'; exit; } include('status.php'); ?>/> Hotel is a virtual world where you can meet and make friends." /> , Hotel,virtual world,play games,enter competitions,make friends" /> " />

  • To
  • You have no received messages. To receive messages you need friends.
    '; $dir = "web-gallery/minimail/$session_name"; $ordner = explode("$dir", __FILE__); if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($name = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $split = explode('.', $name); $ext = end($split); if($name == ".") { }else{ if($name == "..") { }else{ if($name == "...") { }else{ if($name == "index.php") { }else{ $file = "$cmd_htdocs/web-gallery/minimail/$session_name/$name/deleted.txt"; if (file_exists($file)) { }else{ $notice_minimail='
    '; } } } } } } } } echo"$notice_minimail"; ?> //
    '.$date.' '.$sender.' “'.$title.'”
    '; } } } } } } } } ?> //

    <? echo $session_name; ?>&direction=3&head_direction=3&gesture=sml" width="64" height="110" class="welcome-habbo" />
    Welcome !
    When arriving to your room you will be asked if you'd like to meet a member of Guides. They are experienced players who will be able to show you around!


    .-]', $session_tags); ?>
    • Add tag What is your favourite group?

    <? echo"$hotel_name"; ?> ~ <? echo "$session_name"; ?>