Interface LoginEventInterface

public interface LoginEventInterface

The LoginEventInterface is used to define a class as a login event handler. The implementing class also needs to extend AbstractEventHandler.

Method Summary
 LoginResponse login(String userName, String password, Map eventVariables)
          invoked when a user attempts to log into the server.

Method Detail


public LoginResponse login(String userName,
                           String password,
                           Map eventVariables)
                    throws EventException
invoked when a user attempts to log into the server. The server does not synchronize calls to this method so it's necessary for the implementing class to synchronize as appropriate.

userName - the username of the user attempting to log in. This can be overridden by the event itself if necessary.
password - the password of the user attempting to log in. This might be null or blank, based on the client's behavior.
eventVariables - a Map containing name/value pairs of the variables passed in from the client. Both the name and value will be strings.
a LoginResponse that indicates if the login was a success or not as well as other parameters.
EventException - thrown to indicate an error has occured while proccesing the login request.

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