# Compiled from database at: 20-02-2010 14:05:40 (external.php) accept=Accept Alert_BuyingOK=Buying successful! Alert_Char_Birthday= Birthday Alert_Char_Email= Email Alert_Char_T=Please check these details: Alert_Char_Terms= Please read and accept the hotel's Terms and Conditions Alert_CheckBirthday=Please check your birthday Alert_CheckEmailandBirthday=Please check your email and birthday Alert_ChooseWhoToSentMessage=Please choose who to\rsend your message to Alert_ConnectionDisconnected=Please reload Habbo Hotel!\r\rIf this happens again, please wait a moment before reloading. Alert_ConnectionFailure=Disconnected Alert_ConnectionNotReady=Could not connect to the server Alert_emailNotCorrect=Please check your email address Alert_ForgotSetPassword=Please check your password alert_InvalidUserName=Don't use this character: \x ! Alert_InviteFriend=Invite your friends Alert_LogoNameAlreadyUse=That name is already being used Alert_MessageFromAdmin=Message from Hotel Management: Alert_ModeratorWarning=Message from a Hobba: Alert_NameAlreadyUse=That name is already being used Alert_NoNameSet=Check your Habbo name. Alert_NoNameSetForLogo=Please give a name to your logo Alert_purchasingerror=Buying unsuccessful Alert_RememberSetYourPassword=Please check your password Alert_SetYourPhoneNumber=Please check your phone number alert_shortenPW=Your password cannot be longer\rthan 9 characters alert_tooLongPW=Your password is too long Alert_unacceptableName=Sorry, that name is unacceptable to the Hotel Management Alert_WrongNameOrPassword=Wrong name or password - please try again! Alert_WrongPassword=Check passwords! Alert_YouAreBanned=You have been banned for breaking the Habbo Way. This is why: Alert_YouAreBanned_T=A Hobba kicked you out of the room. Alert_YouMustAgree=You must accept the Terms and Conditions before proceeding. Alert_YourNameIstooShort=Habbo names must be at least 3 characters long. Alert_YourPasswordIsTooShort=Passwords must be at least 3 characters long. alert_warning=Hobba says: back=Back boy=Boy BuddyEntry=on hotel view BuddyNotHere=offline BuddyNow=now: BuddyPrivateRoom=in guest room BuddyRequesta=Friend Frequest(s) buy=Buy callhelp_example=Example: Daisy is hassling me. callhelp_explanation=Are other Habbos harassing you? Send an emergency call for help to the Hobbas (hotel moderators).\r\rThis is for emergencies only. For general questions please read the FAQs. callhelp_writeyour=Write your emergency call for help here: callhelp_sent=Your call for help has been sent. callhelp_allwillreceive=All the Hobbas who are in the hotel will receive your call for help. One of them will have a look at what has been said and many come and talk to you about it. If he or she thinks it appropriate, action may be taken against the offending Habbos. cancel=Cancel cam_save_nofilm=You have run out of film.\rGet a roll (5 photos) from\rthe Catalogue for 6 Credits. cam_shoot.help=Shutter release (does not require film) cam_release.help=Cancel photo cam_save.help=Save and print photo cam_zoom_in.help=Zoom in cam_zoom_out.help=Zoom out cam_film.help=Number of photos left cam_txtscreen.help=Caption cam_savetxt=Saving photo... camera_open_dialog_heading=Camera camera_open_dialog_text=Would you like to take some photos\ror put your camera in your room? camera_dialog_place=Move camera_dialog_open=Shoot catalog_buyingSuccesfull=Buying succesful! catalog_costs=\x1 costs \x2 credits catalog_credits=You have \x credits in your purse. catalog_giftfor=This is a gift for: catalog_itsurs=Yay! It's yours! catalog_typeurname=Type your greetings here\r(don't forget to put your name!): char_birthdayformat=Birthday: (dd.mm.yyyy) char_choose_country=Choose country: char_country=Country registration: char_defphonenum=+44 char_emailwanna=Yes, I want to get the occasional email from the Hotel Manager. char_habboname=Habbo name: char_note_text=Never change your password or email\rif someone else asks you to - they will\rsteal your furni and Credits! char_note_title=Alert! char_mobilenumber=Mobile phone number*: char_pledgelink=Hotel rules - read them now! char_promise=*Any personal information you supply will only be used by Habbo Ltd in accordance with the Habbo Pledge and will NOT be shared with third parties. char_termasaccept=Yes, I have read the Habbo Hotel Terms and Conditions and I accept them. char_termslink=Terms and Conditions chess_black=Black: close=Close closed=Closed console_asktobecomeafriend=Ask to become a Friend console_console=Console console_compose=Compose a message console_creatingaprofile=Creating a profile console_credits=Credits console_differentmessagemodes=Different messages console_email=Email console_friends=Friends console_friends_helptext=This screen shows a list of all your Habbo Friends. It tells you where they are in the hotel, or, if they're not checked in, when their last visit was. console_getfriendrequest_1=has asked you to become his/her Friend. console_getfriendrequest_2=If you accept this invitation (s)he will be added to your Friends List. Then you can send messages to each other. console_getmessage_sender=Sender: console_habboprofile_arrowed=Habbo Profile >> console_inprivateroom=In guest room console_lasttime=Last time console_lastvisit=Last visit console_mainhelp=Habbo Console Help console_mainhelptext=You can use the Habbo Console to keep in constant contact with your friends, using instant messages, email and SMS, even when they are offline. console_messagemode_helptext=You can choose which kind of message to send to your Habbo Friends - instant message, email or SMS. console_mobile_active=Mobile phone link active console_mobile_inactive=Mobile phone link inactive. Add your number to your ID. console_msgs=msgs console_myinterests=My interests: console_newmessages=new message(s) console_next_msg=Delete console_noemail=Sorry, console_noprofile=Habbo Profile not found console_now=now: console_offline=offline console_onfrontpage=On hotel view console_online=online: console_profile_create=Create your Habbo Profile. console_profile_helptext=The Habbo Profile is a snapshot of your interests and hobbies - simply tick the things you like. console_profilematch=Habbo Profile match - console_recipients=Recipient(s) console_removefriend_1=Are you sure you want to remove console_removefriend_2=from your Friends List? console_request_1=has been sent your Friend Request. console_request_2=(S)he will be added into your Friends List if (s)he accepts it. console_requests=Friend Request(s) console_search_habbo_lasthere=Last time console_search_habbo_profilematch=Habbo Profile match - console_searchfor=Search: console_sms=SMS console_smssending_conf1=Sending the message(s) via SMS will cost you console_smssending_conf2=Are you sure? console_usersnotfound=Habbo not found console_youdonthavebuddies=You have no Friends on your list.\rYou can send Friend Requests using\rthe 'search' button. dance=Dance decision_cancel=Cancel decision_ok=OK delete=Delete delete_furniture=Delete furniture (permanently) done=Done doorbell_rings=rings the doorbell - open the door? email=Email: emailpw=Send error_ok=OK-> error_text=Error occured, press 'OK' to restart program.\r\rPlease report bugs to:\rwww.habbohotel.com/habbo/en/help/contact/bugs/ \rSorry for the inconvenience. error_title=Oops, error! floodblocking=You are typing too fast - don't flood the room. forgottenpw=Forgotten your password? forgottenpw_done=If the email you gave during registration was correct, your password will be sent to you now. forgottenpw_email=Your email address forgottenpw_explanation=If you have forgotten your password and you gave your correct email address when you registered, we can send your password to you! forgottenpw_whatyou=What's your Habbo called? game_battles_turn=TURN game_BattleShip=Battleships game_bs_congrat=Congratulations! game_bs_hit=A Hit!!!: game_bs_miss=Miss: game_bs_ship1=An aircraft carrier game_bs_ship2=Battle ship(s) game_bs_ship3=Cruiser(s) game_bs_ship4=Destroyer(s) game_bs_toast=Toast!!! game_bs_turn1=Your turn game_bs_turn2=The enemy's turn game_bs_won=WON! game_chess_black=Black: game_chess_email=Receive game via e-mail game_chess_start=Start over game_chess_white=White: game_chooseside=Choose your side! game_newgame=New game game_placeship=Place your ships: game_waitop=WAITING FOR THE OPPONENT gen_youhave=You have girl=Girl go=Go >> GoAway=Leave the room GoInside=Go >> handitem.cam=Camera help=Habbo Help help_callforhelp=Call for help here! help_topics=Help topics: help_trouble=In trouble? help_txt_1=Guided tour help_txt_2=FAQs (your questions answered) help_txt_3=Habbo Way help_txt_4=Privacy Policy hobba_alert=Hobba Alert hobba_chatlog=See chat log >> hobba_cryforhelp=Call for help: hobba_pickedby=Picked up by: hobba_pickup=Pick up hobba_pickup_go=Pick up and go! human_carrying=Carrying: human_trading=Trading int_credits=Credits int_howtoget=How to get? int_newmessages=New message(s) int_newrequests=Friend Request(s) int_update_id=Update my Habbo ID >> is_moderator=(moderator) loading=Loading... loading_project=Loading Habbo Hotel... LoadingRoom=Loading room... locked=Locked (visitors have to ring bell) login_connecting=Connecting... login_create1here=You can create one here. login_firstTimeHere=First time here? login_forgottenPassword=Forgotten your password? login_haventGotHabbo=Haven't got a Habbo yet? login_name=Name of your Habbo login_ok=OK login_password=Password login_welcome=Welcome, login_whatsHabboCalled=What's your Habbo called? Message=message Messages=message(s) messenger=Messenger MobilePhoneLinkActive=Mobile phone link active MobilePhoneLinkInactive=Mobile phone link inactive. Add your number to your ID to receive SMS from your Habbo Friends. modify=Modify move=Move move_furniture=Move furniture name=name: nav_addtofavourites=Add to favorites nav_cancel=Cancel nav_deleteroom=Delete room nav_delroom1=If you want to save the furniture in this room, move it to the giant hand before you continue. nav_delroom2=Are you sure you want to delete this room? All furniture left in it will also be deleted. nav_delroom3=Room deleted! nav_dooropens=Door opens! nav_gobutton=Go >> nav_goingprivate=Going to guest room nav_help_text=Click here to open a Room-O-Matic and set up a free room! nav_help_title=Want a room of your own? nav_hotelview=Hotel view nav_incorrectflatpw=Incorrect, try again. nav_loading=Loading... nav_modify=Modify nav_modify_doorstatus=Door status nav_modify_doorstatus_locked=Locked nav_modify_doorstatus_open=Open nav_modify_doorstatus_passwordprotected=Let other people move and leave furniture in the room. nav_modify_doorstatus_pwagain=pw again: nav_modify_doorstatus_pwprotected=Password protected: nav_modify_letothersmove=Let other people move and leave furniture in the room. nav_modify_name=Name of the room nav_modify_nameoftheroom=Name of the room nav_modify_nameshow=Show your name in the room info nav_modify_roomdescription=Room description nav_noanswer=No answer nav_ok=OK nav_owner=Owner nav_people=People nav_private_helptext=Click here to open a Room-O-Matic and set up a free room! nav_private_norooms=You have no guest rooms. See below for how to get one! nav_privateRooms=Guest rooms nav_prvrooms_notfound=Your search did not match any rooms nav_publicRooms=Public spaces nav_removefavourites=Remove from favourites nav_ringbell=The door is locked. Ringing the bell, and waiting... nav_roomInfo=Room info nav_roominfo_unit001=The heart of Habbo Hotel nav_roominfo_unit002=For low level loafing nav_roominfo_unit003=A mean place to hang nav_roominfo_unit004=Lift your spirits on the top floor nav_roominfo_unit005=Get here early for the best seats in the house nav_roominfo_unit006=Cool refuelling - burgers, fries and drinks nav_roominfo_unit007=Strut your funky stuff! nav_roominfo_unit009=Make all the right moves nav_roominfo_unit010=Cinema with more bite nav_roominfo_unit011=Relax with friends over one of Maria's speciality coffees nav_roominfo_unit012=Pit your wits on the battlefield, the board or the baize nav_roominfo_unit013=All chatted out? Rest a while and play a game. nav_roominfo_unit014=It's one-on-one for five in a row nav_roominfo_unit015=Keep your head down; it's bombs away nav_roominfo_unit016=Are you the new Deep Blue? nav_roominfo_unit017=Get a hand like a foot? Keep a straight face and bluff it out nav_roominfo_unit018=The perfect place to mellow out nav_roominfo_unit019=Dive right in for a splashing time! nav_roominfo_unit020=Dive right in for a splashing time! nav_roominfo_unit021=Dive right in for a splashing time! nav_roominfo_unit022=Dive right in for a splashing time! nav_roominfo_unit023=Dive right in for a splashing time! nav_roominfo_unit024=Dive right in for a splashing time! nav_roominfo_unit025=Retro, baby and loving it! nav_roominfo_unit026=When it's time to chill nav_roominfo_unit027=Make all the right moves nav_roominfo_unit028=Cooler than an Eskimo's freezer nav_roominfo_unit029=Join Eric for a bite to eat nav_roominfo_unit030=Great for a bit of R and R nav_roominfo_unit031=Chef's cooking up a storm... nav_roominfo_unit032=New? Lost? Get a warm welcome here. nav_roominfo_unit033=When push comes to shove... nav_roomispwprotected=The room is password protected. nav_rooms_favourite=Favourite rooms nav_rooms_own=Own room(s) nav_rooms_popular=Popular rooms nav_rooms_search=Search nav_time_counter=s nav_tryingpw=Trying the password... navigator=Hotel Navigator next=Next next_arrows=Next >> next_onearrowed=Next > no=No obj_name: a2 filmi=Film obj_bar_armas=tea,juice obj_bar_basic=tea,juice obj_bar_polyfon=tea,juice obj_fridge=carrot,ice-cream,milk,blackcurrant juice obj_mocchamaster=regular,decaff,latte,mocha,macchiato,espresso,filter,iced,cappuccino,java obj_samovar=tea obj_sink=tap obj_watermatic=water obj_md_limukaappi=Mountain Dew ok=OK open=Open paalu.winner=Winner: password=Password: people=People ph_choosecolour=Choose costume colour ph_exit=Exit in normal clothes ph_goswimming=Go swimming! ph_keys_dive=Diving moves: ph_keys_jump=Jump: ph_keys_run=Run: ph_keys_spacebar=Spacebar ph_ticket=Ticket ph_tickets_buyfor=Buy 5 tickets for ph_tickets_have1=You have ph_tickets_have2=tickets. ph_tickets_title=Tickets ph_tickets_txt=Tickets can be used either to dive or to play Wobble Squabble. Each dive or game uses one ticket. You get 5 tickets for 2 Habbo Credits. You do not have to use all of your tickets at once ? they will be valid forever. You can also buy tickets for other Habbos if you want. Join the queue to dive or play once you have bought your ticket.\r\rYou currently have \x1 ticket(s) photo_legend=Caption pick_furniture=Put furniture in hand pickup=Pick up previous=Previous previous_onearrowed=< Previous purse_credits=You have \x1 Habbo Credit(s) in your purse. purse_link=Click here to see how to get Credits. receivers=Receiver(s): receivers2=Receiver(s) reject=Reject remove=Remove reply=Reply retype_password=Retype password: Room=Room: room_areYouSure=Are you sure you want to delete this item forever? room_areYouSurePlace=Warning! If you put something down in this room you will not be able to pick it up again. room_ask_friend=Ask to be a Friend room_banner_text= room_confirmDelete=Confirm room_confirmPlace=Are you sure? room_doorbell=rings the doorbell - open the door? room_give_rights=Give rights room_hold=Wait a second...\rLoading room... room_kick=Kick room_loading=Loading room... room_name=Room: room_open_package=Open the present room_owner=Owner: room_preparing=...preparing room room_take_rights=Remove rights room_waiting=...waiting to go in. roomatic_intro1=You can decorate and furnish your room however you like and no one can tell you to tidy up or turn the music down. It's up to you if you let everyone in or just a chosen few, or lock the door and chill by yourself. Get creating and in a coupel of minutes you'll have your own Habbo Hotel space. roomatic_intro2=Here's what one Habbo say about her room: roomatic_intro3="My mates live miles away, but we can meet up in my room every Friday night and we dont' have to worry about getting home afterwards." - PinkFruit roomatic_bobbafilter=Bobba filter (filters out bad language) roomatic_canmodifysettings=(You can change these settings later) roomatic_chooselayout=Choose the layout of your room roomatic_confirm=Confirm password: roomatic_congrats=Congratulations! You're now the proud owner of your own Habbo Hotel room. roomatic_createyrown=Create Your Own Room roomatic_givename=Give your room a name! roomatic_goyourroom=Go to your room roomatic_hway=Hotel guests are expected to follow the Habbo Way even if word filtering is switched off. roomatic_letmove=Let other people move your furniture and place their own. (Furniture cannot be stolen.) roomatic_locked=Door locked - visitors have to ring doorbell roomatic_name=Room name: roomatic_namedisp=Do you want your name to be displayed with the room? roomatic_namedisplayed=Do you want your name to be displayed with the room? roomatic_nomatch=Sorry. Your passwords don't match. Please enter them again. roomatic_onemoment=Please wait, we are going to your room... roomatic_open=Door open roomatic_owner=Owner: roomatic_pws=Password for selected roomatic_pws2=24 hour access: roomatic_roomdesc=Room description: roomatic_roomdescription=Room description: roomatic_roomname=Room name: roomatic_roomnumber=Room number: roomatic_security=Security roomatic_wrongpw=Oops! Sorry, your passwords don't match. Please enter them again. rotate=Rotate rotate_furniture=Rotate furniture say=Say search=Search security=Security send=Send shopping_asagift=Buy as a gift shopping_costs=XX costs XX Credit(s) shopping_got=You have xx in your Purse. shopping_nocash=You don't have any credits in your purse.\rClick "OK" to see the different ways of\rgetting credits. shout=Shout start=Start trade=Trade trading=Trading trading_additems=Add items to box. trading_agrees=agrees trading_cancel=Cancel trading trading_offers=offers: trading_title=Safe trading trading_youagree=You agree trading_youoffer=You offer: Unreadmessages=new message(s) url_help_1=http://www.habbohotel.com/habbo/en/help/ url_help_2=http://www.habbohotel.com/habbo/en/help/faq/ url_help_3=http://www.habbohotel.com/habbo/en/help/safety/ url_help_4=http://www.habbohotel.com/habbo/en/help/safety/privacypledge/ url_helpterms=http://www.habbohotel.com/habbo/en/help/safety/terms/ url_helppledge=http://www.habbohotel.com/habbo/en/help/safety/ url_nobalance=http://www.habbohotel.com/purchase.jsp?userName= url_purselink=http://www.habbohotel.com/purchase.jsp?userName= wave=Wave whisper=Whisper win_callforhelp=Alert a Hobba win_doorbell=Doorbell win_error=Notice! win_figurecreator=Habbo details win_help=Habbo Help win_messenger=Habbo Console win_place=Note! win_purse=Habbo Purse yes=Yes your_mission=Your mission: x=X club_txt_expired=Your Habbo Club membership has run out. You can join the club again by clicking the HC logo on the hotel view.\r\rMembers of Habbo Club get priority access to the hotel (so you can always get in), exclusive clothes, hair colours, rare furni and special guest room layouts. To see exactly what you'll be able to get your hands on as a Habbo Club member, take a look in the Catalogue. club_txt_intro=Welcome to Habbo Club - the members only club that all the best Habbos belong to!\r\rMembers of Habbo Club get priority access to the hotel (so you can always get in), exclusive clothes, hair colours, rare furni and special guest room layouts. To see exactly what you'll be able to get your hands on as a Habbo Club member, take a look in the Catalogue. club_txt_intro2=Click here to join Habbo Club habboclub_txt1=Welcome to Habbo Club - the members only club that all the best Habbos belong to!\r\rJust click the 'Activate' button to pay for membership. habboclub_txt1.member=Your Habbo Club membership will be active for another %days% days. You can pay for another month before it runs out - just click 'Extend membership'. habboclub_txt3=I am over 14 years of age or I am under 14 years of age and have permission from my parent/guardian to join Habbo Club. habboclub_require_parent_permission=You need to tick the box to say that you are over 14 years or age, \ror under 14 and have your parent/guardian's permission to join Habbo Club. \r\rPlease go back and tick the box. habboclub_dropmenu_1=1 month - 150 credits habboclub_price1=150 habboclub_price1.days=30 club_price=Price: 1 month - 150 credits habboclub_confirm_header=Subscription costs %price% credits habboclub_confirm_body=You have %credits% credits habboclub_thanks=Yippee! You are now a member of Habbo Club! Your current email address is %email%. \r\rIf habboclub_activate_button=Activate epsnotify_1001= The hotel is full at the moment. Please try again in a few minutes. \rTo jump the queue, join Habbo Club! habboclub_continue_button=Extend membership club_habbo.window.title=Habbo Club club_habbo.bottombar.text.member=Habbo Club club_habbo.bottombar.link.member=%days% days club_habbo.bottombar.text.notmember=Habbo Club club_habbo.bottombar.link.notmember=Join! club_bottombar_text1=Loading club_bottombar_text2=(....) more_roomlayouts=Extra room layouts for Habbo Club members >> url_peeloscore=http://www.suelake.com/?p=paalu paalu_ui1=balance paalu_ui2=push paalu_ui3=moving paalu_ui4=stabilise paalu_ui5=balance credit=credit credits=credits page=page catalog_selectproduct=Select Product: purse_cantbuy=You can't buy any fucking credits! purse_link_subscribe=Buy your fucking pixel credits here!