Normal basic : sd=001/0&hr=001/255,255,255&hd=002/255,204,153&ey=001/0&fc=001/255,204,153&bd=001/255,204,153&lh=001/255,204,153&rh=001/255,204,153&ch=001/232,177,55&ls=001/232,177,55&rs=001/232,177,55&lg=001/119,159,187&sh=001/175,220,223 1. You must acces to the database, Or, you can't be mutant with my method. 2. Go in ''USERS'' folder 3.Click on the username you want. 4. After, Click on object.txt 5. You will see something like that : example sd=001/0&hr=001/255,255,255&hd=002/255,204,153&ey=001/0&fc=001/255,204,153&bd=001/255,204,153&lh=001/255,204,153&rh=001/255,204,153&ch=001/232,177,55&ls=001/232,177,55&rs=001/232,177,55&lg=001/119,159,187&sh=003/121,94,83 10/06/1986 Test Account 1 Male 0 0 6. Edit this line : sd=001/0&hr=001/255,255,255&hd=002/255,204,153&ey=001/0&fc=001/255,204,153&bd=001/255,204,153&lh=001/255,204,153&rh=001/255,204,153&ch=001/232,177,55&ls=001/232,177,55&rs=001/232,177,55&lg=001/119,159,187&sh=003/121,94,83 7. In this code, i will change the head color and the head style. sd=001/0&hr=001/255,255,255&hd=555/127,255,212&ey=001/0&fc=001/255,204,153&bd=001/255,204,153&lh=001/255,204,153&rh=001/255,204,153&ch=001/232,177,55&ls=001/232,177,55&rs=001/232,177,55&lg=001/119,159,187&sh=003/121,94,83 Legend : hd=head bd=body fc=face ey=eye ch=chest ls=left sleeve rs=right sleeve rh=right arm lh=left arm lg=leg ft=feet sd=shadow Part of corpse. hr=900 almost bald hair hr=800 slicked hair hd=911 bald with 'stache hd=555 lady head with glasses hd=888 man head with blonde elvis hair hd=665 painter man ugly black guy ey=666 cyclops eye ch=044 medallion ch=665 painter man body ch=555 receptionist whatever body they're one, I don't know if it work : Elvis: hr=520, ch=520 King: hr=521, ch=521, rs=521, ls=521 Queen: hr=522, ch=522 Clown: hr=523, ch=523, sh=523 Angel: hr=524, ch=524 Mr Darcy: hr=525, ch=525, rs=525, ls=525 Boxer: hr=700, rs=526, ls=526, ch=526 Squaw: hr=527, ch=527 Viking: hr=528, ch=528 Chef: hr=799 and now, the color : aliceblue 240,248,255 antiquewhite 250,235,215 aqua 000,255,255 aquamarine 127,255,212 azure 240,255,255 beige 245,245,220 bisque 255,228,196 black 000,000,000 blanchedalmond