Any Photo Into Habbo (After The Patch)
How to make a Habbo Photo of any picture you want, Alex (Shenk)'s version.
The models in the pictures are: Ariel Rebel, Apnea and an Mima/Mina.
Packet Finder/Editor and Unlocker1.8.7
1.) Open the install and click allow to the security message if in VISTA
2.) Select everything you want till you hit "Choose Components" then
make sure you've ticked "Explorer extension" and "SendTo shortcut".
3.) Then finish as normal.
1.) Go into a normal folder and hold "Alt+T" now go to "Folder Options".
2.) Go to "View" on the tab bar and scroll down "Advanced Settings" intill you see "Hide extensions for known file types" untick this.
3.) Click "OK" and now all extensions will be seen (Such as .gif, .dll, .exe etc)
1.) Load up The Packet Finder/Editor.
2.) Enter a public room WITH an Advert-Screen (Example shown below).
3.) Look for the code highlighted below and Copy it:
4.) Now enter RooftopRumble (WobbleSquable) and send the packet to the client.
5.) The advert from the other room should now appear in here.
6.) Now let's find your "Temp" file:
WindowsVISTA users: C:\Users\[COMPUTER NAME]\AppData\Local\Temp\
WindowsXP users: C:\Documents and Settings\[COMPUTER NAME]\Local Settings\Temp\
7.) (If it's not already selected) Right-Click and go to View > Large Icons.
8.) Now scroll down till you see the advert image you were just messing about with.
9.) Right-Click it and press "Unlocker" [Like Below] (If you're on VISTA press allow to the security message)
10.) Now click the button "Unlock All"
11.) Next copy the name of the file.
12.) Find a picture you wish to replace with it and call it the exact same file name.
(And the same type! Habbo uses .gif files, make sure your picture is the same format!)
13.) Now resend the packet to the client - wait for a moment and it should now appear.
14.) Now whack out your cam, stand under the part of the picture you
want to take a picture of (re-resend the packet to move) and wait for
the TagCam to reach you. (See Pic)
Picture 1
N1.) One thing that is quite odd is that Finland's Habbo seem to of
already patched this exploit, also others may have aswell I guess...
N2.) This is also possible with "Load Adverts" which is the same technique - See picture: Picture 2
N3.) It can also be used to change Badges and GroupBadges - though this is a lot more annoying and very unreliable.
- Tutorial was written by Alex (Shenk.)
Any errors in this tutorial should be emailed to
or reported on the ShoutBox.