Hey guys, I am Steve from Germany (excuse my poor English) and i want to share my work with you. It's Habbo cloned (only a few things) in HTML5. I've done a pre-loader, sso-authentication, user-info (credits, pixels, shells) and started with RC4-Encryption and the navigator. Also done alert-boxes. The Server is written in Java (of course open source) and WebSockets are used for communication. I hope somebody will continue this project, i won't. Here are some screens: http://puu.sh/4GpWy.png http://puu.sh/4GpPA.png http://puu.sh/4GpXA.png http://puu.sh/4GpYh.png And a few snippets: [jQuery] $(document).ready(function() { $(function() { var tl = [clientParams['exter - Pastebin.com [jQuery] 6 : function (event) { // list rooms var navId = event.readInteger(); va - Pastebin.com [jQuery] function MessageComposer(id) { this.id = id; this.msg = [base64Encoding.enc - Pastebin.com [jQuery] openNavigator : function() { var loadRooms = false; if ($('#navigator').le - Pastebin.com [Java] package org.stevewinfield.sunrise.communication.events.handshake; import org. - Pastebin.com [Java] package org.stevewinfield.sunrise.communication.events.navigator; import org. - Pastebin.com The server download-link: http://puu.sh/4Gq82.rar The client download-link: http://puu.sh/4Gq9f.rar Much fun! Follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/WinfieldSteve