=================================================================================================================================== Hi and welcome to this quick guide to install and use my Habbo-v1 Server Goto: http://www.freemysql.net/signup/ This is needed for mysql so you dont have to figure out how to install 1. Now register a account remember your username and password and everything? When you registerd a account you get a page like ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello your_accout_name, Your username, your_accout_name has been created Your account still needs to be activated We have just sent you a confirmation Email to your@email.ext, Please use this Email to activate your account If you do not get an email within one hour: please contact us on the support forum ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- now goto your email in the email you see something like --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear your_accout_name, Please click this link below to activate your account: www.freemysql.net/signup/activate.php?id= Once activated, you may log in with the following information: Please keep this info secret Contol Panel Login: www.freemysql.net/user_system/ Username: your_accout_name Password: your_password Host: sql06.freemysql.net etc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now remember or save this data you gone need it. Ok as you read in the email you see Host: sql06.freemysql.net now goto your browser and type: http://sql06.freemysql.net You sould get a login window asking for username/password Login... Now create a database when you done that select the database and goto the link named SQL at the top. Now what to do? in the rar file you downloaded there sould be a directory named database with a file in there. Goto browse file and select the file in that directory and press Start its now creating your habbo hotel database. Thats all for the database part.. =================================================================================================================================== Remember the infomation i wasnted you to remember that was send to you using email? and the database you created if not do everything again until you do. now lookup your REMOTE IP!! yeah goto a website where you can obtain your ip like http://myip.nl and place it into the settings.ini file where it says: Server_Host= place after that your ip Now you remember everything? good enter it into the settings.ini file. now enter the port you want the server to run on and max users max users counts as a FULL MAX!! for the whole server. and open the server it sould say Connected to MySQL Server without trouble, If it does though give trouble or you didnt enter the correct infomation or the server is currently down its free so dont get angry And now goto the menu where it says File press Start Server! and your done. Thats all yeah your running and it souldnt give any trouble. =================================================================================================================================== Now here are some commands the server supports NEED A BADGE FOR ALL!!: :alert x here your message > it gives the user a warning. :kick x > kicks the user. :ban x > bans a user's account. :superban x > bans the users account + ipban. :credits username 0 to 100 > gives the user the amount of credits you entert. Q:How do i get a badge? A:Open up http://sql06.freemysql.net again login and select the database you get a list now from that list press users Now press explore or something like that and select the account you want to give a badge scroll down and press edit. and now chance badge_type to A and save the account sould now have a staff badge next time he logs in. HAVE FUN PEOPLE!! ===================================================================================================================================