[locale] ############ Server.exe ############ server_started_msg=Server started on Port: socket_error=Socket error, server will shutdown now. mnufile_caption=File mnuEnd_caption=Exit chckLog_caption=Packetlog chkchatlog_caption=Chatlog chksavechatlog_caption=Save chatlogs check_foreground_caption=Always in foreground mnulang_caption=Language mass_credits=Mass credits c_to_all_online_users=To all online users c_to_all_users=To all users in database sendbutton=Send! hotelalert=Hotel alert hotelalert_dsc=
= new line in message hotel_lock=Sorry, but at the moment the Hotel is configured that only Staff members are allowed to enter. hotel_lock_get=Sorry, but the Hotel Staff put the Hotel in Lock mode, only Staff is able to enter now.
You'll be disconnected now. hotel_full=Sorry, but at the moment the Hotel is full! Come back later. already_regged=Sorry, but you can't register more accounts! reg_closed=Sorry, but at the moment the registration is closed. @@@@@@@@ User online @@@@@@@@ user_online=User online @@@@@@@@ Auto Power Off @@@@@@@@ auto_poweroff=Auto Power Off @@@@@@@@ Settings @@@@@@@@ tab_main=Main Settings tab_limits=Limits tab_filter=Filter tab_habbos=Habbos tab_guestrooms=Guest rooms tab_publicrooms=Public rooms tab_ranks=Ranks tab_club=Club tab_console=Console savebutton=Save restorebutton=Restore $$$$ tab_main $$$$ mainLabel1=Here you can change some Settings for the Server! mainLabel2=Server port: mainLabel3=Connection limit: mainCheck1=Bobbafilter enabled/disabled mainCheck2=Console enabled/disabled mainCheck3=Ipscan enabled/disabled mainCheck4=Welcome alert enabled/disabled mainCheck5=Free HC Clothes enabled/disabled $$$$ tab_limits $$$$ limitsLabel1=Max rooms per user limitsLabel2=Max rooms in Search-List limitsLabel3=Max favourite rooms limitsLabel4=Max rollers in room limitsLabel5=Max pets in room $$$$ tab_filter $$$$ filterLabel1=+ Add filterLabel2=- Remove filterLabel3=Replacement: filterCommand1=Save replacement $$$$ tab_habbos $$$$ habbosLabel1=Username: habbosLabel2=Password: habbosLabel3=Mission: habbosLabel4=Console mission: habbosLabel5=Badges: habbosLabel6=Credits: habbosLabel7=Tickets: habbosLabel8=Rank: HabbosLabel9=User list: $$$$ tab_guestrooms $$$$ guestLabel1=Guest Room guestLabel2=Categories guestroomLabel1=Room ID: guestroomLabel2=Owner: guestroomLabel3=Room Name: guestroomLabel4=Room description: guestroomLabel5=Password: guestroomLabel6=Guest room list: guestcategoriesLabel1=State: guestcategoriesLabel2=Categories name: guestcategoriesLabel3=Trade: guestcategoriesLabel4=Status-Possibilities: 0 = Hide categorie, 1 = categorie enabled, 2 = categorie enabled, but only admins/mods can provide rooms there $$$$ tab_publicrooms $$$$ $$$$ tab_ranks $$$$ ranksLabel1=Speech Commands: ranksLabel2=Badges: ranksLabel3=Mod-tool: ranksLabel4=Other rights: ranksCheck1=Admin Catalogue ranksCheck2=Always see room owner ranksCheck3=Enter any room ranksCheck4=Receive Calls for Help ranksCheck5=Rights in any Room $$$$ tab_club $$$$ clubLabel1=Save the furnis wich you want as HC-Gifts in the database\buy_furni\club_furni\ folder and write the name of the Folder in the Textfield of your desired Month. clubLabel2=Badges from 1 to 11 month: clubLabel3=Badges off the 11 month: folder_doesnt_exists=The Folder %foldername% doesn't exists in database\buy_furni\club_furni\ ############ Hotel ############ hotel_alert=Message From Hotel Management @@@@@@@@ CFH @@@@@@@@ cfh_time=On message=Message picked_up_on=Picked up on already_picked_up_by=Picked up by rp_from=Sender rp_message=Message reported_message=REPORTED MESSAGE @@@@@@@@ Console @@@@@@@@ hotel_view=on Hotel View @@@@@@@@ Habbo-Club @@@@@@@@ club_gift_name=Clubpresent room_locked_alert=This room was concluded from various reasons. no_user_for_gift=No user named %user% found. Gift not purchased. @@@@@@@@ Limits @@@@@@@@ max_guestrooms=You have reached the current limit of private rooms with %maxrooms% rooms max_fav_guestrooms=You cannot have more than %maxfavs% favourite rooms too_many_rollers_in_room_alert=You can not place more then %max% Habbo Rollers in your room. \rYou can't fit more Habbo Rollers in this room! too_many_pets_in_room_alert=Too many pets in the room! not_tradeable=You cannot trade this! trax_one_room=Sorry, but you can't place more than one Traxmachine in your room. @@@@@@@@ Pet-Commands @@@@@@@@ petdead=dead petjump=jump petsit=sit petlay=lay petnest=nest petwakeup=wake up petcome=come petguard=guard @@@@@@@@ Infobus @@@@@@@@ bus_closed=Infobus closed @@@@@@@@ OneWayDoor Toll @@@@@@@@ toll_no_credits=Sorry, but the %room_owner% (owner of this room) wants you to pay %toll_price% Credits as toll to pass this door.
But, you don't have enough Credits. toll_confirmation=%room_owner% (owner of this room) wants you to pay %toll_price% Credits as toll to pass this door.
If you are sure, please click again on this door. changetoll_syntax=Sorry, but the new toll you have provided is smaller than zero.
The command's syntax is like this:
:changetoll NEWTOLL changetoll_invalid=Sorry, but the furni you are standing in front of is not a One Way Door that supports toll. changetoll_only_owner=Sorry, but only the room owner or Staff member can change the toll. changetoll_set=The toll of the Toll door you are standing in front of has been changed to %new_toll% succesfully. changetoll_free=The Toll door you are standing in front of is now a free door, no toll is required to pass. ############ Commands ############ @@@@@@@@ Voucher @@@@@@@@ following_code_cmd_msg=Voucher created: code=Code: amount_code_msg=Amount of credits: @@@@@@@@ Giverank @@@@@@@@ rank_not_found=The rank was not found in database @@@@@@@@ Userdata @@@@@@@@ user_not_found=User not found userdata_daten_von=Data from userdata_birthdate=Birthdate: userdata_password=Password: userdata_rank=Rank: userdata_credits=Credits: userdata_mission=Mission: userdata_since=Registered on: @@@@@@@@ Unban @@@@@@@@ user_unbanned=User unbanned @@@@@@@@ CloseRoom @@@@@@@@ this_room_is_locked=Room locked room_locked=Room locked @@@@@@@@ OpenRoom @@@@@@@@ room_unlocked=Room unlocked @@@@@@@@ Update Catalogue Index @@@@@@@@ catalogue_update=The Index of pages in the Catalogue has been refreshed with the following reason: catalogue_update_reason_prompt=Sorry, but the syntax for this command is: :updatecatalogue @@@@@@@@ Diving status switch @@@@@@@@ diving_enabled=Diving in the Lido is now enabled!
Go and vote for your buddies, or dive by yourself! diving_disabled=The Hotel Staff has decided to disable the diving in the Lido!
You can't dive now. @@@@@@@@ Misc @@@@@@@@ diving_score=Score buytickets_notfound=Sorry, but the user you tried to buy %tickets% for, doesn't exist in the Hotel!
The tickets have not been bought. group_error=An unexpected error regarding groups has occured.
We're sorry for the inconviences. catalogue_error=Sorry, but you are not allowed to access this Catalogue page.
The Hotel Owner should check for pages that are both on the normal Catalogue, and on the advanced Catalogue.
Please change this message.