Any Drink - Raw Data

How to make any drink appear using the Kick Raw Data method.
This script uses a RawData method, for a RawData Tutorial: Click Here]

Packet Finder/Editor and ArtMoney
[For a full list of Drink Names: Click Here]
[For an ArtMoney Tutorial: Click Here]

1.) Load up The Packet Finder/Editor

2.) Start the Packet-Finder and go into an empty room

3.) First copy and paste the code that looks like this:

(Remember, this is only an example and doesn't have the correct Chrs. Thus it will error you if sent; find your own packet the way I have told you.)
And place it in a blank notepad [or something similar]

4.) Now go to any room.

5.) Send the packet @o to the client to give yourself owner-rights (ClientSide) if you don't have them.

6.) Now smuggle the drinkID into Habbo.

7.) To do this you need the packet from earlier and you need to change the UserName like below:

for example:

(Remember, this is only an example and doesn't have the correct Chrs. Thus it will error you if sent; find your own packet the way I have told you.)

8.) Next change the value A_ to AP in ArtMoney
[You may error here though it is unusual, if you do just reload your packetlogger and start again]

9.) Now send the packet and kick the Habbo that appears, you should now be holding your desired drink.

- Tutorial was written by Alex (Shenk.)
Any errors in this tutorial should be emailed to or reported on the ShoutBox.