_6694():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6704); } public function get figure():String { return (this._SafeStr_6705); } public function get motto():String { return (this._SafeStr_5680); } public function get _SafeStr_6714():String { return (this._SafeStr_6706); } public function get _SafeStr_6715():int { return (this._SafeStr_6707); } public function get selected():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6670); } public function get view():IWindowContainer { return (this._SafeStr_5554); } public function get face():BitmapData { return (this._SafeStr_6708); } public function get realName():String { return (this._SafeStr_6709); } public function get _SafeStr_6716():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6710); } public function get pocketHabboUser():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6711); } public function get _SafeStr_6718():int { return (this._SafeStr_6713); } public function get _SafeStr_6717():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6712); } public function set id(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6041 = k; } public function set name(k:String):void { this._name = k; } public function set gender(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6702 = k; } public function set online(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6703 = k; } public function set _SafeStr_6694(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6704 = k; } public function set figure(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6705 = k; } public function set motto(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_5680 = k; } public function set _SafeStr_6714(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6706 = k; } public function set _SafeStr_6715(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6707 = k; } public function set selected(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6670 = k; } public function set view(k:IWindowContainer):void { this._SafeStr_5554 = k; } public function set face(k:BitmapData):void { this._SafeStr_6708 = k; } public function set realName(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_6709 = k; } public function set _SafeStr_6716(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6710 = k; } public function set pocketHabboUser(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6711 = k; } public function set _SafeStr_6717(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_6712 = k; } public function _SafeStr_6719():Boolean { return ((this._SafeStr_6041 < 0)); } } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2676 = "_-5Lb" (String#5479, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2997 = "_-2a1" (String#1994, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3000 = "_-1d" (String#2983, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4 = "_-5F-" (String#232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5554 = "_-09l" (String#95, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5680 = "_-22g" (String#3221, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6041 = "_-4WA" (String#285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6670 = "_-3ni" (String#1527, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6694 = "_-01Y" (String#6042, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6700 = "_-5CP" (String#27409, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6701 = "_-3Xz" (String#31144, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6702 = "_-4ry" (String#1430, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6703 = "_-1Tv" (String#5825, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6704 = "_-6Ia" (String#12837, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6705 = "_-0Gt" (String#881, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6706 = "_-3Rg" (String#8368, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6707 = "_-6Mc" (String#2184, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6708 = "_-Km" (String#3855, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6709 = "_-3zH" (String#3877, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6710 = "_-2sm" (String#13177, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6711 = "_-0jT" (String#13023, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6712 = "_-aX" (String#12345, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6713 = "_-2lk" (String#15735, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6714 = "_-wE" (String#7048, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6715 = "_-2kW" (String#2366, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6716 = "_-3hB" (String#11901, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6717 = "_-0YT" (String#21844, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6718 = "_-61U" (String#13771, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6719 = "_-4jl" (String#28288, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_3009 package _-0KN { import _-zd._SafeStr_2981; public interface _SafeStr_3009 { function get view():_SafeStr_2981; } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2981 = "_-2cK" (String#9898, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3009 = "_-2eJ" (String#11700, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_3010 package _-0KN { import _-zd.HabboFriendList; import _-zd._SafeStr_3008; import _-zd._SafeStr_2981; public class _SafeStr_3010 implements _SafeStr_3009 { private var _SafeStr_6678:HabboFriendList; public function _SafeStr_3010(k:HabboFriendList) { this._SafeStr_6678 = k; } public function get view():_SafeStr_2981 { return ((this._SafeStr_6678.tabs._SafeStr_6679(_SafeStr_3008._SafeStr_6720)._SafeStr_6675 as _SafeStr_2981)); } } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2981 = "_-2cK" (String#9898, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3008 = "_-6b6" (String#2585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3009 = "_-2eJ" (String#11700, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3010 = "_-4Wy" (String#13758, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6675 = "_-2fZ" (String#6336, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6678 = "_-1FW" (String#457, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6679 = "_-2bq" (String#6052, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6720 = "_-5N6" (String#8212, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN._SafeStr_3013 package _-0KN { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-5lG._SafeStr_2977; public class _SafeStr_3013 implements _SafeStr_3 { public static const _SafeStr_6652:int = 1; public static const _SafeStr_6721:int = 2; public static const _SafeStr_6722:int = 3; public static const _SafeStr_6657:int = 4; private var _SafeStr_6723:int; private var _SafeStr_6724:String; private var _SafeStr_6725:int; private var _SafeStr_5718:int = 1; private var _disposed:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_5554:IWindowContainer; public function _SafeStr_3013(k:_SafeStr_2977) { this._SafeStr_6723 = k._SafeStr_6662; this._SafeStr_6724 = k._SafeStr_6726; this._SafeStr_6725 = k._SafeStr_6663; } public function dispose():void { if (this._disposed){ return; }; this._disposed = true; if (this.view != null){ this.view.destroy(); this.view = null; }; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function get _SafeStr_6662():int { return (this._SafeStr_6723); } public function get _SafeStr_6726():String { return (this._SafeStr_6724); } public function get _SafeStr_6663():int { return (this._SafeStr_6725); } public function get view():IWindowContainer { return (this._SafeStr_5554); } public function get state():int { return (this._SafeStr_5718); } public function set view(k:IWindowContainer):void { this._SafeStr_5554 = k; } public function set state(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_5718 = k; } } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2977 = "_-5rW" (String#4794, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3013 = "_-4CO" (String#1517, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5554 = "_-09l" (String#95, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5718 = "_-2XZ" (String#413, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6652 = "_-EU" (String#6980, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6657 = "_-2Uk" (String#19139, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6662 = "_-0lH" (String#3014, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6663 = "_-0v8" (String#10664, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6721 = "_-4bF" (String#10385, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6722 = "_-0MO" (String#10190, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6723 = "_-0Nh" (String#2992, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6724 = "_-1iZ" (String#8704, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6725 = "_-H3" (String#9277, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6726 = "_-3PD" (String#9779, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN.AvatarSearchResults package _-0KN { import flash.utils.Dictionary; import _-5lG._SafeStr_4666; public class AvatarSearchResults { private var _SafeStr_6647:_SafeStr_3009; private var _SafeStr_6686:Array; private var _others:Array; private var _SafeStr_6727:Dictionary; public function AvatarSearchResults(k:_SafeStr_3009) { this._SafeStr_6727 = new Dictionary(); super(); this._SafeStr_6647 = k; } public function _SafeStr_6728(k:int):_SafeStr_4666 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_4666; var _local_3:_SafeStr_4666; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6686) { if (_local_2._SafeStr_6729 == k){ return (_local_2); }; }; for each (_local_3 in this._others) { if (_local_3._SafeStr_6729 == k){ return (_local_3); }; }; return (null); } public function _SafeStr_6730(k:Array, _arg_2:Array):void { this._SafeStr_6686 = k; this._others = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6647.view._SafeStr_5447(); } public function get friends():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6686); } public function get others():Array { return (this._others); } public function _SafeStr_6731(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6727[k] = "yes"; } public function _SafeStr_6732(k:int):Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_6727[k] == null))); } } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_3009 = "_-2eJ" (String#11700, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4666 = "_-3mr" (String#4627, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5447 = "_-vS" (String#4709, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6647 = "_-16Z" (String#3866, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6686 = "_-4xB" (String#3417, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6727 = "_-4gq" (String#24700, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6728 = "_-5QF" (String#28212, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6729 = "_-0Rr" (String#3822, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6730 = "_-6UV" (String#33966, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6731 = "_-2iN" (String#37716, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6732 = "_-1So" (String#9451, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN.FriendCategories package _-0KN { import flash.utils.Dictionary; import _-j4._SafeStr_3883; import _-5lG._SafeStr_3000; import _-5lG._SafeStr_3011; import _-15X.ErrorReportStorage; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-5lG._SafeStr_2994; import _-zd._SafeStr_3006; import _-zd._SafeStr_2995; import _-5lG.*; import _-j4.*; public class FriendCategories { private var _SafeStr_6647:_SafeStr_2989; private var _SafeStr_6733:Array; private var _SafeStr_6734:Dictionary; public function FriendCategories(k:_SafeStr_2989) { this._SafeStr_6733 = new Array(); this._SafeStr_6734 = new Dictionary(); super(); this._SafeStr_6647 = k; } public function _SafeStr_6689(k:_SafeStr_2997):_SafeStr_2996 { var _local_2:int = ((k.online) ? k._SafeStr_6715 : _SafeStr_2996._SafeStr_6684); var _local_3:_SafeStr_2996 = this._SafeStr_5545(_local_2); if (_local_3 != null){ _local_3._SafeStr_6689(k); this._SafeStr_6734[k.id] = k; return (_local_3); }; _SafeStr_4.log((((("No category " + _local_2) + " found for friend ") + k.id) + ". Ignoring")); return (null); } public function _SafeStr_6691():Array { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2996; var k:Array = new Array(); for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6733) { _local_2._SafeStr_6691(k); }; return (k); } public function _SafeStr_6735():_SafeStr_2997 { var k:Array = this._SafeStr_6691(); return ((((k.length == 1)) ? k[0] : null)); } public function _SafeStr_6736():Dictionary { return (this._SafeStr_6734); } public function _SafeStr_6693(k:Boolean, _arg_2:Boolean=false):int { var _local_4:_SafeStr_2996; var _local_3:int; for each (_local_4 in this._SafeStr_6733) { _local_3 = (_local_3 + _local_4._SafeStr_6693(k, _arg_2)); }; return (_local_3); } public function _SafeStr_6737():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6733); } public function _SafeStr_6738(k:_SafeStr_2996):void { this._SafeStr_6733.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_6739(k:int):_SafeStr_2997 { return (this._SafeStr_6734[k]); } public function _SafeStr_5545(k:int):_SafeStr_2996 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2996; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6733) { if (_local_2.id == k){ return (_local_2); }; }; return (null); } public function _SafeStr_6740(event:_SafeStr_2275):void { var status:int; var p:_SafeStr_3883; var removedFriendId:int; var updatedFriend:_SafeStr_3000; var addedFriend:_SafeStr_3000; var currentlyOnline:Boolean; var wasSelected:Boolean; var friend:_SafeStr_2997; _SafeStr_4.log("Received friend list update"); status = 0; try { p = (event as _SafeStr_3011)._SafeStr_5551(); status = 1; this._SafeStr_6741(p._SafeStr_6742); status = 2; for each (removedFriendId in p._SafeStr_6743) { this._SafeStr_6690(removedFriendId, true); }; status = 3; for each (updatedFriend in p._SafeStr_6744) { _SafeStr_4.log(((((((("Got UPDATE: " + updatedFriend.id) + ", ") + updatedFriend.online) + ", ") + updatedFriend.name) + ", ") + updatedFriend._SafeStr_6694)); this._SafeStr_6647.messenger._SafeStr_6745(updatedFriend.id, ((updatedFriend._SafeStr_6694) && (updatedFriend.online))); currentlyOnline = this._SafeStr_6746(updatedFriend.id); if (((currentlyOnline) && (!(updatedFriend.online)))){ this._SafeStr_6647.messenger._SafeStr_6747(updatedFriend.id, updatedFriend.online); }; if (((!(currentlyOnline)) && (updatedFriend.online))){ this._SafeStr_6647.messenger._SafeStr_6747(updatedFriend.id, updatedFriend.online); this._SafeStr_6647.view._SafeStr_6671(); }; wasSelected = this._SafeStr_6690(updatedFriend.id, true); friend = new _SafeStr_2997(updatedFriend); friend.selected = wasSelected; this._SafeStr_6689(friend); }; status = 4; for each (addedFriend in p._SafeStr_6748) { _SafeStr_4.log(((("Got INSERT: " + addedFriend.id) + ", ") + addedFriend.name)); this._SafeStr_6690(addedFriend.id, true); this._SafeStr_6689(new _SafeStr_2997(addedFriend)); }; status = 5; this._SafeStr_6647.view._SafeStr_5447(); status = 6; } catch(e:Error) { ErrorReportStorage._SafeStr_5454("FriendCategories", (("onFriendListUpdate crashed, status = " + String(status)) + "!")); throw (e); }; } private function _SafeStr_6741(k:Array):void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2994; var _local_3:_SafeStr_2996; var _local_4:_SafeStr_2996; var _local_5:_SafeStr_2996; this._SafeStr_6749(); this._SafeStr_5545(_SafeStr_2996._SafeStr_6684).received = true; this._SafeStr_5545(_SafeStr_2996._SafeStr_6683).received = true; for each (_local_2 in k) { _local_4 = this._SafeStr_5545(_local_2.id); if (_local_4 != null){ _local_4.received = true; if (_local_4.name != _local_2.name){ _local_4.name = _local_2.name; }; } else { _local_5 = new _SafeStr_2996(_local_2.id, _local_2.name); _local_5.received = true; this._SafeStr_6738(_local_5); }; }; for each (_local_3 in this._SafeStr_6750()) { if (_local_3.friends.length > 0){ } else { _SafeStr_3006.remove(this._SafeStr_6733, _local_3); _local_3.dispose(); }; }; } private function _SafeStr_6690(k:int, _arg_2:Boolean):Boolean { var _local_4:_SafeStr_2996; var _local_5:_SafeStr_2997; if (_arg_2){ this._SafeStr_6734[k] = null; }; var _local_3:Boolean; for each (_local_4 in this._SafeStr_6733) { _local_5 = _local_4._SafeStr_6690(k); if (_local_5 != null){ _local_3 = _local_5.selected; if (_arg_2){ _local_5.dispose(); }; }; }; return (_local_3); } private function _SafeStr_6749():void { var k:_SafeStr_2996; for each (k in this._SafeStr_6733) { k.received = false; }; } private function _SafeStr_6750():Array { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2996; var k:Array = new Array(); for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6733) { if (!_local_2.received){ k.push(_local_2); }; }; return (k); } private function _SafeStr_6746(k:int):Boolean { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2997 = this._SafeStr_6739(k); return ((((_local_2 == null)) ? false : _local_2.online)); } public function _SafeStr_6751():Array { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2997; if (this._SafeStr_6734 == null){ return ([]); }; var k:Array = []; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6734) { if (_local_2 != null){ k.push(_local_2.name); }; }; return (k); } public function get view():_SafeStr_2995 { return (this._SafeStr_6647.view); } } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2989 = "_-1xM" (String#13021, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2994 = "_-lI" (String#7022, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2995 = "_-hj" (String#8889, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2996 = "_-50c" (String#2032, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2997 = "_-2a1" (String#1994, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3000 = "_-1d" (String#2983, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3006 = "_-Ss" (String#1105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3011 = "_-5T6" (String#5318, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3883 = "_-2pC" (String#7098, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4 = "_-5F-" (String#232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5447 = "_-vS" (String#4709, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5454 = "_-1-7" (String#1832, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5545 = "_-2C1" (String#6813, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6647 = "_-16Z" (String#3866, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6671 = "_-6Kd" (String#12199, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6683 = "_-68G" (String#21004, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6684 = "_-0mP" (String#10830, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6689 = "_-5Um" (String#13965, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6690 = "_-5dB" (String#12541, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6691 = "_-1Vj" (String#10328, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6693 = "_-54l" (String#7450, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6694 = "_-01Y" (String#6042, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6715 = "_-2kW" (String#2366, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6733 = "_-0Ue" (String#1101, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6734 = "_-3K5" (String#10429, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6735 = "_-3Bu" (String#38380, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6736 = "_-3xf" (String#38226, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6737 = "_-1oE" (String#25993, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6738 = "_-1dh" (String#17614, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6739 = "_-0i-" (String#21331, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6740 = "_-f7" (String#5119, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6741 = "_-01w" (String#39005, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6742 = "_-1Pd" (String#34731, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6743 = "_-34v" (String#19072, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6744 = "_-2FS" (String#29061, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6745 = "_-2MP" (String#17669, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6746 = "_-2An" (String#36151, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6747 = "_-5ti" (String#15328, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6748 = "_-1LO" (String#19281, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6749 = "_-6l2" (String#34469, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6750 = "_-3UY" (String#37409, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6751 = "_-29Q" (String#12836, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0KN.FriendListTabs package _-0KN { import _-zd._SafeStr_3008; import _-zd.FriendsView; import _-zd._SafeStr_4665; import _-zd.SearchView; import _-zd.*; public class FriendListTabs { private var _SafeStr_6647:_SafeStr_2974; private var _SafeStr_6752:Array; private var _SafeStr_6753:_SafeStr_2970; private var _SafeStr_6754:int = 200; private var _SafeStr_6755:int = 200; private var _SafeStr_6756:int = 200; public function FriendListTabs(k:_SafeStr_2974) { this._SafeStr_6752 = new Array(); super(); this._SafeStr_6647 = k; this._SafeStr_6752.push(new _SafeStr_2970(this._SafeStr_6647._SafeStr_6676(), _SafeStr_3008._SafeStr_6680, new FriendsView(), "${friendlist.friends}", "friends_footer", "hdr_friends")); this._SafeStr_6752.push(new _SafeStr_2970(this._SafeStr_6647._SafeStr_6676(), _SafeStr_3008._SafeStr_6681, new _SafeStr_4665(), "${friendlist.tab.friendrequests}", "friend_requests_footer", "hdr_friend_requests")); this._SafeStr_6752.push(new _SafeStr_2970(this._SafeStr_6647._SafeStr_6676(), _SafeStr_3008._SafeStr_6720, new SearchView(), "${generic.search}", "search_footer", "hdr_search")); this._SafeStr_6757(null); } public function _SafeStr_6758():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6752); } public function _SafeStr_6679(k:int):_SafeStr_2970 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2970; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6752) { if (_local_2.id == k){ return (_local_2); }; }; return (null); } public function _SafeStr_6759():void { var k:_SafeStr_2970; for each (k in this._SafeStr_6752) { k._SafeStr_5436(false); }; } public function _SafeStr_6760():_SafeStr_2970 { var k:_SafeStr_2970; for each (k in this._SafeStr_6752) { if (k.selected){ return (k); }; }; return (null); } public function _SafeStr_6757(k:_SafeStr_2970):void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2970 = this._SafeStr_6760(); if (_local_2 == null){ this._SafeStr_6754 = this._SafeStr_6755; this._SafeStr_5436(this._SafeStr_6761(k), true); } else { if ((((_local_2 == k)) || ((k == null)))){ this._SafeStr_6755 = this._SafeStr_6754; this._SafeStr_6754 = 0; this._SafeStr_6759(); } else { this._SafeStr_5436(this._SafeStr_6761(k), true); }; }; } private function _SafeStr_5436(k:_SafeStr_2970, _arg_2:Boolean):void { var _local_3:_SafeStr_2970 = this._SafeStr_6760(); this._SafeStr_6759(); k._SafeStr_5436(_arg_2); if (_arg_2){ this._SafeStr_6753 = k; }; } private function _SafeStr_6761(k:_SafeStr_2970):_SafeStr_2970 { if (k != null){ return (k); }; if (this._SafeStr_6753 != null){ return (this._SafeStr_6753); }; return (this._SafeStr_6752[0]); } public function get _SafeStr_6762():int { return (this._SafeStr_6754); } public function get _SafeStr_6763():int { return (this._SafeStr_6756); } public function get _SafeStr_6764():int { return ((this._SafeStr_6756 - 2)); } public function set _SafeStr_6762(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6754 = k; } public function set _SafeStr_6763(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6756 = k; } } }//package _-0KN // _SafeStr_2970 = "_-3OJ" (String#2471, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2974 = "_-2RP" (String#12857, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3008 = "_-6b6" (String#2585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4665 = "_-3ov" (String#14046, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5436 = "_-6NU" (String#1752, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6647 = "_-16Z" (String#3866, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6676 = "_-5qx" (String#21297, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6679 = "_-2bq" (String#6052, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6680 = "_-2UW" (String#5265, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6681 = "_-5Mi" (String#4834, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6720 = "_-5N6" (String#8212, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6752 = "_-3Qi" (String#2014, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6753 = "_-1MR" (String#22798, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6754 = "_-4rM" (String#14997, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6755 = "_-2Hd" (String#29177, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6756 = "_-6as" (String#5327, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6757 = "_-1C-" (String#22462, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6758 = "_-2gH" (String#31245, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6759 = "_-2vK" (String#31623, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6760 = "_-4vj" (String#21197, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6761 = "_-4YB" (String#27756, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6762 = "_-1pR" (String#16660, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6763 = "_-3CI" (String#6869, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6764 = "_-1x4" (String#10164, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Kw._SafeStr_5008 package _-0Kw { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_5008 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6765:String = ""; private var _SafeStr_6766:int = 0; public function get roomType():String { return (this._SafeStr_6765); } public function get roomId():int { return (this._SafeStr_6766); } public function flush():Boolean { this._SafeStr_6765 = ""; this._SafeStr_6766 = 0; return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { this._SafeStr_6765 = k.readString(); this._SafeStr_6766 = k.readInt(); return (true); } } }//package _-0Kw // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5008 = "_-2cH" (String#11691, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6765 = "_-0D8" (String#10116, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6766 = "_-3wl" (String#735, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0LP._SafeStr_2909 package _-0LP { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_2909 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6767:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6768:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6769:Boolean; public function get isOpen():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6767); } public function get _SafeStr_6770():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6768); } public function get _SafeStr_6771():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6769); } public function flush():Boolean { this._SafeStr_6767 = false; this._SafeStr_6768 = false; this._SafeStr_6769 = false; return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { this._SafeStr_6767 = k.readBoolean(); this._SafeStr_6768 = k.readBoolean(); if (k.bytesAvailable){ this._SafeStr_6769 = k.readBoolean(); }; return (true); } } }//package _-0LP // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2909 = "_-03J" (String#10354, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6767 = "_-2k0" (String#6628, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6768 = "_-6ES" (String#25760, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6769 = "_-3pQ" (String#12662, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6770 = "_-2vZ" (String#38256, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6771 = "_-1UW" (String#14539, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0LP._SafeStr_3232 package _-0LP { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_3232 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6772:int; public function get _SafeStr_6773():int { return (this._SafeStr_6772); } public function flush():Boolean { this._SafeStr_6772 = 0; return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { this._SafeStr_6772 = k.readInt(); return (true); } } }//package _-0LP // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3232 = "_-1dZ" (String#9817, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6772 = "_-Pv" (String#23378, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6773 = "_-0S5" (String#33216, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0LP._SafeStr_3245 package _-0LP { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_3245 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6774:int; private var _SafeStr_6775:int; private var _SafeStr_6776:Boolean; public function get openHour():int { return (this._SafeStr_6774); } public function get openMinute():int { return (this._SafeStr_6775); } public function get userThrownOutAtClose():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6776); } public function flush():Boolean { this._SafeStr_6774 = 0; this._SafeStr_6775 = 0; this._SafeStr_6776 = false; return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { this._SafeStr_6774 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_6775 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_6776 = k.readBoolean(); return (true); } } }//package _-0LP // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3245 = "_-3Om" (String#9797, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6774 = "_-6c-" (String#11319, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6775 = "_-51c" (String#10669, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6776 = "_-54O" (String#24870, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0LP._SafeStr_3248 package _-0LP { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_3248 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6774:int; private var _SafeStr_6775:int; public function get openHour():int { return (this._SafeStr_6774); } public function get openMinute():int { return (this._SafeStr_6775); } public function flush():Boolean { this._SafeStr_6774 = 0; this._SafeStr_6775 = 0; return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { this._SafeStr_6774 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_6775 = k.readInt(); return (true); } } }//package _-0LP // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3248 = "_-3Mw" (String#10611, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6774 = "_-6c-" (String#11319, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6775 = "_-51c" (String#10669, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0LP._SafeStr_3261 package _-0LP { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_3261 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6777:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6778:int; private var _SafeStr_6779:int = 15; public function get _SafeStr_6780():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6777); } public function get _SafeStr_6781():int { return (this._SafeStr_6778); } public function get duration():int { return (this._SafeStr_6779); } public function flush():Boolean { return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { this._SafeStr_6777 = k.readBoolean(); this._SafeStr_6778 = k.readInt(); if (k.bytesAvailable){ this._SafeStr_6779 = k.readInt(); }; return (true); } } }//package _-0LP // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3261 = "_-8W" (String#11052, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6777 = "_-5yY" (String#26874, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6778 = "_-4DJ" (String#31043, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6779 = "_-0e4" (String#1529, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6780 = "_-6fS" (String#34317, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6781 = "_-F5" (String#33604, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0LP._SafeStr_4929 package _-0LP { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4929 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6767:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6782:int; public function get isOpen():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6767); } public function get _SafeStr_6783():int { return (this._SafeStr_6782); } public function flush():Boolean { this._SafeStr_6767 = false; this._SafeStr_6782 = 0; return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { this._SafeStr_6767 = (k.readInt() > 0); this._SafeStr_6782 = k.readInt(); return (true); } } }//package _-0LP // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4929 = "_-1jA" (String#11476, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6767 = "_-2k0" (String#6628, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6782 = "_-4ij" (String#23406, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6783 = "_-5zz" (String#42207, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mf._SafeStr_2686 package _-0Mf { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_2686 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([]); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-0Mf // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2686 = "_-5O6" (String#8157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mf._SafeStr_3829 package _-0Mf { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_3829 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_3829(k:String) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return ((this._SafeStr_5686 == null)); } } }//package _-0Mf // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3829 = "_-17O" (String#3272, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mf._SafeStr_4157 package _-0Mf { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4157 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4157(k:String) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mf // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4157 = "_-0og" (String#15790, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ML._SafeStr_4727 package _-0ML { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4727 implements _SafeStr_2272 { public function flush():Boolean { return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { return (true); } } }//package _-0ML // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4727 = "_-15m" (String#13265, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ML._SafeStr_4728 package _-0ML { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4728 implements _SafeStr_2272 { public function flush():Boolean { return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { return (true); } } }//package _-0ML // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4728 = "_-1D" (String#11515, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0ML._SafeStr_4729 package _-0ML { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2272; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4729 implements _SafeStr_2272 { private var _SafeStr_6784:int = 0; public function flush():Boolean { return (true); } public function parse(k:_SafeStr_2721):Boolean { if (k == null){ return (false); }; this._SafeStr_6784 = k.readInt(); return (true); } public function get roomControllerLevel():int { return (this._SafeStr_6784); } } }//package _-0ML // _SafeStr_2272 = "_-63f" (String#255, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4729 = "_-3Zu" (String#12860, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6784 = "_-3Qe" (String#7474, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_2330 package _-0mx { public interface _SafeStr_2330 { function get iterator():_SafeStr_3272; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2330 = "_-1m4" (String#3494, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3272 = "_-4sH" (String#1600, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_2433 package _-0mx { import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.geom.Point; public interface _SafeStr_2433 { function get bitmapData():BitmapData; function get pivotPoint():uint; function set pivotPoint(_arg_1:uint):void; function get stretchedX():Boolean; function set stretchedX(_arg_1:Boolean):void; function get stretchedY():Boolean; function set stretchedY(_arg_1:Boolean):void; function get _SafeStr_6785():Number; function set _SafeStr_6785(_arg_1:Number):void; function get _SafeStr_6786():Number; function set _SafeStr_6786(_arg_1:Number):void; function get greyscale():Boolean; function set greyscale(_arg_1:Boolean):void; function get etchingColor():uint; function set etchingColor(_arg_1:uint):void; function get etchingPoint():Point; function get _SafeStr_6787():Boolean; function set _SafeStr_6787(_arg_1:Boolean):void; function get _SafeStr_6788():Boolean; function set _SafeStr_6788(_arg_1:Boolean):void; function get _SafeStr_6789():Boolean; function set _SafeStr_6789(_arg_1:Boolean):void; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2433 = "_-6OT" (String#3161, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6785 = "_-1U-" (String#4218, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6786 = "_-1eQ" (String#4517, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6787 = "_-4EU" (String#6101, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6788 = "_-nw" (String#8042, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6789 = "_-4SP" (String#8565, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_2529 package _-0mx { public interface _SafeStr_2529 { function get numChildren():int; function getChildAt(_arg_1:int):_SafeStr_2531; function getChildByID(_arg_1:int):_SafeStr_2531; function getChildByName(_arg_1:String):_SafeStr_2531; function getChildIndex(_arg_1:_SafeStr_2531):int; function _SafeStr_6790(_arg_1:uint, _arg_2:Array):uint; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2529 = "_-4ng" (String#14670, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2531 = "_-5G-" (String#1896, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6790 = "_-28x" (String#15279, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_2530 package _-0mx { public interface _SafeStr_2530 extends _SafeStr_2529 { function addChild(_arg_1:_SafeStr_2531):_SafeStr_2531; function addChildAt(_arg_1:_SafeStr_2531, _arg_2:int):_SafeStr_2531; function removeChild(_arg_1:_SafeStr_2531):_SafeStr_2531; function removeChildAt(_arg_1:int):_SafeStr_2531; function setChildIndex(_arg_1:_SafeStr_2531, _arg_2:int):void; function swapChildren(_arg_1:_SafeStr_2531, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2531):void; function swapChildrenAt(_arg_1:int, _arg_2:int):void; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2529 = "_-4ng" (String#14670, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2530 = "_-5DN" (String#12835, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2531 = "_-5G-" (String#1896, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_2531 package _-0mx { public interface _SafeStr_2531 { function get id():uint; function get name():String; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2531 = "_-5G-" (String#1896, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_2532 package _-0mx { import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import _-vq.IWindow; public interface _SafeStr_2532 { function get children():Vector.; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2532 = "_-6Nb" (String#7305, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_2533 package _-0mx { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public interface _SafeStr_2533 extends _SafeStr_3 { function set title(_arg_1:String):void; function get title():String; function set summary(_arg_1:String):void; function get summary():String; function set callback(_arg_1:Function):void; function get callback():Function; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2533 = "_-5oe" (String#12841, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_2540 package _-0mx { public class _SafeStr_2540 { public static var _SafeStr_6791:Boolean = true; public var color:uint = 0xFFFFFF; public var background:Boolean = false; public var blend:Number = 1; public var _SafeStr_6792:uint = 10; public var width_min:int = -2147483648; public var width_max:int = 2147483647; public var height_min:int = -2147483648; public var height_max:int = 2147483647; public function _SafeStr_6793():Boolean { return (((_SafeStr_6791) && ((((((((this.width_min > int.MIN_VALUE)) || ((this.height_min > int.MIN_VALUE)))) || ((this.width_max < int.MAX_VALUE)))) || ((this.height_max < int.MAX_VALUE)))))); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2540 = "_-3kq" (String#4873, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6791 = "_-5-v" (String#22270, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6792 = "_-2vs" (String#26136, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6793 = "_-5Zo" (String#37066, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_2554 package _-0mx { import flash.text.TextField; public interface _SafeStr_2554 { function get textField():TextField; function get margins():IMargins; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2554 = "_-2eb" (String#10613, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_3271 package _-0mx { public interface _SafeStr_3271 { function get minWidth():int; function get maxWidth():int; function get minHeight():int; function get maxHeight():int; function set minWidth(_arg_1:int):void; function set maxWidth(_arg_1:int):void; function set minHeight(_arg_1:int):void; function set maxHeight(_arg_1:int):void; function get isEmpty():Boolean; function setEmpty():void; function limit():void; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_3271 = "_-0t5" (String#8084, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_3272 package _-0mx { public interface _SafeStr_3272 { function get length():uint; function indexOf(_arg_1:*):int; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_3272 = "_-4sH" (String#1600, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_3567 package _-0mx { import _-vq.IWindow; import _-OK.WindowEvent; public interface _SafeStr_3567 extends IWindow { function process(_arg_1:WindowEvent):Boolean; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_3567 = "_-6cT" (String#11210, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_3597 package _-0mx { import _-vq.IWindow; public class _SafeStr_3597 implements _SafeStr_3271 { private var _SafeStr_6794:int = -2147483648; private var _SafeStr_6795:int = 2147483647; private var _SafeStr_6796:int = -2147483648; private var _SafeStr_6797:int = 2147483647; private var _SafeStr_6798:IWindow; public function _SafeStr_3597(k:IWindow) { this._SafeStr_6798 = k; } public function get minWidth():int { return (this._SafeStr_6794); } public function get maxWidth():int { return (this._SafeStr_6795); } public function get minHeight():int { return (this._SafeStr_6796); } public function get maxHeight():int { return (this._SafeStr_6797); } public function set minWidth(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6794 = k; if ((((((this._SafeStr_6794 > int.MIN_VALUE)) && (!(this._SafeStr_6798.disposed)))) && ((this._SafeStr_6798.width < this._SafeStr_6794)))){ this._SafeStr_6798.width = this._SafeStr_6794; }; } public function set maxWidth(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6795 = k; if ((((((this._SafeStr_6795 < int.MAX_VALUE)) && (!(this._SafeStr_6798.disposed)))) && ((this._SafeStr_6798.width > this._SafeStr_6795)))){ this._SafeStr_6798.width = this._SafeStr_6795; }; } public function set minHeight(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6796 = k; if ((((((this._SafeStr_6796 > int.MIN_VALUE)) && (!(this._SafeStr_6798.disposed)))) && ((this._SafeStr_6798.height < this._SafeStr_6796)))){ this._SafeStr_6798.height = this._SafeStr_6796; }; } public function set maxHeight(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6797 = k; if ((((((this._SafeStr_6797 < int.MAX_VALUE)) && (!(this._SafeStr_6798.disposed)))) && ((this._SafeStr_6798.height > this._SafeStr_6797)))){ this._SafeStr_6798.height = this._SafeStr_6797; }; } public function get isEmpty():Boolean { return ((((((((this._SafeStr_6794 == int.MIN_VALUE)) && ((this._SafeStr_6795 == int.MAX_VALUE)))) && ((this._SafeStr_6796 == int.MIN_VALUE)))) && ((this._SafeStr_6797 == int.MAX_VALUE)))); } public function setEmpty():void { this._SafeStr_6794 = int.MIN_VALUE; this._SafeStr_6795 = int.MAX_VALUE; this._SafeStr_6796 = int.MIN_VALUE; this._SafeStr_6797 = int.MAX_VALUE; } public function limit():void { if (((!(this.isEmpty)) && (this._SafeStr_6798))){ if (this._SafeStr_6798.width < this._SafeStr_6794){ this._SafeStr_6798.width = this._SafeStr_6794; } else { if (this._SafeStr_6798.width > this._SafeStr_6795){ this._SafeStr_6798.width = this._SafeStr_6795; }; }; if (this._SafeStr_6798.height < this._SafeStr_6796){ this._SafeStr_6798.height = this._SafeStr_6796; } else { if (this._SafeStr_6798.height > this._SafeStr_6797){ this._SafeStr_6798.height = this._SafeStr_6797; }; }; }; } public function _SafeStr_5710(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:int, _arg_4:int):void { this._SafeStr_6794 = k; this._SafeStr_6795 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6796 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_6797 = _arg_4; this.limit(); } public function clone(k:IWindow):_SafeStr_3597 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_3597 = new _SafeStr_3597(k); _local_2._SafeStr_6794 = this._SafeStr_6794; _local_2._SafeStr_6795 = this._SafeStr_6795; _local_2._SafeStr_6796 = this._SafeStr_6796; _local_2._SafeStr_6797 = this._SafeStr_6797; return (_local_2); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_3271 = "_-0t5" (String#8084, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3597 = "_-1WD" (String#5760, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5710 = "_-2Pb" (String#1343, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6794 = "_-230" (String#6543, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6795 = "_-5b3" (String#4566, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6796 = "_-1IO" (String#5356, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6797 = "_-1qY" (String#5405, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6798 = "_-6fj" (String#1815, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_3601 package _-0mx { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-15X.Map; public interface _SafeStr_3601 extends _SafeStr_3 { function parseAndConstruct(_arg_1:XML, _arg_2:IWindow, _arg_3:Map):IWindow; function _SafeStr_6799(_arg_1:IWindow):String; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3601 = "_-5a3" (String#10972, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6799 = "_-1k0" (String#10682, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_3607 package _-0mx { import _-RV._SafeStr_2549; import _-tc.IDesktopWindow; import _-vq.IWindow; import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import _-vq._SafeStr_635; public class _SafeStr_3607 { public var renderer:_SafeStr_2549; public var desktop:IDesktopWindow; public var _SafeStr_6800:IWindow; public var _SafeStr_6801:IWindow; public var _SafeStr_6802:Vector.<_SafeStr_635>; public function _SafeStr_3607(k:_SafeStr_2549, _arg_2:IDesktopWindow, _arg_3:IWindow, _arg_4:IWindow, _arg_5:Vector.<_SafeStr_635>) { this.renderer = k; this.desktop = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6800 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_6801 = _arg_4; this._SafeStr_6802 = _arg_5; } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2549 = "_-3aE" (String#6548, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3607 = "_-4yw" (String#7669, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_635 = "_-4un" (String#3491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6800 = "_-08Z" (String#16816, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6801 = "_-4m4" (String#15105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6802 = "_-5DR" (String#14314, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_3608 package _-0mx { import flash.events.Event; public interface _SafeStr_3608 { function get length():uint; function begin():void; function next():Event; function remove():void; function end():void; function flush():void; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_3608 = "_-28C" (String#8100, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_3610 package _-0mx { import flash.geom.Point; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.events.IEventDispatcher; public class _SafeStr_3610 extends GenericEventQueue { protected var _SafeStr_6803:Point; public function _SafeStr_3610(k:IEventDispatcher) { super(k); this._SafeStr_6803 = new Point(); _eventDispatcher.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_6804, false); _eventDispatcher.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, this._SafeStr_6804, false); _eventDispatcher.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, this._SafeStr_6804, false); _eventDispatcher.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, this._SafeStr_6804, false); _eventDispatcher.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, this._SafeStr_6804, false); _eventDispatcher.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, this._SafeStr_6804, false); } public function get _SafeStr_6805():Point { return (this._SafeStr_6803); } override public function dispose():void { if (!_disposed){ _eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_6804, false); _eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, this._SafeStr_6804, false); _eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, this._SafeStr_6804, false); _eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, this._SafeStr_6804, false); _eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, this._SafeStr_6804, false); _eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, this._SafeStr_6804, false); super.dispose(); }; } private function _SafeStr_6804(k:MouseEvent):void { this._SafeStr_6803.x = k.stageX; this._SafeStr_6803.y = k.stageY; _SafeStr_6806.push(k); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_3610 = "_-6Dv" (String#19346, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6803 = "_-0M4" (String#20660, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6804 = "_-0z1" (String#6554, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6805 = "_-0z5" (String#45387, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6806 = "_-47w" (String#6400, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_3611 package _-0mx { public interface _SafeStr_3611 { function process(_arg_1:_SafeStr_3607, _arg_2:_SafeStr_3608):void; } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_3607 = "_-4yw" (String#7669, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3608 = "_-28C" (String#8100, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3611 = "_-1hM" (String#15596, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx._SafeStr_3685 package _-0mx { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_3685 implements IMargins, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6807:int; private var _SafeStr_6808:int; private var _top:int; private var _SafeStr_6809:int; private var _SafeStr_6810:Function; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; public function _SafeStr_3685(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:int, _arg_4:int, _arg_5:Function) { this._SafeStr_6807 = k; this._top = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6808 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_6809 = _arg_4; this._SafeStr_6810 = (((_arg_5)!=null) ? _arg_5 : this._SafeStr_6811); } public function get left():int { return (this._SafeStr_6807); } public function get right():int { return (this._SafeStr_6808); } public function get top():int { return (this._top); } public function get bottom():int { return (this._SafeStr_6809); } public function set left(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6807 = k; this._SafeStr_6810(this); } public function set right(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6808 = k; this._SafeStr_6810(this); } public function set top(k:int):void { this._top = k; this._SafeStr_6810(this); } public function set bottom(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_6809 = k; this._SafeStr_6810(this); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function get _SafeStr_6812():Boolean { return ((((((((this._SafeStr_6807 == 0)) && ((this._SafeStr_6808 == 0)))) && ((this._top == 0)))) && ((this._SafeStr_6809 == 0)))); } public function _SafeStr_5710(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:int, _arg_4:int, _arg_5:Function):void { this._SafeStr_6807 = k; this._top = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6808 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_6809 = _arg_4; this._SafeStr_6810 = (((_arg_5)!=null) ? _arg_5 : this._SafeStr_6811); } public function clone(k:Function):_SafeStr_3685 { return (new _SafeStr_3685(this._SafeStr_6807, this._top, this._SafeStr_6808, this._SafeStr_6809, k)); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6810 = null; this._disposed = true; } private function _SafeStr_6811(k:IMargins):void { } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3685 = "_-4Jl" (String#4066, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5710 = "_-2Pb" (String#1343, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6807 = "_-2Tq" (String#12563, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6808 = "_-5Si" (String#12855, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6809 = "_-14U" (String#13371, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6810 = "_-Jl" (String#2387, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6811 = "_-64r" (String#27613, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6812 = "_-6C8" (String#45713, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.ChildEntityArray package _-0mx { public class ChildEntityArray extends ChildEntityArrayReader implements _SafeStr_2530 { public function removeChild(k:_SafeStr_2531):_SafeStr_2531 { var _local_2:int = _SafeStr_6039.indexOf(k); if (_local_2 < 0){ return (null); }; _SafeStr_6039.splice(_local_2, 1); return (k); } public function addChild(k:_SafeStr_2531):_SafeStr_2531 { _SafeStr_6039.push(k); return (k); } public function addChildAt(k:_SafeStr_2531, _arg_2:int):_SafeStr_2531 { _SafeStr_6039.splice(_arg_2, 0, k); return (k); } public function removeChildAt(k:int):_SafeStr_2531 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2531 = _SafeStr_6039[k]; if (_local_2 != null){ _SafeStr_6039.splice(k, 1); return (_local_2); }; return (null); } public function setChildIndex(k:_SafeStr_2531, _arg_2:int):void { var _local_3:int = _SafeStr_6039.indexOf(k); if ((((_local_3 > -1)) && (!((_arg_2 == _local_3))))){ _SafeStr_6039.splice(_local_3, 1); _SafeStr_6039.splice(_arg_2, 0, k); }; } public function swapChildren(k:_SafeStr_2531, _arg_2:_SafeStr_2531):void { var _local_3:int; var _local_4:int; var _local_5:_SafeStr_2531; var _local_6:int; if (((((!((k == null))) && (!((_arg_2 == null))))) && (!((k == _arg_2))))){ _local_3 = _SafeStr_6039.indexOf(k); if (_local_3 < 0){ return; }; _local_4 = _SafeStr_6039.indexOf(_arg_2); if (_local_4 < 0){ return; }; if (_local_4 < _local_3){ _local_5 = k; k = _arg_2; _arg_2 = _local_5; _local_6 = _local_3; _local_3 = _local_4; _local_4 = _local_6; }; _SafeStr_6039.splice(_local_4, 1); _SafeStr_6039.splice(_local_3, 1); _SafeStr_6039.splice(_local_3, 0, _arg_2); _SafeStr_6039.splice(_local_4, 0, k); }; } public function swapChildrenAt(k:int, _arg_2:int):void { this.swapChildren(_SafeStr_6039[k], _SafeStr_6039[_arg_2]); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2530 = "_-5DN" (String#12835, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2531 = "_-5G-" (String#1896, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.ChildEntityArrayReader package _-0mx { import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import __AS3__.vec.*; public class ChildEntityArrayReader implements _SafeStr_2529 { protected var _SafeStr_6039:Vector.<_SafeStr_2531>; public function ChildEntityArrayReader() { this._SafeStr_6039 = new Vector.<_SafeStr_2531>(); super(); } public function get numChildren():int { return (this._SafeStr_6039.length); } public function getChildAt(k:int):_SafeStr_2531 { return (this._SafeStr_6039[k]); } public function getChildByID(k:int):_SafeStr_2531 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2531; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6039) { if (_local_2.id == k){ return (_local_2); }; }; return (null); } public function getChildByName(k:String):_SafeStr_2531 { var _local_2:_SafeStr_2531; for each (_local_2 in this._SafeStr_6039) { if (_local_2.name == k){ return (_local_2); }; }; return (null); } public function getChildIndex(k:_SafeStr_2531):int { return (this._SafeStr_6039.indexOf(k)); } public function _SafeStr_6790(k:uint, _arg_2:Array):uint { var _local_3:_SafeStr_2531; var _local_4:uint; for each (_local_3 in this._SafeStr_6039) { if (_local_3.id == k){ _arg_2.push(_local_3); _local_4++; }; }; return (_local_4); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2529 = "_-4ng" (String#14670, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2531 = "_-5G-" (String#1896, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6790 = "_-28x" (String#15279, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.GenericEventQueue package _-0mx { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import flash.events.IEventDispatcher; import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import flash.events.Event; import __AS3__.vec.*; public class GenericEventQueue implements _SafeStr_3608, _SafeStr_3 { protected var _disposed:Boolean = false; protected var _eventDispatcher:IEventDispatcher; protected var _SafeStr_6806:Vector.; protected var _index:uint = 0; protected var _SafeStr_6813:Boolean = true; public function GenericEventQueue(k:IEventDispatcher) { this._SafeStr_6806 = new Vector.(); this._eventDispatcher = k; } public function get length():uint { return (this._SafeStr_6806.length); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function dispose():void { if (!this._disposed){ this._eventDispatcher = null; if (this._SafeStr_6806.length){ this._SafeStr_6806.splice(0, this._SafeStr_6806.length); }; this._disposed = true; }; } public function begin():void { if (!this._SafeStr_6813){ this.flush(); }; this._index = 0; this._SafeStr_6813 = false; } public function next():Event { var k:Event; if (this._index < this._SafeStr_6806.length){ k = this._SafeStr_6806[this._index]; this._index++; }; return (k); } public function remove():void { this._SafeStr_6806.splice((this._index - 1), 1); if (this._index > 0){ this._index--; }; } public function end():void { this._index = 0; this._SafeStr_6813 = true; } public function flush():void { this._SafeStr_6806.splice(0, this._SafeStr_6806.length); this._index = 0; } protected function _SafeStr_6814(k:Event):void { this._SafeStr_6806.push(k); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3608 = "_-28C" (String#8100, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6806 = "_-47w" (String#6400, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6813 = "_-55z" (String#25207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6814 = "_-4ot" (String#45519, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.IMargins package _-0mx { public interface IMargins { function get left():int; function get right():int; function get top():int; function get bottom():int; function set left(_arg_1:int):void; function set right(_arg_1:int):void; function set top(_arg_1:int):void; function set bottom(_arg_1:int):void; } }//package _-0mx //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.MouseCursorControl package _-0mx { import _-0g4._SafeStr_3452; import flash.display.Stage; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.ui.Mouse; import flash.ui.MouseCursor; public class MouseCursorControl { private static var _SafeStr_6078:uint = _SafeStr_3452.DEFAULT;//0 private static var _SafeStr_6815:Stage; private static var _SafeStr_6816:Boolean = true; private static var _disposed:Boolean = false; private static var _SafeStr_6817:Boolean = true; private static var _SafeStr_6818:DisplayObject; private static var _SafeStr_6819:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); public function MouseCursorControl(k:DisplayObject) { _SafeStr_6815 = k.stage; } public static function dispose():void { if (!_disposed){ if (_SafeStr_6818){ _SafeStr_6815.removeChild(_SafeStr_6818); _SafeStr_6815.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, _SafeStr_6820); _SafeStr_6815.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, _SafeStr_6821); _SafeStr_6815.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _SafeStr_6821); _SafeStr_6815.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _SafeStr_6821); }; _disposed = true; }; } public static function get disposed():Boolean { return (_disposed); } public static function get type():uint { return (_SafeStr_6078); } public static function set type(k:uint):void { if (_SafeStr_6078 != k){ _SafeStr_6078 = k; _SafeStr_6817 = true; }; } public static function get visible():Boolean { return (_SafeStr_6816); } public static function set visible(k:Boolean):void { _SafeStr_6816 = k; if (_SafeStr_6816){ if (_SafeStr_6818){ _SafeStr_6818.visible = true; } else { Mouse.show(); }; } else { if (_SafeStr_6818){ _SafeStr_6818.visible = false; } else { Mouse.hide(); }; }; } public static function change():void { var k:DisplayObject; if (_SafeStr_6817){ k = _SafeStr_6819[_SafeStr_6078]; if (k){ if (_SafeStr_6818){ _SafeStr_6815.removeChild(_SafeStr_6818); } else { _SafeStr_6815.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, _SafeStr_6820); _SafeStr_6815.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, _SafeStr_6821); _SafeStr_6815.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _SafeStr_6821); _SafeStr_6815.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _SafeStr_6821); Mouse.hide(); }; _SafeStr_6818 = k; _SafeStr_6815.addChild(_SafeStr_6818); } else { if (_SafeStr_6818){ _SafeStr_6815.removeChild(_SafeStr_6818); _SafeStr_6815.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, _SafeStr_6820); _SafeStr_6815.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, _SafeStr_6821); _SafeStr_6815.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _SafeStr_6821); _SafeStr_6815.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _SafeStr_6821); _SafeStr_6818 = null; Mouse.show(); }; switch (_SafeStr_6078){ case _SafeStr_3452.DEFAULT: case _SafeStr_3452._SafeStr_6152: Mouse.cursor = MouseCursor.AUTO; break; case _SafeStr_3452._SafeStr_6153: Mouse.cursor = MouseCursor.BUTTON; break; case _SafeStr_3452._SafeStr_6156: case _SafeStr_3452._SafeStr_5345: case _SafeStr_3452._SafeStr_6157: case _SafeStr_3452._SafeStr_6158: Mouse.cursor = MouseCursor.HAND; break; case _SafeStr_3452.NONE: Mouse.cursor = MouseCursor.AUTO; Mouse.hide(); break; }; }; _SafeStr_6817 = false; }; } public static function _SafeStr_6822(k:uint, _arg_2:DisplayObject):void { _SafeStr_6819[k] = _arg_2; } private static function _SafeStr_6821(k:MouseEvent):void { if (_SafeStr_6818){ _SafeStr_6818.x = (k.stageX - 2); _SafeStr_6818.y = k.stageY; if (_SafeStr_6078 == _SafeStr_3452.DEFAULT){ _SafeStr_6816 = false; Mouse.show(); } else { _SafeStr_6816 = true; Mouse.hide(); }; }; } private static function _SafeStr_6820(k:Event):void { if (((_SafeStr_6818) && (!((_SafeStr_6078 == _SafeStr_3452.DEFAULT))))){ Mouse.hide(); _SafeStr_6816 = false; }; } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_3452 = "_-65c" (String#2701, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5345 = "_-5Vs" (String#3190, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6078 = "_-07n" (String#365, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6152 = "_-0cM" (String#16771, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6153 = "_-0A4" (String#9139, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6156 = "_-0K6" (String#16165, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6157 = "_-1th" (String#25535, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6158 = "_-11u" (String#23375, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6815 = "_-1fN" (String#2307, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6816 = "_-43D" (String#1672, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6817 = "_-3Ce" (String#9903, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6818 = "_-3TT" (String#4388, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6819 = "_-3Y5" (String#18284, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6820 = "_-62G" (String#25733, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6821 = "_-68t" (String#5453, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6822 = "_-O5" (String#42721, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.MouseEventProcessor package _-0mx { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import flash.geom.Point; import _-vq.WindowController; import _-RV._SafeStr_2549; import _-tc.IDesktopWindow; import __AS3__.vec.Vector; import _-vq._SafeStr_635; import _-0g4._SafeStr_3452; import _-0g4.WindowState; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-0g4.WindowParam; import _-tc.IInteractiveWindow; import flash.display.BitmapData; import _-tc.RegionController; import _-0g4.*; public class MouseEventProcessor implements _SafeStr_3611, _SafeStr_3 { protected static var _SafeStr_6823:Array; protected static var _SafeStr_6824:Array; protected static var _SafeStr_6825:Point = new Point(); protected var _SafeStr_6826:Point; protected var _SafeStr_6827:WindowController; protected var _SafeStr_6828:WindowController; protected var _SafeStr_6829:_SafeStr_2549; protected var _SafeStr_6830:IDesktopWindow; protected var _SafeStr_6831:Vector.<_SafeStr_635>; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; public function MouseEventProcessor() { this._SafeStr_6826 = new Point(); if (_SafeStr_6823 == null){ _SafeStr_6823 = new Array(); _SafeStr_6823[0] = _SafeStr_3452._SafeStr_6153; _SafeStr_6823[1] = _SafeStr_3452.DEFAULT; _SafeStr_6823[2] = _SafeStr_3452._SafeStr_6153; _SafeStr_6823[3] = _SafeStr_3452._SafeStr_6153; _SafeStr_6823[4] = _SafeStr_3452._SafeStr_6153; _SafeStr_6823[5] = _SafeStr_3452.DEFAULT; _SafeStr_6823[6] = _SafeStr_3452._SafeStr_6153; }; if (_SafeStr_6824 == null){ _SafeStr_6824 = new Array(); _SafeStr_6824[0] = WindowState._SafeStr_6235; _SafeStr_6824[1] = WindowState._SafeStr_6236; _SafeStr_6824[2] = WindowState._SafeStr_6237; _SafeStr_6824[3] = WindowState._SafeStr_6241; _SafeStr_6824[4] = WindowState._SafeStr_6238; _SafeStr_6824[5] = WindowState._SafeStr_6239; _SafeStr_6824[6] = WindowState._SafeStr_6240; }; } public static function _SafeStr_6832(k:uint, _arg_2:uint):void { var _local_3:int = _SafeStr_6824.indexOf(k); if (_local_3 > -1){ _SafeStr_6823[_local_3] = _arg_2; }; } public static function _SafeStr_6833(k:uint):uint { var _local_2:uint = _SafeStr_6824.length; while (_local_2-- > 0) { if ((k & _SafeStr_6824[_local_2]) > 0){ return (_SafeStr_6823[_local_2]); }; }; return (_SafeStr_3452.DEFAULT); } protected static function _SafeStr_6834(k:MouseEvent, _arg_2:IWindow, _arg_3:IWindow):WindowMouseEvent { var _local_4:String; var _local_5:Point; var _local_6:Boolean; _local_5 = new Point(k.stageX, k.stageY); _arg_2._SafeStr_6835(_local_5); switch (k.type){ case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE: _local_4 = WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5345; break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER: _local_4 = WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347; break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT: _local_4 = WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348; break; case MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT: _local_4 = WindowMouseEvent.ROLL_OUT; break; case MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER: _local_4 = WindowMouseEvent.ROLL_OVER; break; case MouseEvent.CLICK: _local_4 = WindowMouseEvent.CLICK; break; case MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK: _local_4 = WindowMouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK; break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN: _local_4 = WindowMouseEvent.DOWN; break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP: _local_6 = (((((((_local_5.x > -1)) && ((_local_5.y > -1)))) && ((_local_5.x < _arg_2.width)))) && ((_local_5.y < _arg_2.height))); _local_4 = ((_local_6) ? WindowMouseEvent.UP : WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_6836); break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL: _local_4 = WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_6837; break; default: _local_4 = WindowEvent.UNKNOWN; }; return (WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_6015(_local_4, _arg_2, _arg_3, _local_5.x, _local_5.y, k.stageX, k.stageY, k.altKey, k.ctrlKey, k.shiftKey, k.buttonDown, k.delta)); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function dispose():void { if (!this._disposed){ this._disposed = true; }; } public function process(state:_SafeStr_3607, eventQueue:_SafeStr_3608):void { var event:MouseEvent; var index:int; var child:WindowController; var array:Array; var tempWindowEvent:WindowEvent; var window:IWindow; var temp:IWindow; if (eventQueue.length == 0){ return; }; this._SafeStr_6830 = state.desktop; this._SafeStr_6828 = (state._SafeStr_6800 as WindowController); this._SafeStr_6827 = (state._SafeStr_6801 as WindowController); this._SafeStr_6829 = state.renderer; this._SafeStr_6831 = state._SafeStr_6802; eventQueue.begin(); this._SafeStr_6826.x = -1; this._SafeStr_6826.y = -1; var mouseCursorType:int = _SafeStr_3452.DEFAULT; while (true) { event = (eventQueue.next() as MouseEvent); if (event == null) break; if (((!((event.stageX == this._SafeStr_6826.x))) || (!((event.stageY == this._SafeStr_6826.y))))){ this._SafeStr_6826.x = event.stageX; this._SafeStr_6826.y = event.stageY; array = new Array(); this._SafeStr_6830.groupParameterFilteredChildrenUnderPoint(this._SafeStr_6826, array, WindowParam._SafeStr_6180); }; index = (((array)!=null) ? array.length : 0); if (index == 0){ switch (event.type){ case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE: if (((!((this._SafeStr_6828 == this._SafeStr_6830))) && (!(this._SafeStr_6828.disposed)))){ this._SafeStr_6828.getGlobalPosition(_SafeStr_6825); tempWindowEvent = WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_6015(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348, this._SafeStr_6828, null, (event.stageX - _SafeStr_6825.x), (event.stageY - _SafeStr_6825.y), event.stageX, event.stageY, event.altKey, event.ctrlKey, event.shiftKey, event.buttonDown, event.delta); this._SafeStr_6828.update(this._SafeStr_6828, tempWindowEvent); this._SafeStr_6828 = WindowController(this._SafeStr_6830); tempWindowEvent.recycle(); }; break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN: window = this._SafeStr_6830._SafeStr_6838(); if (window){ window.deactivate(); }; break; case MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP: if (this._SafeStr_6827){ array.push(this._SafeStr_6827); index = (index + 1); }; break; }; }; while (--index > -1) { child = this._SafeStr_6839(WindowController(array[index]), event); if (((!((child == null))) && (child.visible))){ if (event.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE){ if (child != this._SafeStr_6828){ if (!this._SafeStr_6828.disposed){ this._SafeStr_6828.getGlobalPosition(_SafeStr_6825); tempWindowEvent = WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_6015(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348, this._SafeStr_6828, child, (event.stageX - _SafeStr_6825.x), (event.stageY - _SafeStr_6825.y), event.stageX, event.stageY, event.altKey, event.ctrlKey, event.shiftKey, event.buttonDown, event.delta); this._SafeStr_6828.update(this._SafeStr_6828, tempWindowEvent); tempWindowEvent.recycle(); }; if (!child.disposed){ child.getGlobalPosition(_SafeStr_6825); tempWindowEvent = WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_6015(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347, child, null, (event.stageX - _SafeStr_6825.x), (event.stageY - _SafeStr_6825.y), event.stageX, event.stageY, event.altKey, event.ctrlKey, event.shiftKey, event.buttonDown, event.delta); child.update(child, tempWindowEvent); tempWindowEvent.recycle(); }; if (!child.disposed){ this._SafeStr_6828 = child; }; }; }; temp = child.parent; while (((temp) && (!(temp.disposed)))) { if ((temp is _SafeStr_3567)){ tempWindowEvent = _SafeStr_6834(event, temp, child); _SafeStr_3567(temp).process(tempWindowEvent); tempWindowEvent.recycle(); break; }; temp = temp.parent; }; if ((this._SafeStr_6828 is IInteractiveWindow)){ try { mouseCursorType = IInteractiveWindow(this._SafeStr_6828)._SafeStr_6833(this._SafeStr_6828.state); if (mouseCursorType == _SafeStr_3452.DEFAULT){ mouseCursorType = _SafeStr_6833(this._SafeStr_6828.state); }; } catch(e:Error) { mouseCursorType = _SafeStr_3452.DEFAULT; }; }; if (child != this._SafeStr_6830){ event.stopPropagation(); eventQueue.remove(); }; break; }; }; }; eventQueue.end(); MouseCursorControl.type = mouseCursorType; state.desktop = this._SafeStr_6830; state._SafeStr_6800 = this._SafeStr_6828; state._SafeStr_6801 = this._SafeStr_6827; state.renderer = this._SafeStr_6829; state._SafeStr_6802 = this._SafeStr_6831; } private function _SafeStr_6839(k:WindowController, _arg_2:MouseEvent, _arg_3:Boolean=false):WindowController { var _local_9:_SafeStr_635; var _local_10:BitmapData; if (k.disposed){ return (null); }; if (((((k._SafeStr_6840(WindowState._SafeStr_6240)) && ((_arg_2.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE)))) && ((k is RegionController)))){ return (k); }; if (k._SafeStr_6840(WindowState._SafeStr_6240)){ return (null); }; var _local_4:Boolean; var _local_5:Point = new Point(_arg_2.stageX, _arg_2.stageY); k._SafeStr_6835(_local_5); if (_arg_2.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP){ if (k != this._SafeStr_6827){ if (((this._SafeStr_6827) && (!(this._SafeStr_6827.disposed)))){ this._SafeStr_6827.update(this._SafeStr_6827, _SafeStr_6834(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, false, true, _arg_2.localX, _arg_2.localY, null, _arg_2.ctrlKey, _arg_2.altKey, _arg_2.shiftKey, _arg_2.buttonDown, _arg_2.delta), this._SafeStr_6827, k)); this._SafeStr_6827 = null; if (k.disposed){ return (null); }; }; } else { _local_4 = !(k._SafeStr_6841(_local_5)); }; }; if (!_local_4){ _local_10 = this._SafeStr_6829._SafeStr_6842(k); if (!k._SafeStr_6843(_local_5, _local_10)){ return (null); }; }; if (k._SafeStr_6844(WindowParam._SafeStr_6181)){ if (k.parent != null){ return (this._SafeStr_6839(WindowController(k.parent), _arg_2)); }; }; if (!_arg_3){ switch (_arg_2.type){ case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN: this._SafeStr_6827 = k; break; case MouseEvent.CLICK: if (this._SafeStr_6827 != k){ return (null); }; this._SafeStr_6827 = null; break; case MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK: if (this._SafeStr_6827 != k){ return (null); }; this._SafeStr_6827 = null; break; }; }; var _local_6:IWindow; var _local_7:WindowMouseEvent = _SafeStr_6834(_arg_2, k, _local_6); var _local_8:Boolean = k.update(k, _local_7); for each (_local_9 in this._SafeStr_6831) { _local_9._SafeStr_6845(_local_7, k); }; _local_7.recycle(); if (((!(_local_8)) && (!(_arg_3)))){ if (k.parent){ return (this._SafeStr_6839(WindowController(k.parent), _arg_2)); }; }; return (k); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2549 = "_-3aE" (String#6548, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3452 = "_-65c" (String#2701, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3567 = "_-6cT" (String#11210, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3607 = "_-4yw" (String#7669, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3608 = "_-28C" (String#8100, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3611 = "_-1hM" (String#15596, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5345 = "_-5Vs" (String#3190, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5347 = "_-5mq" (String#585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5348 = "_-38T" (String#626, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6015 = "_-6kl" (String#978, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6153 = "_-0A4" (String#9139, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6180 = "_-0bq" (String#2582, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6181 = "_-3hi" (String#9090, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6235 = "_-0u7" (String#4720, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6236 = "_-1zp" (String#4642, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6237 = "_-35Q" (String#4219, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6238 = "_-PB" (String#3339, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6239 = "_-1Hb" (String#4135, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6240 = "_-Ry" (String#3240, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6241 = "_-4pQ" (String#4309, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_635 = "_-4un" (String#3491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6800 = "_-08Z" (String#16816, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6801 = "_-4m4" (String#15105, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6802 = "_-5DR" (String#14314, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6823 = "_-60b" (String#6613, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6824 = "_-0uD" (String#5834, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6825 = "_-5i1" (String#6908, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6826 = "_-6Ta" (String#9466, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6827 = "_-20s" (String#4404, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6828 = "_-5GY" (String#3756, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6829 = "_-1bx" (String#2886, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6830 = "_-2QQ" (String#2815, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6831 = "_-45a" (String#13247, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6832 = "_-1YL" (String#45317, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6833 = "_-53m" (String#9349, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6834 = "_-4db" (String#12615, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6835 = "_-0aj" (String#20809, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6836 = "_-6Gx" (String#4107, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6837 = "_-64A" (String#8208, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6838 = "_-1XH" (String#18738, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6839 = "_-3mE" (String#21612, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6840 = "_-1Ps" (String#3545, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6841 = "_-5W6" (String#27575, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6842 = "_-54Q" (String#26173, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6843 = "_-5RF" (String#38814, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6844 = "_-5ky" (String#1172, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6845 = "_-0sF" (String#20309, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.ParamCodeTable package _-0mx { import _-0g4.WindowParam; import flash.utils.Dictionary; public class ParamCodeTable extends WindowParam { public static function _SafeStr_6846(k:Dictionary, _arg_2:Dictionary=null):void { var _local_3:String; k["null"] = _SafeStr_6179; k["bound_to_parent_rect"] = _SafeStr_6185; k["child_window"] = _SafeStr_6230; k["embedded_controller"] = _SafeStr_6231; k["expand_to_accommodate_children"] = _SafeStr_6200; k["input_event_processor"] = _SafeStr_6180; k["internal_event_handling"] = _SafeStr_6183; k["mouse_dragging_target"] = _SafeStr_6202; k["mouse_dragging_trigger"] = _SafeStr_6203; k["mouse_scaling_target"] = _SafeStr_6205; k["mouse_scaling_trigger"] = _SafeStr_6208; k["horizontal_mouse_scaling_trigger"] = _SafeStr_6206; k["vertical_mouse_scaling_trigger"] = _SafeStr_6207; k["observe_parent_input_events"] = _SafeStr_6182; k["parent_window"] = _SafeStr_6229; k["resize_to_accommodate_children"] = _SafeStr_6201; k["relative_horizontal_scale_center"] = _SafeStr_6189; k["relative_horizontal_scale_fixed"] = _SafeStr_6186; k["relative_horizontal_scale_move"] = _SafeStr_6187; k["relative_horizontal_scale_strech"] = _SafeStr_6188; k["relative_scale_center"] = _SafeStr_6199; k["relative_scale_fixed"] = _SafeStr_6196; k["relative_scale_move"] = _SafeStr_6197; k["relative_scale_strech"] = _SafeStr_6198; k["relative_vertical_scale_center"] = _SafeStr_6194; k["relative_vertical_scale_fixed"] = _SafeStr_6191; k["relative_vertical_scale_move"] = _SafeStr_6192; k["relative_vertical_scale_strech"] = _SafeStr_6193; k["on_resize_align_left"] = _SafeStr_6218; k["on_resize_align_right"] = _SafeStr_6220; k["on_resize_align_center"] = _SafeStr_6219; k["on_resize_align_top"] = _SafeStr_6221; k["on_resize_align_bottom"] = _SafeStr_6223; k["on_resize_align_middle"] = _SafeStr_6222; k["on_accommodate_align_left"] = _SafeStr_6211; k["on_accommodate_align_right"] = _SafeStr_6212; k["on_accommodate_align_center"] = _SafeStr_6213; k["on_accommodate_align_top"] = _SafeStr_6214; k["on_accommodate_align_bottom"] = _SafeStr_6215; k["on_accommodate_align_middle"] = _SafeStr_6216; k["route_input_events_to_parent"] = _SafeStr_6181; k["use_parent_graphic_context"] = _SafeStr_6184; k["draggable_with_mouse"] = _SafeStr_6204; k["scalable_with_mouse"] = _SafeStr_6210; k["reflect_horizontal_resize_to_parent"] = _SafeStr_6226; k["reflect_vertical_resize_to_parent"] = _SafeStr_6227; k["reflect_resize_to_parent"] = _SafeStr_6228; k["force_clipping"] = _SafeStr_6232; k["inherit_caption"] = _SafeStr_6233; if (_arg_2 != null){ for (_local_3 in k) { _arg_2[k[_local_3]] = _local_3; }; }; } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_6179 = "_-6Yj" (String#5655, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6180 = "_-0bq" (String#2582, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6181 = "_-3hi" (String#9090, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6182 = "_-1bO" (String#17243, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6183 = "_-669" (String#16715, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6184 = "_-12O" (String#2179, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6185 = "_-6H0" (String#5250, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6186 = "_-RB" (String#5083, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6187 = "_-2Uy" (String#8999, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6188 = "_-351" (String#7521, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6189 = "_-09E" (String#7475, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6191 = "_-5ub" (String#5707, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6192 = "_-3-T" (String#8542, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6193 = "_-3-e" (String#6533, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6194 = "_-5O7" (String#7423, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6196 = "_-2oX" (String#15743, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6197 = "_-6M0" (String#21340, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6198 = "_-JC" (String#17735, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6199 = "_-5Ht" (String#17347, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6200 = "_-6N9" (String#4321, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6201 = "_-0OE" (String#4256, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6202 = "_-1d2" (String#9716, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6203 = "_-1aT" (String#9913, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6204 = "_-6jH" (String#17742, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6205 = "_-2Po" (String#6962, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6206 = "_-wU" (String#8085, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6207 = "_-3KD" (String#8576, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6208 = "_-4NE" (String#11647, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6210 = "_-m0" (String#17449, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6211 = "_-2TZ" (String#18995, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6212 = "_-4M4" (String#11676, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6213 = "_-4co" (String#15176, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6214 = "_-3CC" (String#18013, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6215 = "_-2U4" (String#12606, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6216 = "_-rH" (String#15111, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6218 = "_-4hy" (String#15096, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6219 = "_-4Qi" (String#11560, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6220 = "_-4w3" (String#12303, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6221 = "_-02q" (String#16399, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6222 = "_-6cm" (String#11667, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6223 = "_-1R" (String#10967, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6226 = "_-49y" (String#13198, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6227 = "_-2yl" (String#12413, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6228 = "_-3N2" (String#9664, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6229 = "_-sv" (String#18696, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6230 = "_-3Yq" (String#18055, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6231 = "_-6l7" (String#18303, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6232 = "_-6Qo" (String#6463, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6233 = "_-5QK" (String#19554, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6846 = "_-0HM" (String#11726, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.PropertyStruct package _-0mx { import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import _-15X.Map; import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName; public class PropertyStruct { public static const _SafeStr_6847:String = "hex"; public static const _SafeStr_6848:String = "int"; public static const _SafeStr_6849:String = "uint"; public static const NUMBER:String = "Number"; public static const _SafeStr_6850:String = "Boolean"; public static const STRING:String = "String"; public static const _SafeStr_6851:String = "Point"; public static const _SafeStr_6852:String = "Rectangle"; public static const _SafeStr_6853:String = "Array"; public static const _SafeStr_6854:String = "Map"; private var _SafeStr_6855:String; private var _SafeStr_6856:Object; private var _SafeStr_6078:String; private var _SafeStr_6857:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6858:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_6859:Array; public function PropertyStruct(k:String, _arg_2:Object, _arg_3:String, _arg_4:Boolean=false, _arg_5:Array=null) { this._SafeStr_6855 = k; this._SafeStr_6856 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6078 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_6857 = _arg_4; this._SafeStr_6858 = (((((((_arg_3 == _SafeStr_6854)) || ((_arg_3 == _SafeStr_6853)))) || ((_arg_3 == _SafeStr_6851)))) || ((_arg_3 == _SafeStr_6852))); this._SafeStr_6859 = _arg_5; } public function get key():String { return (this._SafeStr_6855); } public function get value():Object { return (this._SafeStr_6856); } public function get type():String { return (this._SafeStr_6078); } public function get valid():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6857); } public function get _SafeStr_6860():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6859); } public function _SafeStr_6861(k:String):PropertyStruct { return (new PropertyStruct(((k + ":") + this._SafeStr_6855), this._SafeStr_6856, this._SafeStr_6078, this._SafeStr_6857, this._SafeStr_6859)); } public function _SafeStr_6862():PropertyStruct { return (new PropertyStruct(this._SafeStr_6855.replace(/.*:/, ""), this._SafeStr_6856, this._SafeStr_6078, this._SafeStr_6857, this._SafeStr_6859)); } public function _SafeStr_6863(k:Object):PropertyStruct { var _local_3:Array; var _local_4:Array; var _local_5:int; var _local_2:Boolean = true; switch (this._SafeStr_6078){ case _SafeStr_6849: case _SafeStr_6847: _local_2 = !((uint(this._SafeStr_6856) == uint(k))); break; case _SafeStr_6848: _local_2 = !((int(this._SafeStr_6856) == int(k))); break; case NUMBER: _local_2 = !((Number(this._SafeStr_6856) == Number(k))); break; case _SafeStr_6850: _local_2 = !((Boolean(this._SafeStr_6856) == Boolean(k))); break; case STRING: _local_2 = !((String(this._SafeStr_6856) == String(k))); break; case _SafeStr_6853: _local_3 = (this._SafeStr_6856 as Array); _local_4 = (k as Array); if (((((!((_local_3 == null))) && (!((_local_4 == null))))) && ((_local_3.length == _local_4.length)))){ _local_2 = false; _local_5 = 0; while (_local_5 < _local_4.length) { if (_local_3[_local_5] != _local_4[_local_5]){ _local_2 = true; break; }; _local_5++; }; }; break; }; if (_local_2){ return (new PropertyStruct(this._SafeStr_6855, k, this.type, true, this._SafeStr_6859)); }; return (this); } public function toString():String { switch (this._SafeStr_6078){ case _SafeStr_6847: return (("0x" + uint(this._SafeStr_6856).toString(16))); case _SafeStr_6850: return ((((Boolean(this._SafeStr_6856))==true) ? "true" : "false")); case _SafeStr_6851: return ((((("Point(" + Point(this._SafeStr_6856).x) + ", ") + Point(this._SafeStr_6856).y) + ")")); case _SafeStr_6852: return ((((((((("Rectangle(" + Rectangle(this._SafeStr_6856).x) + ", ") + Rectangle(this._SafeStr_6856).y) + ", ") + Rectangle(this._SafeStr_6856).width) + ", ") + Rectangle(this._SafeStr_6856).height) + ")")); }; return (String(this.value)); } public function toXMLString():String { var k:String; var _local_2:int; var _local_3:Map; var _local_4:Array; var _local_5:Point; var _local_6:Rectangle; switch (this._SafeStr_6078){ case _SafeStr_6854: _local_3 = (this._SafeStr_6856 as Map); k = (((('\r\r<') + this._SafeStr_6078) + ">\r"); _local_2 = 0; while (_local_2 < _local_3.length) { k = (k + (((((('\r')); _local_2++; }; k = (k + (("\r\r")); break; case _SafeStr_6853: _local_4 = (this._SafeStr_6856 as Array); k = (((('\r\r<') + this._SafeStr_6078) + ">\r"); _local_2 = 0; while (_local_2 < _local_4.length) { k = (k + (((((('\r')); _local_2++; }; k = (k + (("\r\r")); break; case _SafeStr_6851: _local_5 = (this._SafeStr_6856 as Point); k = (((('\r\r<') + this._SafeStr_6078) + ">\r"); k = (k + (((('\r')); k = (k + (((('\r')); k = (k + (("\r\r")); break; case _SafeStr_6852: _local_6 = (this._SafeStr_6856 as Rectangle); k = (((('\r\r<') + this._SafeStr_6078) + ">\r"); k = (k + (((('\r')); k = (k + (((('\r')); k = (k + (((('\r')); k = (k + (((('\r')); k = (k + (("\r\r")); break; case _SafeStr_6847: k = (((((((''); break; default: k = ((((((''); }; return (k); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_5645 = "_-3rg" (String#915, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6078 = "_-07n" (String#365, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6847 = "_-2SY" (String#5954, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6848 = "_-2j8" (String#2873, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6849 = "_-0yp" (String#4874, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6850 = "_-67V" (String#4136, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6851 = "_-5jx" (String#8155, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6852 = "_-5J4" (String#8040, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6853 = "_-24r" (String#6274, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6854 = "_-6P" (String#8591, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6855 = "_-2ru" (String#3123, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6856 = "_-1mN" (String#1148, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6857 = "_-1Qy" (String#20395, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6858 = "_-4Qq" (String#37785, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6859 = "_-18m" (String#14855, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6860 = "_-0QT" (String#40129, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6861 = "_-3z-" (String#27644, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6862 = "_-1ib" (String#29416, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6863 = "_-6Wp" (String#1901, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6864 = "_-W-" (String#2113, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.StateCodeTable package _-0mx { import _-0g4.WindowState; import flash.utils.Dictionary; public class StateCodeTable { public static function _SafeStr_6846(k:Dictionary, _arg_2:Dictionary=null):void { var _local_3:String; k["default"] = WindowState._SafeStr_6234; k["active"] = WindowState._SafeStr_6235; k["focused"] = WindowState._SafeStr_6236; k["hovering"] = WindowState._SafeStr_6237; k["selected"] = WindowState._SafeStr_6238; k["pressed"] = WindowState._SafeStr_6239; k["disabled"] = WindowState._SafeStr_6240; k["locked"] = WindowState._SafeStr_6241; if (_arg_2 != null){ for (_local_3 in k) { _arg_2[k[_local_3]] = _local_3; }; }; } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_6234 = "_-2CN" (String#4679, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6235 = "_-0u7" (String#4720, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6236 = "_-1zp" (String#4642, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6237 = "_-35Q" (String#4219, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6238 = "_-PB" (String#3339, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6239 = "_-1Hb" (String#4135, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6240 = "_-Ry" (String#3240, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6241 = "_-4pQ" (String#4309, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6846 = "_-0HM" (String#11726, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.TextFieldCache package _-0mx { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; import _-15X.Map; import flash.events.Event; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFormat; import flash.text.FontStyle; import flash.text.AntiAliasType; import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize; import _-15X.FontEnum; public class TextFieldCache implements _SafeStr_3 { private static var _SafeStr_6865:Map = new Map(); private static var _SafeStr_6866:TextFieldCache = new (TextFieldCache)(); private var _disposed:Boolean = false; public function TextFieldCache() { if (_SafeStr_6866 == null){ TextStyleManager.events.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, this._SafeStr_6867); }; } public static function _SafeStr_6868(k:TextStyle):TextField { var _local_2:TextField = _SafeStr_6865[k.name]; if (_local_2){ return (_local_2); }; _local_2 = new TextField(); var _local_3:TextFormat = _local_2.defaultTextFormat; if (!k){ k = TextStyleManager.getStyle(TextStyleManager.REGULAR); }; _local_3.font = k.fontFamily; _local_3.size = k.fontSize; _local_3.color = k.color; _local_3.bold = (((k.fontWeight == FontStyle.BOLD)) ? true : null); _local_3.italic = (((k.fontStyle == FontStyle.ITALIC)) ? true : null); _local_3.underline = (((k.textDecoration == TextStyle._SafeStr_6869)) ? true : null); _local_3.indent = k.textIndent; _local_3.leading = k.leading; _local_3.kerning = k.kerning; _local_3.letterSpacing = k.letterSpacing; _local_2.antiAliasType = (((k.antiAliasType == AntiAliasType.ADVANCED)) ? AntiAliasType.ADVANCED : AntiAliasType.NORMAL); _local_2.sharpness = ((k.sharpness) ? (k.sharpness as int) : 0); _local_2.thickness = ((k.thickness) ? (k.thickness as int) : 0); if (!k.fontWeight){ _local_3.bold = false; }; if (!k.fontStyle){ _local_3.italic = false; }; if (!k.textDecoration){ _local_3.underline = false; }; if (!k.textIndent){ _local_3.indent = 0; }; if (!k.leading){ _local_3.leading = 0; }; if (!k.kerning){ _local_3.kerning = false; }; if (!k.letterSpacing){ _local_3.letterSpacing = 0; }; if (!k.antiAliasType){ _local_2.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.NORMAL; }; _local_2.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; _local_2.setTextFormat(_local_3); _local_2.embedFonts = FontEnum._SafeStr_6870(_local_3.font); _local_2.defaultTextFormat = _local_3; _SafeStr_6865[k.name] = _local_2; return (_local_2); } public static function _SafeStr_6871(k:String):TextField { var _local_2:TextStyle = TextStyleManager.getStyle(k); if (!_local_2){ return (null); }; return (_SafeStr_6868(_local_2)); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function dispose():void { TextStyleManager.events.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, this._SafeStr_6867); _SafeStr_6865.reset(); _SafeStr_6866 = null; this._disposed = true; } private function _SafeStr_6867(k:Event):void { _SafeStr_6865.reset(); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6865 = "_-3JE" (String#12886, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6866 = "_-3UL" (String#4507, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6867 = "_-1TS" (String#8856, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6868 = "_-6bo" (String#21606, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6869 = "_-2Yz" (String#7678, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6870 = "_-3kA" (String#27636, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6871 = "_-3hT" (String#37620, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.TextStyle package _-0mx { public class TextStyle { public static const NORMAL:String = "normal"; public static const ITALIC:String = "italic"; public static const BOLD:String = "bold"; public static const _SafeStr_6869:String = "underline"; public static const NONE:String = "none"; public static const ADVANCED:String = "advanced"; public static const TOP_LEFT:String = "top-left"; public static const TOP:String = "top"; public static const _SafeStr_6165:String = "top-right"; public static const LEFT:String = "left"; public static const RIGHT:String = "right"; public static const _SafeStr_6168:String = "bottom-left"; public static const BOTTOM:String = "bottom"; public static const _SafeStr_6170:String = "bottom-right"; public var name:String; public var color:Object; public var fontFamily:String; public var fontSize:Object = null; public var fontStyle:String = null; public var fontWeight:String = null; public var kerning:Object = null; public var leading:Object = null; public var letterSpacing:Object = null; public var textDecoration:String = null; public var textIndent:Object = null; public var antiAliasType:String = null; public var sharpness:Object = null; public var thickness:Object = null; public var etchingColor:Object = null; public var etchingPosition:Object = null; public function toString():String { var k:String = ""; k = (k + (this.name + " {\n")); if (this.color){ k = (k + (("\tcolor: #" + this.color.toString()) + ";\n")); }; if (this.fontFamily){ k = (k + (("\tfont-family: " + this.fontFamily) + ";\n")); }; if (this.fontSize){ k = (k + (("\tfont-size: " + this.fontSize) + ";\n")); }; if (this.fontStyle){ k = (k + (("\tfont-style: " + this.fontStyle) + ";\n")); }; if (this.fontWeight){ k = (k + (("\tfont-weight: " + this.fontWeight) + ";\n")); }; if (this.kerning){ k = (k + (("\tkerning: " + this.kerning) + ";\n")); }; if (this.leading){ k = (k + (("\tleading: " + this.leading) + ";\n")); }; if (this.letterSpacing){ k = (k + (("\tletter-spacing: " + this.letterSpacing) + ";\n")); }; if (this.textDecoration){ k = (k + (("\ttext-decoration: " + this.textDecoration) + ";\n")); }; if (this.textIndent){ k = (k + (("\ttext-indent: " + this.textIndent) + ";\n")); }; if (this.antiAliasType){ k = (k + (("\tanti-alias-type: " + this.antiAliasType) + ";\n")); }; if (this.sharpness){ k = (k + (("\tsharpness: " + this.sharpness) + ";\n")); }; if (this.thickness){ k = (k + (("\tthickness: " + this.thickness) + ";\n")); }; if (this.etchingColor){ k = (k + (("\tetching-color: #" + this.etchingColor.toString()) + ";\n")); }; if (this.etchingPosition){ k = (k + (("\tetching-direction: " + this.etchingPosition) + ";\n")); }; k = (k + "}"); return (k); } public function _SafeStr_6872(k:TextStyle):Boolean { return ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((this.color == k.color)) && ((this.fontFamily == k.fontFamily)))) && ((this.fontSize == k.fontSize)))) && ((this.fontStyle == k.fontStyle)))) && ((this.fontWeight == k.fontWeight)))) && ((this.kerning == k.kerning)))) && ((this.leading == k.leading)))) && ((this.letterSpacing == k.letterSpacing)))) && ((this.textDecoration == k.textDecoration)))) && ((this.textIndent == k.textIndent)))) && ((this.antiAliasType == k.antiAliasType)))) && ((this.sharpness == k.sharpness)))) && ((this.thickness == k.thickness)))) && ((this.etchingColor == k.etchingColor)))) && ((this.etchingPosition == k.etchingPosition)))); } public function clone():TextStyle { var k:TextStyle = new TextStyle(); k.name = this.name; k.color = this.color; k.fontFamily = this.fontFamily; k.fontSize = this.fontSize; k.fontStyle = this.fontStyle; k.fontWeight = this.fontWeight; k.kerning = this.kerning; k.leading = this.leading; k.letterSpacing = this.letterSpacing; k.textDecoration = this.textDecoration; k.textIndent = this.textIndent; k.antiAliasType = this.antiAliasType; k.sharpness = this.sharpness; k.thickness = this.thickness; k.etchingColor = this.etchingColor; k.etchingPosition = this.etchingPosition; return (k); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_6165 = "_-2rg" (String#4743, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6168 = "_-03T" (String#4561, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6170 = "_-5fi" (String#4995, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6869 = "_-2Yz" (String#7678, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6872 = "_-2lJ" (String#12827, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.TextStyleManager package _-0mx { import _-15X.Map; import flash.events.IEventDispatcher; import _-1HD.EventDispatcherWrapper; import flash.events.Event; import flash.text.StyleSheet; public class TextStyleManager { public static const REGULAR:String = "regular"; public static const ITALIC:String = "italic"; public static const BOLD:String = "bold"; private static var _SafeStr_6873:Map; private static var _SafeStr_6874:Array; private static var _eventDispatcher:IEventDispatcher; private static const _SafeStr_6875:String = "{"; private static const _SafeStr_6876:String = "}"; private static const _SafeStr_6877:String = "/*"; private static const _SafeStr_6878:String = "*/"; { init(); } public static function get events():IEventDispatcher { return (_eventDispatcher); } private static function init():void { var k:TextStyle; _SafeStr_6873 = new Map(); _SafeStr_6874 = new Array(); _eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcherWrapper(); k = new TextStyle(); k.name = REGULAR; k.color = 0; k.fontSize = "9"; k.fontFamily = "Courier"; k.fontStyle = "normal"; k.fontWeight = "normal"; _SafeStr_6873[k.name] = k; _SafeStr_6874.push(k.name); k = new TextStyle(); k.name = ITALIC; k.color = 0; k.fontSize = "9"; k.fontFamily = "Courier"; k.fontStyle = "italic"; k.fontWeight = "normal"; _SafeStr_6873[k.name] = k; _SafeStr_6874.push(k.name); k = new TextStyle(); k.name = BOLD; k.color = 0; k.fontSize = "9"; k.fontFamily = "Courier"; k.fontStyle = "normal"; k.fontWeight = "bold"; _SafeStr_6873[k.name] = k; _SafeStr_6874.push(k.name); } public static function getStyle(k:String):TextStyle { return (_SafeStr_6873[k]); } public static function _SafeStr_6879(k:int):TextStyle { return (_SafeStr_6873._SafeStr_5645(k)); } public static function setStyle(k:String, _arg_2:TextStyle):void { var _local_3 = !(_SafeStr_6873._SafeStr_6880(k)); _arg_2.name = k; _SafeStr_6873[k] = _arg_2; if (_local_3){ _SafeStr_6874.push(k); _eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.ADDED)); } else { _eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); }; } public static function _SafeStr_6881(k:Array, _arg_2:Boolean=false):void { var _local_4:TextStyle; var _local_5:Array; if (_arg_2){ _local_5 = [_SafeStr_6873[REGULAR], _SafeStr_6873[ITALIC], _SafeStr_6873[BOLD]]; _SafeStr_6873.reset(); _SafeStr_6873[REGULAR] = _local_5[0]; _SafeStr_6873[ITALIC] = _local_5[1]; _SafeStr_6873[BOLD] = _local_5[2]; }; var _local_3:int = _SafeStr_6873.length; for each (_local_4 in k) { _SafeStr_6873[_local_4.name] = _local_4; if (_SafeStr_6874.indexOf(_local_4.name) == -1){ _SafeStr_6874.push(_local_4.name); }; }; _eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); if (_SafeStr_6873.length != _local_3){ _eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.ADDED)); }; } public static function _SafeStr_6882(k:String):TextStyle { var _local_3:TextStyle; var _local_2:TextStyle = (parseCSS(k)[0] as TextStyle); if (_local_2){ _local_3 = _SafeStr_6873[_local_2.name]; if (((_local_3) && (_local_3._SafeStr_6872(_local_2)))){ return (_local_3); }; }; return (null); } public static function _SafeStr_6883():Array { var k:Array = new Array(); var _local_2:int = _SafeStr_6873.length; var _local_3:int; while (_local_3 < _local_2) { k.push(_SafeStr_6873._SafeStr_5645(_local_3)); _local_3++; }; return (k); } public static function _SafeStr_6884():Array { return (_SafeStr_6873._SafeStr_5569()); } public static function _SafeStr_6885():Array { return (_SafeStr_6874); } public static function parseCSS(k:String):Array { var _local_5:Object; var _local_6:TextStyle; var _local_7:String; var _local_2:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(); _local_2.parseCSS(k); var _local_3:Array = _SafeStr_6886(k); var _local_4:Array = new Array(); for each (_local_7 in _local_3) { _local_5 = _local_2.getStyle(_local_7); _local_6 = new TextStyle(); _local_6.name = _local_7; _local_6.color = ((_local_5.color) ? uint(String(_local_5.color).replace("#", "0x")) : null); _local_6.fontFamily = ((_local_5.fontFamily) ? _local_5.fontFamily : null); _local_6.fontSize = ((_local_5.fontSize) ? parseInt(String(_local_5.fontSize)) : null); _local_6.fontStyle = ((_local_5.fontStyle) ? _local_5.fontStyle : null); _local_6.fontWeight = ((_local_5.fontWeight) ? _local_5.fontWeight : null); _local_6.kerning = ((_local_5.kerning) ? (_local_5.kerning == "true") : null); _local_6.leading = ((_local_5.leading) ? parseInt(String(_local_5.leading)) : null); _local_6.letterSpacing = ((_local_5.letterSpacing) ? parseInt(_local_5.letterSpacing.toString()) : null); _local_6.textDecoration = ((_local_5.textDecoration) ? _local_5.textDecoration : null); _local_6.textIndent = ((_local_5.textIndent) ? parseInt(_local_5.textIndent.toString()) : null); _local_6.antiAliasType = ((_local_5.antiAliasType) ? _local_5.antiAliasType : null); _local_6.sharpness = ((_local_5.sharpness) ? parseInt(_local_5.sharpness) : null); _local_6.thickness = ((_local_5.thickness) ? parseInt(_local_5.thickness) : null); _local_6.etchingColor = ((_local_5.etchingColor) ? uint(String(_local_5.etchingColor).replace("#", "0x")) : null); _local_6.etchingPosition = ((_local_5.etchingPosition) ? String(_local_5.etchingPosition) : null); _local_4.push(_local_6); }; return (_local_4); } private static function _SafeStr_6886(k:String):Array { var _local_5:String; var _local_2:Array = []; var _local_3:String = k; _local_3 = _local_3.split("\t").join(""); _local_3 = _local_3.split("\n").join(""); _local_3 = _local_3.split("\r").join(""); var _local_4:Array = _local_3.split(_SafeStr_6876); if (_SafeStr_6887(k, _SafeStr_6875) != _SafeStr_6887(k, _SafeStr_6876)){ throw (new Error((((('Mismatching amount of "' + _SafeStr_6875) + '" versus "') + _SafeStr_6876) + '", please check the CSS!'))); }; for each (_local_5 in _local_4) { while (true) { if (_local_5.indexOf(_SafeStr_6877) == 0){ _local_5 = _local_5.substring((_local_5.indexOf(_SafeStr_6878) + 2), _local_5.length); } else { break; }; }; _local_5 = _local_5.slice(0, _local_5.indexOf(_SafeStr_6875)).split(" ").join(""); if (_local_5.length){ _local_2.push(_local_5); }; }; return (_local_2); } private static function _SafeStr_6887(k:String, _arg_2:String):int { var _local_3:int; var _local_4:int; while ((_local_4 = k.indexOf(_arg_2, _local_4)) != -1) { _local_4++; _local_3++; }; return (_local_3); } public static function toString():String { var _local_3:TextStyle; var k:Array = _SafeStr_6883(); var _local_2:String = ""; for each (_local_3 in k) { _local_2 = (_local_2 + (_local_3.toString() + "\n\n")); }; return (_local_2); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_5569 = "_-2vO" (String#2303, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5645 = "_-3rg" (String#915, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6872 = "_-2lJ" (String#12827, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6873 = "_-5vq" (String#3751, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6874 = "_-4lX" (String#8201, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6875 = "_-vo" (String#14709, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6876 = "_-2Yd" (String#16000, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6877 = "_-3nw" (String#24979, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6878 = "_-4h7" (String#24225, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6879 = "_-58Z" (String#42585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6880 = "_-2TD" (String#4930, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6881 = "_-5TO" (String#37077, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6882 = "_-dw" (String#29023, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6883 = "_-0AE" (String#28014, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6884 = "_-4np" (String#46527, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6885 = "_-2IQ" (String#25257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6886 = "_-0h-" (String#26667, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6887 = "_-0NG" (String#20654, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.TypeCodeTable package _-0mx { import _-0g4.WindowType; import flash.utils.Dictionary; public class TypeCodeTable extends WindowType { public static function _SafeStr_6846(k:Dictionary, _arg_2:Dictionary=null):void { var _local_3:String; k["background"] = _SafeStr_6246; k["bitmap"] = _SafeStr_6261; k["border"] = _SafeStr_6264; k["boxsizer"] = _SafeStr_6259; k["border_notify"] = _SafeStr_6267; k["bubble"] = _SafeStr_6276; k["bubble_pointer_up"] = _SafeStr_6277; k["bubble_pointer_right"] = _SafeStr_6278; k["bubble_pointer_down"] = _SafeStr_6279; k["bubble_pointer_left"] = _SafeStr_6280; k["button"] = _SafeStr_6290; k["button_thick"] = _SafeStr_6291; k["button_icon"] = _SafeStr_6292; k["button_group_left"] = _SafeStr_6297; k["button_group_center"] = _SafeStr_6298; k["button_group_right"] = _SafeStr_6299; k["checkbox"] = _SafeStr_6300; k["closebutton"] = _SafeStr_6302; k["container"] = _SafeStr_6247; k["container_button"] = _SafeStr_6273; k["display_object_wrapper"] = _SafeStr_6260; k["dropmenu"] = _SafeStr_6316; k["dropmenu_item"] = _SafeStr_6317; k["droplist"] = _SafeStr_6319; k["droplist_item"] = _SafeStr_6320; k["formatted_text"] = _SafeStr_6257; k["frame"] = _SafeStr_6268; k["frame_notify"] = _SafeStr_6271; k["header"] = _SafeStr_6249; k["html"] = _SafeStr_6254; k["icon"] = _SafeStr_6245; k["itemgrid"] = _SafeStr_6284; k["itemgrid_horizontal"] = _SafeStr_6286; k["itemgrid_vertical"] = _SafeStr_6285; k["itemlist"] = _SafeStr_6281; k["itemlist_horizontal"] = _SafeStr_6283; k["itemlist_vertical"] = _SafeStr_6282; k["label"] = _SafeStr_6255; k["maximizebox"] = _SafeStr_6304; k["menu"] = _SafeStr_6314; k["menu_item"] = _SafeStr_6315; k["submenu"] = _SafeStr_6318; k["minimizebox"] = _SafeStr_6303; k["notify"] = _SafeStr_6252; k["null"] = _SafeStr_6244; k["password"] = _SafeStr_6308; k["radiobutton"] = _SafeStr_6301; k["region"] = _SafeStr_6248; k["restorebox"] = _SafeStr_6305; k["scaler"] = _SafeStr_6324; k["scaler_horizontal"] = _SafeStr_6326; k["scaler_vertical"] = _SafeStr_6325; k["scrollbar_horizontal"] = _SafeStr_6327; k["scrollbar_vertical"] = _SafeStr_6328; k["scrollbar_slider_button_up"] = _SafeStr_6336; k["scrollbar_slider_button_down"] = _SafeStr_6334; k["scrollbar_slider_button_left"] = _SafeStr_6335; k["scrollbar_slider_button_right"] = _SafeStr_6333; k["scrollbar_slider_bar_horizontal"] = _SafeStr_6329; k["scrollbar_slider_bar_vertical"] = _SafeStr_6330; k["scrollbar_slider_track_horizontal"] = _SafeStr_6331; k["scrollbar_slider_track_vertical"] = _SafeStr_6332; k["scrollable_itemlist"] = _SafeStr_6287; k["scrollable_itemlist_vertical"] = _SafeStr_6288; k["scrollable_itemgrid_vertical"] = _SafeStr_6337; k["scrollable_itemlist_horizontal"] = _SafeStr_6289; k["selector"] = _SafeStr_6274; k["selector_list"] = _SafeStr_6275; k["static_bitmap"] = _SafeStr_6263; k["submenu"] = _SafeStr_6318; k["tab_button"] = _SafeStr_6312; k["tab_container_button"] = _SafeStr_6313; k["tab_context"] = _SafeStr_6310; k["tab_content"] = _SafeStr_6309; k["tab_selector"] = _SafeStr_6311; k["text"] = _SafeStr_6253; k["input"] = _SafeStr_6307; k["link"] = _SafeStr_6256; k["toolbar"] = _SafeStr_6250; k["tooltip"] = _SafeStr_6251; k["widget"] = _SafeStr_6258; if (_arg_2 != null){ for (_local_3 in k) { _arg_2[k[_local_3]] = _local_3; }; }; } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_6244 = "_-0zv" (String#14359, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6245 = "_-0bE" (String#13453, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6246 = "_-0dZ" (String#15990, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6247 = "_-4Yg" (String#7533, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6248 = "_-0P1" (String#7990, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6249 = "_-3N" (String#16404, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6250 = "_-5b9" (String#25559, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6251 = "_-0kL" (String#13031, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6252 = "case " (String#23176, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6253 = "_-1Za" (String#14755, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6254 = "_-2qc" (String#18621, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6255 = "_-1Fb" (String#13210, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6256 = "_-5wH" (String#18898, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6257 = "_-4DZ" (String#20273, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6258 = "_-5--" (String#18193, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6259 = "_-0qF" (String#20026, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6260 = "_-06q" (String#16527, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6261 = "_-5Fk" (String#7458, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6263 = "_-1h9" (String#12029, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6264 = "_-137" (String#10339, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6267 = "_-cE" (String#24153, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6268 = "_-1R1" (String#11402, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6271 = "_-03w" (String#24803, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6273 = "_-2H" (String#16773, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6274 = "_-0ql" (String#16299, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6275 = "_-14j" (String#16653, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6276 = "_-5s8" (String#16875, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6277 = "_-2bJ" (String#18005, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6278 = "_-6JZ" (String#19606, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6279 = "_-6fO" (String#18251, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6280 = "_-2Pw" (String#18930, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6281 = "_-3nX" (String#17607, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6282 = "_-02C" (String#10471, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6283 = "_-1Jr" (String#10873, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6284 = "_-5a1" (String#19772, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6285 = "_-4Ur" (String#16790, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6286 = "_-5oO" (String#12227, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6287 = "_-0h5" (String#22082, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6288 = "_-5RV" (String#15229, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6289 = "_-1Y8" (String#17349, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6290 = "_-60T" (String#12807, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6291 = "_-1Ie" (String#15137, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6292 = "_-5hA" (String#24500, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6297 = "_-it" (String#14419, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6298 = "_-4xT" (String#14762, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6299 = "_-0Zv" (String#14522, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6300 = "_-1ZA" (String#13875, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6301 = "_-07Y" (String#17028, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6302 = "_-36x" (String#17622, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6303 = "_-3ZU" (String#23479, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6304 = "_-40h" (String#24129, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6305 = "_-3ve" (String#22684, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6307 = "_-4Ru" (String#15860, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6308 = "_-xP" (String#13655, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6309 = "_-464" (String#18563, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6310 = "_-3FM" (String#15350, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6311 = "_-g7" (String#15982, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6312 = "_-0r1" (String#15884, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6313 = "_-3iD" (String#18187, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6314 = "_-Vj" (String#22726, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6315 = "_-5qi" (String#24671, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6316 = "_-5Dh" (String#14880, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6317 = "_-0-F" (String#11604, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6318 = "_-4F9" (String#19459, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6319 = "_-6Aj" (String#19511, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6320 = "_-6KH" (String#15056, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6324 = "_-5bx" (String#19802, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6325 = "_-6kj" (String#22643, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6326 = "_-4Kr" (String#21758, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6327 = "_-5iR" (String#12752, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6328 = "_-BW" (String#14082, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6329 = "_-6fV" (String#17747, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6330 = "_-4q5" (String#19477, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6331 = "_-5jh" (String#21338, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6332 = "_-0xb" (String#17185, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6333 = "_-2AM" (String#17412, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6334 = "_-0VD" (String#19349, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6335 = "_-lV" (String#17333, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6336 = "_-0Ls" (String#20569, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6337 = "_-0Cm" (String#15703, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6846 = "_-0HM" (String#11726, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.WindowParser package _-0mx { import flash.utils.Dictionary; import _-15X.Map; import _-vq.IWindowContext; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-15X.XMLVariableParser; import _-vq.WindowController; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.filters.BitmapFilter; import _-0g4.WindowParam; import _-tc._SafeStr_3579; import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter; import flash.utils.*; public class WindowParser implements _SafeStr_3601 { public static const _SafeStr_6888:String = "_EXCLUDE"; public static const _SafeStr_6889:String = "_INCLUDE"; public static const _SafeStr_6890:String = "_TEMP"; private static const _SafeStr_6891:String = "layout"; private static const _SafeStr_6892:String = "window"; private static const _SafeStr_6893:String = "variables"; private static const _SafeStr_6894:String = "filters"; private static const _SafeStr_6895:String = "name"; private static const _SafeStr_6896:String = "style"; private static const _SafeStr_6897:String = "dynamic_style"; private static const _SafeStr_6898:String = "params"; private static const _SafeStr_6899:String = "tags"; private static const X:String = "x"; private static const _SafeStr_6900:String = "y"; private static const _SafeStr_6901:String = "width"; private static const _SafeStr_6902:String = "height"; private static const _SafeStr_6903:String = "visible"; private static const _SafeStr_6904:String = "caption"; private static const ID:String = "id"; private static const _SafeStr_6905:String = "background"; private static const _SafeStr_6906:String = "blend"; private static const _SafeStr_6907:String = "clipping"; private static const COLOR:String = "color"; private static const _SafeStr_6908:String = "treshold"; private static const _SafeStr_6909:String = "children"; private static const _SafeStr_6910:String = "width_min"; private static const _SafeStr_6911:String = "width_max"; private static const _SafeStr_6912:String = "height_min"; private static const _SafeStr_6913:String = "height_max"; private static const TRUE:String = "true"; private static const _SafeStr_6914:String = "0"; private static const _SafeStr_6915:String = "$"; private static const COMMA:String = ","; private static const EMPTY:String = ""; private static const _SafeStr_6916:RegExp = /^(\s|\n|\r|\t|\v)*/m; private static const _SafeStr_6917:RegExp = /(\s|\n|\r|\t|\v)*$/; protected var _SafeStr_6918:Dictionary; protected var _SafeStr_6919:Dictionary; protected var _SafeStr_6920:Dictionary; protected var _SafeStr_6921:Dictionary; protected var _SafeStr_6922:Map; protected var _context:IWindowContext; private var _disposed:Boolean = false; public function WindowParser(k:IWindowContext) { this._context = k; this._SafeStr_6918 = new Dictionary(); this._SafeStr_6919 = new Dictionary(); TypeCodeTable._SafeStr_6846(this._SafeStr_6918, this._SafeStr_6919); this._SafeStr_6920 = new Dictionary(); this._SafeStr_6921 = new Dictionary(); ParamCodeTable._SafeStr_6846(this._SafeStr_6920, this._SafeStr_6921); this._SafeStr_6922 = new Map(); } private static function _SafeStr_6923(k:String):String { k = k.replace(_SafeStr_6917, EMPTY); k = k.replace(_SafeStr_6916, EMPTY); return (k); } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (this._disposed); } public function dispose():void { var k:Object; if (!this._disposed){ for (k in this._SafeStr_6918) { delete this._SafeStr_6918[k]; }; for (k in this._SafeStr_6919) { delete this._SafeStr_6919[k]; }; for (k in this._SafeStr_6920) { delete this._SafeStr_6920[k]; }; for (k in this._SafeStr_6921) { delete this._SafeStr_6921[k]; }; this._SafeStr_6922.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6922 = null; this._context = null; this._disposed = true; }; } public function parseAndConstruct(k:XML, _arg_2:IWindow, _arg_3:Map):IWindow { var _local_4:XMLList; var _local_5:uint; var _local_6:IWindow; var _local_7:uint; var _local_8:XMLList; var _local_9:XMLList; var _local_10:XML; var _local_11:XMLList; var _local_12:Array; var _local_13:uint; if (k.localName() == _SafeStr_6891){ _local_8 = k.child(_SafeStr_6893); if (_local_8.length() > 0){ _local_10 = _local_8[0]; _local_11 = XML(_local_10[0]).children(); if (_local_11.length() > 0){ if (_arg_3 == null){ _arg_3 = new Map(); }; XMLVariableParser.parseVariableList(_local_11, _arg_3); }; }; _local_9 = k.child(_SafeStr_6894).children(); if (_local_9.length() > 0){ _local_12 = new Array(); _local_13 = 0; while (_local_13 < _local_9.length()) { _local_12.push(this._SafeStr_6924(_local_9[_local_13])); _local_13++; }; _arg_2.filters = _local_12; }; _local_4 = k.child(_SafeStr_6892); _local_5 = _local_4.length(); switch (_local_5){ case 0: return (null); case 1: k = _local_4[0]; break; default: _local_7 = 0; while (_local_7 < _local_5) { _local_6 = this._SafeStr_6925(_local_4[_local_7], WindowController(_arg_2), _arg_3); _local_7++; }; return (_local_6); }; }; if (k.localName() == _SafeStr_6892){ _local_4 = k.children(); _local_5 = _local_4.length(); if (_local_5 > 1){ _local_7 = 0; while (_local_7 < _local_5) { _local_6 = this._SafeStr_6925(_local_4[_local_7], WindowController(_arg_2), _arg_3); _local_7++; }; return (_local_6); }; k = k.children()[0]; }; return ((((k)!=null) ? this._SafeStr_6925(k, WindowController(_arg_2), _arg_3) : null)); } private function _SafeStr_6925(k:XML, _arg_2:WindowController, _arg_3:Map):IWindow { var _local_4:WindowController; var _local_5:uint; var _local_6:String; var _local_17:Rectangle; var _local_19:XML; var _local_20:XMLList; var _local_21:uint; var _local_23:uint; var _local_24:Array; var _local_26:String; var _local_27:Array; var _local_28:BitmapFilter; var _local_29:_SafeStr_3272; var _local_7:String = EMPTY; var _local_8:Boolean = true; var _local_9:Boolean = true; var _local_10:String = "0x00ffffff"; var _local_11:Number = 1; var _local_12:Boolean; var _local_13:uint = 10; var _local_14:uint = (((_arg_2)!=null) ? _arg_2.style : 0); var _local_15:String = ""; var _local_16:uint; var _local_18:String = EMPTY; var _local_22:int; _local_5 = this._SafeStr_6918[k.localName()]; _local_6 = unescape(String(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6895, _arg_3, ""))); _local_14 = uint(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6896, _arg_3, _local_14)); _local_15 = String(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6897, _arg_3, "")); _local_16 = uint(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6898, _arg_3, _local_16)); _local_18 = unescape(String(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6899, _arg_3, _local_18))); _local_17 = new Rectangle(); _local_17.x = Number(this._SafeStr_6926(k, X, _arg_3, _SafeStr_6914)); _local_17.y = Number(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6900, _arg_3, _SafeStr_6914)); _local_17.width = Number(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6901, _arg_3, _SafeStr_6914)); _local_17.height = Number(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6902, _arg_3, _SafeStr_6914)); _local_8 = (this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6903, _arg_3, _local_8.toString()) == TRUE); _local_22 = int(this._SafeStr_6926(k, ID, _arg_3, _local_22.toString())); if (k.child(_SafeStr_6898).length() > 0){ _local_20 = k.child(_SafeStr_6898).children(); _local_21 = _local_20.length(); _local_23 = 0; while (_local_23 < _local_21) { _local_19 = _local_20[_local_23]; _local_26 = (this._SafeStr_6926(_local_19, _SafeStr_6895, _arg_3, "") as String); if (this._SafeStr_6920[_local_26] != null){ _local_16 = (_local_16 | this._SafeStr_6920[_local_26]); } else { throw (new Error((('Unknown window parameter "' + String(_local_19.attribute(_SafeStr_6895))) + '"!'))); }; _local_23++; }; }; _local_7 = (((_local_16 & WindowParam._SafeStr_6233)) ? ((_arg_2) ? _arg_2.caption : EMPTY) : EMPTY); _local_7 = unescape(String(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6904, _arg_3, _local_7))); if (_local_18 != EMPTY){ _local_24 = _local_18.split(COMMA); _local_21 = _local_24.length; _local_23 = 0; while (_local_23 < _local_21) { _local_24[_local_23] = WindowParser._SafeStr_6923(_local_24[_local_23]); _local_23++; }; }; _local_4 = (this._context.create(_local_6, null, _local_5, _local_14, _local_16, _local_17, null, (((_arg_2 is _SafeStr_2330)) ? null : (_arg_2)), _local_22, this._SafeStr_6927(k.child(_SafeStr_6893)[0]), _local_15, _local_24) as WindowController); if (this._SafeStr_6928(k, _SafeStr_6910)){ _local_4._SafeStr_6929.minWidth = int(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6910, _arg_3, _local_4._SafeStr_6929.minWidth)); }; if (this._SafeStr_6928(k, _SafeStr_6911)){ _local_4._SafeStr_6929.maxWidth = int(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6911, _arg_3, _local_4._SafeStr_6929.maxWidth)); }; if (this._SafeStr_6928(k, _SafeStr_6912)){ _local_4._SafeStr_6929.minHeight = int(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6912, _arg_3, _local_4._SafeStr_6929.minHeight)); }; if (this._SafeStr_6928(k, _SafeStr_6913)){ _local_4._SafeStr_6929.maxHeight = int(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6913, _arg_3, _local_4._SafeStr_6929.maxHeight)); }; _local_4._SafeStr_6929.limit(); _local_12 = (this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6905, _arg_3, _local_4.background.toString()) == TRUE); _local_11 = Number(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6906, _arg_3, _local_4.blend.toString())); _local_9 = (this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6907, _arg_3, _local_4.clipping.toString()) == TRUE); _local_10 = String(this._SafeStr_6926(k, COLOR, _arg_3, _local_4.color.toString())); _local_13 = uint(this._SafeStr_6926(k, _SafeStr_6908, _arg_3, _local_4._SafeStr_6930.toString())); if (_local_4.caption != _local_7){ _local_4.caption = _local_7; }; if (_local_4.blend != _local_11){ _local_4.blend = _local_11; }; if (_local_4.visible != _local_8){ _local_4.visible = _local_8; }; if (_local_4.clipping != _local_9){ _local_4.clipping = _local_9; }; if (_local_4.background != _local_12){ _local_4.background = _local_12; }; if (_local_4._SafeStr_6930 != _local_13){ _local_4._SafeStr_6930 = _local_13; }; var _local_25:uint = (((_local_10.charAt(1))==X) ? parseInt(_local_10, 16) : uint(_local_10)); if (_local_4.color != _local_25){ _local_4.color = _local_25; }; _local_20 = k.child(_SafeStr_6894).children(); _local_21 = _local_20.length(); if (_local_21 > 0){ _local_27 = new Array(); _local_23 = 0; while (_local_23 < _local_21) { _local_28 = (this._SafeStr_6924(_local_20[_local_23]) as BitmapFilter); if (_local_28 != null){ _local_27.push(_local_28); }; _local_23++; }; _local_4.filters = _local_27; }; if (_local_4 != null){ if (_arg_2 != null){ if ((_arg_2 is _SafeStr_2330)){ if (((((((!((_local_4.x == _local_17.x))) || (!((_local_4.y == _local_17.y))))) || (!((_local_4.width == _local_17.width))))) || (!((_local_4.height == _local_17.height))))){ if ((_local_16 & WindowParam._SafeStr_6190) == WindowParam._SafeStr_6189){ _local_4.x = _local_17.x; }; if ((_local_16 & WindowParam._SafeStr_6195) == WindowParam._SafeStr_6194){ _local_4.y = _local_17.y; }; }; try { _local_29 = _SafeStr_2330(_arg_2).iterator; } catch(e:Error) { }; if (_local_29 != null){ _local_29[_local_29.length] = _local_4; } else { _arg_2.addChild(_local_4); }; }; }; }; _local_20 = k.child(_SafeStr_6909); if (_local_20.length() > 0){ _local_19 = _local_20[0]; _local_20 = _local_19.children(); _local_21 = _local_20.length(); if ((_local_4 is _SafeStr_3579)){ _SafeStr_3579(_local_4)._SafeStr_6931(false); }; _local_23 = 0; while (_local_23 < _local_21) { this.parseAndConstruct(_local_20[_local_23], _local_4, _arg_3); _local_23++; }; }; if ((_local_4 is _SafeStr_3579)){ _SafeStr_3579(_local_4)._SafeStr_6931(true); }; return (_local_4); } private function _SafeStr_6928(k:XML, _arg_2:String):Boolean { return ((k.attribute(_arg_2).length() > 0)); } private function _SafeStr_6926(k:XML, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:Map, _arg_4:Object):Object { var _local_5:XMLList = k.attribute(_arg_2); if (_local_5.length() == 0){ return (_arg_4); }; var _local_6:String = String(_local_5); if (_arg_3 != null){ if (_local_6.charAt(0) == _SafeStr_6915){ _local_6 = _arg_3[_local_6.slice(1, _local_6.length)]; if (_local_6 == null){ throw (new Error((('Shared variable not defined: "' + k.attribute(_arg_2)) + '"!'))); }; }; }; return (_local_6); } private function _SafeStr_6927(k:XML):Array { return ((((k)!=null) ? XMLPropertyArrayParser.parse(k.children()) : new Array())); } public function _SafeStr_6799(k:IWindow):String { var _local_8:_SafeStr_3272; var _local_10:IWindow; var _local_12:uint; var _local_14:PropertyStruct; var _local_15:BitmapFilter; var _local_16:String; var _local_17:Boolean; if (k._SafeStr_6932.length < 3){ k._SafeStr_6932 = ""; }; if (k._SafeStr_6932 != ""){ k.setParamFlag(WindowParam._SafeStr_6184, false); }; var _local_2:String = EMPTY; var _local_3:String = this._SafeStr_6919[k.type]; var _local_4:uint = k.param; var _local_5:uint = k.style; var _local_6:_SafeStr_3271 = k._SafeStr_6929; var _local_7:WindowController = (k as WindowController); _local_2 = (_local_2 + ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("<" + _local_3) + ' x="') + k.x) + '"') + ' y="') + k.y) + '"') + ' width="') + k.width) + '"') + ' height="') + k.height) + '"') + ' params="') + k.param) + '"') + ' style="') + k.style) + '"') + (((k._SafeStr_6932)!=EMPTY) ? ((' dynamic_style="' + k._SafeStr_6932) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((k.name)!=EMPTY) ? ((' name="' + escape(k.name)) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((k.caption)!=EMPTY) ? ((' caption="' + escape(k.caption)) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((k.id)!=0) ? ((' id="' + k.id.toString()) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((k.color)!=0xFFFFFF) ? ((((' color="' + "0x") + k.alpha.toString(16)) + k.color.toString(16)) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((k.blend)!=1) ? ((' blend="' + k.blend.toString()) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((k.visible)!=true) ? ((' visible="' + k.visible.toString()) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((k.clipping)!=true) ? ((' clipping="' + k.clipping.toString()) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((k.background)!=false) ? ((' background="' + k.background.toString()) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((k._SafeStr_6930)!=10) ? ((' treshold="' + k._SafeStr_6930.toString()) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((k.tags.length)>0) ? ((' tags="' + escape(k.tags.toString())) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((_local_6.minWidth)>int.MIN_VALUE) ? ((' width_min="' + _local_6.minWidth) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((_local_6.maxWidth)int.MIN_VALUE) ? ((' height_min="' + _local_6.minHeight) + '"') : EMPTY)) + (((_local_6.maxHeight)\r")); if (((k.filters) && ((k.filters.length > 0)))){ _local_2 = (_local_2 + "\t\r"); for each (_local_15 in k.filters) { _local_2 = (_local_2 + (("\t\t" + this._SafeStr_6933(_local_15)) + "\r")); }; _local_2 = (_local_2 + "\t\r"); }; var _local_9:uint = _local_7.numChildren; var _local_11:String = EMPTY; if ((_local_7 is _SafeStr_2330)){ _local_8 = _SafeStr_2330(_local_7).iterator; _local_9 = _local_8.length; if (_local_9 > 0){ _local_12 = 0; while (_local_12 < _local_9) { _local_10 = (_local_8[_local_12] as IWindow); if (_local_10.tags.indexOf(WindowParser._SafeStr_6888) == -1){ _local_11 = (_local_11 + this._SafeStr_6799(_local_10)); }; _local_12++; }; }; } else { _local_9 = _local_7.numChildren; if (_local_9 > 0){ _local_12 = 0; while (_local_12 < _local_9) { _local_10 = _local_7.getChildAt(_local_12); if (_local_10.tags.indexOf(WindowParser._SafeStr_6888) == -1){ _local_11 = (_local_11 + this._SafeStr_6799(_local_10)); }; _local_12++; }; }; }; if (_local_11.length > 0){ _local_2 = (_local_2 + (("\t\r" + _local_11) + "\t\r")); }; var _local_13:Array = k.properties; if (((!((_local_13 == null))) && ((_local_13.length > 0)))){ _local_16 = "\t\r"; _local_17 = false; _local_12 = 0; while (_local_12 < _local_13.length) { _local_14 = (_local_13[_local_12] as PropertyStruct); if (_local_14.valid){ _local_16 = (_local_16 + (("\t\t" + _local_14.toXMLString()) + "\r")); _local_17 = true; }; _local_12++; }; _local_16 = (_local_16 + "\t\r"); if (_local_17){ _local_2 = (_local_2 + _local_16); }; }; _local_2 = (_local_2 + (("\r")); return (_local_2); } private function _SafeStr_6924(k:XML):BitmapFilter { var _local_3:BitmapFilter; var _local_2:String = (k.localName() as String); switch (_local_2){ case "DropShadowFilter": _local_3 = new DropShadowFilter(Number(this._SafeStr_6926(k, "distance", null, "0")), Number(this._SafeStr_6926(k, "angle", null, "45")), uint(this._SafeStr_6926(k, "color", null, "0")), Number(this._SafeStr_6926(k, "alpha", null, "1")), Number(this._SafeStr_6926(k, "blurX", null, "0")), Number(this._SafeStr_6926(k, "blurY", null, "0")), Number(this._SafeStr_6926(k, "strength", null, "1")), int(this._SafeStr_6926(k, "quality", null, "1")), Boolean((this._SafeStr_6926(k, "inner", null, "false") == "true")), Boolean((this._SafeStr_6926(k, "knockout", null, "false") == "true")), Boolean((this._SafeStr_6926(k, "hideObject", null, "false") == "true"))); break; }; return (_local_3); } private function _SafeStr_6933(k:BitmapFilter):String { var _local_2:String; if ((k is DropShadowFilter)){ _local_2 = ""); }; return (_local_2); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_2330 = "_-1m4" (String#3494, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3271 = "_-0t5" (String#8084, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3272 = "_-4sH" (String#1600, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3579 = "_-Hn" (String#6372, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3601 = "_-5a3" (String#10972, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6184 = "_-12O" (String#2179, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6189 = "_-09E" (String#7475, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6190 = "_-3R-" (String#5654, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6194 = "_-5O7" (String#7423, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6195 = "_-5M-" (String#5488, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6233 = "_-5QK" (String#19554, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6799 = "_-1k0" (String#10682, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6846 = "_-0HM" (String#11726, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6888 = "_-5sx" (String#21102, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6889 = "_-3l-" (String#27656, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6890 = "_-0Lq" (String#28107, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6891 = "_-6FW" (String#23642, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6892 = "_-mX" (String#6485, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6893 = "_-6IM" (String#20929, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6894 = "_-4cC" (String#18449, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6895 = "_-19b" (String#3335, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6896 = "_-vr" (String#23430, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6897 = "_-3oB" (String#25423, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6898 = "_-UE" (String#15506, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6899 = "_-65u" (String#24767, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6900 = "_-1B1" (String#9013, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6901 = "_-1Wz" (String#3396, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6902 = "_-75" (String#2645, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6903 = "_-5Ev" (String#23830, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6904 = "_-0b3" (String#9894, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6905 = "_-Il" (String#7752, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6906 = "_-1rM" (String#8993, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6907 = "_-sa" (String#23775, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6908 = "_-6LK" (String#23688, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6909 = "_-1Ac" (String#22593, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6910 = "_-5WU" (String#21242, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6911 = "_-5px" (String#20762, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6912 = "_-55o" (String#18273, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6913 = "_-1sS" (String#19087, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6914 = "_-6Eh" (String#4493, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6915 = "_-3Na" (String#24823, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6916 = "_-694" (String#24133, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6917 = "_-3wy" (String#22754, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6918 = "_-5eU" (String#15273, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6919 = "_-4Tj" (String#16936, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6920 = "_-6Yc" (String#11870, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6921 = "_-6Md" (String#19661, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6922 = "_-5xh" (String#25482, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6923 = "_-0j" (String#34887, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6924 = "_-3-E" (String#29450, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6925 = "_-3jZ" (String#23368, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6926 = "_-239" (String#2805, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6927 = "_-6al" (String#34596, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6928 = "_-655" (String#19833, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6929 = "_-DB" (String#2190, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6930 = "_-2s6" (String#3546, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6931 = "_-69G" (String#24233, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6932 = "_-1uD" (String#7381, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6933 = "_-4kJ" (String#36788, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0mx.XMLPropertyArrayParser package _-0mx { import _-15X.XMLVariableParser; import _-15X.Map; public class XMLPropertyArrayParser extends XMLVariableParser { public static function parse(k:XMLList):Array { var _local_5:int; var _local_2:Map = new Map(); var _local_3:Array = new Array(); var _local_4:Array = new Array(); _local_5 = XMLVariableParser.parseVariableList(k, _local_2, _local_3); var _local_6:int; while (_local_6 < _local_5) { _local_4.push(new PropertyStruct(_local_2._SafeStr_6864(_local_6), _local_2._SafeStr_5645(_local_6), _local_3[_local_6], true)); _local_6++; }; return (_local_4); } } }//package _-0mx // _SafeStr_5645 = "_-3rg" (String#915, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6864 = "_-W-" (String#2113, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_2323 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_2323 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([]); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2323 = "_-0f" (String#16523, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_2379 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_2379 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _name:String; private var _SafeStr_6078:int; public function _SafeStr_2379(k:String, _arg_2:int) { this._name = k; this._SafeStr_6078 = _arg_2; } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._name, this._SafeStr_6078]); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2379 = "_-2wq" (String#14246, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6078 = "_-07n" (String#365, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_2626 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_2626 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_2626(k:String) { this._SafeStr_6039 = new Array(); super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2626 = "_-Px" (String#9305, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_2639 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_2639 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_2639(k:int, _arg_2:Boolean) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2639 = "_-5os" (String#2707, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_2642 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_2642 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_2642(k:int, _arg_2:Boolean=true) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2642 = "_-ut" (String#1905, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_2683 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_2683 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_2683(k:int) { this._SafeStr_6039 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2683 = "_-1s6" (String#8484, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_2882 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_2882 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_2882(k:int) { this._SafeStr_6039 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2882 = "_-0Wk" (String#15237, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_2957 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_2957 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_2957(k:int, _arg_2:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2957 = "_-2QD" (String#10307, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_2958 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_2958 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_2958(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:Boolean=false) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_3); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2958 = "_-18x" (String#14063, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_2963 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_2963 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_2963() { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2963 = "_-68J" (String#15392, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_3462 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3462 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (null); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3462 = "_-2Sx" (String#13604, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_3470 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3470 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_3470() { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3470 = "_-05S" (String#10619, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_3889 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3889 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_3889(k:String) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3889 = "_-4Is" (String#9837, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_3983 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_3983 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_3983(k:int) { this._SafeStr_6039 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(int(k)); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3983 = "_-5TZ" (String#16398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4019 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4019 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_6934:String; public function _SafeStr_4019(k:String) { this._SafeStr_6934 = k; } public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._SafeStr_6934]); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4019 = "_-1XL" (String#14510, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6934 = "_-5p0" (String#8849, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4020 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_4020 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([]); } public function dispose():void { } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4020 = "_-Yi" (String#16725, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4026 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4026 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([]); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4026 = "_-3Uh" (String#15080, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4027 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4027 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4027(k:int, _arg_2:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4027 = "_-5PF" (String#14705, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4029 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4029 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4029(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4029 = "_-09t" (String#10142, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4045 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4045 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4045(k:int, _arg_2:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4045 = "_-6PI" (String#14732, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4074 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4074 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4074(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_3); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4074 = "_-5Vl" (String#15686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4096 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4096 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4096(k:int, _arg_2:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4096 = "_-0dN" (String#15521, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4102 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4102 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4102(k:int, _arg_2:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4102 = "_-1be" (String#14131, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4121 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4121 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4121(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4121 = "_-4LQ" (String#16260, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4125 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_4125 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_4125(k:String) { this._SafeStr_6039 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4125 = "_-1tQ" (String#14158, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4141 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_4141 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_4141(k:String) { this._SafeStr_6039 = new Array(); super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4141 = "_-0Fd" (String#15713, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4163 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4163 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4163() { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4163 = "_-5KG" (String#14726, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4203 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4203 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public static const _SafeStr_6935:int = 0; public static const _SafeStr_6936:int = 1; public static const _SafeStr_6937:int = 2; private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4203(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:String, _arg_4:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_3); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_4); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4203 = "_-0E1" (String#7593, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6935 = "_-0XN" (String#21418, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6936 = "_-0Hf" (String#27939, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6937 = "_-5Cq" (String#23978, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4205 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4205 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4205(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4205 = "_-5Az" (String#16218, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4241 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4241 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4241(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4241 = "_-15g" (String#10474, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4247 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4247 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4247(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4247 = "_-3bD" (String#7965, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4272 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4272 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4272(k:int, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:String) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_3); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4272 = "_-1sE" (String#14787, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4274 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4274 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_6938:int; public function _SafeStr_4274(k:int) { this._SafeStr_6938 = k; } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._SafeStr_6938]); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4274 = "_-1sK" (String#14985, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6938 = "_-5Gv" (String#3132, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4278 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4278 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4278(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_3); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4278 = "_-2e6" (String#15435, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4282 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4282 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4282(k:int, _arg_2:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4282 = "_-0JS" (String#16151, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4285 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4285 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_6934:String; public function _SafeStr_4285(k:String) { this._SafeStr_6934 = k; } public function dispose():void { } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([this._SafeStr_6934]); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4285 = "_-3TM" (String#13594, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6934 = "_-5p0" (String#8849, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4289 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_4289 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_4289(k:String) { this._SafeStr_6039 = new Array(); super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4289 = "_-4Pc" (String#16529, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4314 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_4314 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function _SafeStr_4314(k:int) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4314 = "_-5mp" (String#14822, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx._SafeStr_4329 package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public class _SafeStr_4329 implements _SafeStr_2285, _SafeStr_3 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_4329(k:int) { this._SafeStr_6039 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_6039.push(int(k)); } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } public function get disposed():Boolean { return (false); } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4329 = "_-2Tg" (String#10450, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx.CreateGuildMessageComposer package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class CreateGuildMessageComposer implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function CreateGuildMessageComposer(k:String, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:int, _arg_4:int, _arg_5:int, _arg_6:Array) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_3); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_4); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_5); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_6.length); var _local_7:int; while (_local_7 < _arg_6.length) { this._SafeStr_5686.push(int(_arg_6[_local_7])); _local_7++; }; } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Mx.UpdateGuildBadgeMessageComposer package _-0Mx { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class UpdateGuildBadgeMessageComposer implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_5686:Array; public function UpdateGuildBadgeMessageComposer(k:int, _arg_2:Array) { this._SafeStr_5686 = []; super(); this._SafeStr_5686.push(k); this._SafeStr_5686.push(_arg_2.length); var _local_3:int; while (_local_3 < _arg_2.length) { this._SafeStr_5686.push(int(_arg_2[_local_3])); _local_3++; }; } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_5686); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_5686 = null; } } }//package _-0Mx // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5686 = "_-3bp" (String#61, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0my._SafeStr_2840 package _-0my { import _-nN._SafeStr_2824; import flash.utils.Timer; import _-2LT.RoomUI; import _-2LT._SafeStr_2748; import _-5YF.ChatInputWidgetHandler; import _-2LT._SafeStr_2823; import _-0Qu._SafeStr_634; import _-59z._SafeStr_10; import _-33o._SafeStr_500; import flash.utils.getTimer; import _-3XZ._SafeStr_4521; import _-0Ph._SafeStr_4460; import _-0Ph._SafeStr_4522; import _-0Ph._SafeStr_4500; import _-0Ph._SafeStr_4520; import flash.events.IEventDispatcher; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import _-1LZ._SafeStr_2818; import _-2bX.RoomToolsWidget; import _-vq.IWindow; public class _SafeStr_2840 extends _SafeStr_2824 { private static const _SafeStr_6939:int = 5000; private var _visualization:RoomChatInputView; private var _SafeStr_6940:String = ""; private var _SafeStr_6941:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_6942:Timer = null; private var _SafeStr_6943:int; private var _SafeStr_6944:RoomUI; private var _SafeStr_6945:_SafeStr_2748; public function _SafeStr_2840(k:_SafeStr_2823, _arg_2:_SafeStr_634, _arg_3:_SafeStr_10, _arg_4:_SafeStr_500, _arg_5:RoomUI, _arg_6:_SafeStr_2748) { super(k, _arg_2, _arg_3, _arg_4); this._SafeStr_6944 = _arg_5; this._SafeStr_6945 = _arg_6; this._visualization = new RoomChatInputView(this); (k as ChatInputWidgetHandler).widget = this; } public function get _SafeStr_6946():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_6941); } public function get _SafeStr_6947():RoomUI { return (this._SafeStr_6944); } public function get handler():ChatInputWidgetHandler { return ((_SafeStr_6561 as ChatInputWidgetHandler)); } override public function dispose():void { if (this._visualization != null){ this._visualization.dispose(); this._visualization = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_6942 != null){ this._SafeStr_6942.stop(); this._SafeStr_6942 = null; }; this._SafeStr_6944 = null; super.dispose(); } public function get _SafeStr_6948():Boolean { return (((getTimer() - this._SafeStr_6943) > _SafeStr_6939)); } public function _SafeStr_6949():void { this._SafeStr_6943 = getTimer(); } public function _SafeStr_6950(k:String, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:String="", _arg_4:int=0):void { if (this._SafeStr_6941){ return; }; var _local_5:_SafeStr_4521 = new _SafeStr_4521(_SafeStr_4521._SafeStr_6951, k, _arg_2, _arg_3, _arg_4); if (messageListener != null){ messageListener.processWidgetMessage(_local_5); }; } override public function registerUpdateEvents(k:IEventDispatcher):void { if (k == null){ return; }; k.addEventListener(_SafeStr_4460._SafeStr_6952, this._SafeStr_6953); k.addEventListener(_SafeStr_4522._SafeStr_6954, this._SafeStr_6955); k.addEventListener(_SafeStr_4500._SafeStr_6956, this._SafeStr_6957); k.addEventListener(_SafeStr_4520._SafeStr_6958, this._SafeStr_6959); super.registerUpdateEvents(k); } override public function unregisterUpdateEvents(k:IEventDispatcher):void { if (k == null){ return; }; k.removeEventListener(_SafeStr_4460._SafeStr_6952, this._SafeStr_6953); k.removeEventListener(_SafeStr_4522._SafeStr_6954, this._SafeStr_6955); k.removeEventListener(_SafeStr_4500._SafeStr_6956, this._SafeStr_6957); k.removeEventListener(_SafeStr_4520._SafeStr_6958, this._SafeStr_6959); } private function _SafeStr_6953(k:_SafeStr_4460):void { this._SafeStr_6940 = ""; } private function _SafeStr_6957(k:_SafeStr_4500):void { this._SafeStr_6940 = k.name; } private function _SafeStr_6955(k:_SafeStr_4522):void { var _local_2:String = ""; switch (k._SafeStr_6960){ case _SafeStr_4522._SafeStr_6962: _local_2 = localizations.getLocalization("widgets.chatinput.mode.whisper", ":tell"); this._visualization._SafeStr_6961(_local_2, k.userName); return; case _SafeStr_4522._SafeStr_6963: return; }; } private function _SafeStr_6964(k:TimerEvent):void { _SafeStr_4.log("Releasing flood blocking"); this._SafeStr_6941 = false; if (this._visualization != null){ this._visualization._SafeStr_6965(); }; this._SafeStr_6942 = null; } private function _SafeStr_6966(k:TimerEvent):void { if (this._visualization != null){ this._visualization._SafeStr_6967((this._SafeStr_6942.repeatCount - this._SafeStr_6942.currentCount)); }; } public function _SafeStr_6968():void { this._visualization._SafeStr_6969(null); } public function _SafeStr_6970():int { if (!this._SafeStr_6944._SafeStr_6971){ return (1000); }; return (this._SafeStr_6944._SafeStr_6971._SafeStr_6972); } public function _SafeStr_6973():int { if (!this._SafeStr_6944.toolbar){ return (1000); }; return (this._SafeStr_6944.toolbar._SafeStr_6974); } public function _SafeStr_6975():int { var k:RoomToolsWidget = (this._SafeStr_6945._SafeStr_6976(_SafeStr_2818._SafeStr_6977) as RoomToolsWidget); if (!k){ return (0); }; return (k._SafeStr_6978()); } public function get _SafeStr_6979():String { return (this._SafeStr_6940); } public function _SafeStr_6959(k:_SafeStr_4520):void { this._SafeStr_6941 = true; _SafeStr_4.log((("Enabling flood blocking for " + k.seconds) + " seconds")); if (this._SafeStr_6942){ this._SafeStr_6942.reset(); } else { this._SafeStr_6942 = new Timer(1000, k.seconds); this._SafeStr_6942.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this._SafeStr_6966); this._SafeStr_6942.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_6964); }; this._SafeStr_6942.start(); if (this._visualization != null){ this._visualization._SafeStr_6967(k.seconds); this._visualization._SafeStr_6980(); }; } override public function get mainWindow():IWindow { return (this._visualization.window); } public function hide():void { if (this.mainWindow){ this.mainWindow.visible = false; }; } public function getChatInputY():int { return (((this._visualization) ? this._visualization.getChatInputY() : 0)); } public function _SafeStr_6981():Array { var k:Array; if (this._visualization){ k = this._visualization._SafeStr_6982(); }; return (k); } } }//package _-0my // _SafeStr_10 = "_-1Uy" (String#398, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2748 = "_-6fc" (String#4850, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2818 = "_-2Hp" (String#579, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2823 = "_-0Et" (String#733, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2824 = "_-5jY" (String#864, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2840 = "_-2D7" (String#5381, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4 = "_-5F-" (String#232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4460 = "_-3rj" (String#1097, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4500 = "_-5Wm" (String#1530, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4520 = "_-5JB" (String#9778, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4521 = "_-1h8" (String#4156, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4522 = "_-68O" (String#6389, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_500 = "_-5Ii" (String#590, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_634 = "_-6kX" (String#471, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6561 = "_-1ow" (String#1544, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6939 = "_-2oo" (String#22085, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6940 = "_-31X" (String#25919, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6941 = "_-3rM" (String#20086, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6942 = "_-0LJ" (String#6530, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6943 = "_-n0" (String#31830, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6944 = "_-1Ko" (String#10958, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6945 = "_-63o" (String#5465, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6946 = "_-2Hj" (String#29156, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6947 = "_-44j" (String#17186, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6948 = "_-2qQ" (String#37349, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6949 = "_-2kr" (String#37258, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6950 = "_-1cd" (String#36081, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6951 = "_-l1" (String#14835, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6952 = "_-65D" (String#6515, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6953 = "_-2kY" (String#30667, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6954 = "_-5CX" (String#15319, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6955 = "_-1vQ" (String#31577, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6956 = "_-2XB" (String#7179, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6957 = "_-1cC" (String#4685, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6958 = "_-0rx" (String#14781, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6959 = "_-43M" (String#18692, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6960 = "_-EK" (String#33553, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6961 = "_-0W2" (String#33130, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6962 = "_-1-a" (String#20371, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6963 = "_-1WQ" (String#24073, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6964 = "_-65L" (String#38700, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6965 = "_-3LR" (String#37294, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6966 = "_-0zW" (String#35989, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6967 = "_-0pz" (String#26345, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6968 = "_-5Wj" (String#37099, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6969 = "_-5Ar" (String#4770, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6970 = "_-3uq" (String#37338, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6971 = "_-RD" (String#22582, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6972 = "_-ta" (String#31684, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6973 = "_-2F6" (String#36146, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6974 = "_-6gv" (String#27052, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6975 = "_-6T2" (String#33752, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6976 = "_-4oq" (String#14148, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6977 = "_-3kO" (String#9298, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6978 = "_-4xI" (String#36641, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6979 = "_-44M" (String#30768, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6980 = "_-18n" (String#32953, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6981 = "_-5j2" (String#35275, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6982 = "_-4dP" (String#36482, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0my.RoomChatInputView package _-0my { import _-vq.IWindowContainer; import _-tc.ITextFieldWindow; import _-vq.IWindow; import _-tc._SafeStr_3588; import _-tc.IRegionWindow; import flash.text.TextFormat; import flash.utils.Timer; import _-0Z2.ChatStyleSelector; import _-2mL._SafeStr_12; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import _-OK.WindowMouseEvent; import _-OK.WindowKeyboardEvent; import _-OK.WindowEvent; import _-6eQ._SafeStr_4349; import _-59z.XmlAsset; import _-561._SafeStr_2340; import _-5Lv._SafeStr_2439; import _-5Lv._SafeStr_2356; import _-tc.IItemListWindow; import _-0-8._SafeStr_2859; import _-561._SafeStr_2346; import _-561._SafeStr_2341; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.events.KeyboardEvent; import flash.ui.Keyboard; import _-3XZ._SafeStr_5080; import _-3XZ._SafeStr_4521; import _-1LZ._SafeStr_3097; import flash.display.Stage; import flash.display.InteractiveObject; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.text.TextField; import _-5Lv._SafeStr_2177; public class RoomChatInputView { private static const _SafeStr_6983:int = 12; private static const _SafeStr_6984:String = "habbopages/chat/commands"; private var _SafeStr_5842:_SafeStr_2840; private var _SafeStr_5605:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_6985:ITextFieldWindow; private var _SafeStr_6986:IWindow; private var _SafeStr_6987:IWindow; private var _SafeStr_6988:_SafeStr_3588; private var _SafeStr_6989:IRegionWindow; private var _SafeStr_6990:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_6991:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_6992:IWindowContainer; private var _SafeStr_6993:String; private var _SafeStr_6994:String; private var _SafeStr_6995:String; private var _SafeStr_6996:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_6997:TextFormat; private var _SafeStr_6998:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_6999:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_7000:Timer; private var _SafeStr_7001:Timer; private var _SafeStr_7002:Timer; private var _SafeStr_7003:String = ""; private var _SafeStr_7004:Timer; private var _SafeStr_7005:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_7006:Timer; private var _SafeStr_7007:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_7008:Timer; private var _SafeStr_7009:ChatStyleSelector; public function RoomChatInputView(k:_SafeStr_2840) { var _local_2:_SafeStr_12; var _local_3:int; super(); this._SafeStr_5842 = k; this._SafeStr_6994 = k.localizations.getLocalization("widgets.chatinput.mode.whisper", ":tell"); this._SafeStr_6993 = k.localizations.getLocalization("widgets.chatinput.mode.shout", ":shout"); this._SafeStr_6995 = k.localizations.getLocalization("widgets.chatinput.mode.speak", ":speak"); this._SafeStr_7000 = new Timer(1000, 1); this._SafeStr_7000.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_7010); this._SafeStr_7001 = new Timer(10000, 1); this._SafeStr_7001.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_7011); this._SafeStr_7005 = ((this.sessionDataManager._SafeStr_7013) || (this.sessionDataManager._SafeStr_7012)); if (this._SafeStr_7005){ _local_2 = k.handler.container.config; if (_local_2.getProperty("nux.chat.reminder.shown") != "1"){ _local_3 = _local_2.getInteger("nux.noob.chat.reminder.delay", 240); this._SafeStr_7002 = new Timer((_local_3 * 1000), 1); this._SafeStr_7002.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_7014); this._SafeStr_7002.start(); }; }; this._SafeStr_6997 = new TextFormat(null, null, 0x999999, null, true, false); this.createWindow(); } public function get window():IWindowContainer { return (this._SafeStr_5605); } public function dispose():void { if (this._SafeStr_7005){ this.widget.windowManager.hideHint(); this.widget.windowManager.unregisterHintWindow("nux_chat_reminder"); }; this._SafeStr_5842 = null; if (this._SafeStr_6985){ this._SafeStr_6985.removeEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.DOWN, this._SafeStr_7015); this._SafeStr_6985.removeEventListener(WindowKeyboardEvent._SafeStr_7016, this._SafeStr_7017); this._SafeStr_6985.removeEventListener(WindowKeyboardEvent._SafeStr_7018, this._SafeStr_7019); this._SafeStr_6985.removeEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_7020, this._SafeStr_7021); this._SafeStr_6985.removeEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347, this._SafeStr_7022); this._SafeStr_6985.removeEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348, this._SafeStr_7022); this._SafeStr_6985 = null; }; this._SafeStr_6986 = null; this._SafeStr_6987 = null; if (this._SafeStr_6988){ this._SafeStr_6988.removeEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_7023); this._SafeStr_6988.removeEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347, this._SafeStr_7023); this._SafeStr_6988.removeEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348, this._SafeStr_7023); this._SafeStr_6988 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_6989){ this._SafeStr_6989.removeEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347, this._SafeStr_7022); this._SafeStr_6989.removeEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348, this._SafeStr_7022); this._SafeStr_6989 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_6991 != null){ this._SafeStr_6991.dispose(); this._SafeStr_6991 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_7000 != null){ this._SafeStr_7000.reset(); this._SafeStr_7000.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_7010); this._SafeStr_7000 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_7001 != null){ this._SafeStr_7001.reset(); this._SafeStr_7001.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_7011); this._SafeStr_7001 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_7002 != null){ this._SafeStr_7002.reset(); this._SafeStr_7002.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_7014); this._SafeStr_7002 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_7006 != null){ this._SafeStr_7006.reset(); this._SafeStr_7006.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_7024); this._SafeStr_7006 = null; }; if (this._SafeStr_7004){ this._SafeStr_7004.reset(); this._SafeStr_7004.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_7025); this._SafeStr_7004 = null; }; if (((this._SafeStr_5605) && (this._SafeStr_5605.desktop))){ this._SafeStr_5605.desktop.removeChild(this._SafeStr_5605); }; } private function createWindow():void { var _local_3:Array; var _local_4:Array; var _local_5:Boolean; var _local_6:int; var _local_7:_SafeStr_4349; if (this._SafeStr_6991 != null){ return; }; var k:String = "chatinput_window_new"; var _local_2:XmlAsset = (this._SafeStr_5842.assets.getAssetByName(k) as XmlAsset); if ((((_local_2 == null)) || ((_local_2.content == null)))){ return; }; this._SafeStr_5605 = (this._SafeStr_5842.windowManager.buildFromXML((_local_2.content as XML)) as IWindowContainer); this._SafeStr_5605.width = this._SafeStr_5605.desktop.width; this._SafeStr_5605.height = this._SafeStr_5605.desktop.height; this._SafeStr_5605.invalidate(); this._SafeStr_6992 = IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("chatstyles_menu")); this._SafeStr_6991 = (this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("bubblecont") as IWindowContainer); this._SafeStr_6991.tags.push("room_widget_chatinput"); this._SafeStr_6985 = (this._SafeStr_6991.findChildByName("chat_input") as ITextFieldWindow); this._SafeStr_6986 = 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this._SafeStr_7022); this._SafeStr_6985._SafeStr_7026 = 0; this._SafeStr_6985._SafeStr_7027 = true; this._SafeStr_6996 = true; this._SafeStr_6985.setTextFormat(this._SafeStr_6997); this._SafeStr_7003 = ""; this._SafeStr_5605.addEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_7028, this._SafeStr_6969); this._SafeStr_5605.addEventListener(WindowEvent._SafeStr_7029, this._SafeStr_6969); if (((((((this._SafeStr_7031()) && (!(this._SafeStr_5842.handler.container.roomSession.isGameSession)))) && (!((this._SafeStr_5842.handler.container.freeFlowChat == null))))) && (!((this._SafeStr_5842.handler.container.freeFlowChat._SafeStr_7030 == null))))){ _local_3 = []; _local_4 = this._SafeStr_5842._SafeStr_6947.getProperty("disabled.custom.chat.styles").split(","); _local_5 = this._SafeStr_5842.handler.container.sessionDataManager.hasSecurity(_SafeStr_2439._SafeStr_7032); for each (_local_6 in this._SafeStr_5842.handler.container.freeFlowChat._SafeStr_7030._SafeStr_7033()) { _local_7 = this._SafeStr_5842.handler.container.freeFlowChat._SafeStr_7030.getStyle(_local_6); if (((!(_local_7.isSystemStyle)) && ((_local_4.indexOf(_local_6.toString()) == -1)))){ if (((_local_7.isHcOnly) && ((this._SafeStr_5842.handler.container.sessionDataManager.clubLevel >= _SafeStr_2356._SafeStr_5874)))){ _local_3.push(_local_6); } else { if (((!(_local_7.isHcOnly)) && (!(_local_7.isAmbassadorOnly)))){ _local_3.push(_local_6); }; }; }; if (((_local_7.isStaffOverrideable) && (_local_5))){ _local_3.push(_local_6); }; if (((_local_7.isAmbassadorOnly) && (((_local_5) || (this._SafeStr_5842.handler.container.sessionDataManager._SafeStr_7034))))){ _local_3.push(_local_6); }; }; this._SafeStr_7035(_local_3); this._SafeStr_7036(_local_3); } else { if ((this._SafeStr_6991.findChildByName("chat_input_container") is IItemListWindow)){ IItemListWindow(this._SafeStr_6991.findChildByName("chat_input_container"))._SafeStr_7037(0); }; }; this._SafeStr_7038(); this._SafeStr_6988 = _SafeStr_3588(this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("helpbutton")); this._SafeStr_6988.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent.CLICK, this._SafeStr_7023); this._SafeStr_6988.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347, this._SafeStr_7023); this._SafeStr_6988.addEventListener(WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348, this._SafeStr_7023); this._SafeStr_6988.visible = false; } private function _SafeStr_7035(k:Array):void { var _local_3:int; var _local_2:int; while (_local_2 < (k.length - 1)) { _local_3 = (_local_2 + 1); while (_local_3 < k.length) { if (k[_local_2] === k[_local_3]){ k.splice(_local_3--, 1); }; _local_3++; }; _local_2++; }; } private function _SafeStr_7031():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_5842._SafeStr_6947.getBoolean("custom.chat.styles.enabled")); } private function _SafeStr_7038():void { var k:IWindow; if (_SafeStr_2859._SafeStr_5727()){ k = this._SafeStr_5842.windowManager.createWindow("chat_dimmer", "", _SafeStr_2346.BORDER, _SafeStr_2341._SafeStr_7039, ((_SafeStr_2340._SafeStr_5350 | _SafeStr_2340._SafeStr_7040) | _SafeStr_2340._SafeStr_5349), new Rectangle(0, 0, this._SafeStr_6991.width, this._SafeStr_6991.height), null, 0); k.color = 0; k.blend = 0.3; this._SafeStr_6991.addChild(k); this._SafeStr_6991.invalidate(); if (this._SafeStr_7004 == null){ this._SafeStr_7004 = new Timer(_SafeStr_2859._SafeStr_5729, 1); this._SafeStr_7004.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_7025); this._SafeStr_7004.start(); }; }; } private function _SafeStr_7025(k:TimerEvent):void { this._SafeStr_7004.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_7025); this._SafeStr_7004 = null; var _local_2:IWindow = this._SafeStr_6991.findChildByName("chat_dimmer"); if (_local_2 != null){ this._SafeStr_6991.removeChild(_local_2); this._SafeStr_5842.windowManager.destroy(_local_2); }; } public function _SafeStr_6969(k:WindowEvent=null, _arg_2:int=10000, _arg_3:int=10000):void { this._SafeStr_5605.width = this._SafeStr_5605.desktop.width; this._SafeStr_5605.height = this._SafeStr_5605.desktop.height; var _local_4:Point = new Point(); if (!this._SafeStr_6991){ return; }; var _local_5:int = this.widget._SafeStr_6973(); var _local_6:int = this.widget._SafeStr_6970(); var _local_7:int = ((this._SafeStr_5605.desktop.width / 2) - (this._SafeStr_6991.width / 2)); var _local_8:int; var _local_9:int = (this._SafeStr_6991.width + _SafeStr_6983); if (((this._SafeStr_5605.desktop.width - _local_5) - _local_6) > _local_9){ _local_8 = (_local_5 + _SafeStr_6983); this._SafeStr_6991.y = (this._SafeStr_5605.desktop.height - 104); if ((_local_7 + this._SafeStr_6991.width) > (this._SafeStr_5605.desktop.width - _local_6)){ _local_7 = 0; }; } else { _local_8 = (this.widget._SafeStr_6975() + _SafeStr_6983); this._SafeStr_6991.y = (this._SafeStr_5605.desktop.height - 160); }; this._SafeStr_6991.x = Math.max(_local_7, _local_8); if (this._SafeStr_7009){ this._SafeStr_7009._SafeStr_7041(); }; } private function 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this._SafeStr_6985.text.length); this._SafeStr_7003 = this._SafeStr_6985.text; } private function _SafeStr_7015(k:WindowEvent=null, _arg_2:IWindow=null):void { this._SafeStr_7044(); } private function _SafeStr_7017(k:WindowEvent=null, _arg_2:IWindow=null):void { var _local_3:uint; var _local_4:Boolean; var _local_5:WindowKeyboardEvent; var _local_6:KeyboardEvent; var _local_7:String; var _local_8:Array; if ((((((this._SafeStr_6991 == null)) || ((this._SafeStr_5842 == null)))) || (this._SafeStr_5842._SafeStr_6946))){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_7045()){ return; }; this._SafeStr_7044(); if ((k is WindowKeyboardEvent)){ _local_5 = (k as WindowKeyboardEvent); _local_3 = _local_5.charCode; _local_4 = _local_5.shiftKey; }; if ((k is KeyboardEvent)){ _local_6 = (k as KeyboardEvent); _local_3 = _local_6.charCode; _local_4 = _local_6.shiftKey; }; if ((((_local_6 == null)) && ((_local_5 == null)))){ return; }; if (_local_3 == Keyboard.SPACE){ this._SafeStr_7046(); }; if (_local_3 == 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function _SafeStr_7014(k:TimerEvent):void { if (this._SafeStr_7002 != null){ this._SafeStr_7002.reset(); this._SafeStr_7002.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this._SafeStr_7014); this._SafeStr_7002 = null; }; this._SafeStr_7049(); } private function _SafeStr_7010(k:TimerEvent):void { if (this._SafeStr_6998){ this._SafeStr_6999 = true; }; this._SafeStr_7048(); } private function _SafeStr_7048():void { if (this._SafeStr_5842 == null){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_5842._SafeStr_6946){ return; }; var k:_SafeStr_5080 = new _SafeStr_5080(this._SafeStr_6998); this._SafeStr_5842.messageListener.processWidgetMessage(k); } private function _SafeStr_7049():void { this._SafeStr_6985.text = this.widget.localizations.getLocalization("widgets.chatinput.mode.remind.noobie"); this._SafeStr_7006 = new Timer(500); this._SafeStr_7006.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this._SafeStr_7024); this._SafeStr_7006.start(); this.widget.windowManager.registerHintWindow("nux_chat_reminder", this._SafeStr_6985); this.widget.windowManager.showHint("nux_chat_reminder"); } private function _SafeStr_7024(k:TimerEvent):void { this._SafeStr_7007++; if ((this._SafeStr_7007 % 2) != 0){ this._SafeStr_5842.mainWindow.y--; } else { this._SafeStr_5842.mainWindow.y = (this._SafeStr_5842.mainWindow.y + 1); }; if (this._SafeStr_7007 >= 10){ this._SafeStr_7006.reset(); this._SafeStr_7006 = null; this._SafeStr_5842.mainWindow.y = 0; this._SafeStr_7050(); }; } private function _SafeStr_7050():void { this.widget.handler.container.config.setProperty("nux.chat.reminder.shown", "1"); if (this._SafeStr_7006 != null){ this._SafeStr_7006.reset(); }; this.widget.windowManager.hideHint(); this.widget.windowManager.unregisterHintWindow("nux_chat_reminder"); } private function _SafeStr_7044():void { if (this._SafeStr_6985 == null){ return; }; if (this._SafeStr_7006 != null){ this._SafeStr_7050(); }; if (this._SafeStr_6996){ this._SafeStr_6985.text = ""; this._SafeStr_6985.textColor = 0; this._SafeStr_6985.italic = false; this._SafeStr_6996 = false; this._SafeStr_7003 = ""; }; this._SafeStr_6985.focus(); } public function _SafeStr_7051(k:uint):void { if (this._SafeStr_6985 == null){ return; }; this._SafeStr_6985.textColor = k; this._SafeStr_6985.defaultTextFormat.color = k; } private function _SafeStr_7043(k:Boolean=false):void { if ((((this._SafeStr_6985 == null)) || ((this._SafeStr_6985.text == "")))){ return; }; var _local_2:int = ((k) ? _SafeStr_4521._SafeStr_7052 : _SafeStr_4521._SafeStr_7053); var _local_3:String = this._SafeStr_6985.text; var _local_4:Array = _local_3.split(" "); var _local_5:String = ""; var _local_6:String = ""; switch (_local_4[0]){ case this._SafeStr_6994: _local_2 = _SafeStr_4521._SafeStr_7054; _local_5 = _local_4[1]; _local_6 = (((this._SafeStr_6994 + " ") + _local_5) + " "); _local_4.shift(); _local_4.shift(); break; case this._SafeStr_6993: _local_2 = _SafeStr_4521._SafeStr_7052; _local_4.shift(); break; case this._SafeStr_6995: _local_2 = _SafeStr_4521._SafeStr_7053; _local_4.shift(); break; }; _local_3 = _local_4.join(" "); var _local_7:int = _SafeStr_3097.NORMAL; if (((this._SafeStr_7031()) && (!((this._SafeStr_7009 == null))))){ _local_7 = this._SafeStr_7009._SafeStr_7055; }; if (this._SafeStr_5842 != null){ if (this._SafeStr_7000.running){ this._SafeStr_7000.reset(); }; if (this._SafeStr_7001.running){ this._SafeStr_7001.reset(); }; this._SafeStr_5842._SafeStr_6950(_local_3, _local_2, _local_5, _local_7); this._SafeStr_6998 = false; if (this._SafeStr_6999){ this._SafeStr_7048(); }; this._SafeStr_6999 = false; }; if (this._SafeStr_6985 != null){ this._SafeStr_6985.text = _local_6; }; this._SafeStr_7003 = _local_6; } private function _SafeStr_7045():Boolean { var _local_2:Stage; var _local_3:InteractiveObject; if (this._SafeStr_6985 != null){ if (this._SafeStr_6985.focused){ return (false); }; }; var k:DisplayObject = this._SafeStr_6991.context.getDesktopWindow().getDisplayObject(); if (k != null){ _local_2 = k.stage; if (_local_2 != null){ _local_3 = _local_2.focus; if (_local_3 == null){ return (false); }; if ((_local_3 is TextField)){ return (true); }; }; }; return (false); } public function get sessionDataManager():_SafeStr_2177 { return (this._SafeStr_5842.handler.container.sessionDataManager); } private function _SafeStr_7036(k:Array):void { var _local_3:int; if (!this._SafeStr_7009){ this._SafeStr_7009 = new ChatStyleSelector(this, IWindowContainer(this._SafeStr_6991.findChildByName("styles")), this.sessionDataManager); this._SafeStr_7009._SafeStr_7056 = ((k.length / 6) + 1); }; var _local_2:int = (k.length - 1); while (_local_2 >= 0) { _local_3 = k[_local_2]; this._SafeStr_7009._SafeStr_7057(_local_3, this._SafeStr_5842.handler.container.freeFlowChat._SafeStr_7030.getStyle(_local_3)._SafeStr_7058); _local_2--; }; this._SafeStr_7009._SafeStr_7059(); } public function get widget():_SafeStr_2840 { return (this._SafeStr_5842); } public function get _SafeStr_7060():IWindowContainer { return (this._SafeStr_6992); } public function getChatInputY():int { if (((!(this._SafeStr_5605)) || (!(this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("chat_input_container"))))){ return (0); }; var k:Point = new Point(); this._SafeStr_5605.findChildByName("chat_input_container").getGlobalPosition(k); return (k.y); } public function _SafeStr_6982():Array { return ([this._SafeStr_6991, this._SafeStr_6985]); } private function _SafeStr_7023(k:WindowMouseEvent):void { if (k.type == WindowMouseEvent.CLICK){ this._SafeStr_5842._SafeStr_6947.context.createLinkEvent(_SafeStr_6984); }; if (k.type == WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347){ this._SafeStr_6988.visible = true; this._SafeStr_6990 = true; this._SafeStr_7061(); } else { if (k.type == WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348){ this._SafeStr_6990 = false; this._SafeStr_7062(); }; }; } private function _SafeStr_7022(k:WindowMouseEvent):void { if (k.type == WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5347){ this._SafeStr_6988.visible = true; this._SafeStr_7061(); } else { if ((((k.type == WindowMouseEvent._SafeStr_5348)) && (!(this._SafeStr_6990)))){ this._SafeStr_7062(); }; }; } private function _SafeStr_7062():void { if (this._SafeStr_7008 != null){ this._SafeStr_7061(); }; this._SafeStr_7008 = new Timer(400); this._SafeStr_7008.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this._SafeStr_7063); this._SafeStr_7008.start(); } private function _SafeStr_7063(k:TimerEvent):void { if (((!(this._SafeStr_6990)) && (this._SafeStr_6988))){ this._SafeStr_6988.visible = false; }; this._SafeStr_7061(); } private function _SafeStr_7061():void { if (!this._SafeStr_7008){ return; }; this._SafeStr_7008.stop(); this._SafeStr_7008.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this._SafeStr_7063); this._SafeStr_7008 = null; } } }//package _-0my // _SafeStr_12 = "_-3oD" (String#1602, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2177 = "_-3uG" (String#1074, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2340 = "_-25u" (String#1455, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2341 = "_-0Bp" (String#3376, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2346 = "_-2hW" (String#3540, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2356 = "_-6ju" (String#1141, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2439 = "_-Yo" (String#2667, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2840 = "_-2D7" (String#5381, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2859 = "_-4bn" (String#4161, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3097 = "_-4Jq" (String#5334, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3588 = "_-3NE" (String#12771, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4349 = "_-5BT" (String#8028, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4521 = "_-1h8" (String#4156, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5080 = "_-0Z6" (String#7387, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5347 = "_-5mq" (String#585, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5348 = "_-38T" (String#626, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5349 = "_-33D" (String#3185, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5350 = "_-vC" (String#11001, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5605 = "_-1QN" (String#15, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5727 = "_-5Vb" (String#5002, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5729 = "_-3n5" (String#25225, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5842 = "_-49Y" (String#66, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5874 = "_-8" (String#3079, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6946 = "_-2Hj" (String#29156, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6947 = "_-44j" (String#17186, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6948 = "_-2qQ" (String#37349, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6949 = "_-2kr" (String#37258, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6950 = "_-1cd" (String#36081, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6961 = "_-0W2" (String#33130, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6965 = "_-3LR" (String#37294, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6967 = "_-0pz" (String#26345, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6969 = "_-5Ar" (String#4770, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6970 = "_-3uq" (String#37338, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6973 = "_-2F6" (String#36146, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6975 = "_-6T2" (String#33752, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6979 = "_-44M" (String#30768, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6980 = "_-18n" (String#32953, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6982 = "_-4dP" (String#36482, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6983 = "_-5VI" (String#14133, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6984 = "_-4ja" (String#23448, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6985 = "_-4zI" (String#1030, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6986 = "_-4iR" (String#27471, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6987 = "_-0yx" (String#14331, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6988 = "_-3Yz" (String#5687, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6989 = "_-6Pj" (String#11040, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6990 = "_-4F8" (String#20427, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6991 = "_-4RC" (String#3009, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6992 = "_-4cz" (String#27441, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6993 = "_-0jl" (String#26318, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6994 = "_-52E" (String#16533, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6995 = "_-5kH" (String#27109, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6996 = "_-2nK" (String#18786, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6997 = "_-4lI" (String#28207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6998 = "_-3sL" (String#4006, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6999 = "_-1E-" (String#21303, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7000 = "_-1q7" (String#4606, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7001 = "_-Ta" (String#7691, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7002 = "_-3SD" (String#5652, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7003 = "_-6Rl" (String#9400, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7004 = "_-1Qq" (String#3136, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7005 = "_-1cX" (String#24776, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7006 = "_-37D" (String#6264, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7007 = "_-1y1" (String#18381, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7008 = "_-2zo" (String#8794, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7009 = "_-0Rz" (String#7824, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7010 = "_-1Zh" (String#28736, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7011 = "_-5Wc" (String#27604, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7012 = "_-4T-" (String#9128, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7013 = "_-4iL" (String#17493, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7014 = "_-1sq" (String#25490, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7015 = "_-6Uk" (String#27223, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7016 = "_-4fM" (String#4622, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7017 = "_-3eq" (String#14072, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7018 = "_-4iV" (String#3492, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7019 = "_-6g0" (String#18266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7020 = "_-1T4" (String#3997, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7021 = "_-Fo" (String#17798, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7022 = "_-Y1" (String#9025, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7023 = "_-08V" (String#11957, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7024 = "_-2be" (String#31558, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7025 = "_-3jQ" (String#7577, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7026 = "_-29M" (String#3428, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7027 = "_-0ew" (String#5141, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7028 = "_-K5" (String#5806, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7029 = "_-2OC" (String#12692, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7030 = "_-20c" (String#7538, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7031 = "_-4F4" (String#31057, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7032 = "_-184" (String#4694, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7033 = "_-4sZ" (String#16388, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7034 = "_-54X" (String#5447, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7035 = "_-2BC" (String#36140, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7036 = "_-1Z6" (String#35960, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7037 = "_-1Mv" (String#2981, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7038 = "_-0tD" (String#18765, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7039 = "_-6XT" (String#16530, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7040 = "_-6KN" (String#15146, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7041 = "_-3KO" (String#31216, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7042 = "_-2z1" (String#39080, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7043 = "_-2io" (String#31217, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7044 = "_-364" (String#25810, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7045 = "_-3-Y" (String#38120, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7046 = "_-330" (String#38041, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7047 = "_-4x7" (String#27549, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7048 = "_-20S" (String#22246, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7049 = "_-2qs" (String#37476, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7050 = "_-6Vs" (String#26827, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7051 = "_-2If" (String#38067, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7052 = "_-56p" (String#5499, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7053 = "_-6Oy" (String#5325, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7054 = "_-4eM" (String#6036, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7055 = "_-05X" (String#32063, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7056 = "_-4yN" (String#36527, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7057 = "_-1Nh" (String#2720, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7058 = "_-6YR" (String#26851, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7059 = "_-02N" (String#38656, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7060 = "_-50X" (String#38098, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7061 = "_-3iH" (String#18036, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7062 = "_-4Rw" (String#26166, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7063 = "_-37K" (String#28672, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0nW._SafeStr_5248 package _-0nW { import _-5Ju.AdServerConfig; import _-5Ju.CustomProperties; public class _SafeStr_5248 extends AdServerConfig { public function _SafeStr_5248(k:Object=null) { this.oneAdPerRequest = true; super("Lightningcast", k); } override protected function get defaultTemplate():String { return ("__api-address__?ver=__ver__&nwid=__nwid__&content=__content__&level=__level__&format=__format__&uid=__uid__®ions=__regions__&crlen=__crlen__&resp=__resp__"); } override protected function get defaultCustomProperties():CustomProperties { return (new CustomProperties({ "api-address":"http://web.lightningcast.net/servlets/getPlaylist", "version":"2.0", "nwid":"", "level":"", "format":"", "uid":"", "regions":"", "crlen":"t", "resp":"VAST" })); } } }//package _-0nW // _SafeStr_5248 = "_-1cJ" (String#14076, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0nx._SafeStr_2354 package _-0nx { public interface _SafeStr_2354 { function get type():String; function get id():int; function get _SafeStr_7064():String; function get _SafeStr_7065():String; function get _SafeStr_7066():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7067():int; function get revision():int; function get _SafeStr_7068():int; function get _SafeStr_7069():int; function get _SafeStr_7070():int; function get _SafeStr_7071():Array; function get _SafeStr_7072():String; function get description():String; function get _SafeStr_7073():String; function get _SafeStr_7074():int; function get _SafeStr_7075():int; function get _SafeStr_7076():String; function get category():int; function get _SafeStr_7077():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7078():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7079():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7080():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7081():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7082():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7083():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7084():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7085():String; } }//package _-0nx // _SafeStr_2354 = "_-3Ul" (String#684, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7064 = "_-3S7" (String#3553, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7065 = "_-0zU" (String#7225, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7066 = "_-4QY" (String#27761, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7067 = "_-0cf" (String#9115, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7068 = "_-GK" (String#34324, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7069 = "_-5Ov" (String#38954, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7070 = "_-xn" (String#33686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7071 = "_-4Rq" (String#9186, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7072 = "_-2Dg" (String#2562, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7073 = "_-206" (String#26691, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7074 = "_-04G" (String#4104, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7075 = "_-3kS" (String#4440, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7076 = "_-1kN" (String#5888, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7077 = "_-3I1" (String#10632, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7078 = "_-0-N" (String#10426, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7079 = "_-0ou" (String#7934, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7080 = "_-3yo" (String#27357, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7081 = "_-4ka" (String#23970, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7082 = "_-1KE" (String#26765, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7083 = "_-6Sf" (String#15546, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7084 = "_-1Hn" (String#26676, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7085 = "_-1lG" (String#17930, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0nx._SafeStr_3041 package _-0nx { public class _SafeStr_3041 implements _SafeStr_2354 { public static const _SafeStr_7086:String = "i"; public static const _SafeStr_7087:String = "s"; private var _SafeStr_6078:String; private var _SafeStr_6041:int; private var _SafeStr_7088:String; private var _SafeStr_7089:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7090:int; private var _SafeStr_7091:int; private var _SafeStr_7092:int; private var _SafeStr_7093:int; private var _SafeStr_7094:int; private var _SafeStr_7095:Array; private var _SafeStr_7096:String; private var _SafeStr_7097:String; private var _SafeStr_7098:String; private var _SafeStr_7099:int; private var _SafeStr_7100:int; private var _SafeStr_7101:String; private var _SafeStr_5321:int; private var _SafeStr_7102:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7103:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7104:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7105:String; private var _SafeStr_7106:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7107:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7108:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7109:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7110:String; public function _SafeStr_3041(k:String, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:String, _arg_4:String, _arg_5:String, _arg_6:String, _arg_7:int, _arg_8:int, _arg_9:int, _arg_10:int, _arg_11:Array, _arg_12:Boolean, _arg_13:int, _arg_14:String, _arg_15:int, _arg_16:Boolean, _arg_17:int, _arg_18:Boolean, _arg_19:Boolean, _arg_20:String, _arg_21:int, _arg_22:Boolean, _arg_23:Boolean, _arg_24:Boolean, _arg_25:Boolean, _arg_26:String) { this._SafeStr_6078 = k; this._SafeStr_6041 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_7105 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_7088 = _arg_4; this._SafeStr_7091 = _arg_7; this._SafeStr_7092 = _arg_8; this._SafeStr_7093 = _arg_9; this._SafeStr_7094 = _arg_10; this._SafeStr_7095 = _arg_11; this._SafeStr_7089 = _arg_12; this._SafeStr_7090 = _arg_13; this._SafeStr_7096 = _arg_5; this._SafeStr_7097 = _arg_6; this._SafeStr_7098 = _arg_14; this._SafeStr_7099 = _arg_15; this._SafeStr_7102 = _arg_16; this._SafeStr_7100 = _arg_17; this._SafeStr_7103 = _arg_18; this._SafeStr_7101 = _arg_20; this._SafeStr_5321 = _arg_21; this._SafeStr_7104 = _arg_19; this._SafeStr_7106 = _arg_22; this._SafeStr_7107 = _arg_23; this._SafeStr_7108 = _arg_24; this._SafeStr_7109 = _arg_25; this._SafeStr_7110 = _arg_26; } public function get type():String { return (this._SafeStr_6078); } public function get id():int { return (this._SafeStr_6041); } public function get _SafeStr_7064():String { return (this._SafeStr_7088); } public function get _SafeStr_7065():String { return (this._SafeStr_7105); } public function get _SafeStr_7066():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7089); } public function get _SafeStr_7067():int { return (this._SafeStr_7090); } public function get revision():int { return (this._SafeStr_7091); } public function get _SafeStr_7068():int { return (this._SafeStr_7092); } public function get _SafeStr_7069():int { return (this._SafeStr_7093); } public function get _SafeStr_7070():int { return (this._SafeStr_7094); } public function get _SafeStr_7071():Array { return (this._SafeStr_7095); } public function get _SafeStr_7072():String { return (this._SafeStr_7096); } public function get description():String { return (this._SafeStr_7097); } public function get _SafeStr_7073():String { return (this._SafeStr_7098); } public function get _SafeStr_7074():int { return (this._SafeStr_7099); } public function get _SafeStr_7076():String { return (this._SafeStr_7101); } public function get category():int { return (this._SafeStr_5321); } public function set _SafeStr_7064(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_7088 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_7075():int { return (this._SafeStr_7100); } public function get _SafeStr_7077():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7102); } public function get _SafeStr_7078():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7103); } public function get _SafeStr_7079():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7104); } public function get _SafeStr_7080():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7106); } public function get _SafeStr_7081():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7107); } public function get _SafeStr_7082():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7108); } public function get _SafeStr_7083():Boolean { return (!((this._SafeStr_7088.indexOf("external_image") == -1))); } public function get _SafeStr_7084():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7109); } public function get _SafeStr_7085():String { return (this._SafeStr_7110); } } }//package _-0nx // _SafeStr_2354 = "_-3Ul" (String#684, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3041 = "_-3vD" (String#1826, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5321 = "_-ch" (String#1032, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6041 = "_-4WA" (String#285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6078 = "_-07n" (String#365, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7064 = "_-3S7" (String#3553, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7065 = "_-0zU" (String#7225, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7066 = "_-4QY" (String#27761, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7067 = "_-0cf" (String#9115, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7068 = "_-GK" (String#34324, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7069 = "_-5Ov" (String#38954, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7070 = "_-xn" (String#33686, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7071 = "_-4Rq" (String#9186, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7072 = "_-2Dg" (String#2562, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7073 = "_-206" (String#26691, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7074 = "_-04G" (String#4104, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7075 = "_-3kS" (String#4440, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7076 = "_-1kN" (String#5888, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7077 = "_-3I1" (String#10632, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7078 = "_-0-N" (String#10426, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7079 = "_-0ou" (String#7934, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7080 = "_-3yo" (String#27357, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7081 = "_-4ka" (String#23970, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7082 = "_-1KE" (String#26765, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7083 = "_-6Sf" (String#15546, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7084 = "_-1Hn" (String#26676, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7085 = "_-1lG" (String#17930, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7086 = "_-qa" (String#14910, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7087 = "_-6aK" (String#15956, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7088 = "_-5Gu" (String#17374, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7089 = "_-ZP" (String#31253, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7090 = "_-535" (String#27764, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7091 = "_-2yP" (String#31106, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7092 = "_-1YB" (String#28789, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7093 = "_-0H4" (String#27962, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7094 = "_-4qH" (String#28412, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7095 = "_-0x9" (String#5331, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7096 = "_-5im" (String#15159, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7097 = "_-4nM" (String#1295, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7098 = "_-1IL" (String#26684, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7099 = "_-2AX" (String#9705, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7100 = "_-aV" (String#9707, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7101 = "_-5As" (String#27387, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7102 = "_-3Ij" (String#13862, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7103 = "_-1r3" (String#14871, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7104 = "_-0fM" (String#9027, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7105 = "_-0fp" (String#26661, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7106 = "_-0KX" (String#27966, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7107 = "_-0BC" (String#27899, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7108 = "_-5rq" (String#27225, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7109 = "_-0fq" (String#26657, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7110 = "_-44Z" (String#30863, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0nx._SafeStr_430 package _-0nx { import _-2mL._SafeStr_3; public interface _SafeStr_430 extends _SafeStr_3 { function _SafeStr_7111():void; } }//package _-0nx // _SafeStr_3 = "_-4tA" (String#266, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_430 = "_-1tX" (String#6128, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7111 = "_-6Yb" (String#17604, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0nx.FurnitureDataParser package _-0nx { import _-1HD.EventDispatcherWrapper; import _-15X.Map; import _-1lq.ICoreLocalizationManager; import _-59z.AssetLibrary; import flash.net.URLRequest; import _-59z._SafeStr_37; import _-53G.AssetLoaderEvent; import _-6Wm.Core; import flash.events.Event; import _-4Qm._SafeStr_6; public class FurnitureDataParser extends EventDispatcherWrapper { public static const _SafeStr_7112:String = "FDP_furniture_data_ready"; private var _SafeStr_7113:Map; private var _SafeStr_7114:Map; private var _SafeStr_7115:Map; private var _SafeStr_7116:ICoreLocalizationManager; private var _SafeStr_7117:AssetLibrary; public function FurnitureDataParser(k:Map, _arg_2:Map, _arg_3:Map, _arg_4:ICoreLocalizationManager) { this._SafeStr_7113 = k; this._SafeStr_7114 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_7115 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_7116 = _arg_4; this._SafeStr_7117 = new AssetLibrary("FurniDataParserAssetLib"); } override public function dispose():void { super.dispose(); if (this._SafeStr_7117){ this._SafeStr_7117.dispose(); this._SafeStr_7117 = null; }; this._SafeStr_7116 = null; this._SafeStr_7113 = null; this._SafeStr_7114 = null; this._SafeStr_7115 = null; } public function _SafeStr_7118(k:String):void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_37 = this._SafeStr_7117.loadAssetFromFile(k, new URLRequest(k), "text/plain"); _local_2.addEventListener(AssetLoaderEvent._SafeStr_5315, this._SafeStr_7119); _local_2.addEventListener(AssetLoaderEvent._SafeStr_5317, this._SafeStr_7120); } private function _SafeStr_7119(k:AssetLoaderEvent):void { var _local_2:_SafeStr_37 = (k.target as _SafeStr_37); if (_local_2 == null){ return; }; if ((((_local_2._SafeStr_7121 == null)) || ((_local_2._SafeStr_7121.content == null)))){ return; }; var _local_3:String = (_local_2._SafeStr_7121.content as String); if (_local_3.charAt(0) == "<"){ this._SafeStr_7122(_local_3); } else { this._SafeStr_7123(_local_3); }; } private function _SafeStr_7122(data:String):void { var categoryTypes:XMLList; var itemXml:XML; var furniData:_SafeStr_3041; var xmlData:XML; try { xmlData = new XML(data); } catch(e:Error) { Core.error(("XML furni data was malformed: " + data), true, Core._SafeStr_7124); }; if (xmlData == null){ return; }; categoryTypes = xmlData.roomitemtypes; for each (itemXml in categoryTypes.furnitype) { furniData = this._SafeStr_7125(itemXml); this._SafeStr_7126(furniData); this._SafeStr_7127(furniData); }; categoryTypes = xmlData.wallitemtypes; for each (itemXml in categoryTypes.furnitype) { furniData = this._SafeStr_7128(itemXml); this._SafeStr_7126(furniData); this._SafeStr_7127(furniData); }; dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_7112)); } private function _SafeStr_7125(k:XML):_SafeStr_3041 { var _local_4:XML; var _local_5:String; var _local_6:Array; var _local_7:String; var _local_8:int; var _local_11:String; var _local_2:int = parseInt(k.@id); var _local_3:Array = new Array(); for each (_local_4 in k.partcolors.color) { _local_11 = _local_4; if (_local_11.charAt(0) == "#"){ _local_11 = _local_11.replace("#", ""); _local_3.push(parseInt(_local_11, 16)); } else { _local_3.push(-(parseInt(_local_11))); }; }; _local_5 = k.@classname; _local_6 = _local_5.split("*"); _local_7 = _local_6[0]; _local_8 = (((_local_6.length)>1) ? parseInt(_local_6[1]) : 0); var _local_9 = (_local_6.length > 1); var _local_10:_SafeStr_3041 = new _SafeStr_3041(_SafeStr_3041._SafeStr_7087, _local_2, _local_5, _local_7, k.name, k.description, k.revision, k.xdim, k.ydim, 0, _local_3, _local_9, _local_8, k.adurl, k.offerid, (k.buyout == "1"), k.rentofferid, (k.rentbuyout == "1"), (k.bc == "1"), k.customparams, k.specialtype, (k.canstandon == "1"), (k.cansiton == "1"), (k.canlayon == "1"), (k.excludeddynamic == "1"), k.furniline); return (_local_10); } private function _SafeStr_7128(k:XML):_SafeStr_3041 { var _local_2:int = parseInt(k.@id); var _local_3:_SafeStr_3041 = new _SafeStr_3041(_SafeStr_3041._SafeStr_7086, _local_2, k.@classname, k.@classname, k.name, k.description, k.revision, 0, 0, 0, null, false, 0, k.adurl, k.offerid, (k.buyout == "1"), k.rentofferid, (k.rentbuyout == "1"), (k.bc == "1"), null, k.specialtype, false, false, false, (k.excludeddynamic == "1"), k.furniline); return (_local_3); } private function _SafeStr_7123(k:String):void { var _local_7:String; var _local_8:Array; var _local_9:String; var _local_10:Array; var _local_11:String; var _local_12:int; var _local_13:String; var _local_14:Array; var _local_15:String; var _local_16:int; var _local_17:Boolean; var _local_18:int; var _local_19:int; var _local_20:int; var _local_21:int; var _local_22:Array; var _local_23:Array; var _local_24:int; var _local_25:String; var _local_26:String; var _local_27:String; var _local_28:int; var _local_29:Boolean; var _local_30:int; var _local_31:Boolean; var _local_32:String; var _local_33:int; var _local_34:Boolean; var _local_35:Boolean; var _local_36:Boolean; var _local_37:Boolean; var _local_38:Boolean; var _local_39:Boolean; var _local_40:_SafeStr_3041; var _local_41:String; var _local_2:RegExp = /\n\r{1,}|\n{1,}|\r{1,}/mg; var _local_3:RegExp = /^\s+|\s+$/g; var _local_4:RegExp = /\[+?((.)*?)\]/g; var _local_5:Array = k.split(_local_2); var _local_6:int; for each (_local_7 in _local_5) { _local_8 = _local_7.match(_local_4); for each (_local_9 in _local_8) { _local_9 = _local_9.replace(/\[{1,}/mg, ""); _local_9 = _local_9.replace(/\]{1,}/mg, ""); _local_10 = _local_9.split('"'); this._SafeStr_7129(_local_10, ", "); this._SafeStr_7129(_local_10, ","); _local_10.splice(0, 1); _local_10.splice((_local_10.length - 1), 1); if (_local_10.length < 18){ Core.error(("Lingo furni data was malformed: " + k), true, Core._SafeStr_7124); return; }; _local_11 = _local_10[0]; _local_12 = parseInt(_local_10[1]); _local_13 = String(_local_10[2]); _local_14 = _local_13.split("*"); _local_15 = _local_14[0]; _local_16 = (((_local_14.length)>1) ? parseInt(_local_14[1]) : 0); _local_17 = (_local_14.length > 1); _local_18 = parseInt(_local_10[3]); _local_19 = parseInt(_local_10[4]); _local_20 = parseInt(_local_10[5]); _local_21 = parseInt(_local_10[6]); _local_22 = []; _local_23 = _local_10[7].split(","); _local_24 = 0; while (_local_24 < _local_23.length) { _local_41 = _local_23[_local_24]; if (_local_41.charAt(0) == "#"){ _local_41 = _local_41.replace("#", ""); _local_22.push(parseInt(_local_41, 16)); } else { _local_22.push(-(parseInt(_local_41))); }; _local_24++; }; _local_25 = _local_10[8]; _local_26 = _local_10[9]; _local_27 = _local_10[10]; _local_28 = parseInt(_local_10[11]); _local_29 = (_local_10[12] == "true"); _local_30 = parseInt(_local_10[13]); _local_31 = (_local_10[14] == "true"); _local_32 = _local_10[15]; _local_33 = parseInt(_local_10[16]); _local_34 = (_local_10[17] == "true"); _local_38 = false; _local_39 = (_local_11 == "i"); if (_local_39){ _local_35 = false; _local_36 = false; _local_37 = false; if (_local_10.length >= 19){ _local_38 = (_local_10[18] == "1"); }; } else { _local_35 = (_local_10[18] == "1"); _local_36 = (_local_10[19] == "1"); _local_37 = (_local_10[20] == "1"); if (_local_10.length >= 22){ _local_38 = (_local_10[21] == "1"); }; }; _local_40 = new _SafeStr_3041(_local_11, _local_12, _local_13, _local_15, _local_25, _local_26, _local_18, _local_19, _local_20, _local_21, _local_22, _local_17, _local_16, _local_27, _local_28, _local_29, _local_30, _local_31, _local_34, _local_32, _local_33, _local_35, _local_36, _local_37, _local_38, ""); this._SafeStr_7126(_local_40); this._SafeStr_7127(_local_40); }; _local_6++; }; dispatchEvent(new Event(_SafeStr_7112)); } private function _SafeStr_7126(k:_SafeStr_3041):void { if (k.type == _SafeStr_3041._SafeStr_7087){ this._SafeStr_7113.add(k.id, k); } else { if (k.type == _SafeStr_3041._SafeStr_7086){ this._SafeStr_7114.add(k.id, k); }; }; var _local_2:Array = this._SafeStr_7115[k._SafeStr_7064]; if (_local_2 == null){ _local_2 = []; this._SafeStr_7115.add(k._SafeStr_7064, _local_2); }; _local_2[k._SafeStr_7067] = k.id; } private function _SafeStr_7120(k:AssetLoaderEvent):void { _SafeStr_6.logEventLog(("furnituredata download error " + k.status)); Core.error("Could not download furnidata definition", true, Core._SafeStr_7124); } private function _SafeStr_7127(k:_SafeStr_3041):void { if (this._SafeStr_7116 != null){ if (k.type == _SafeStr_3041._SafeStr_7087){ this._SafeStr_7116._SafeStr_7130(("roomItem.name." + k.id), k._SafeStr_7072); this._SafeStr_7116._SafeStr_7130(("roomItem.desc." + k.id), k.description); } else { if (k.type == _SafeStr_3041._SafeStr_7086){ this._SafeStr_7116._SafeStr_7130(("wallItem.name." + k.id), k._SafeStr_7072); this._SafeStr_7116._SafeStr_7130(("wallItem.desc." + k.id), k.description); }; }; }; } private function _SafeStr_7129(k:Array, _arg_2:Object):void { var _local_3:int; while (_local_3 < k.length) { if (k[_local_3] == _arg_2){ k.splice(_local_3, 1); _local_3--; }; _local_3++; }; } } }//package _-0nx // _SafeStr_3041 = "_-3vD" (String#1826, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_37 = "_-3AZ" (String#1157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5315 = "_-3B" (String#2876, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5317 = "_-wO" (String#7063, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6 = "_-0rq" (String#1456, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7064 = "_-3S7" (String#3553, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7067 = "_-0cf" (String#9115, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7072 = "_-2Dg" (String#2562, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7086 = "_-qa" (String#14910, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7087 = "_-6aK" (String#15956, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7112 = "_-0oB" (String#5143, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7113 = "_-3O" (String#4669, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7114 = "_-2er" (String#3856, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7115 = "_-eC" (String#17201, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7116 = "_-0wq" (String#520, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7117 = "_-a9" (String#6812, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7118 = "_-1Ih" (String#14320, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7119 = "_-5MI" (String#36729, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7120 = "_-3C3" (String#38340, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7121 = "_-5xX" (String#3971, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7122 = "_-0z0" (String#24579, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7123 = "_-4IO" (String#24116, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7124 = "_-2jF" (String#31226, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7125 = "_-2C4" (String#36156, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7126 = "_-5Q4" (String#25793, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7127 = "_-18e" (String#22856, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7128 = "_-1bK" (String#36119, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7129 = "_-1XI" (String#28844, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7130 = "_-4hK" (String#8128, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0oe.SharedEventToGameEnum package _-0oe { public class SharedEventToGameEnum { public static const STAGE3D_RESPONSE:String = "stage3d_response"; public static const STAGE3D_RESPONSE_FAIL:String = "stage3d_response_fail"; public static const RESIZE_UPDATE:String = "resize_update"; } }//package _-0oe //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0oe.SharedEventToHabboEnum package _-0oe { public class SharedEventToHabboEnum { public static const STAGE3D_REQUEST:String = "stage3d_request"; public static const RESIZE_UPDATES_REQUEST:String = "resize_updates_request"; public static const QUIT_GAME_EVENT:String = "quit_game_event"; } }//package _-0oe //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0oe.SharedGameEvent package _-0oe { import flash.events.Event; public class SharedGameEvent extends Event { public static const API_VERSION:int = 1; public static const EVENT_TYPE_TO_HABBO:String = "HabboGameAPIEventToHabbo"; public static const EVENT_TYPE_TO_GAME:String = "HabboGameAPIEventToGame"; public var api:int; public var name:String; public var content; public function SharedGameEvent(k:String, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:String, _arg_4:*=null) { super(k); this.api = _arg_2; this.name = _arg_3; this.content = _arg_4; } public static function createToHabbo(k:String, _arg_2:*=null):SharedGameEvent { return (new (SharedGameEvent)(EVENT_TYPE_TO_HABBO, API_VERSION, k, _arg_2)); } public static function createToGame(k:String, _arg_2:*=null):SharedGameEvent { return (new (SharedGameEvent)(EVENT_TYPE_TO_GAME, API_VERSION, k, _arg_2)); } } }//package _-0oe //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0oe.SharedMessageHandler package _-0oe { import _-20B.HabboGameManager; import flash.events.EventDispatcher; import flash.events.Event; import flash.display.Stage; import _-15X.PlayerVersionCheck; public class SharedMessageHandler { private var _SafeStr_7131:HabboGameManager; private var _SafeStr_7132:EventDispatcher; private var _SafeStr_7133:int = -1; private var _SafeStr_7134:Boolean; public function SharedMessageHandler(k:HabboGameManager, _arg_2:EventDispatcher) { this._SafeStr_7131 = k; this._SafeStr_7132 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_7132.addEventListener(SharedGameEvent.EVENT_TYPE_TO_HABBO, this._SafeStr_7135); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_7132.removeEventListener(SharedGameEvent.EVENT_TYPE_TO_HABBO, this._SafeStr_7135); this._SafeStr_7132 = null; this._SafeStr_7131 = null; this._SafeStr_7134 = true; } public function get _SafeStr_7136():int { return (this._SafeStr_7133); } public function send(k:int, _arg_2:String, _arg_3:*=null):Boolean { this._SafeStr_7132.dispatchEvent(new SharedGameEvent(SharedGameEvent.EVENT_TYPE_TO_GAME, k, _arg_2, _arg_3)); return (true); } public function _SafeStr_7135(k:Event):Boolean { var _local_4:Boolean; if (this._SafeStr_7134){ _SafeStr_4.log(("Shared event received by disposed message handler: " + k)); return (false); }; if (k.type != SharedGameEvent.EVENT_TYPE_TO_HABBO){ _SafeStr_4.log("Unknown event received as shared event!"); return (false); }; var _local_2:Object = (k as Object); var _local_3:int = _local_2.api; switch (_local_3){ case 1: _local_4 = this._SafeStr_7137(_local_2); break; default: _SafeStr_4.log("Unknown api version for shared event!"); _local_4 = false; }; if (((_local_4) && ((this._SafeStr_7133 == -1)))){ this._SafeStr_7133 = _local_3; }; return (_local_4); } private function _SafeStr_7137(k:Object):Boolean { var _local_4:Object; var _local_2:String = k.name; var _local_3:int = 1; switch (_local_2){ case SharedEventToHabboEnum.STAGE3D_REQUEST: _local_4 = this._SafeStr_7138(); if (_local_4){ this.send(_local_3, SharedEventToGameEnum.STAGE3D_RESPONSE, _local_4); } else { this.send(_local_3, SharedEventToGameEnum.STAGE3D_RESPONSE_FAIL, null); }; break; case SharedEventToHabboEnum.QUIT_GAME_EVENT: this._SafeStr_7131._SafeStr_7139(); break; default: _SafeStr_4.log(((("Unknown shared event name for api v" + _local_3) + ": ") + _local_2)); return (false); }; return (true); } private function _SafeStr_7138():Object { var stage:Stage; var stage3D:Object; var i:int; stage = this._SafeStr_7131.context.displayObjectContainer.stage; try { if (PlayerVersionCheck._SafeStr_7140 < 11){ _SafeStr_4.log("Tried to get stage3D with too low player version"); return (null); }; if (stage.stage3Ds.length > 0){ i = 0; while (i < stage.stage3Ds.length) { stage3D = stage.stage3Ds[i]; if (stage3D){ return (stage3D); }; i = (i + 1); }; if (!stage3D){ _SafeStr_4.log("Stage3D request error: no free instances available"); return (null); }; } else { _SafeStr_4.log("Stage3D request error: zero instances available"); return (null); }; } catch(e:Error) { _SafeStr_4.log(("Stage3D request error: " + e)); return (null); }; return (null); } } }//package _-0oe // _SafeStr_4 = "_-5F-" (String#232, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7131 = "_-5ga" (String#1482, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7132 = "_-pz" (String#212, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7133 = "_-3KN" (String#25114, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7134 = "_-3lA" (String#654, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7135 = "_-4K3" (String#27627, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7136 = "_-0zu" (String#28829, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7137 = "_-4P3" (String#38159, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7138 = "_-4hY" (String#36096, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7139 = "_-1M4" (String#26314, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7140 = "_-6d5" (String#42435, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OK._SafeStr_102 package _-0OK { public interface _SafeStr_102 { function get id():int; function get type():String; function get breed():int; function get _SafeStr_7141():int; function get index():int; function get paletteMap():int; } }//package _-0OK // _SafeStr_102 = "_-57E" (String#2721, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7141 = "_-2ZM" (String#2149, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OK._SafeStr_52 package _-0OK { public interface _SafeStr_52 { function _SafeStr_7142(_arg_1:String, _arg_2:int):_SafeStr_102; function get type():String; function get id():int; function get gender():String; function get clubLevel():int; function get isColorable():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7143():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7144():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7145():Boolean; function get _SafeStr_7146():Array; function get _SafeStr_7147():Array; } }//package _-0OK // _SafeStr_102 = "_-57E" (String#2721, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_52 = "_-1r0" (String#1972, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7142 = "_-3GV" (String#2311, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7143 = "_-5VF" (String#2812, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7144 = "_-5zr" (String#2917, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7145 = "_-5pV" (String#2871, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7146 = "_-o3" (String#3230, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7147 = "_-1hD" (String#1940, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OK._SafeStr_54 package _-0OK { import flash.utils.Dictionary; public interface _SafeStr_54 { function get id():int; function _SafeStr_6418(_arg_1:int):_SafeStr_58; function get colors():Dictionary; } }//package _-0OK // _SafeStr_54 = "_-06k" (String#1605, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_58 = "_-N3" (String#3122, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6418 = "_-1Bq" (String#1832, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OK._SafeStr_56 package _-0OK { import _-15X.Map; public interface _SafeStr_56 { function _SafeStr_7148(_arg_1:int):_SafeStr_52; function _SafeStr_7149(_arg_1:String, _arg_2:int):Boolean; function _SafeStr_7150(_arg_1:String):int; function get type():String; function get _SafeStr_7151():int; function get _SafeStr_7152():Map; } }//package _-0OK // _SafeStr_52 = "_-1r0" (String#1972, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_56 = "_-4N2" (String#2554, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7148 = "_-0Qk" (String#1674, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7149 = "_-2mR" (String#2190, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7150 = "_-1Su" (String#1885, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7151 = "_-1bC" (String#1913, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7152 = "_-5G8" (String#2762, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OK._SafeStr_58 package _-0OK { import flash.geom.ColorTransform; public interface _SafeStr_58 { function get colorTransform():ColorTransform; function get redMultiplier():Number; function get greenMultiplier():Number; function get blueMultiplier():Number; function get _SafeStr_7153():uint; function get r():uint; function get g():uint; function get b():uint; function get id():int; function get index():int; function get clubLevel():int; function get _SafeStr_7143():Boolean; } }//package _-0OK // _SafeStr_58 = "_-N3" (String#3122, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7143 = "_-5VF" (String#2812, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7153 = "_-4m6" (String#2641, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OK.FigurePart package _-0OK { public class FigurePart implements _SafeStr_102 { private var _SafeStr_6041:int; private var _SafeStr_6078:String; private var _SafeStr_7154:int = -1; private var _SafeStr_7155:int; private var _index:int; private var _SafeStr_7156:int = -1; public function FigurePart(k:XML) { this._SafeStr_6041 = parseInt(k.@id); this._SafeStr_6078 = String(k.@type); this._index = parseInt(k.@index); this._SafeStr_7155 = parseInt(k.@colorindex); var _local_2:String = k.@palettemapid; if (_local_2 != ""){ this._SafeStr_7156 = int(_local_2); }; var _local_3:String = k.@breed; if (_local_3 != ""){ this._SafeStr_7154 = int(_local_3); }; } public function dispose():void { } public function get id():int { return (this._SafeStr_6041); } public function get type():String { return (this._SafeStr_6078); } public function get breed():int { return (this._SafeStr_7154); } public function get _SafeStr_7141():int { return (this._SafeStr_7155); } public function get index():int { return (this._index); } public function get paletteMap():int { return (this._SafeStr_7156); } } }//package _-0OK // _SafeStr_102 = "_-57E" (String#2721, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6041 = "_-4WA" (String#2591, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6078 = "_-07n" (String#1609, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7141 = "_-2ZM" (String#2149, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7154 = "_-3TH" (String#2348, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7155 = "_-11O" (String#1798, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7156 = "_-3k1" (String#2405, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OK.FigurePartSet package _-0OK { public class FigurePartSet implements _SafeStr_52 { private var _SafeStr_6078:String; private var _SafeStr_6041:int; private var _SafeStr_6702:String; private var _SafeStr_7157:int; private var _SafeStr_7158:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7159:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7160:Array; private var _SafeStr_7161:Array; private var _SafeStr_7162:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7163:Boolean; public function FigurePartSet(k:XML, _arg_2:String) { var _local_3:XML; var _local_4:XML; var _local_5:FigurePart; var _local_6:int; super(); this._SafeStr_6078 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_6041 = parseInt(k.@id); this._SafeStr_6702 = String(k.@gender); this._SafeStr_7157 = parseInt(k.@club); this._SafeStr_7158 = Boolean(parseInt(k.@colorable)); this._SafeStr_7159 = Boolean(parseInt(k.@selectable)); this._SafeStr_7162 = Boolean(parseInt(k.@preselectable)); this._SafeStr_7163 = Boolean(parseInt(k.@sellable)); this._SafeStr_7160 = new Array(); this._SafeStr_7161 = new Array(); for each (_local_3 in k.part) { _local_5 = new FigurePart(_local_3); _local_6 = this._SafeStr_7164(_local_5); if (_local_6 != -1){ this._SafeStr_7160.splice(_local_6, 0, _local_5); } else { this._SafeStr_7160.push(_local_5); }; }; for each (_local_4 in k.hiddenlayers.layer) { this._SafeStr_7161.push(String(_local_4.@parttype)); }; } public function dispose():void { var k:FigurePart; for each (k in this._SafeStr_7160) { k.dispose(); }; this._SafeStr_7160 = null; this._SafeStr_7161 = null; } private function _SafeStr_7164(k:FigurePart):int { var _local_3:FigurePart; var _local_2:int; while (_local_2 < this._SafeStr_7160.length) { _local_3 = this._SafeStr_7160[_local_2]; if ((((_local_3.type == k.type)) && ((_local_3.index < k.index)))){ return (_local_2); }; _local_2++; }; return (-1); } public function _SafeStr_7142(k:String, _arg_2:int):_SafeStr_102 { var _local_3:FigurePart; for each (_local_3 in this._SafeStr_7160) { if ((((_local_3.type == k)) && ((_local_3.id == _arg_2)))){ return (_local_3); }; }; return (null); } public function get type():String { return (this._SafeStr_6078); } public function get id():int { return (this._SafeStr_6041); } public function get gender():String { return (this._SafeStr_6702); } public function get clubLevel():int { return (this._SafeStr_7157); } public function get isColorable():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7158); } public function get _SafeStr_7143():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7159); } public function get _SafeStr_7146():Array { return (this._SafeStr_7160); } public function get _SafeStr_7147():Array { return (this._SafeStr_7161); } public function get _SafeStr_7144():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7162); } public function get _SafeStr_7145():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7163); } } }//package _-0OK // _SafeStr_102 = "_-57E" (String#2721, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_52 = "_-1r0" (String#1972, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6041 = "_-4WA" (String#2591, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6078 = "_-07n" (String#1609, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6702 = "_-4ry" (String#2659, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7142 = "_-3GV" (String#2311, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7143 = "_-5VF" (String#2812, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7144 = "_-5zr" (String#2917, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7145 = "_-5pV" (String#2871, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7146 = "_-o3" (String#3230, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7147 = "_-1hD" (String#1940, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7157 = "_-4ik" (String#2628, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7158 = "_-zP" (String#3276, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7159 = "_-48M" (String#2503, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7160 = "_-5OP" (String#2791, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7161 = "_-aH" (String#3179, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7162 = "_-0k-" (String#1739, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7163 = "_-tV" (String#3249, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7164 = "_-4WG" (String#2593, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OK.Palette package _-0OK { import flash.utils.Dictionary; public class Palette implements _SafeStr_54 { private var _SafeStr_6041:int; private var _SafeStr_7165:Dictionary; public function Palette(k:XML) { this._SafeStr_6041 = parseInt(k.@id); this._SafeStr_7165 = new Dictionary(); this._SafeStr_7166(k); } public function _SafeStr_7166(k:XML):void { var _local_2:XML; for each (_local_2 in k.color) { this._SafeStr_7165[String(_local_2.@id)] = new PartColor(_local_2); }; } public function get id():int { return (this._SafeStr_6041); } public function _SafeStr_6418(k:int):_SafeStr_58 { return (this._SafeStr_7165[String(k)]); } public function get colors():Dictionary { return (this._SafeStr_7165); } } }//package _-0OK // _SafeStr_54 = "_-06k" (String#1605, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_58 = "_-N3" (String#3122, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6041 = "_-4WA" (String#2591, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6418 = "_-1Bq" (String#1832, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7165 = "_-0aq" (String#1707, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7166 = "_-QN" (String#3133, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OK.PartColor package _-0OK { import flash.geom.ColorTransform; public class PartColor implements _SafeStr_58 { private var _SafeStr_6041:int; private var _index:int; private var _SafeStr_7157:int; private var _SafeStr_7159:Boolean = false; private var _SafeStr_7167:uint; private var _SafeStr_7168:uint; private var _SafeStr_7169:uint; private var _b:uint; private var _SafeStr_7170:Number; private var _SafeStr_7171:Number; private var _SafeStr_7172:Number; private var _SafeStr_7173:ColorTransform; public function PartColor(k:XML) { this._SafeStr_6041 = parseInt(k.@id); this._index = parseInt(k.@index); this._SafeStr_7157 = parseInt(k.@club); this._SafeStr_7159 = Boolean(parseInt(k.@selectable)); var _local_2:String = k.text(); this._SafeStr_7167 = parseInt(_local_2, 16); this._SafeStr_7168 = ((this._SafeStr_7167 >> 16) & 0xFF); this._SafeStr_7169 = ((this._SafeStr_7167 >> 8) & 0xFF); this._b = ((this._SafeStr_7167 >> 0) & 0xFF); this._SafeStr_7170 = ((this._SafeStr_7168 / 0xFF) * 1); this._SafeStr_7171 = ((this._SafeStr_7169 / 0xFF) * 1); this._SafeStr_7172 = ((this._b / 0xFF) * 1); this._SafeStr_7173 = new ColorTransform(this._SafeStr_7170, this._SafeStr_7171, this._SafeStr_7172); } public function get colorTransform():ColorTransform { return (this._SafeStr_7173); } public function get redMultiplier():Number { return (this._SafeStr_7170); } public function get greenMultiplier():Number { return (this._SafeStr_7171); } public function get blueMultiplier():Number { return (this._SafeStr_7172); } public function get _SafeStr_7153():uint { return (this._SafeStr_7167); } public function get r():uint { return (this._SafeStr_7168); } public function get g():uint { return (this._SafeStr_7169); } public function get b():uint { return (this._b); } public function get id():int { return (this._SafeStr_6041); } public function get index():int { return (this._index); } public function get clubLevel():int { return (this._SafeStr_7157); } public function get _SafeStr_7143():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7159); } } }//package _-0OK // _SafeStr_58 = "_-N3" (String#3122, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6041 = "_-4WA" (String#2591, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7143 = "_-5VF" (String#2812, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7153 = "_-4m6" (String#2641, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7157 = "_-4ik" (String#2628, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7159 = "_-48M" (String#2503, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7167 = "_-2O7" (String#2108, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7168 = "_-0uS" (String#1773, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7169 = "_-4jL" (String#2631, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7170 = "_-3hh" (String#2400, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7171 = "_-1jV" (String#1944, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7172 = "_-6EJ" (String#2968, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7173 = "_-3cO" (String#2382, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OK.SetType package _-0OK { import _-15X.Map; import flash.utils.Dictionary; public class SetType implements _SafeStr_56 { private var _SafeStr_7174:Map; private var _SafeStr_6078:String; private var _SafeStr_7175:int; private var _SafeStr_7176:Dictionary; public function SetType(k:XML) { this._SafeStr_6078 = String(k.@type); this._SafeStr_7175 = parseInt(k.@paletteid); this._SafeStr_7176 = new Dictionary(); this._SafeStr_7176["F"] = new Array(); this._SafeStr_7176["M"] = new Array(); this._SafeStr_7176["F"][0] = Boolean(parseInt(k.@mand_f_0)); this._SafeStr_7176["F"][1] = Boolean(parseInt(k.@mand_f_1)); this._SafeStr_7176["M"][0] = Boolean(parseInt(k.@mand_m_0)); this._SafeStr_7176["M"][1] = Boolean(parseInt(k.@mand_m_1)); this._SafeStr_7174 = new Map(); this._SafeStr_7166(k); } public function dispose():void { var k:FigurePartSet; for each (k in this._SafeStr_7174._SafeStr_7177()) { k.dispose(); }; this._SafeStr_7174.dispose(); this._SafeStr_7174 = null; } public function _SafeStr_7178(k:XML):void { var _local_2:XML; var _local_3:String; var _local_4:FigurePartSet; for each (_local_2 in k["set"]) { _local_3 = String(_local_2.@id); _local_4 = this._SafeStr_7174.getValue(_local_3); if (_local_4 != null){ _local_4.dispose(); this._SafeStr_7174.remove(_local_3); }; }; } public function _SafeStr_7166(k:XML):void { var _local_2:XML; for each (_local_2 in k["set"]) { this._SafeStr_7174.add(String(_local_2.@id), new FigurePartSet(_local_2, this._SafeStr_6078)); }; } public function _SafeStr_7179(k:String):_SafeStr_52 { var _local_4:_SafeStr_52; var _local_2:Array = this._SafeStr_7174._SafeStr_5569(); var _local_3:int = (_local_2.length - 1); while (_local_3 >= 0) { _local_4 = this._SafeStr_7174.getValue(_local_2[_local_3]); if (((((_local_4) && ((_local_4.clubLevel == 0)))) && ((((_local_4.gender == k)) || ((_local_4.gender == "U")))))){ return (_local_4); }; _local_3--; }; return (null); } public function _SafeStr_7148(k:int):_SafeStr_52 { return (this._SafeStr_7174.getValue(String(k))); } public function get type():String { return (this._SafeStr_6078); } public function get _SafeStr_7151():int { return (this._SafeStr_7175); } public function _SafeStr_7149(k:String, _arg_2:int):Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7176[k.toUpperCase()][Math.min(_arg_2, 1)]); } public function _SafeStr_7150(k:String):int { var _local_2:Array = this._SafeStr_7176[k.toUpperCase()]; return (_local_2.indexOf(false)); } public function get _SafeStr_7152():Map { return (this._SafeStr_7174); } } }//package _-0OK // _SafeStr_52 = "_-1r0" (String#1972, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_5569 = "_-2vO" (String#2225, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_56 = "_-4N2" (String#2554, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_6078 = "_-07n" (String#1609, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7148 = "_-0Qk" (String#1674, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7149 = "_-2mR" (String#2190, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7150 = "_-1Su" (String#1885, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7151 = "_-1bC" (String#1913, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7152 = "_-5G8" (String#2762, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7166 = "_-QN" (String#3133, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7174 = "_-60F" (String#2921, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7175 = "_-wV" (String#3260, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7176 = "_-1o4" (String#1959, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7177 = "_-0wk" (String#1780, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7178 = "_-5oj" (String#2868, DoABC#2) // _SafeStr_7179 = "_-3xr" (String#2466, DoABC#2) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OQ._SafeStr_2901 package _-0OQ { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-5LB._SafeStr_3228; public class _SafeStr_2901 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_2901(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3228); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3228 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3228)); } } }//package _-0OQ // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2901 = "_-2li" (String#8342, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3228 = "_-2HW" (String#10545, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OQ._SafeStr_3113 package _-0OQ { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-5LB._SafeStr_3134; public class _SafeStr_3113 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3113(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3134); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3134 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3134)); } } }//package _-0OQ // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3113 = "_-48X" (String#10061, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3134 = "_-2sS" (String#10024, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OQ._SafeStr_3120 package _-0OQ { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-5LB._SafeStr_3115; public class _SafeStr_3120 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3120(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3115); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3115 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3115)); } } }//package _-0OQ // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3115 = "_-2zZ" (String#10955, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3120 = "_-6f7" (String#10810, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OQ._SafeStr_3123 package _-0OQ { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-5LB._SafeStr_3152; public class _SafeStr_3123 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3123(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3152); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3152 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3152)); } } }//package _-0OQ // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3123 = "_-2tb" (String#10097, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3152 = "_-3XX" (String#10859, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OQ._SafeStr_3140 package _-0OQ { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-5LB._SafeStr_3139; public class _SafeStr_3140 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3140(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3139); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3139 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3139)); } } }//package _-0OQ // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3139 = "_-5Y6" (String#9934, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3140 = "_-2Dx" (String#9855, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OQ._SafeStr_3141 package _-0OQ { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-5LB._SafeStr_4724; public class _SafeStr_3141 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3141(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_4724); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_4724 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_4724)); } } }//package _-0OQ // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3141 = "_-aO" (String#12509, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4724 = "_-0Er" (String#11749, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OQ._SafeStr_3147 package _-0OQ { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-5LB._SafeStr_3145; public class _SafeStr_3147 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3147(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3145); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3145 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3145)); } } }//package _-0OQ // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3145 = "_-3SA" (String#10074, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3147 = "_-2UJ" (String#10403, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OQ._SafeStr_3148 package _-0OQ { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-5LB._SafeStr_3119; public class _SafeStr_3148 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_3148(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_3119); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_3119 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_3119)); } } }//package _-0OQ // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3119 = "_-1Yq" (String#8866, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3148 = "_-4iW" (String#7067, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OQ._SafeStr_4276 package _-0OQ { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2278; import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2275; import _-5LB._SafeStr_4700; public class _SafeStr_4276 extends _SafeStr_2278 implements _SafeStr_2275 { public function _SafeStr_4276(k:Function) { super(k, _SafeStr_4700); } public function _SafeStr_5551():_SafeStr_4700 { return ((_SafeStr_5552 as _SafeStr_4700)); } } }//package _-0OQ // _SafeStr_2275 = "_-2Xh" (String#157, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_2278 = "_-0Qz" (String#67, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4276 = "_-6Mn" (String#12472, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4700 = "_-0mH" (String#10805, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5551 = "_-ud" (String#110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5552 = "_-4WR" (String#251, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OQ._SafeStr_4720 package _-0OQ { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4720 { private var _SafeStr_7180:int; private var _name:String; private var _SafeStr_6625:int; private var _SafeStr_6705:String; private var _SafeStr_7181:String; public function _SafeStr_4720(k:_SafeStr_2721) { this._SafeStr_7180 = k.readInt(); this._name = k.readString(); this._SafeStr_6625 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_6705 = k.readString(); this._SafeStr_7181 = k.readString(); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_7180 = 0; this._name = ""; this._SafeStr_6625 = 0; this._SafeStr_6705 = ""; this._SafeStr_7181 = ""; } public function get _SafeStr_7182():int { return (this._SafeStr_7180); } public function get name():String { return (this._name); } public function get level():int { return (this._SafeStr_6625); } public function get figure():String { return (this._SafeStr_6705); } public function get owner():String { return (this._SafeStr_7181); } } }//package _-0OQ // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4720 = "_-6fQ" (String#4750, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6625 = "_-3Xt" (String#1506, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6705 = "_-0Gt" (String#881, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7180 = "_-Hd" (String#10866, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7181 = "_-0NR" (String#7861, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7182 = "_-0G3" (String#7310, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OQ._SafeStr_4721 package _-0OQ { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2721; public class _SafeStr_4721 { private var _SafeStr_7183:int; private var _SafeStr_7184:Array; public function _SafeStr_4721(k:_SafeStr_2721) { this._SafeStr_7183 = k.readInt(); this._SafeStr_7184 = []; var _local_2:int = k.readInt(); var _local_3:int; while (_local_3 < _local_2) { this._SafeStr_7184.push(k.readInt()); _local_3++; }; } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_7183 = -1; this._SafeStr_7184 = []; } public function get _SafeStr_7185():int { return (this._SafeStr_7183); } public function get breeds():Array { return (this._SafeStr_7184); } } }//package _-0OQ // _SafeStr_2721 = "_-1nb" (String#207, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4721 = "_-5tA" (String#8052, DoABC#3) // readInt() = "_-Xq" (String#82, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7183 = "_-4IX" (String#24290, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7184 = "_-62q" (String#19903, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7185 = "_-W" (String#20236, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0OQ._SafeStr_4722 package _-0OQ { public class _SafeStr_4722 { private var _SafeStr_6035:int; private var _SafeStr_7186:int; private var _SafeStr_5809:String; private var _SafeStr_5687:int; private var _SafeStr_7187:String; private var _SafeStr_7188:int; private var _SafeStr_7189:Boolean; public function _SafeStr_4722(k:int, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:String, _arg_4:int, _arg_5:String, _arg_6:int, _arg_7:Boolean) { this._SafeStr_6035 = k; this._SafeStr_7186 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5809 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_5687 = _arg_4; this._SafeStr_7187 = _arg_5; this._SafeStr_7188 = _arg_6; this._SafeStr_7189 = _arg_7; } public function get stuffId():int { return (this._SafeStr_6035); } public function get _SafeStr_7190():int { return (this._SafeStr_7186); } public function get _SafeStr_5825():String { return (this._SafeStr_5809); } public function get userId():int { return (this._SafeStr_5687); } public function get userName():String { return (this._SafeStr_7187); } public function get rarityLevel():int { return (this._SafeStr_7188); } public function get _SafeStr_7191():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7189); } } }//package _-0OQ // _SafeStr_4722 = "_-59L" (String#4988, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5687 = "_-2Ca" (String#462, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5809 = "_-00D" (String#1992, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5825 = "_-1br" (String#2388, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6035 = "_-2-d" (String#2029, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7186 = "_-0qC" (String#2718, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7187 = "_-ek" (String#937, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7188 = "_-0gu" (String#3379, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7189 = "_-3N3" (String#30651, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7190 = "_-4AK" (String#2381, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7191 = "_-4Db" (String#6484, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0oy._SafeStr_3629 package _-0oy { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3629 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([]); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-0oy // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3629 = "_-1BT" (String#9877, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0oy._SafeStr_3631 package _-0oy { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3631 implements _SafeStr_2285 { public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return ([]); } public function dispose():void { } } }//package _-0oy // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3631 = "_-116" (String#9909, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0oy._SafeStr_3634 package _-0oy { import _-1Qv._SafeStr_2285; public class _SafeStr_3634 implements _SafeStr_2285 { private var _SafeStr_6039:Array; public function _SafeStr_3634(k:String, _arg_2:int=-1, _arg_3:int=-1, _arg_4:int=-1, _arg_5:int=-1, _arg_6:int=-1, _arg_7:int=-1) { if ((((((((((_arg_2 == -1)) && ((_arg_3 == -1)))) && ((_arg_4 == -1)))) && ((_arg_5 == -1)))) && ((_arg_6 == -1)))){ this._SafeStr_6039 = [k]; } else { if (_arg_7 == -1){ this._SafeStr_6039 = [k, _arg_2, _arg_3, _arg_4, _arg_5, _arg_6]; } else { this._SafeStr_6039 = [k, _arg_2, _arg_3, _arg_4, _arg_5, _arg_6, _arg_7]; }; }; } public function _SafeStr_5301():Array { return (this._SafeStr_6039); } public function dispose():void { this._SafeStr_6039 = null; } } }//package _-0oy // _SafeStr_2285 = "_-5ay" (String#239, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_3634 = "_-0lz" (String#11012, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5301 = "_-65S" (String#257, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6039 = "_-5dY" (String#125, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_2803 package _-0Ph { import flash.events.Event; public class _SafeStr_2803 extends Event { public static const _SafeStr_7192:String = "hrwe_hide_room_widget"; private var _SafeStr_7193:String; public function _SafeStr_2803(k:String, _arg_2:Boolean=false, _arg_3:Boolean=false) { super(_SafeStr_7192, _arg_2, _arg_3); this._SafeStr_7193 = k; } public function get _SafeStr_7194():String { return (this._SafeStr_7193); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_2803 = "_-6V2" (String#8075, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7192 = "_-63d" (String#15138, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7193 = "_-5Zq" (String#12158, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7194 = "_-2c2" (String#38372, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_2815 package _-0Ph { import flash.events.Event; public class _SafeStr_2815 extends Event { public static const _SafeStr_7195:String = "RDMZEE_ENABLED"; private var _SafeStr_5936:Boolean; public function _SafeStr_2815(k:Boolean) { super(_SafeStr_7195); this._SafeStr_5936 = k; } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_2815 = "_-3Lt" (String#14294, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5936 = "_-39n" (String#2328, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7195 = "_-0oJ" (String#8003, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4364 package _-0Ph { import flash.events.Event; public class _SafeStr_4364 extends Event { public static const _SafeStr_7196:String = "RWUE_EVENT_TEST"; public function _SafeStr_4364(k:String, _arg_2:Boolean=false, _arg_3:Boolean=false) { super(k, _arg_2, _arg_3); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7196 = "_-3Ru" (String#30858, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4439 package _-0Ph { import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.geom.Point; public class _SafeStr_4439 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const _SafeStr_7197:String = "RWRVUE_ROOM_VIEW_SIZE_CHANGED"; public static const _SafeStr_7198:String = "RWRVUE_ROOM_VIEW_SCALE_CHANGED"; public static const _SafeStr_7199:String = "RWRVUE_ROOM_VIEW_POSITION_CHANGED"; private var _SafeStr_7200:Rectangle; private var _SafeStr_7201:Point; private var _SafeStr_5741:Number = 0; public function _SafeStr_4439(k:String, _arg_2:Rectangle=null, _arg_3:Point=null, _arg_4:Number=0, _arg_5:Boolean=false, _arg_6:Boolean=false) { super(k, _arg_5, _arg_6); this._SafeStr_7200 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_7201 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_5741 = _arg_4; } public function get rect():Rectangle { if (this._SafeStr_7200 != null){ return (this._SafeStr_7200.clone()); }; return (null); } public function get _SafeStr_7202():Point { if (this._SafeStr_7201 != null){ return (this._SafeStr_7201.clone()); }; return (null); } public function get scale():Number { return (this._SafeStr_5741); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4439 = "_-6P5" (String#3233, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5741 = "_-3KQ" (String#1072, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7197 = "_-4KO" (String#11758, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7198 = "_-4bC" (String#16204, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7199 = "_-oN" (String#16748, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7200 = "_-RK" (String#23267, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7201 = "_-0Tw" (String#22774, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7202 = "_-DG" (String#26035, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4450 package _-0Ph { public class _SafeStr_4450 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const OPEN:String = "RWRBFOCME_OPEN"; private var _SafeStr_7203:int; public function _SafeStr_4450(k:int) { this._SafeStr_7203 = k; super(OPEN); } public function get _SafeStr_7204():int { return (this._SafeStr_7203); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4450 = "_-3oJ" (String#7488, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7203 = "_-1Yv" (String#2517, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7204 = "_-3s-" (String#7711, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4451 package _-0Ph { public class _SafeStr_4451 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const _SafeStr_7205:String = "RWREUE_GAME_MODE"; public static const _SafeStr_7206:String = "RWREUE_NORMAL_MODE"; private var _SafeStr_6766:int = 0; public function _SafeStr_4451(k:String, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:Boolean=false, _arg_4:Boolean=false) { super(k, _arg_3, _arg_4); this._SafeStr_6766 = _arg_2; } public function get roomId():int { return (this._SafeStr_6766); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4451 = "_-5eY" (String#3937, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6766 = "_-3wl" (String#735, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7205 = "_-67H" (String#10623, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7206 = "_-5sk" (String#5716, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4453 package _-0Ph { public class _SafeStr_4453 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const _SafeStr_7207:String = "RWLBUE_SHOW_LOADING_BAR"; public static const _SafeStr_6550:String = "RWLBUW_HIDE_LOADING_BAR"; public function _SafeStr_4453(k:String, _arg_2:Boolean=false, _arg_3:Boolean=false) { super(k, _arg_2, _arg_3); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4453 = "_-2Y1" (String#3636, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6550 = "_-19z" (String#2350, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7207 = "_-HP" (String#4660, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4454 package _-0Ph { public class _SafeStr_4454 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const _SafeStr_7208:String = "RWRBSLUE_SKILL_LIST"; private var _SafeStr_7203:int; private var _SafeStr_7209:Array; public function _SafeStr_4454(k:int, _arg_2:Array, _arg_3:Boolean=false, _arg_4:Boolean=false) { super(_SafeStr_7208, _arg_3, _arg_4); this._SafeStr_7203 = k; this._SafeStr_7209 = _arg_2; } public function get _SafeStr_7210():Array { return (this._SafeStr_7209); } public function get _SafeStr_7204():int { return (this._SafeStr_7203); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4454 = "_-5bG" (String#7456, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7203 = "_-1Yv" (String#2517, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7204 = "_-3s-" (String#7711, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7208 = "_-3S4" (String#13434, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7209 = "_-1WN" (String#8994, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7210 = "_-6Su" (String#15400, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4460 package _-0Ph { public class _SafeStr_4460 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const _SafeStr_7211:String = "RWROUE_OBJECT_SELECTED"; public static const _SafeStr_6952:String = "RWROUE_OBJECT_DESELECTED"; public static const _SafeStr_7212:String = "RWROUE_USER_REMOVED"; public static const _SafeStr_7213:String = "RWROUE_FURNI_REMOVED"; public static const _SafeStr_7214:String = "RWROUE_FURNI_ADDED"; public static const _SafeStr_7215:String = "RWROUE_USER_ADDED"; public static const _SafeStr_7216:String = "RWROUE_OBJECT_ROLL_OVER"; public static const _SafeStr_7217:String = "RWROUE_OBJECT_ROLL_OUT"; private var _SafeStr_6041:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_5321:int = 0; private var _SafeStr_6766:int = 0; public function _SafeStr_4460(k:String, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:int, _arg_4:int, _arg_5:Boolean=false, _arg_6:Boolean=false) { super(k, _arg_5, _arg_6); this._SafeStr_6041 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5321 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_6766 = _arg_4; } public function get id():int { return (this._SafeStr_6041); } public function get category():int { return (this._SafeStr_5321); } public function get roomId():int { return (this._SafeStr_6766); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4460 = "_-3rj" (String#1097, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5321 = "_-ch" (String#1032, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6041 = "_-4WA" (String#285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6766 = "_-3wl" (String#735, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6952 = "_-65D" (String#6515, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7211 = "_-0M3" (String#9671, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7212 = "_-58P" (String#7173, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7213 = "_-6Cj" (String#6181, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7214 = "_-0Nc" (String#9384, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7215 = "_-18f" (String#15180, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7216 = "_-4Ij" (String#15924, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7217 = "_-Ny" (String#11166, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4462 package _-0Ph { public class _SafeStr_4462 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const _SafeStr_7218:String = "RWCCE_USER_CHOOSER_CONTENT"; public static const _SafeStr_7219:String = "RWCCE_FURNI_CHOOSER_CONTENT"; private var _SafeStr_7220:Array; private var _SafeStr_7221:Boolean; public function _SafeStr_4462(k:String, _arg_2:Array, _arg_3:Boolean=false, _arg_4:Boolean=false, _arg_5:Boolean=false) { super(k, _arg_4, _arg_5); this._SafeStr_7220 = _arg_2.slice(); this._SafeStr_7221 = _arg_3; } public function get items():Array { return (this._SafeStr_7220); } public function get _SafeStr_6141():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7221); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4462 = "_-5VA" (String#5326, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6141 = "_-6NA" (String#2679, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7218 = "_-oI" (String#16682, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7219 = "_-3O9" (String#15371, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7220 = "_-0hx" (String#666, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7221 = "_-2GJ" (String#16922, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4464 package _-0Ph { public class _SafeStr_4464 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const _SafeStr_7222:String = "RWPLENPE_USER_PLAY_SONG"; public static const _SafeStr_7223:String = "RWPLENPW_USER_STOP_SONG"; public static const _SafeStr_7224:String = "RWPLENPE_SONG_CHANGED"; private var _SafeStr_6041:int; private var _SafeStr_7225:int; private var _priority:int; public function _SafeStr_4464(k:String, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:int, _arg_4:int, _arg_5:Boolean=false, _arg_6:Boolean=false) { super(k, _arg_5, _arg_6); this._SafeStr_6041 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_7225 = _arg_3; this._priority = _arg_4; } public function get id():int { return (this._SafeStr_6041); } public function get position():int { return (this._SafeStr_7225); } public function get priority():int { return (this._priority); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4464 = "_-09v" (String#3845, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6041 = "_-4WA" (String#285, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7222 = "_-20t" (String#6039, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7223 = "_-4T6" (String#6071, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7224 = "_-5ys" (String#5237, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7225 = "_-67U" (String#1855, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4468 package _-0Ph { public class _SafeStr_4468 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const _SafeStr_7226:String = "RWPLEE_SHOW_PLAYLIST_EDITOR"; public static const _SafeStr_7227:String = "RWPLEE_HIDE_PLAYLIST_EDITOR"; public static const _SafeStr_7228:String = "RWPLEE_INVENTORY_UPDATED"; public static const _SafeStr_7229:String = "RWPLEE_SONG_DISK_INVENTORY_UPDATED"; public static const _SafeStr_7230:String = "RWPLEE_PLAY_LIST_UPDATED"; public static const _SafeStr_7231:String = "RWPLEE_PLAY_LIST_FULL"; private var _SafeStr_7232:int; public function _SafeStr_4468(k:String, _arg_2:int=-1, _arg_3:Boolean=false, _arg_4:Boolean=false) { super(k, _arg_3, _arg_4); this._SafeStr_7232 = _arg_2; } public function get furniId():int { return (this._SafeStr_7232); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4468 = "_-4Om" (String#2339, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7226 = "_-1vx" (String#16282, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7227 = "_-1Lf" (String#15887, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7228 = "_-Ik" (String#5752, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7229 = "_-2AQ" (String#14241, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7230 = "_-4H-" (String#5294, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7231 = "_-6OI" (String#6521, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7232 = "_-5HX" (String#1666, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4475 package _-0Ph { public class _SafeStr_4475 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const _SafeStr_7233:String = "RWFRUE_SHOW_FRIEND_REQUEST"; public static const _SafeStr_7234:String = "RWFRUE_HIDE_FRIEND_REQUEST"; private var _SafeStr_6723:int; private var _SafeStr_5687:int; private var _SafeStr_7187:String; public function _SafeStr_4475(k:String, _arg_2:int, _arg_3:int=0, _arg_4:String=null, _arg_5:Boolean=false, _arg_6:Boolean=false) { super(k, _arg_5, _arg_6); this._SafeStr_6723 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_5687 = _arg_3; this._SafeStr_7187 = _arg_4; } public function get _SafeStr_6662():int { return (this._SafeStr_6723); } public function get userId():int { return (this._SafeStr_5687); } public function get userName():String { return (this._SafeStr_7187); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4475 = "_-5xx" (String#4324, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5687 = "_-2Ca" (String#462, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6662 = "_-0lH" (String#3014, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_6723 = "_-0Nh" (String#2992, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7187 = "_-ek" (String#937, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7233 = "_-3Zy" (String#12537, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7234 = "_-4CT" (String#13044, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4478 package _-0Ph { import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.geom.Point; public class _SafeStr_4478 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const _SafeStr_7235:String = "RWULUE_USER_LOCATION_UPDATE"; private var _SafeStr_5687:int; private var _SafeStr_7236:Rectangle; private var _SafeStr_7237:Point; public function _SafeStr_4478(k:int, _arg_2:Rectangle, _arg_3:Point, _arg_4:Boolean=false, _arg_5:Boolean=false) { super(_SafeStr_7235, _arg_4, _arg_5); this._SafeStr_5687 = k; this._SafeStr_7236 = _arg_2; this._SafeStr_7237 = _arg_3; } public function get userId():int { return (this._SafeStr_5687); } public function get rectangle():Rectangle { return (this._SafeStr_7236); } public function get _SafeStr_7238():Point { return (this._SafeStr_7237); } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4478 = "_-vZ" (String#3423, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_5687 = "_-2Ca" (String#462, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7235 = "_-6S-" (String#24618, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7236 = "_-5m1" (String#3727, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7237 = "_-5Ld" (String#28284, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7238 = "_-kR" (String#12075, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4481 package _-0Ph { public class _SafeStr_4481 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const _SafeStr_7239:String = "rwwgue_welcome_gift_widget_status"; private var _SafeStr_7240:String; private var _SafeStr_7241:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7242:Boolean; private var _SafeStr_7232:int; private var _SafeStr_7243:Boolean; public function _SafeStr_4481(k:Boolean=false, _arg_2:Boolean=false) { super(_SafeStr_7239, k, _arg_2); } public function get email():String { return (this._SafeStr_7240); } public function get _SafeStr_7244():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7241); } public function get _SafeStr_7245():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7242); } public function get furniId():int { return (this._SafeStr_7232); } public function get _SafeStr_7246():Boolean { return (this._SafeStr_7243); } public function set email(k:String):void { this._SafeStr_7240 = k; } public function set _SafeStr_7244(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_7241 = k; } public function set _SafeStr_7245(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_7242 = k; } public function set furniId(k:int):void { this._SafeStr_7232 = k; } public function set _SafeStr_7246(k:Boolean):void { this._SafeStr_7243 = k; } } }//package _-0Ph // _SafeStr_4364 = "_-2Io" (String#491, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_4481 = "_-6Bp" (String#7411, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7232 = "_-5HX" (String#1666, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7239 = "_-4qQ" (String#12950, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7240 = "_-5TP" (String#6110, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7241 = "_-yZ" (String#5567, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7242 = "_-60X" (String#8151, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7243 = "_-1qv" (String#14919, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7244 = "_-43n" (String#8225, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7245 = "_-4zq" (String#24588, DoABC#3) // _SafeStr_7246 = "_-4Gc" (String#14930, DoABC#3) //------------------------------------------------------------ //_-0Ph._SafeStr_4484 package _-0Ph { public class _SafeStr_4484 extends _SafeStr_4364 { public static const _SafeStr_7247:String = "rwcere_change_email_result"; private var _result:int; public function _SafeStr_4484(k:int, _arg_2:Boolean=false, _arg_3:Boolean=false) { super(_SafeStr_7247, _