Holograph Emulator - Total Database Pooling
Help Thread
So, you may be wondering what DB Pooling is OR if you already do why is it diffrent from MYCHEMICALSELF's.
Let me start by saying a little about MYCHEMICALSELF's...
MYCHEMICALSELF's source opens and closes a connection every time it does a query, that can be over 100 open and closes per second, which can lead to crashing of MySQL knocking out the CMS aswell.
Now mine:
My DB Pooling puts mutliple querys into one query and mutliple querys into one connection.
It uses a connection based off Nillus's Woodpecker which is being used for the offical RageZONE retro.
This will cut down the load on the MySQL server and SHOULD speed up the game.
Now it does have bugs (after all I rewrote a huge amount of code) so I will need debug hotels to help.
If you are intrested in helping fix bugs in this source and have Database errors alot please send me a PM in this format:
Here is a list of the current testing hotels:Hotel Name:
Average Users at one time:
C# Experience:
How frequently does your database crash:
If your hotel is accepted you will be sent a link to the latest server (Which will be updated) and you will be told some important details on reporting errorsCode:Test hotels to find: 1 Test Hotel 1: Habbz Hotel Test Hotel 2: Nabbo Hotel Test Hotel 3: Habbo Hotel Test Hotel 4: Yuraka Hotel Test Hotel 5: -
Once I feel the server is stable enough to be released it will be.
Have I forgot anything... don't think so (I am writing this for the second time)
Thanks, I will keep you updated!
Latest news 06-11-2008:
Will be released very shortly (For public testing purposes)
The above is old as I do not require test hotels anymore.
Public Release
Space: Home | Holograph Emulator - Total Database Pooling Space | Assembla
SVN: HoloPooling - Revision 15: /
You will need MySQL Connector Net to run. The source was built for 5.2.3 how ever it should run later versions.
MySQL :: Download Connector/Net
Go there and download the Windows Binaries and install :)
When you run it I recommend you go in Core.cs and edit:
to something more suited to your hotel like so:PHP Code:
public static string serverVersion = "Pooling Server Version 1.500 (DB Pooling test)";
I have not included a .sql file as it is not needed.PHP Code:
public static string serverVersion = "Habbz Hotel Version 1.701";
I removed the Pooling in the connection string as it would leak them for some reason.
You will also find that all database connection definitions have a number, this is not needed it was used for testing.
I also added a half working crappy bed lay fix (I was bored).
Enjoy, once this is stable enough I will work on a R25 source.