i:Camera n:Camera l:ctlg_camera1 s: u:Camera2 t1:If you yourself free photographs you can made up have it more sales. On each roll want to sit 5 photographs. Your camera want to see how many photographs you yet have and loads automatically you new Roll. Each roll (5 photographs) expense: w: g:catalog_camera_headline1 h:With your camera can you of everything in the hotel a photograph take - your friend on the john (gni gni), the image in the Hall, or of how terrific your room is.,. Loan well just on: If you exchange him, do not go the photographs in it with to the new owner. Camera costs 10 Credits (with two photographs free of charge) e:campic_cam,campic_film, p:Camera for the best Foto's! 10 s camera 0 1,1 5 camera p:Film Film for five photos 6 d 6 film